
DxD: The Illusion Killer

A certain boy reincarnates into the world of DxD, the anime world where gods and demons exist. The boy didn't awaken any cheats or powers of any sorts. he couldn't control minds or shoot fireballs out of his fingertips. He was just a plain normal human. However, that didn't mean he was totally helpless. He still possessed a special right hand that was full of mysteries. However, it was more of a curse that ate away his luck.

ImmortalClown · Anime et bandes dessinées
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27 Chs

Strange Occurances (1)


Kamijou sighed as he recalled that unpleasant event.

Back then, He had jumped out of the window when he saw Koneko. He didn't want his bento box to get snatched by a naughty cat but that didn't mean he had magically transformed into a Stand user.

If he jumped from his classroom and landed on the ground, he was sure he would have broken his legs. After all, he was human. So he climbed down from his classroom window using any foothold he could find and landed on the floor.

But what exactly did that change?

Koneko chased him around the school like a demon. Did she have to go that far just because she wanted his bento box? And that was even this strange rumour that was floating around now.

"At times like this, I really think she's a cat. Well, she's indeed a cat though. I guess, that will explain it. Ugh... I don't want to think about it."

Kamijou completely threw all that unnecessary thoughts out of the window. It was late in the night and he was riding his motorcycle.

At this time of the day, he worked as a food delivery man. That was the nature of his part-time job.

Using his portable device, Kamijou headed towards his next client.

Thankfully, the client's apartment was located 20 minutes away and it was the late order. But the problem was that he was late.

As a delivery man, being late was not acceptable. If you are 20 minutes late, the customers will get mad. Not only the customers but his manager will also get mad and she was really scary when she was angry.

At moments like this, Kamijou envied Devils. They can travel anywhere they want instantly using magic circles. If only he could do that, his life will be much easier. Truly, he truly envied Devils.

When he got to the apartment, he knocked on the door twice while holding the package.

"W-Who's there!?"

A man's panicked voice.

"Good evening, it's the pizza delivery guy."

"The Fuck! What took you so long?!"

The customer opened the door and spat out a complaint.

He was a skinny man and he looked unhealthy. He had the appearance of someone who hadn't seen the sun in a while. In other words, he was a Otaku.

The man looked a bit angry. Kamijou understood how this guy felt. If he ordered something and it arrived after 20 minutes, he was sure to be angry.

He was late. He knew that much. But this guy should also be understanding. The life of a delivery man was anything but easy. If he could do something about it, he would. He had alot of customers and he couldn't be at multiple places. That was just the reality of things.

"I'm sorry for being late. I really am. This is an unfortunate event for both of us."

"What's up with that resigned look?"

Kamijou sighed.

"You could say I had a long day."

"I see. Anyways, bring the pizza inside."

So Kamijou was allowed inside his house and he dropped the meduim sized pizza on the table. Perhaps the customer, Morisawa-san, felt sorry for his circumstances or he was just a nice person allowed him inside his apartment.

He even made tea for him. Thank you, thank you very much. Kamijou repeated those words of gratitude like a parrot.

His room was clean. It's a tidy room for a single guy like him to live in. As expected from a Otaku, his bookshelves was filled many manga books and there was exotic posters on the walls as well. So he was that kind of guy.

Another noteworthy thing to add was that Morisawa-san worked for the government and rather passionate about his work. Kamijou wondered how he makes contact with other people if he is trapped in his room all day.

"So it's not Rebecca-chan..."

Morisawa-san made a depressed sigh.

Rebecca was name of the person that worked as a delivery-man or rather delivery girl before Kamijou. She was quite popular with the clients and belonged to the 'cute department' so everyone loved her especially Morisawa-san.

"Sorry. She doesn't work at night. Her shift is in the morning now."

"Now that's just unfortunate. I'm busy in the morning so I won't be able to see her face. Such misfortune."

HEY! DON'T USE THAT WORD SO CASUALLY, BASTARD!! Kamijou almost shouted that out but managed to hold it in. If he actually shouted at the customer, it would be bad, right?

"You don't have to look so down. I'm a cute newbie. Can't you just accept that?"

"Bastard! Do you want to get stabbed in the gut?!"

The man glared at Kamijou.

"I was joking, alright. You don't have to stare at me like that. Anyways, you have a huge collection here. Which series is your favourite?"

Kamijou quickly changed the subject and looked around the room. On the bookshelves, there were many manga series he recognised and some he didn't.

"Hmmm, that's a tough question. I have alot of favorites but I have come to like Suzumiya Haruhi as of late."

"Suzumiya Haruhi... You mean the anime that was popular last year."

"Oh, so you know of it. Here I thought you were just a helpless pervert."

"Who are you calling a pervert, bastard!"

"Hahaha, who's your favourite character?"

"I don't know but If I had to pick, I will go with Asakura Ryouko."

"I see. You have good eyes my friend. It's the opposite of me. I like Nagato-chan."

Ah, this guy belonged to that category. Kamijou thought. A small body, shows no expression, body with no curves, and short hair. Yes, Nagato Yuki was such a character. For some reason, it reminded Kamijou of Koneko.

"So you're a Lolicon?"


Morisawa-san confessed as if it was nothing. If the police heard him by mistake, Kamijou was sure he would get arrested.

...What's with all this guys liking underage girls? Is something going on behind the scenes that I don't know about.

He sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I have a friend with similar tastes."

The guy that appeared in his mind was Saji. He was part of the student council yet he was a genuine pervert. If he didn't have any self control, he wouldn't be far off from Issei.

"But enough of me. What about your favourite series?"

"Hmm, probably between Dragon Ball and Jojo Bizarre Adventures."

"Oh, I see you are a man of culture as well."

The man smiled and grabbed volume 1 of Dragon Ball from his bookshelf.

"Let's talk about it then."

From there, they started wasting away time by talking about anime. Amidst cultured men, it seemed as though the age gap between them was non-existent.

Kamijou had alot of fun. Although this client had a bad impression, Kamijou realised he was a good guy and they got along pretty well.

"People die if..." Says Morisawa-san

"They are killed." Replies Kamijou

"Just because you're correct..." It was Morisawa-san

"Doesn't mean you are right." Then it was Kamijou.

"Last question, Speedwagon is..." Again, Morisawa-san.

"THE BEST WAIFU!!" Kamijou shouted with passion.

Both of them bursted out into a laugher. They really seemed to be enjoying themselves from the bottom of their heart.

"Ha ha ha! Okay! I had alot of fun. I had been long since I laughed like this. As thanks, I will give you guys a rating. How about that?"

Yes! Yes yes yes yes! This was great news for Kamijou.

"Master, this old man gives you his thanks."

"Oi! Bastard! You really to get stabbed in the guts, huh?"

"Haha! No, that will be no good. After all, I haven't married yet."

Like this, Kamijou stood up and took his leave. At the moment, there was this sense of relief in his chest.

"This is great. I completed early so now I can go home on time. Maybe I can buy sushi on the way back. Or..."

Riiing, Riiiiing!

Before he could even mount his motorcycle, his cellphone begun to ring. Who could be calling at this ungodly hour.

Kamijou picked up the phone and heard the familiar sweet voice of his manager from the receiver.

"Hello Kamijou~"

Ah, what a lovely voice, but why is she calling me though?

"Good evening, Miss Mizuki. Do you need me for something?"

"Yes, we just received a new order so we need you here. Okay~"

"Huh? At a time like this? Hey, hello."

He received no response from the receiver. Did she cut the call? Well, she was always like that. She was the kind that was always busy so it can't be helped.

He sighed.

"And here I thought I would finish early."

He reluctantly mounted his motorcycle and drove to the main store.

Part 2

"This is the place?"

Kamijou glanced at the portable device and then a particular building. On the device, this was the client's house. It didn't have the appearance of a mansion or an apartment but a ordinary house.

Since this was his last order, he wanted to finish quickly and be done with it.

He carried the pizza from the backseat and approached the entrance. When he reached the front door, he pushed on the door bell.

The bell rang but after a few minutes, nobody answered.

...Hmm, maybe they did not hear the first time?

Kamijou pushed the door bell once more and waited. He waited for 10 minutes yet there was no signs of movement from the inside.

"Huh? Is no one inside?"

Kamijou slightly frowned his brows. If nobody was really inside then they wouldn't have received an order from this address. And double checked the address, so this was definitely the right house.

When he tried knocking on the door, he noticed the door was unlocked.


Kamijou cocked his head to the side. Anyone will be confused by this. Who leaves their door unlocked in the night?

When that thought emerged, he suddenly had this terrible feeling that something was off. Yes, the door was unlocked but it didn't seem it was unlocked using a key.

He opened the door and looked inside the house from the entrance. There are no lights in the hallway. There is a staircase that led to the second floor, but there are no lights on.

There is only one room at the end of the first floor with some lights on, and even then, the light was faint.

...There's something definitely wrong. Perhaps were the residents of this house sleeping? No. If the residents were truly sleeping then why was the front door unlocked.


Kamijou took a step inside.

With just that step, it felt like the temperature had gone down a few degrees or so. An unknown feeling he could pinpoint rose from his back. It was the feeling of walking into an unknown territory.

Kamijou removed his shoes and continued on silently. He tried to keep his pace slow but his legs seemed to possess a mind of its own and accelerated.

He looked inside the room that was slightly open. Maybe it was the candles was the only source of light, he wasn't able to see anything clearly.

So he opened the door and walked in. It's a living room and there is a television, a sofa, a table, and such. It looked like an ordinary living room but there wasn't any sign of any person in this room. So who lit up the candles?


Kamijou looked at a particular place and temporarily stopped moving to draw a breath.

He saw something nailed to the wall. No, it was someone that was nailed to the wall. From where he was standing, he could see the upper body. But he could not see the lower half of the body as if it had been eaten by the darkness. Something was scattered around the ground. It was a liquid. It was the colour red and it had this strange metallic smell.


Kamijou took a step back. He realised, that liquid on the floor was blood. In other words, that thing nailed to the wall was a corpse.

On the floor was the blood of that corspe. A sea of blood so large that it made one wonder if a single human body really held that much blood. It wasn't just on the floor, it was also on the wall.

The corpse was attached to the wall with screws, making the shape of a cross. There are big and thick screws screwed into the palm of each hand, into the feet, and at the middle of its torso. Not just that, the corpse had multiple cuts on its body as if someone had passionately slashed at it with a sharp knife.

What the hell was this? What kind of sick psycho would kill someone like this?!

Kamijou felt the urge to vomit as if someone had stuck a finger down his throat. He used all his willpower not to vomit. But when he saw something sticking out of that person's stomach.

It was the intestines. There was a huge gush on the stomach were a huge screw was stuck. The intestines was gushing out from that wound and was wriggling out.


In that instant, Kamijou could no longer hold back and his body doubled over. The contents of his stomach shot out from his mouth at once.

He vomited.

This was the first time he was seeing a corpse and one that was brutally murdered at that. That alone alone was enough to mess with the gears in his head.

With a disgusting sound, vomit fell on the floor. It spread forward and mixed with the sea of blood, creating a unique smell.


Kamijou realised something. The blood had not dried at all. It was still fresh. Blood took about 15 minutes to coagulate, so the murderer may still have been nearby.

The murderer might still be around.

Kamijou paled at his own thoughts. Clearly, this was not an accident. Someone had taken his time while murdering this person and even went as far as to nail him to the wall.

With the speed of sound, Kamijou sprinted out of the building. When he got outside, he missed his step and tripped over. But that didn't stop him. He carried himself up and dailed 119 on his cellphone.