
Earth's Alpha Prime

[The System is assimilating Earth with the rest of the vast Universe.] [Congratulations! You are one of the 11 Chosen individuals out of 7.8 billion for the Alpha Program.] [As one of the 11 chosen members of the Alpha Program, you will be among the first from your planet to embark on the Trial Program.] [When the Trial Program concludes, Earth's assimilation with the Universe will commence. Your mission is to survive, overcome the dangers, and grow stronger. Best of luck to you.] ------------------------------------- Book Cover: Dall-E Generated Art, based on a scene in Volume 3. -------------------------------------- Hi there! I’m MN, the Author of the OMNOS REDUX Series, a story that spans 4 Mega Books (~750 Chs), with each having two or more Sub-Books (~250 Chs). The adventure begins with "EARTH’s ALPHA PRIME," the first step in a journey that has seen me grow as an author along the way. In my books, you’ll find interesting abilities, a well-designed system, consistent LitRPG elements, and well-thought-out fight sequences. If you enjoy stories that combine survival, world-building, LitRPG elements, OP MC and a fresh take on the System, then this series is for you. By joining me on PATRE0N, other than the weeks ahead of ADVANCED CHAPTERS, you have the exciting opportunity to customize various aspects of the series, including, MINOR/MAJOR Equipment, Skills, MINOR/MAJOR Monsters and RUDIMENTARY/MINOR/MAJOR Characters. You can make a ONE_TIME purchase for this in the shop section. Your support helps me bring these stories to life and share them with readers everywhere. Thank you for considering joining me. I’m excited to share the OMNOS REDUX Series with you! Any support is highly appreciated and will allow me to keep updating the story! - Note that the 'Charge Up Front' is enabled. Meaning, PATR0NS are charged upfront and then on the first of every following month. Alright then, Cheers! Happy Reading! ----------------------------------- Chapter Release Rate: 4 Chs/Week.  [Mon, Wed, Fri & Sat] @ 23:30 [GMT+8] Discord Server: https://discord.gg/EmqX6fh9cV ----------------------------------- my plan for  EARTH’s ALPHA PRIME (Book 1 of OMNOS REDUX Series[ORS]) {~ Estimated around 750 Chapters} - Total  Volumes: 6 Volume 1: Survival Arc (Completed) {Ch.1 to Ch.129} Volume 2: Tournament Arc (Completed) {Ch.130 to Ch.234} Volume 3: Obelisk Acquisition Arc {~ Estimated around 125 Chapters} Volume 4: Earth Assimilation Arc {~ Estimated around 125 Chapters} Volume 5: Universe Expedition Arc  {~ Estimated around 125 Chapters} Volume 6: Annihilator Arc  {~ Estimated around 125 Chapters} End of the [ORS] Book 1 --------------------------------------------------

MN_1223 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
297 Chs

Long Awaited Justice.

Soon, I sensed the retaliation from the hatred in Moro's consciousness. But, that was useless with the Minor Origin Sigil sealing that pent-up hate.

However, since it was being restricted, the hatred began to harm his consciousness.

If that were to continue, Moro would eventually be consumed by that hatred forever, without any hope to regain his sanity.

At that point, I would be left with the choice to either kill him or strip his abilities, to stop him from becoming a bloodthirsty being that killed every living thing in sight.

So, I decided to quell his hatred before that could happen, so that he could gain proper hold of it.

Since Moro's source of hatred came from his family's death, I knew just the way to deal with the situation.

So, I left the deep underground secret base, and went hunting for the criminals that killed Moro's family and the drug lord that orchestrated it.

One by one, I collected all of them by putting them to sleep. Rather than a hunt, it was more of a kidnapping.

Except for a select few, I brought everyone else involved in the death of Moro's family to the underground secret base and locked them in a closed room, along with Moro.

After I woke those gangsters and that drug lord, they shouted at me, asking where they were, and what I wanted to do with them.

Looking at me ignoring them, a few gangsters tried to attack me, only to be sent flying by a wave of my hand.

After that, I lifted the seal placed on Moro's hatred using the Minor Origin Sigil, and that woke him up.

Unlike last time, he didn't try to attack me, since I am the true owner of his Minor Origin Sigil.

When Moro heard me saying that they were the ones responsible for his family's death, the hatred in him intensified even more and a crimson-coloured aura enveloped his body.

It was the <Blood Aura>, which could amplify Moro's attack damage and his blood-related abilities.


{A short note from the editors: There is a GRAPHIC SCENE ahead in this chapter. Proceed on your own volition. If you don't want to read some gore and Moro doing some disgusting things, then ignore the next five sentences.}


Moro didn't kill them off directly and took his time, as he slowly hacked them into pieces one by one, before ripping out their hearts and squashing them out of pure hatred.

Without realising it himself, his body absorbed their blood essence, which improves his <Minor Blood Mastery> and increase his attack power while manipulating blood.

I deactivated <Harmony> and stood there watching those gangsters scream in agony, as they continued to beg Moro for mercy.

It was to accustom myself to blood, gore and death without having to enter the state of harmony. At first, I was a little nauseous, but as time passed, I grew used to it.

Still, it felt rather odd to watch Moro pluck out their hearts as if they were beads on a string.


By the time he finished killing all of those gangsters, his changes in appearance became more apparent, as his skin dyed chalk-black before hardening into an exoskeleton with crimson coloured cracks spreading over his entire body.

I soon learned from MJ that Moro was awakening the first stage of the War Asuras' transformation, 'War Asura Skin'.

The last one to remain was the drug lord that orchestrated everything. He quivered in fear while looking at the approaching Moro, who was covered in the blood of his underlings.

Noticing that Moro wasn't attacking me, the drug lord hid behind me and pleaded, "Please, save me, he is a mon….monster!! Why are you doing this?!"

It struck a nerve in me when the drug lord asked why I was doing this.

I lifted him by his neck and laughed at the irony, "Hah! Why, you ask? It seems you don't recognize the one you call a 'monster'. Why don't I jog your memory from 8 years ago."

I used Olivia's innate talent to highlight the drug lord's memories of ordering his men to kill Moro's family, and sending two cops from his payroll to take out the paralysed teenage Moro in the hospital.

Once he remembered everything, I threw the drug lord at Moro's feet before saying, "Remember, your actions created the so-called 'monster' you want me to save you from. It's about time you face the consequences."

Moro took extra time to finish off the drug lord and following that, a new notification popped up, saying that he completed awakening his first stage of War Asura's Transformation.

Just as the name suggested, 'War Asura Skin' let those with the War Asura Bloodline, transform their skin into protective armour with higher defensive prowess.

When Moro reached higher stages in his transformation, he would undergo further enhancements in his physique.

But, now that his hatred was quelled to a controllable degree, it wouldn't affect his sanity and Moro could turn his skin to normal whenever he wants.

I sealed his hatred just in case so that he wouldn't be consumed by it again. Right after I did that Moro fell unconscious and his skin returned to normal again.

After that, I handed Moro to the robots that were controlled by the Quantum A.I babies to clean him up and left him there before meeting up with Kay.

Other than the painful process of his bloodline awakening and the part where I let Moro have his revenge, I revealed everything else to my brother.

Kay rejoiced upon learning that Moro was cured from his paralysis and coma. If I hadn't said that Moro was resting from undergoing bloodline awakening, he would have rushed to check upon Moro right away.

Then, I got a message from MJ, 'Master, they are here.'

Soon, Qew entered my view as she merrily waved at me. Behind her were the five main security personnel who were the most loyal to our family when we were in a crisis.

Among those five, two were the bulky ex-goon brothers who guarded my grandfather even when he was in coma.

Other two were Uncle Aadriks's close friends who were in charge of my father's and uncle's security. The last among those five was Esha, whom Qew considered as an elder sister figure.

The reason why I had Qew bring them into the underground secret base to offer each of them an Origin Sigil.

Qew was very excited when she learned that I intended to make Esha an Origin Sigil holder. She insisted that she wanted to be the one to reveal everything about the system and the trial program to Esha.

So, I had her bring Esha and the others there and from reading their chaotic thoughts, I could see that Qew already explained everything to them on the way to the underground secret base.

It seemed that my sister had even arm wrestled with the ex-goon brothers to display her abnormal strength.

From her overwhelming performance, they wanted to believe everything she said but still found it hard to accept all of the things she had told them.

To remove their final doubts, I projected some memories into their minds using Olivia's Innate Talent.

All five of them were visibly quite shaken since the memories I had showed them were my memories of the events that I had gone through and my encounters with the monsters on Day-1 of the Trial Program after being teleported to the Trial World. I also showed them the catastrophic events that would take place on Earth after 6 months.

Of course those memories didn't reveal anything about the information on abilities that were related to my Innate Talent.

Once they recovered from their shock, I made sure to explain to them the pros and cons of the power that I intended to offer before giving them the opportunity to decide for themselves.

The first ones to decide were the ex-goon brothers. But, both of them held a dramatic pose and knelt on one knee before shouting in unison, "We shall gladly accept the Young Master's bestowal!"

They were the most straightforward people I have ever met. In fact, the reason they agreed right away was purely because of their gratitude for my grandfather.

Unlike the two brothers, the remaining three took several other factors into consideration before making their choice.

When Esha and the other two were thinking of following the ex-goon brothers' awkward way of announcing their approval, I quickly stopped them before they could say those embarrassing lines.

Following that, I used a Minor Origin Sigil on each of them, and similar to how it happened with my siblings, my Innate Talent sent pillars of Origin Energy and brought their pre-selected Innate Talents into my Spirit Space.

Except for Esha who has a Grade-6 Martial Category Innate Talent, the other four had Grade-5 Weapon Category Innate Talents.

Since none of the innate talent the four had clashed with the Grade-9 Innate Talents I have with me, I didn't replace the Minor Origin Sigils to that of Rudimentary ones.

With that, their Innate Talents, which were in my spirit space, grew exponentially till they reached the size of Grade-9 Innate Talents before the Origin Energy chains encased them.

Once that was over, I opened my eyes and exited Spirit Space only to find my sister staring at me with an expectant look to find what their Innate Talents were.

I flicked her forehead before telling Qew to ask them herself and left the five security personnel under my siblings' care.

Ignoring Qew's vow to avenge herself by bullying me when she becomes strong enough, I headed towards a training area to test out the newly gained Innate Talents, especially the Martial Category one.



Note: The '1st FIFTEEN PEOPLE' to comment for every new chapter release will get '1 ADVANCED CHAPTER' for free in Earth Alpha Prime's Discord server.

In the discord server, I opened private channels for those Top 15 candidates, where I post the respective Advanced Chapter.

Also, you could find the link for Advanced Chapters in the Earth Alpha Prime's Discord Server. (within the 'ADVANCED CHAPTERS!' Category.)


Discord Link for 'Earth's Alpha Prime' :




Title preview for Advanced Chapters:

Chapter 94: Martial Category Innate Talent.

Chapter 95: <True Self>

Chapter 96: Spar - Defence as Offence.

Chapter 97: Day-7 begins

Chapter 98: Breaking Barriers (gonna release in next 12 hrs.)


You could find the link for Advanced Chapters in the Earth Alpha Prime's Discord Server.

Gamma-Chosen --> 3 Advanced Chapters (1 and a half week ahead of the public!)

Beta-Chosen --> 6 Advanced Chapters (3 weeks ahead of the public!)

Alpha-Chosen --> 10 Advanced Chapters (5 weeks ahead of the public!) + A short-term character/boss named after you (either your name/nickname/a name of your choosing.)

(currently there are only 7 but I will be releasing other advanced chapters soon.)


Upon reaching my 2nd ******* Goal, (80% Completed)...20% more to unlock the below benefits.

The Chapters available to Gamma-Chosen were increased from '3' to '6'.

The Chapters available to Beta-Chosen were increased from '6' to '10'.

The Chapters available to Alpha-Chosen will increase from '10' to '15'.

On top of that, the Chapter release rate will increase from 2 Ch/Week to 3 Chs/Week.


Well then, See you guys at the Next Chapter Release: Monday (August 2nd), [Time - 21:00; IST]

Stay Safe:)

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