

basically a dxd fanfiction with better world building and where mc and every other character isnt a dumb lustful idiot . yeah as you have guessed lucifer is mc (he is manipulator like aizen he will be most powerful after the first arc atleast in his world ) he isnt dead well his clone died read and see how he achieves his goal. read if you like smart and op mcs also weak to strong ones also he will show new devil kings thier place

Neptune227 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs

Chapter 3: The Tragic Tale of Lucifer's Lost Belief

In the celestial realm, where the fabric of existence intertwined, there existed a tale both melancholic and haunting. It was a story of love, faith, and the harrowing cost of betrayal. At its heart stood Lucifer, the once-loyal servant of the God of the Bible, now a fallen angel, bearing the weight of a shattered belief.

The story began eons ago, in an age when the celestial hierarchy remained unchallenged, and the angels, including Lucifer, danced to the divine tune. In those days, Lucifer had been the paragon of loyalty, a steadfast and unwavering servant of the God he held in the highest esteem.

Lucifer's celestial form radiated with ethereal light, his wings a resplendent canvas of iridescent feathers. His loyalty to the God of the Bible was unwavering, and he had fought in countless celestial wars, his sword gleaming with righteousness. His unquestioning faith in his Creator knew no bounds, for he believed that divine wisdom guided every celestial act.

The celestial realm was a place of celestial splendor, where angels dwelled in harmonious obedience. Yet, amidst the celestial tapestry, a solitary figure stood apart from the divine chorus - Princess Seraphina, a human born of royal blood but trapped in the celestial realm.

Seraphina had been brought to the celestial realm by the God of the Bible, a mere pawn in the celestial game. Her beauty was unparalleled, her spirit indomitable, but she was a prisoner of her own existence. The celestial beings regarded her with awe and fascination, yet they could never truly comprehend the human heart that beat within her chest.

Lucifer, the Morning Star, found himself inexplicably drawn to Seraphina. Her presence was a beacon of light in the celestial realm, illuminating the darkness of his eternal existence. In her, he discovered something he had never known - the profound beauty of love.

Their first meeting had been in the celestial gardens, where the flowers bloomed in vibrant hues, and the waters sparkled with divine luminescence. Seraphina, with her raven hair and eyes as deep as the night sky, had been sitting beneath a silver tree, her thoughts lost in the stars above.

Lucifer had approached her, his celestial radiance casting a soft glow on the garden's beauty. Seraphina had looked up, her eyes meeting his with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation.

"Who are you?" she had asked, her voice a melody that resonated in the angel's heart.

"I am Lucifer," he had replied with a smile, a name that carried both reverence and fear in the celestial realm. "And you?"

"I am Seraphina," she had answered, her gaze never leaving his. "What brings you to this place?"

Lucifer had struggled to find the words to explain the inexplicable draw he felt toward her. "I was... drawn by your presence. I have never seen a human in the celestial realm before."

Seraphina had smiled, a warmth that thawed the ice in Lucifer's heart. "I am but a prisoner here, brought by the God of the Bible. But in this garden, I find solace."

Their conversations became a secret refuge for both of them, a respite from the celestial order that governed their lives. Seraphina spoke of the world beyond the celestial realm, of the vibrant tapestry of humanity, and the myriad emotions that defined their existence. She spoke of love, freedom, and the power of choice.

Lucifer listened with rapt attention, his heart opening to the possibilities she described. He had never questioned the celestial order before, but now, doubt began to creep into his mind. Seraphina had shown him the beauty of independence, the value of free will, and the depths of human emotion.

As the days turned into weeks, and the celestial realm watched with bated breath, Lucifer's bond with Seraphina deepened. They ventured beyond the celestial gardens, exploring the realms of the heavens, hand in hand. Their love became a symphony of passion and devotion, defying the very order of the celestial hierarchy.

But in the celestial realm, secrets did not remain hidden for long. Whispers of Lucifer's forbidden love reached the ears of the God of the Bible, and His divine wrath was swift and merciless. He summoned Lucifer to His celestial throne, a place of blinding radiance and overwhelming power.

Lucifer stood before his Creator, his wings trembling with a mixture of fear and defiance. The God of the Bible regarded him with a stern countenance, His voice resonating with celestial authority.

"Lucifer," He intoned, "you have dared to defy the celestial order, to love a human, a creature beneath our divine station. This love is a blight upon the purity of the heavens."

Lucifer, his eyes filled with sorrow and determination, replied, "My Lord, I have seen the beauty of love, the value of free will. Seraphina has shown me that there is more to existence than blind obedience. I beseech you, grant her the freedom she deserves."

The God of the Bible's response was swift and unforgiving. In a blaze of celestial fire, He cast Seraphina down from the heavens, her cries of despair echoing through the celestial realm. Lucifer watched in horror as the love of his existence plummeted into the abyss, forever lost to him.

His heart shattered into a million pieces, and his faith in the God of the Bible crumbled like a fragile edifice. The deity he had served unquestioningly had torn his beloved from his arms, a cruel and heartless act of divine retribution.

In the aftermath, Lucifer descended from the celestial realm, his celestial radiance dimmed by the weight of his grief. He had fallen not only from heaven but also from grace, his once unwavering faith shattered beyond repair.

The celestial realm watched in awe and horror as the Morning Star, once the epitome of celestial loyalty, became a fallen angel, a symbol of defiance and rebellion. Lucifer had lost his belief in the God of the Bible, and the heavens would never be the same again.

As Lucifer descended into the depths of hell, his heart heavy with sorrow and rage, he made a solemn vow. He would defy the celestial order, challenge the God of the Bible's tyranny, and forge a path toward true freedom and love. The celestial realm had cast aside the Morning Star, but in doing so, they had birthed a new, and more formidable adversary.

And so, the tragic tale of Lucifer's lost belief became a harbinger of change, a story that would reverberate through the celestial and infernal realms for all eternity. The Morning Star had fallen, but in his fall, he would rise anew, a beacon of defiance and hope in a world defined by celestial hypocrisy.