
DxD: The Plunder System (Paused)

Gods, Devils, Angel, Fallen, Dragon... Countless beings, countless skills. So, what does a human do in such a situation? He fucks and he steals. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me at: Pat reon.com/Greedyfrog

The_Greedy_Frog · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Fallen's Light and Devil's Lightning

After the entire night's craziness and figuring out that he could steal skills from his opponents by `fighting`, he was ecstatic.

However, the morning was not something that he found pleasant.

"Ugh!" Kalawarner coughed. "Damned Bats!"

Kento was not woken up by a kiss in the morning but by an explosion.

And the ones that stood before him were not people he knew.

"Fufufu~" The black haired girl that caused the entire front of the room to collapse, giggled. "It is not the wisest choice to target people under the jurisdiction of not one, but two devil heiresses."


This was a term that Kento did not like. After all, devils were never portrayed nicely in any media.

"But fallens don't consider wise things."

This was another new term that he heard, a fallen. And since it was directed at Kalawarner, he knew that it was who the blue haired woman was.

A Fallen.

'A fallen as in fallen angel?' Kento wondered, and it made sense for fallen angels to exist if devils existed.

And his suspicion was proven to be correct, when Kalawarner sprouted a pair of black crow-like wings to gain elevation just like the black haired girl with her bat-like wings did.

The black haired girl turned to look at Kento and gave him a smile. "Don't worry, this will be over soon."

"You have got quite the guts to just appear uninvited." Kalawarner gritted her teeth. "Not like you will be making it out of here alive, anyways."

This was way more than Kento could process.

His morning sleep was broken by a woman exploding the front door, the woman he slept with was a fallen angel and now the fallen and the devil had their wings out with light and lightning in their palms –ready to kill one another.

All while he was sitting naked under the sheets.

<<Quest Alert!>> 

'Took you long enough.'

<<Quest: Try out at least three of your new skills!

Skills tried: 0/3>> 

<<Rewards: Points ×20, [Self Adjusting Coat (D)}>>


Kento wasn't sure what to do at this point, there were two bloodthirsty supernatural beings in front of him and he was tasked to 'showcase' his powers.

'How am I supposed to do that?' He groaned. 'But staying like this will achieve nothing.'

Jumping off the bed, he wrapped the bedsheet around his waist.

Akeno saw this and instructed. "Stay there, Kento Yamazaki. This is not something you are to intervene in. It can get dangerous."

Kalawarner fought back. "Oh, it will be dangerous." She said with her light powers going full throttle. "Not just for him, but for you too."

'Oh I want no part in this cat fight.'

But the issue was that he had a quest.

In an instant, the two women started to fight –launching their powers at one another.

Kento wasn't sure how they were going to keep this away from the public eye. But he had to get away from here if he didn't want to get crushed.

So, he did what was best –using his abilities.


His flight ability was different from both Kalawarner and Akeno, allowing to floating and move around without the requirement of wings.

Seeing this, both the fallen and the devil were taken aback.

Especially Kalawarner.

"You piece of shit, you lied about not knowing anything about the supernatural!" She was furious, shooting an orb of light at him which was too fast for Akeno to shield.

The orb shot straight at Kento and without real life experience, he did not have enough mobility to dodge.

However, he had skills to make up for it.

{Water Manipulation}

Using the skill, he forged multiple water shields placed one after another to prevent the shot from reaching him.

And it worked.

Passing through twelve layers of the water shields, it stopped on the thirteenth.

"Darn it!" Kalawarner did not stop, and shot another shot at him but this time he was able to dodge it.

Akeno was taken aback by this whole scene and almost forgot to attack her back. But as she saw Kento dodging the strikes, she got back to her senses.

"Devil!" Kento shouted, unsure of what else to call Akeno. 

Akeno got the cue and struck a bolt of lightning towards Kalawarner.

The intensity of the lightning was high, as a result Kalawarner was barely able to dodge the strike but not without getting one of her arms burned. 

"Ugh!" She cursed. "You fucks!"

Kento knew this was not over yet, and to ensure that she didn't use a counterattack on him. 

He took action.

<<Points: 50>> 

'System, allocate thirty points in agility and twenty in strength!'

<STR: 30> 

<AGI: 40> 

'Samael's Dagger!'

[Samael's Dagger]

Taking out the dagger he got as a reward, he rushed at her with the dagger.

Kalawarner tried to dodge, but by the time she noticed his dagger –it had already impaled her abdomen.

<<Samael's Poison activated!>> 

<<Target has been poisoned!>> 

<<Poisoned status will last for fifteen minutes. Target's movement will be restricted for the status period.>>

"Gah!" Kalawarner groaned in pain, but before she could do anything, Akeno struck her with a massive bolt of lightning –getting her on the ground.

"That…" Kento mumbled. "was something."

Akeno was at a loss for words. She did not expect Kento to be so good at using his skills.

No, she did not expect him to be able to use any skills.

But he did. And he did it effectively.


As she was about to ask him about his skill, she heard a loud bang before a flash of light engulfed them.

"This was not supposed to happen." 

They heard a voice that clearly belonged to an older man.

"Pardon me for being late, Kalawarner." 

As they regained their vision, they saw a man in a coat with crow wings picking up Kalawarner and flying out of the broken ceiling.

"N-Not so easily!" Regaining her vision a little, Akeno used her lightning to strike the two fallen.

However, the man had it planned.

"Cover." As he said that, two men jumped before them, taking the hit on their behalf. This allowed them to fly out of range of her lightning.

Kento was about to use his water arrow with {Blindshot} skill but looking at the number of underlings, he decided against it. He didn't want to risk the possibility of their defeat as they were only two.

"Ugh!" Akeno was annoyed at them getting away, but she rushed here alone without backup as Rias was busy with saving Issei.

"These damned fallens!"

Kento was getting used to the beauty of the women around him, but the one in front of him was even prettier than Kalawarner.

'Wow.' He almost blurted out, but thankfully he did not let his intrusive thoughts win.


Taking a deep breath, she dusted off the dirt off of her clothes. 

"These will take a lot of cleaning up." She felt a headache looking at the debris.

Kento walked back, but noticing this, Akeno frowned. "Don't even think about running. You have a lot to explain, mister."


But seeing how powerful she was, he knew there was another thing he had to do.


<<Name: Akeno Himejima 

Skills: Greater Demonic Power (C), Elemental Demonic Power (A-), Defensive Magic (A), Teleportation (B), Hypnosis (B), Cloth Manipulation (B), Enhanced Magic Power (C), Holy Lightning (A+), Senjutsu (D), Flight (B), Greater Stealth (B), Extrasensory Perception (B), Fallen Status {Locked}>> 

'Double fuck!'

<<Quest Completed 

Skills Used 3/3>> 

<<Rewards Obtained: Points ×20, [Self Adjusting Coat (D)]>> 



[[A/N: Support me on Pat reon: Pat reon.com/Greedyfrog

New arc started there.

There is still a while before he can take on devils by himself in here.]]