
Eager never dies

"Her subsequent action only heightened my anxiety. She proceeded to retract her hand from my chest and gently lowered it downwards" An uncontrollable lust ressembles the tropical forests which never stop growing.

FireWaterWood · Urbain
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5 Chs

Chapter 2 To protect a woman ?

As soon as the sensation hit me, my body ignited in flames, filled with a sense of disgrace at the thought of death. Although I may be inexperienced with frugality, I couldn't help but feel embarrassed. However, deep down, I had a desire for her to continue observing me. Despite my attempts to hide it, she noticed my anger and responded by chuckling twice and reminding me to close the door next time I use the shower before walking away.

After ensuring that my sister-in-law had left, I paused for a brief 30-second interval before proceeding to shut the door. Subsequently, I did not feel inclined to cleanse myself immediately, opting instead to wash in an unconcerned manner for a stretch of time prior to donning clothing and exiting. Upon my revelation, I couldn't bring myself to make eye contact with her as it proved to be an even more uncomfortable situation than witnessing her prior behavior. It even crossed my mind to consider relocating.

Despite my desire to remain living with my sister-in-law, I struggled with feeling shy and hesitant to express my thoughts whenever I am around her.

When I initially witnessed her performing that action, she appeared more timid than myself. However, after catching me showering on that particular day, it seemed as though she suddenly became more forthcoming once more. Occasionally, she presented herself with a grin that manages to make me feel bashful.

I was hesitant to ponder over the situation and hesitant to interact with her. If my cousin discovered the nature of my relationship with her, it could have serious consequences. Upon our initial encounter, the cousin made a handful of subsequent visits, yet remained unaffected by any oddities he may have observed in me and his wife, continuing to treat me kindly. Following my business trips, he would consistently present me with a token of appreciation and a small sum of money. I felt a sense of pity for my cousin despite his exceptional kindness towards me.

At that point, an event occurred that revealed the gentle side of my sister-in-law. On that particular day, I was engaged in a game of ball while at school and returned home at a later than usual hour. As I approached the entrance, my ears were privy to a heated dispute emanating from the interiors of the abode.

Upon hearing the commotion, I was taken aback as it seemed like a disagreement had once again erupted. Hastily, I attentively tuned in and observed that my cousin and sister-in-law were locked in a heated dispute. Initially, I had an impulsive urge to unlock the door and hastily enter, but as soon as I introduced the key, a thought struck me, causing me to pause. The two sets of partners were in a dispute, and it dawned on me that I was an outsider and my presence there wasn't entirely appropriate. Initially, I perceived the noise of a vigorous smack, followed by a sharp snap, then my sister-in-law's exasperated outcry, Patrick Kimberly, you struck me?!"

I was taken aback when I heard that my usually gentle and elegant cousin had hit his wife. Despite living together for a long time, I had never witnessed such behavior from my cousin towards my sister-in-law. The news of the incident came as a shock to me and I felt a sharp pang of pain in my heart. Without much thought, I hastily entered the room.

I entered the living room to find my cousin and sister-in-law standing before me. They both gave me uneasy looks, with my cousin showing anger and his wife hiding her face in sadness. My presence seemed to have caused some disturbance. Marks of tearing appeared on her delicate face. As soon as I entered, my cousin lifted his hand to strike her. My emotions stirred, and I hurriedly intervened, exclaiming, "Patrick, please refrain from hitting her. Blaming her is unwarranted!"

I surrendered as I was overpowered, and I would accept the outcome.

In an effort to stop my cousin from striking my sister-in-law, I quickly approached and clasped onto his hand. Despite being nearly as tall as my cousin, I was able to push him back a couple of steps with force. My cousin screamed, instructing me to not interfere with their physical altercation. Unfortunately, this enraged my sister-in-law, causing her to also lash out and assault my cousin by repeatedly hitting his chest while vehemently berating him with insults. She called him a heartless and shameless man, saying that he was not even worthy of being called human.

It was both frightening and pitiful to witness her weeping and assaulting his husband. For some inexplicable reason, witnessing the expression on my sister-in-law's face deeply saddened me.

With a face as hard as iron, he clenched his teeth and fixed his gaze on her, admonishing her to desist. "May Bristol, you need to stop meddling in my affairs. Failure to comply will force me to disown you!" Nonetheless, the sister-in-law trembled before striking his face with a resounding slap.

I became motionless, as did my cousin and sister-in-law.

The impact of this single slap was quite powerful, causing the glasses of the cousins to soar through the air. As soon as I caught sight of my cousin's rigid and sullen countenance, I discerned that something was awry. In addition to his stern visage, his lips were quivering, indicating that his fury had reached a boiling point. I was extremely frightened to the point where I felt a compelling need to flee. Despite appearing resigned, she straightened her posture and fixed her gaze on Patrick with watery eyes and an intense sense of desolation. He displayed disregard for her life as he erupted in extreme anger and shouted, "You deceased whore, I will murder you!"

Following his statement, he lifted his hand and forcefully struck her in the face with his closed fist. My sister-in-law appeared emotionless, suggesting a lack of will to live. However, despair was evident in her eyes, causing my heart to cringe. Without much contemplation, I instinctively stepped ahead and shielded her by intercepting his wrathful blow. He struck me in the face with a force that caused excruciating pain and brought tears to my eyes. Hélas, I allowed him to hit me in the end.

With a sudden loss of balance, I stumbled backwards and found myself enveloped in a comforting and cozy embrace. Instantly, I recognized it to be my sister-in-law, who had clasped me from behind and uttered my name in a forlorn tone, "Finn!"

Patrick, in a state of panic, called out to me and hurriedly came over to offer me support. I understood that he had genuine feelings for me as I could sense the pain in their expression. The intensity of their disagreement was immense, as she appeared to have murderous intentions towards him. She let out another shriek, followed by an even more forceful slap to his face. It was evident that she was infuriated as her hairs stood on end and he advanced towards her with the intention of delivering a forceful kick to her abdomen. It was imperative that I protected her from harm, therefore, I summoned all my courage and shielded her once again.

The impact of the forceful kick knocked me down and caused an intense agony in my stomach, as if my insides were about to rupture. Despite my desperate attempts to rise, it was impossible due to the excessive pain inflicted by my cousin's powerful kick. They appeared to be in a state of panic as they crouched before me, their hands hastily exploring my form while inquiring about my well-being. The intense agony brought forth tears in my eyes while I struggled to vocalize my distress.

"You son of a bitch. If Finn was hurt, I will kill you!" screamed Patrick. She retaliated by crying out and insulting him, "You shameless dog. If anything happened to Finn, I would never forgive him even in death!"

As their argument continued, it appeared they were returning to the state of fighting.

Realizing that the circumstances were unfavorable, I suppressed my agony and hastily intervened by bringing my cousin and sister-in-law together. With a heavy heart, I beseeched them to cease their altercation, shedding large teardrops as I did so. Upon witnessing my distress, they both became alarmed and promised not to argue or fight. My cousin tried to embrace me, but his wife warmly embraced me while pushing him away.

I was filled with a sense of warmth and security when embraced by my sister-in-law, rendering it difficult to put into words. I would choose to remain in her comforting arms indefinitely. I also harbored a query within me regarding their continuous and relentless altercation: What is the underlying reason for their conflict?

I was too apprehensive to ask, and my intuition hinted at possible complications. This wasn't due to my sister-in-law frequently nursing in my presence, but rather because my cousin may have been seeing another woman. Contemplating on this matter, my heart appeared to be intricate. However, my predominant emotion was relief, hence there would be no need for concern. I was hesitant to even consider continuing as it may be too malevolent.

There was no need for hospitalization as my injury was minor, thus I visited the hospital for medication and returned promptly.

As I suspected, my cousin wass indeed engaged in dishonest behavior. I couldn't help but admire my sister-in-law for her stunning beauty, perfect physique, and kind nature. It puzzled me why my cousin would deceive such an amazing partner. If I were fortunate enough to have a wife like her, I would never even consider infidelity. Rather, I would relish every moment by her side, cherishing the scent and touch of her body every day.

The following day, my cousin departed following their disagreement, resulting in a period of tension between him and her for a day. That evening he ended up sleeping in my company. It never occurred to me that my cousin would be away for such a long time span of three months!

Over the past three months, a multitude of events occurred, with the most significant being the breakdown of my rapport with my cousin's wife.

I had a distinct recollection of being severely injured, and it was my sister-in-law who tended to me for a period of seven days until my recovery progressed gradually. During that week, I made a conscious effort to prioritize my well-being in every possible way, such that I found myself thinking that I never wanted to recover and instead, relish the company of my her affection indefinitely. However, this procedure was cumbersome due to the overwhelming seductiveness of hers who took care of me during a vulnerable period.

Despite my persistent stomach ache, I remained confined in bed and found it impossible to get up. Thankfully, she came to my aid and kindly delivered a nourishing meal to help me regain my strength. Her actions were so delicate that it gave me the impression that the person in front of me was not my sister-in-law, but my own spouse.

I ingested my food gradually by taking small mouthfuls, and she provided me with sustenance in tiny portions. I felt slightly uncomfortable about her choice of clothing as it was quite loose and whenever she bent, I was able to catch glimpses of the clothing underneath. Even though I could not see everything clearly, I was still able to observe quite a bit, such as her large, snow-white undergarment. As I observed it, I experienced a profound sense of shame; yet, paradoxically, it served as a motivator.