
Dimensional slot and the dragon

in a space now with a tone rocco with several other colors mixed as if it were in the middle of the universe itself was a boy who appears to be at 7 or 8 years with black hair and emerald green eyes

This kid who was there was Rayner, his body was so for the reason that his 5 big requests were too big to create too big to create an adult body "well it's not something that will get in my way, I guess" Rayner thought as he started to watch your areores

"Hehehe from one place unknown to another, I admire my great luck" said Rayner laughing

observing the place he ends up remembering that this place was the Dimensional Crease so soon afterwards he begins to think of a way to leave until suddenly a small object appears coming toward him with great speed

with that incredible speed the object was getting closer and closer to Rayner until he finally realizes that it was not a simple object but a dragon more precisely was the Great Red coming towards him when he heard a noise


Great Red let out a great roar to scare the person who invaded his territory until he gets closer to the person and realizes that he was just a child and gets a bit confused and tries to talk to him

"Child, how did you end up here?" Great Red asked, hoping to see Rayner could answer.

"Well let's talk to him and ask for help for now" thought Rayner still calm even after seeing a Dragon but a little excited, "Ossan I do not know how I came to stop here, when I woke up I was already here" replied Rayner

Great Red got a little confused, did you wake up here? then asked "Do you know where you came from?"

"Well ossan I'll be straight with you, I'm not from this world so I have not come from any place you know" said Rayner directly

"Another world? Is there other worlds? This little boy came from there?" a barrage of questions came to mind Great Red, leaving him baffled with the news

"Ossan know it's kinda inconvenient but also do not have to live now and not know if I can survive for long in this place then I would ask for your help and ask if in the meantime I can stay with the Ossan" said Rayner

"There's no place to stay, well I can help you survive here in the Dimensional Slot and teach you things, but in exchange I want you to tell me about this other world you've spoken to, I'm very interested in this," said Great Red, agreeing to help Rayner

"Thank you very much Ossan" Rayner shouted happily

"And do not call me Ossan, I'm still very young," said Great Red with a little annoyance as if the subject was something very delicate

"pfffff" Rayner after hearing this he tried to hold the laughter until he could not stand it any longer

"hahahah you Young Ossa? How old are you? Just a few thousand? hahahahahaha" said Rayner laughing non-stop

Great Red hearing this ignored Rayner and turned angrily ignoring Rayner and was about to leave and leave it until Rayner realized it

"No, sorry Ossan I will not talk about your age pfff, I swear I will not speak hahahaha" said Rayner trying to hold the laughter and act in a serious manner

"I'll still make this kid suffer" thought Great Red, "Climb kid, come on" said Great Red, turning his back and pointing his tail at Rayner, "Let's go," said Great Red


In the Dimensional slot you could see a dragon and a dark haired boy around the 10-year-old struggling

This dragon and boy were Great Red and Rayner, had already been 5 years that

Rayner was with Great Red in the Dimensional Slot and only two years after he started learning to use his powers properly with Great Red teaching him

"You've gotten better again, kid, at this rate you can reach me quickly and that gives me a little fear hahahaha" said Great Red laughing

"hahahahaha when that day comes I'll kick your ass Ossan" replied Rayner

During that 5 years together Great Red and Rayner became very friends

Rayner taught and spoke to Great Red several things from his old world as there was no magic or dragoes like here and they were just legends leaving Great Red surprised by beyond actually to exist another world, there being no magic the

As for Great Red in the beginning he just answered the question and did not like to talk but after he got loose more now he was the same as Rayner, a great talker but Rayner only found it much better since there was now someone to talk to

Great Red was even suppressed when two years ago when Rayner told him how he died and that he in his other world was already 40 years old

"Pfffff and you saying that I was old, you're not much different hahahaha" said Great Red laughing Rayner

"What you're talking about Ossan, part of me here is old I'm just an 8-year-old," Rayner said irritably.

"Besides being old, there is no height hahahahaha" continued Great Red laughing

"You want to die Ossan," shouted Rayner.

"hahahahahaha, do not mind kid if you continue this growth one day you get high" said Great Red laughing trying to cheer Rayner

"Really?" said Rayner excitedly

"Seriously, maybe in a few thousand years you'll reach the height of 1.80 hahahahahahaha" said Great Red laughing

As for Great Red in the beginning he just answered the question and did not like to talk but after he got loose more now he was the same as Rayner, a great talker but Rayner only found it much better since there was now someone to talk to

And so it was the days of the two


In an unknown place where it seemed like a historic ruin all destroyed was Rayner, as he arrived at this place he does not know but he felt that this place

it was familiar to him

Until he heard a voice

"How long Ray," said the voice.

enjoy the reading

next chapter from here 5 days

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