
Dxd : Undead

A crossroads of life and death. All must face this path the weary, the innocents, and the evil. The overlord of death although never expecting such found himself lost in the dimension gap. Now, trapped in this perpetual existence he will do anything to relieve himself of it. Oh, how far has the apple fallen that is for you readers to know...

Xshamee · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

1. Awakening [Revision-1]

Death. A perpetual existence felt by all living and dying. An intense and antagonizing experience shaking the very core of the human body. But is that all death is. The answer remains negative. Death is just an eternal silence existing since the birth of the world. All who live must die, all who die must live. While living is no constant, death surely remains constant for all eternity.


Another boy finds himself on the gripes of death. The boy was not cunning or clever, he however was stupid as rotten to the core. But again life judges none and provides all with its bullshit misery.

The time was night calling all supernaturals to its herald. A fountain flowing on the side reflecting the full moon in its extravagance. The lights in the surrounding flickered as with the falling light of the boy's soul.

"O-oppai..." was the dying words of the boy. A wish unfulfilled. A dream to enter the paradise of the luscious and lascivious meat bags prolonging all of the virality of humans but denied entrance to its doors.

Issei Perception:

The light was shining in its full might calling his full attention at its feet. Issei finding such a calling tried to reach out to it. But the moment he did a voice called.

"You are not worthy of it. You have failed to find your purpose." The voice was a mixture of several beings held together. The sound was revolting as it hit his very soul. But even then the boy held his conscience asking entry to its realm.

Suddenly an apparition of an oppai glided over the boy. Tempting him to its very core. It was an F cup with a giant gozongas alluding the boy to fall.

"But worry not for there remains others to be chosen. You who merely stood as a cog failed..." The voice making no sense to the fading thoughts of the perverted boy

"...Oh conscious of lucifer. Lust is your deed. But even that is beyond the scope..."

As the monologue of the apparition continued, the boy named Issei Hyoudo died that day.

"It seems not all is lost. Greetings Shub-Niggurath, Ah, yes so that's it. I will arrange such" Like such the communication between the otherworldy beings ended.

Ainz POV:

"Uhhh..." Ainz was having a bad case of headache. Ever since he activated the super-tier Shub-Niggurath spell he had been having lapses. the fragment of memories contains meeting the entity in person as well as entertaining it with different stories. New and old, good and bad. Honestly, it felt that centuries had passed in the dreamscape but in reality just seconds went by. Making him think if he was truly losing it. But fortunately, the answer to his new problem came quite early.

A loli goddess introduced herself and filling him with a tad bit of information, dropped him in this new world. Although he would give charges of inappropriate handling of property. Ainz let it go for it would be beneath him to go hurling insults at his benefactor. The intimacy of his relation towards the specific goddess could connect to the goddess, being the provider of his body and part of it as well. As such no matter what he really cannot hate her.

For humans, it would be like not hating piss even though its inconvenient towards everyday life.

As such Ainz cleared his vision and made sure to perceive on what the good and bad of his current situation.

"It looks like I'm currently alive. But the sensation feels a bit foreign." Afterward, he felt a liquid feeling towards his stomach.

"HhHHHHHHAA...." Seeing blood dribble from it scared Ainz a bit but after further analysis, there was no scar to be found, Ainz heaved a sigh deciding to forgo everything and made towards his home retracing his steps from the memories of his latest warden.

The scarlet red paper was forgotten on the side of the pavement unknown to the world.

Ainz made his way towards Issei's home. He took a bath and changed his clothes by hopping to the room and later descended on to the stairs. I'm back everyone. His parents were surprised.

"Where were you and when actually did you get home?"

"Quite early. Maybe we just missed each other. Father, I'm going to my room to rest."

Calling as such he started to act naturally to free himself of all suspicions. Honestly, Ainz was quite drained of the certain flow of events and wanted to just lay in bed for the day.


Issei woke up quite early and made preparation to head to the school. His parents were quite shocked to see their perverted boy breaking from his perversions and taking his life seriously but then again they thought if this was some passing fad that issei is cooking, as such did not hold much hope to it.

Ainz was moving close to the school. Wearing a dark blazer black pants, a uniformed tie, and shaggy hair made his way towards the gate of the school.

"Hey. Did you see him"



Ainz was quite confused at their reactions but thought nothing of it. After all, he was quite late due to intense traffic as such he tried making haste to save himself of the reprimand of the student council.

"Issei was a kind young man with a good heart. Let's maintain two minutes' silence in his passing to show him the respect he deserved and remember him of his good moments instead of the ba....."

Just at that moment, Ainz decided to enter the class. In his head, the distinction between issei and him was not quite clear yet. As such he went to his seat and started praying, others looked shell shocked and were unable to make any coherent response.

"...may his soul rest in peace."

"Issei you bastard."

"I knew he was alive. Perverts like him are hard to kill."

A commotion broke apart at his entry but Ainz could not care less. After all, Ainz never interacted with the boy and as such held no feeling of happiness or sadness towards him. Ainz himself was the one who unknowingly hijacked his body so he held no right to feel sorry for him now. It would rather be hypocritical of him to do so. He shrugged his shoulders and allowed people to believe in what they did. It was much less hassle then.

Afterward, the boring lecture ended which made issei try to make it to his home. But before he could do so a boy, blonde in hair entered the classroom. Girls began freaking and boys writhing in jealousy.

Ainz could not care more but it seemed the boy started making his way towards him. Wearing a white polo shirt and black pants handsome face decent eyes. The boy was every bit of a playboy checked in Ainz's mind as such he made sure to make himself inconspicuous as possible but failed when the destination was towards him at that moment.

"Are you Issei Hyoudo?"

"Yes. I am a pretty boy." Deciding to act in character Ainz spoke.

"Rias-senpai would like to meet you now."

"Ok" Deciding to not argue Ainz made to follow. After all the hassle he went through Nazarick, one thing was embedded in his mind. That instead of delaying something, it's quite easier to listen to the whole thing and reject it entirely at the end. If not the proposal would come back to nag you in the future. One such time was when he wanted to host a festival and let the citizens wear swimsuits on that day. Boy, he barely made past albedo's wrath as he led her away from the trail. Ainz decided to lead this current life in pleasure without any involvement in his magic. After all, it was annoying for it would attract the unknown bunch of individuals if any to conceive him as a threat. As such even though a day had passed Ainz made no response to practice his magic and passed time sleeping and playing a bit of game.

Getting his mind out of such frivolous thoughts Ainz made to follow the pretty boy at his trail. Ainz found himself behind the double doors of the infamous occult research club. Not much is known of it filling itself with deep mysteries within the student's heart and now he gained entry to this forbidden realm. Ainz did not if he should be happy or sad. After all, this privilege belonged to the previous owner of the body but now he was enjoying it. It left mixed feelings in his heart.

He entered the room. The first thing that pervaded his vision was a white hired female sitting on the sofa munching on sweets following such was a calming environment. The place looked as old as majestic its outlook making the guiding the eyes of its watchers in the serenity of it. The sound of a stopped shower was what followed in his mind next.

He decided to wait and make small conversations with the members of this mysterious club. But feeling the intense tension in the room he held himself back.

A woman with scarlet hair, red as blood made her entrance towards the room. Wearing a mixed colored skirt and mandatory kuoh uniform. She made her towards the chair at the center of the room. The pretty boy made his way and stood beside.

"Now, then. Could I ask for what reason was I called? It really cannot be that I'm scouted in this club for my perversions or is my deed so widely known that even the fabled illustrious club filled with high spec people wish to know the side of a bottom-feeding pervert famous in the school for his less than courteous activities."

Seeing my way of words made all before look shell shocked. Issei by no means was used to hidden messages between his words. But now he was standing as an anomaly within the place. Rias quickly composed herself and fired her slew of words.

"O-of course. There is a reason for you to be here. But first, let me introduce myself, I am Rias Gremory."

"Issei Hyoudo"

"The reason you were called in because of the activities which happened fortnight. Do the words, Yuuma Amano, ring a bell"

Ainz knew what she was trying to do. Rias was trying to gain an upper hand in the negotiations. Luring him with her words but he would let it go as he feels if something interesting is about to happen.

Acting in mock shock he spoke "H-how did you know the name?"

"Then you met her. My question is how did you survive?"

"What do you mean?"

"The girl was a Fallen Angel. She was sanctioned to kill as you seem to possess the sacred gear." She spoke with surety. Ainz seeing her actions smiled a bit at least his true power as an overlord or the fact he took over the body had not come to light so he decided to steer the conversation in that manner.

"S-sacred gear?"

"Its a special item possessed by humans some even capable to kill gods."

Ainz deadpanned and asked, "Ha-ha... Were the cameras and the crew hiding waiting in surprise"

"There are no cameras. It looks like it would be logical to just show" Ainz in his confusion was about to ask something before.

"We are Devils." Elastic wings sprouted from their back at these words.

Ainz was shocked "D...devils" His inner collector invigorating because of the emergence of such new species but held it back in order to enjoy the charade.

"Yes. We are currently in a three-way war with the angels and fallen angels."

"Then why would you be helping me regarding this mystery? Last thing I know that I am fully human and have no connection to the supernatural."

"That may be so. But the Fallen Angels will attack you once again. While you were lucky last time, things would not always be the same" Ainz thought that her words were right. In this unknown world who knows how strong the fallen angels are. Even if he was the overlord it does not automatically mean that he is the strongest entity in this world and to gain further information the connection to this supernatural creature would come in handy.

"So what do you propose, I do? Surely you have gone through the hassle of calling me here to not just give me a briefing on my dire situation."

She smiled," Join us"

"What do you mean?"

"There is something called the Evil piece system. According to this method, humans are turned to newly made devils corresponding to the chess pieces under a common master"

"So you wish to turn me into a servant? "Ainz's eyes narrowed trying to decipher her words worth.

"Though the term commonly used as servants I like to think of it as family. After all, if a servant is strong enough after a while through promotion, they can gain their freedom and form peerage of their own regardless of race. With that peerage they could fight in rating games to become the very best or form harems of their own." While any members of Nazarick would condone such actions of making Ainz a servant but such trivialities were lost to him. After all, being able to collect individuals of different races and fighting for the sake of being the strongest such words invoked Ainz's desire for such experience as such even against his better judgment he accepted the deal with the devil.

"I accept."

"you can also...really? Ok then. Now just lay on the ground as the process will begin."

She took out a small miniature box, two pieces were brought forth and put on my chest but nothing happened.


Now she bought out another two still nothing heaving a sigh she took out all eight. But then something far beyond their expectations occurred. All eight of the pieces changed color drastically, some felt like if it was close to overloading, but then she brought out another grey piece without any form and added it to the batch.

"In the name of Rias Gremory from the house of Gremory, I call forth you as my servant. Rejoice for you have been given a new life and such live for my sake"

She expected the ritual to succeed but suddenly devil pieces that were supposed to enter were still there with no reaction whatsoever.

"What happened?" She checked over the pieces once more but what saw shocked her. The grey piece shattered on her hands.


Ainz seeing her confusion decided to speak, "Is there something wrong?"

Ainz's words broke Rias from her thoughts, "Its seems you were too powerful to become a servant but even still you can join the Occult Research Club "

"Is that so. What does the club do exactly?" Trying to change the topic Ainz spoke

"This club basically is a face. In truth, it's my base of operations. This is where official devil business of the House of Gremory is concluded"

"Would it not compromise your activity because of my presence?"

"Do not worry about it. Being a servant is not necessarily a requirement to join the club. The truth is the character of the individual is what matters the most and from my judgment, you pass with flying colors"

Ainz seeing her speak in a roundabout way became skeptical about her reasoning to pull him towards her group. Before he was about to question, the pretty boy spoke, "Issei although we could not become companions fighting for the same master, I still hope we could be friends"

It was confirmed they were hiding something. The aggressive marketing of this devil group even though he was not able to join spoke of desperation. 'They did not know he was powerful, yet. So what might be the reasoning for forcing him to join?'

'Well whatever at least I can gain knowledge of their power and capabilities as well as see how I stand against them'

With that, Ainz complied with their request and joined the ragtag group of devils.


ps. now I don't have to write riser arc and skip directly to the wedding.

And for people who are fans of Asia. I'll make sure Asia is an antagonist, always hated her goody-two-shoes act.