
DXD : Riser Undergarment System

An 18-year-old boy, who planned his whole life from birth to being abandoned by his parents to his girlfriend not accepting him as her boyfriend. To everyone suprise it was all part of his plan. There is nothing that doesn't go according to his plan. "Oh Lord Aizen, grace me with your presence, to this lowly mortal," the young man exclaimed. His idol is none other than Lord Aizen Sosuke. He can do anything to meet him as if Truck-kun itself listened to him with closed ears. He was reincarnated as Riser in the DxD world. So, what will he do? On top of it, he received a unique Gacha system [Gacha system initiating....Please eat Bras to accumulate Draw points for rewards] Nani....... ......... No yuri, R18

Luo_Feng_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

Chapter : 1 I am Riser

It was night time, and everyone was asleep except for somebody who lived in a square house with only one room. Calling it a "house" could be disrespectful to animals who live in better houses, but let's just call it a house for his sake.

Inside the house, candles were burning around a poster as if he was performing some kind of satanic ritual.

"Oh Lord Aizen, grace me with your presence. I have been your biggest follower since birth.

The day I was born, I was abandoned by my parents, but it was all part of my plan.

Even the orphanage decided not to take me in, but it was all part of my plan.

Even my girlfriend said I am not her boyfriend, but it was all part of my plan.

You see, it was all part of my plan so I could become what I am today."

The boy, who appeared to be 18 and quite well-built, spoke with pure determination, as if he had planned it all himself. However, let's accept it, considering he had lived a hard life.

When he was born, his white parents found out he is black and threw him out.

He lived with GOATS and drank their milk. Growing up, at the age of 4, he sold popsicles and earned his first money from which he bought himself clothes, and that's when he saw Lord Aizen on TV at a neighbor's house. He saw how badass and cool he was. There was nothing that didn't go according to his plan.

He even lost to Ichigo in a fight, but it was also his plan so that he could make another great entry. He was the Optimum Planner.

And that's what clicked a switch in him; he knew everything he did should be planned by him, not anyone else, not even God.

"Oh, Lord Aizen, I did 100 pushups, 100 situps, and a 10km run every single day, but couldn't surpass my mortal body," the boy said, disappointed in himself as he looked at the poster of Aizen, many gym equipment can be seen around.

[ Traning like that has nothing do with Aizen He just adjusted it with Saitama]

Aizen, in the poster, was wearing spectacles – his previous look before the Rukia Victim arc – until he showed the whole Bleach universe how badass he is. He threw his specs away and revealed his eyes, all okay, proving them he just wore them for fashion.

"Oh, Lord Aizen, please give me a chance to just catch a glimpse of you.

I want to lick the ground that you have stepped on.

I want to smell the clothes that you wore.

I want to stand beside you so I can see your back (Defense Purposes)"

He said, showing how much he idolized Aizen.

Maybe he could have died if he hadn't seen him on TV, but seeing him changed his life completely. Even though he was poor, he was happy. The only wish he had was to meet Lord Aizen in person and shake his hand (Respectful purpose).


"What was that sound?"

The boy muttered as suddenly a large white truck bashed into his house, its headlights flashing blindingly before a deafening boom echoed through the night.

But the truck didn't stop; it kept forging ahead, leaving destruction in its wake. The boy was nowhere to be seen, his house fully demolished, yet his body remained elusive.

Above the wreckage, Aizen poster floated, but something was different. His image on the poster had completely changed; he was no longer wearing spectacles, and his hair was slicked backward.




The boy's eyes slowly opened to an unfamiliar ceiling made of concrete, unlike the leaf-covered roof of his house. "Did someone adopted me?" he muttered, taking in the vast room, much larger than his own humble abode. Even the bed he sat was bigger than his house.

Memories rushed in, causing him to moan and clutch his head. "Ahhh," he groaned, realization hitting him hard. "Wtf, I've transmigrated into the world of DxD, the land of boobs."

With the memories flooding back, he knew his identity as Riser Phenex, the one who suffered defeat at the hands of Issei, the BOOB Presser.

While he was familiar with the world from watching the anime and reading bits of the novel, something felt different from what he remembered.

He lacked a peerage, as it now belonged to his twin younger brother OREO PHENEX who was born 1 minute later after Riser, except for Yubelluna, who served in his sister Ravel Phenex's peerage as her bishop, the sole member.

Riser sighed. He was shocked by his transmigration, but he knew this was an opportunity given to him to meet Lord Aizen. If this world exists, that means the Bleach world also exists. All he needs now is to find the person who sent him to this world. He knew this can only be done by growing stronger since he no longer had mortal limitations like before. Now, as a devil, he can train for 10,000 years.


[ Gacha system initiating..]

A Blue screen appeared

"Heeheheee." Riser smiled. He knew what this meant—more opportunities to grow stronger. It didn't matter if this system made him its slave. There's a saying:


So he doesn't care; he will do anything to get stronger.

[ System has fully connected to Host]

[ Welcome to Gacha system where you can Gamble your earned points for rewards ].

"Stop it. I know what Gacha is. Just tell me how will I get the points? Whom do I need to kill or destroy? I am willing to do anything."

[ Host doesn't need to do anything like that. All you need to do is eat BRA.]




Author Note : Don't get angry because Riser doesn't have his peerage; he will create a new one. Also, I have saved Yubelluna.

And give your power stone.