
DxD: Shattered Legacy

Noble house Vesperion. After they were betrayed and purged everyone thought that they went extinct. What nobody knew was that 2 individuals managed to flee and hide. They had a child who inherited everything that the Vesperion bloodline could offer.

failurebydesign · Anime et bandes dessinées
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26 Chs

Meeting after the attacks

After Kaiser and Grayfia arrived at the Gremory estate they went back to their room because Grayfia kept urging Kaiser to change his clothes. After Kaiser was done changing they left the room and were approached by a butler who informed them of the meeting that was soon going to start in the conference room. The butler led them to the room and knocked on the door, opened it from the and let them enter. After both Kaiser and Grayfia were inside the room the butler closed the door again.

Kaiser looked around the room and saw a lot more people sitting there compared to when they were first there. But there was one man who caught his eye instantly. He had black hair and violet eyes. Kaiser recognized him as Zekram Bael.

'My parents showed me a picture of him when I was younger. He doesn't look different compared to that picture at all.' thought Kaiser.

"Kaiser! Good job on the successful attack and also on killing Scias Infernium. Our first offence went better than expected." said Zeoticus in a cheerful tone.

The people who hadn't paid attention to Kaiser turned their heads towards his direction.

"I thought Sirzechs was the one who killed him?" said a man with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"It was Kaiser. The report said that after an overwhelming victory enemy reinforcements arrived led by Scias Infernium. While Kaiser took care of him his maid and the rest of his forces defeated the soldiers led by Scias." said Zeoticus to the blonde man.

"Would anyone mind if we exchanged introductions? It appears that there are some new faces around that I'm not yet familiar with. I shall start." said Kaiser.

"I'm Kaiser Vesperion, heir to house Vesperion." said Kaiser and waited for others to start introducing themselves.

"Zekram Bael. First generation Bael and also the head of the house." said the black-haired purple-eyed man.

"I'm Isaac Phenex. Head of house Phenex." answered the blonde man.

"My name is Soren Sitri. The current head of house Sitri. Nice to meet you, young man." said another black-haired man with blue eyes.

"Zadicus Astaroth. Head of house Astaroth, and this is my son and heir to our house Ajuka Astaroth. He is also one of the main fighters of our rebellion alongside Sirzechs." said a green-haired blue-eyed man and then pointed at another man who looked like a carbon copy of him. The other man just nodded at Kaiser and he did the same.

"I'm Nicolas Glasya-Labolas. Head of house Glasya-Labolas. The next to me is Falbium, my son and just like Ajuka he is one of the main fighters." said a bald man. Kaiser looked at the man next to Nicolas who was on the verge of falling asleep.

'He is the textbook definition of the sin of sloth.' thought Kaiser.

Other than them Zeoticus Gremory, Venelana Gremory and Sirzechs Gremory were present.

"Now that we are done with the introduction why don't you take a seat and let's discuss our next course of action." said Zeoticus and Kaiser did as suggested and took a seat. Grayfia stood behind his chair staying in close proximity due to the barrier still being up.

'With 3 of the 4 main fighters here, it just got a lot more complicated. If they were to attack we ain't getting away without losing an arm and a leg and that's the best case scenario.' said Kaiser to Grayfia through a mental message.

"Now that we have declared war we should try to end it as soon as possible. We know that the four Satans reside in Lilith, so I say we send our forces from all directions and storm them." recommended Isaac.

"I don't think just rushing into things is a wise idea. We should clear out all smaller bases and gather as much information as we possibly can." said Soren.

"We know for sure that the Satans are in Lilith. Their forces are still somewhat spread out. If we manage to kill off the Satans a lot of their soldiers will lose their will to fight. We can also gain the most amount of information this way if we manage to secure the place where they hold their documents before they could destroy it." said Nicolas effectively agreeing with Isaac.

"What do you think Zekram?" Zeoticus asked the man who had been silent throughout the meeting.

"I also think that attacking Lilith would be the right course of action." said Zekram.

'Going straight for the kill huh? They sure don't like to waste time. I should also be able to step into satan-class maybe I could even skip initial-level with a confrontation of this level. Especially if I manage to kill one of the Satans. But I would probably need to sabotage one of the four main fighters or just engage faster than them.' thought Kaiser.

Zadicus and Zeoticus either didn't have an opinion or just didn't voice it.

"It looks like we will be heading to Lilith. Gather your forces everyone and leave only the necessary amount at your home, we will be making our move 2 days from today. This meeting is adjourned" Zeoticus said and with that, everyone began standing up.

'I have no fucking clue why I even needed to attend this meeting. They could have just discussed this between themselves and informed me afterwards.'

As Kaiser and Grayfia were about to leave the meeting room to go to the room assigned to them Zeoticus approached them alongside Venelana, Sirzechs, Zadicus and Ajuka.

"Kaiser, could we talk?" asked Zeoticus.

"Sure, what would you like to talk about?" replied Kaiser then asked a question back.

"You were seen using something akin to lightning, but black and the same with fire, but instead of black it was purple. Could you please explain more in-depth what they were?" asked Zeoticus

"Just as you said. They were black lightning and purple fire. That is as in-depth as I'm willing to go." said Kaiser.

"We understand and are sorry for trying to pry into your abilities so deeply. If you are not willing to disclose information about those abilities of yours could you perhaps explain the canyon-like line your fight with Scias left?" asked Venelana.

"I'm sure even Sirzechs could have told you what made that line. But I'll tell you, it's not like you won't see it during the attack on Lilith. Similarly to the Bael family my family also has a power that can be inherited. It's called [Power of Annihilation]. So if you see me using a void-purple energy try not to get too close to me because it does not discriminate." replied Kaiser before walking out the door followed by Grayfia.

They arrived at their door and went inside the room. Kaiser locked down the whole room using magic.

"Grayfia, is there anyone from your family whom you would like to save?" asked Kaiser the maid.

"Master doesn't need to burden himself with my family." said Grayfia.

"Don't be like that. It has only been a few days since you became my personal maid and you have already helped me a lot. I can help with rescuing a few people." said Kaiser.

"If possible I would like to save my mother. She is the lady of the Lucifuge clan. She was against the marriage between me and the son of the current Lucifer, but she has no real influence regarding anything except for the maid training. My looks also heavily resemble my mother and I'm afraid that because I ran away they will ask for my mother as compensation and my family will hand her over without any complaints." said Grayfia.

"Alright. Where is your mother's usual accommodation?" asked Kaiser.

"It's on the border between the Beelzebub and Lucifer territories. That is where the maid training is being held and she 8 out of 10 times sleeps there as well." answered Grayfia.

"Perfect. I have no idea where that is, but I'll just follow your lead. After rescuing your mother you will also have to take care of her while the battle is in full throttle because I plan on hunting some right-hand men and Satans and since it's on the border between two territories I have a pretty good chance to meet with 1 of the 3 remaining right-hand men and I would also love to fight against Beelzebub." said Kaiser.

"Of course master. If we are successful in rescuing my mother I shall take care of her during the fighting." said Grayfia.

"Excellent, then let us enjoy these two days of silence before the chaos." said Kaiser as he took a book from the small bookshelf that was in the room, sat down and began reading it, while Grayfia proceeded to just stand behind his chair.

another chapter will be posted today and more chapters tomorrow as well because Wednesday is one of my rest days from the gym(4-day split: chest, back, rest, shoulders+arms, legs, rest, rest)

I will also edit the previous chapter sometime, but if you see a typo or something in it please point it out.

failurebydesigncreators' thoughts