

"How long Ray" said the voice unknown

After hearing this voice talking Rayner gets confused and starts looking for her in the middle of all those ruins until he sees a big dark cave and goes to her

The voice noticing that Rayner still did not recognize him, he said in a sad tone, "Hey partner, you spend some time without talking to me and you forget me, so you make me sad, you know"

Rayner kept trying to remember where he heard that nostalgic voice until he feels great happiness and speaks

"Weiss is you?" Rayner asked with still doubts

"Oh reminded me of Rayner, it took time partner hahaha" said the voice of the cave

"Are you really Weiss? Did you come with me into this world after I died?" Rayner asked, almost crying with happiness.

"Yes, since I got here I was trapped in your conscience just being able to watch your actions and not being able to talk to you," said Weiss explaining why he did not talk to Rayner

Weiss appeared during Rayner's 10 years and it was just a voice that only he could hear in his head, he did not know what Weiss was but for some reason he did not care about it and always talked to Weiss in his head

Over time Weiss helped Rayne a lot by doing company with him in the war not letting him lose his sanity and after some time he also knew that Weiss was the reason to have that strength and stamina so high

Knowing it was really Weiss, Rayner smiles and says "I would never forget a friend of mine, Weiss, so how do you do?"

"Super bored," Weiss said quickly.

"hahahahahaha, I thought" said Rayner laughing

"Oh, it looks like your friend from the outside is coming here" dise Weiss derepente

Weiss says this so that Rayner starts looking around for him until he sees Great Red coming toward him and lands near them and asks as if he's desperate. "Are you all right?"

"Ossan, what are you doing here?" Rayner asks without answering

After Great Red sees that Rayner is well he answers his question

"I felt something was happening in your conscience and I decided to come here to see what it was"

"hehehe, partner, good friend, did you get it," Weiss said.

Great Red was scared after hearing this voice because he did not feel anyone here besides Rayner so he looked at the cave in front of him that there was a big shadow "What are you and what are you doing in Rayner's conscience?" shouted Great Red releasing his aura

"hehehe, kid I ask you, what are you doing on my carrier's conscience?" said Weiss, laughing unconcernedly with Great Red's anger and for the first time stepped out of the shadows and said with a proud tone. "Since you've taken care of Rayner for two years, I'll tell you, I was named Rayner as Weiss,

The Dragon God of the Eternal One who controls space-time and brings ruin "

coming out of the darkness of that cave appears a great western white dragon with four muscular limbs and a large pair of golden wings leaving all the other two extremely surprised

Rayner was surprised by the simple fact that Weiss was a dragon and that he lived his other life with him without knowing it and Great Red was surprised by the aura of Weiss and by his title 'Dragon God', was anyone who could name himself thus in an age where God was killed, until he remembered the other part of what Weiss said

"Weather-time is not that lost magic, can it use that magic?" thought Great Red mass did not say anything

Great Red despite being very surprised did not lose his temper and said sarcastically "Dragon God? I've never heard of such a God and you must have much courage to name a God"

"Well, you did not hear because I'm from another world like Rayner," said Weiss, answering Great Red

"Well I figured this out," said Great Red dismayed. "So, are you sealed here in Rayner's conscience or something?" asked Great Red to Weiss

"No and yes," said Weiss. "I who chose to be united with him when he was born, after uniting with his soul I can not leave until his soul is destroyed or when he dies and I can flee from his soul, but currently I'm stuck in his conscience for some reason "he continued explaining

"Well, if I can help, let me know that this is helping Rayner," said Great Red and left.

After Great Read left Rayner asked Weiss "why did not he show me his appearance before?"

Hearing the question Weiss faces Rayner for a while and said normally as if it were nothing important "No reason"

"Without a reason?" Rayner asks in a calm voice.

"Yes, for no reason," Weiss replied again.

Hearing the answer Rayner does not know if he cries or laughs at how stupid the reason was until I go through his mind to leave him there for a while but he ignored that idea again and said "So is there any way to get you out of here?"

"Well it has a shape, but it will be very painful for you and we will have to take help from your friend outside," said Weiss

"Then will you do it or not?" Weiss said a big smile on his face as if he was loving it.

I gave up making a release schedule and I will post in my spare time so I hope you enjoy it

Good reading

Volkenskcreators' thoughts