
DxD: Waifu System

Anakin Hayes is an ordinary guy with a normal life, but his life ends when a truck runs into him. Instead of getting sent into heaven or hell, Anakin found himself in the World of Highschool DxD. For some reason, this DxD world is way lewder than the original. -Massive AU -No Netorare -No Yaoi -No Yuri

SoyNurse · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

Chapter 4 - Mother and Son

"Tell me, Mrs.Hayes, is this how you teach your son?" The principal of his school had called upon his stepmother. Sitting next to his stepmother, he still has difficulty accepting her as his mom at that time.

"I expect better from the son of a policewoman. Not only did he dare to hurt a bunch of innocent kids, but your son had also sent my cute innocent daughter Lyna to the hospital, and he dared to tell me that my daughter is the one who started to pick on him."

"Your daughter deserves that shit." Anakin glared at the older man who was sitting across from him. He is not afraid of some fatty old fart who doesn't even have hair on his crown.

"Why you..." The principal growled at him.

"Enough!" His stepmother raised her voice. She then stared at the principal, making the latter feel a bit nervous under her stare. After a few seconds, she moved her head to stare at her stepson in the eyes.

Her blue eyes are staring straight into his brown eyes.

Anakin didn't show any fear because he knew that those pieces of shit had it coming.

"Anakin, please tell me why did you do that?" She asked him in a gentle and soft tone, trying to make him feel at ease.

"Because they saw it's coming...Especially that Lyna bitch!"

"Why you!" The principal stood up from his chair and tried to slap Anakin in the face. The latter closed his eyes, waiting for the impact, but strangely it never reached him.

As he opened his eyes, he saw his stepmother had caught the principal hand and glared angrily at the latter. She tightens her grip on the principal wrist.

"Ouch! Ouch! What are you doing!"

"That is my question, Mr.Principal. Did you just try to hit a child in front of his mother?" She asked.

"Ouch! Ouch!" She released the principal wrist, but her eyes were still staring at him like a hawk staring at its prey.

"You whole families are so rude. Where are your manners?" The principal asked while rubbing his left wrist. He was shaking his head in disappointment at the attitude of the mother.

"Manners?" She scoffed at the principal. She crossed her left leg over her right, and her arms crossed under her breasts, making them bigger than they already were. "Say the asshole who dare to raise his hand against my kid."

"That's what we call discipline."

"So hitting a kid without any valid reason is what we call discipline now?"

"He hurt my daughter and the other kids! Do you expect me to stand down? Plus, he lied about my daughter being the one who started it." Anakin lowered his head; his stepmother probably would not trust him no matter what he said.

He knows that what he did was wrong, but they also did the wrong stuff to his little sister.

Why is he the only one who gets punished while they can play the victim?

Those bastards almost killed his sister!

"Lie?" his stepmother asked, raising her eyebrows at the principal. "How do you know if my kid is lying or not?"

"Are you implying that my angel is the one who lied?"

"Your daughter is a bitch; she almost kills my little sister..."

"Why you..." A single glare from Anakin's stepmother makes him go silent.

"So, is that how your school operated?"

"What do you mean, Mrs.Hayes?"

"Operated with a clear bias and personal problem? Sure, what my kid does to your daughter isn't excusable, but why only care for her story and why not listen to my kid's story?"

"So you are telling me that my daughter is a liar?"

"And are you saying my kid is a liar? You know what? It's over."


"I said it's over, you fat fuck; no wonder your wife has sex with another man. You and your small dick are just ugly and unattractive. I don't want to enroll my kids into this clear bias shit hole." She stood up from the chair and looked at Anakin with a smile.

"Let's go, Anakin." She said with a gentle smile; Anakin looked at her with widened eyes. He had never thought the person who had replaced his dead mother was as kind as her; why did bias permanently blind him from seeing the truth?

"I'm sorry for pulling you out of this school; I know how much you love it. Would you like to move to your father's school? I know you are embarrassed when people see you with your father, but his school is way better than this one."

Just because she isn't the one who gave birth to him doesn't mean she can't be his mother.

"I'm okay with anything you go with, Mom." For the first time in his life, he referred to his stepmother as a 'mom' instead of aunty.


"Hey, Roxanne."

"Yes, Master?"

"How did you know Bob?" It was a question out of sheer curiosity, Did Bob buy her as Michio did, or did he create a clone of the original Roxanne with his power?

"Bob the God traded his finest slave to Master Alan in exchange for me." The girl replied with a smile as she ironed his clothes. Wait, when did he even...Oh yeah, Bob.

"Bob the God told me that there is someone that I need to serve, and it was you, Master."

"Hoooh...Is that so?" He muttered as his eyes stared at her back; damn, no wonder Michio felt so hard when being around her. That maid outfit she wore has a freaking thin fabric! "By the way, how does it feel to become someone's servant?"

She stopped ironing and tilted her head at him.


"I mean, Slave."

Did that world doesn't have servants? Or is it just the Roxanne thing?

"Oh, Worry not, master!" She said proudly, puffing her ample chest. "I heard from Bob the God that you are a warrior from another world who had gone on a quest to save the world from the evil monster, Karen!"

"What do you mean by that? I had never done that before."

"As expected of my Master! From what Bob the God had told me. You are humble and don't boast about your achievement to others. I'm proud of being your slave, Master!" She looked at him with excitement in her eyes.

'Bob...What the hell?'

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