
DxD:Strings of Fate

The former boss of La Cosa Nostra gets transmigrated into High School Dxd

AdoEdem · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs

Prologue I

Aizen Motohama- that is my name. My mom and guys at school call me "Motoha".

I'm in my second year of high school currency enjoying the time of my youth.

Girls would look my way and say "isn't that Motohama!" I would say I'm popular but not in a good way. You see I am kind of a big pervert so I don't know if that's a good thing.

Right now I'm with my two friends Issei and Matsuda. We are currently peeping in on the girl's kendo club locker room.

"Ohhh! Murayama seriously has big tits" said Matsuda. 

"Ahh, Katase sure has nice legs".

 "Guys move let me have a look,'" Issei said, trying to move us to get a look, but was unsuccessful.

The kendo girls spotted us so all of them started rushing outside me and Matsuda started full-on sprinting leaving Issei behind. Sorry, Issei takes one for the team.

And that's how my school day ended. 

Starting to walk home as the sun was setting I finally made it to my home. I lived in an apartment that only had two rooms. It wasn't the biggest or the smallest. My Mother isn't rich or middle class, we are kinda poor. Walking in, a middle-aged woman with some wrinkles on her face greeted me "how was your day". 

"It was good okasan"

Yes, you're right that woman is my mother. I love her very much. She goes to work every day providing for me and cooks for me when she doesn't have to. I love her dearly. Walking to my room I hear her saying "food will be ready in an hour". 

Stepping into my room you could see a bunch of hentai posters all over the wall with a bookshelf filled with porn and hentai magazines, and DVDs. Facing the wall you could see a pc setup and to the side of the desk was a trash bin filled up with a bunch of tissue paper curled up to balls. That pc took me a long time to save up for. Switching to comfortable clothes, I went on my pc and played games while waiting to eat food. And that's how my day ended a day in the life of Motohama.

Waking up I grabbed my school uniform and headed straight to the bathroom to take a shower. Going to the living room I looked around and saw nobody.

"I guess okasan left already".

Heading to the refrigerator, I grabbed some eggs and made myself some breakfast. Not to brag, but I'm pretty good at cooking since okasan leaves early all the time. This is how my morning goes. I wish oka san would stay in the morning, but I understand she has to work hard to provide for me. She's the best mother I could ever ask for. After I finished eating I started walking to school. On the way there I met up with Matsuda. Having started a conversation about all the new porn and hentai games we played we got interrupted by Issei "Hey guys this is my new girlfriend Yuma Amano and this is Matsuda and Motohama my pals" he said introducing her to us. 

¨It's nice to meet you¨ Amano said with a smile.

Matsuda and I were shocked how could he have a girlfriend.

He went up to us and said"here's the best part she asked me out" in a bragging tone.

As he started to walk away with his new girlfriend I shouted "YOU TRAITOR".

We continued to walk to school talking about what just happened. I won't lie, I am pretty jealous.

"I hope he gets stabbed, that damn traitor," I said in a joking manner.

After that nothing happened. It was a pretty boring day. Heading home for the day I was pretty excited because it was the start of the weekend thinking about all the new games I could play.


[The first couple of chapters are going to be kinda boring and no harem and the chapters are going to get longer. And tell me how I could improve.]