
DxD: ReKiba

MC takes Kiba's place at the exact moment he is reincarnated by Rias. In exchange, he has to get revenge on everyone involved with the Holy Sword Project. MC is prideful and has his own plans. It will be a harem, but not a big one. I do not own anything except my own MC. Found this picture on Pinterest. The artist is Hikku. Contact me if you want me to take it down. I might post this on other platforms like Royal Road and Scribble Hub.

Alcoholic_Panda · Anime et bandes dessinées
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125 Chs

The Hunt Begins

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There's a lot of fics and ideas there. There is no paywall. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

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I'm entirely motivated by praise. And ranking. xD

Been grinding a lot of chaps this weekend. Chaps for the other fics on my Pat.

Word Count 1410


Haa finally away from Kuoh. Rias and the rest have a girl's day out.

It's finally time for me to start doing my part of the Deal.

Kill anyone involved with the Holy Sword Project. I'll hit them church by church and gather information about my targets. I know who they are, but I don't know where they are hiding.

The higher targets are impossible for me right now. The Pope and the Angels that Serve under Archangel Uriel. Those are both impossible. Since killing either of them will start a war. And if by some chance I am found out. An entire faction will be hunting me. Not to mention Archangel Uriel. The Holy Flame.

Man I can't wait for Kokabiel to appear. I will enjoy slaughtering Valper. I will see what I can do with the Excalibur Fragments.

So yeah. Got to start from the bottom and go up from there.

First Target. Some church in Japan does some shady shit and acts as an outpost for the Church. The church as about 50km away from Kuoh. As I have never been there I will need to go on foot.

I couldn't teleport without the security runes in the magic circle informing the Gremory Family.

I have been working on making my own. But the progress is slow. I can use another circle the basic one that all beginners use. But that's only for the basic spells.

Human Mages need to calculate everything when they use magic. Devils just need to imagine it. Both methods have their pros and cons. Naturally, Teleportation requires a lot of calculation. And you must know the destination precisely.

Imagine you teleport to someone's house by mistake.

That's why devils use those leaflets. When normal people activate them it sends their coordinates back to us. And only then can we teleport.

So going by foot it is. It's not like it took me very long. The church wasn't that far away and I'm a Knight. Even without the Evil Piece boosting my speed. I'm already pretty damn fast.

In less than an hour, I reach my destination.

It was a well-kept church judging by its outward appearance. Freshly painted walls. Their bushes were neatly trimmed.

They clearly had money to spare.

I create some Ordinary Iron Daggers and Sword then I create and use my Shadow Sword.

It allows me to hide my aura better and merge with the shadows a bit. Making it that much more difficult to spot me.

I keep to the shadows and enter the church. I slowly check the common spots for hiding something. Even went as far to look for another room. I found a door in the floor on the podium where the Preist would stand. It was somewhat well hidden and people never went near the place as it was only for the priest.

There were empty cages. And they were not clean. I could smell both dried and fresh blood.

Human trafficking.

Of course. I knew they were doing some shady shit. But I thought it was just drug trafficking or money laundering.

I'm not even remotely surprised. Well that means everybody here is dead anyway. I have no idea where the people on the list are. I just went to the nearest church to get some info.

Now I'm going to kill everybody in the damn building when they come back.

I slowly exit the room and continue to snoop around.

I heard some noise on the other side of the church. Interesting there's someone here at this hour?

"Get in there" A loud voice was heard then a quick thud. Crying and sobbing soon followed. They were bringing children here.

Oh they are definitely dead. No magic weapons. They will leave some sort of trace. Even if it's minimal. Old-school, Iron Weapons will do the trick. With my physical strength. They won't even be able to see my afterimage before they are dead.

Let's see Seven of them all in all. All of them have the same power as a new Low-Class Devil. But that's because of their weapons. Light Swords and Guns. The head priest is stronger than the rest. Still Low-Class but slowly going toward high level. He still needs a while before he can break through the Mid-Class.

I will wait for all of them to put the children in cages. Less likely for something to go wrong. All the cages were controlled by magic. Hmm to avoid anything being traced back to me I need one of these idiots to open up the cages.

15 minutes later and all the kids are in the cages.

"Man I hate kids" One of them grumbled

"Really? I love kids. They get me a lot of money" The fat one laughed

"Shut it. The buyer wants them as soon as possible" The head priest grumbled as he fliped through his book. As I was behind him I could see the contents.

It was a book about Holy Magic. That explains why he is stronger than the rest. Welp, they are all dead. I take out the Ordinary Iron Daggers I made before.



*THUD* x 6

Six heads fell on the ground

"What the-?" *Bang* The man didn't even have a chance to say anything as he was punched in the chest and sent flying into a wall.

I go an grab him from behind by the neck

"Please let me live" He started to sob, tears and snot streamed down his face

"Open the cages. One wrong move and you are dead" I changed my voice a bit. To him it probably sounded something out of a Horror Movie. Once he heard my voice he paled and started to sob harder.

He slowly lifted his arm and a small magic circle materialized on his hand. I could tell that it was for opening the cages.

~Down in the hidden room. *Clank* x 20

"I did what you asked. Please let me go. I swear I won't tell an-" *Crack*

I broke his neck. Like hell, I'd believe a man who sells children. Even without that. There can be no survivors.

Now to grab their gear. Who knows when it might come in handy? I start with the head priest. I grab his Magic Book, but I found something in his chest pocket. I pulled it out only to find a dark blue crystal with a weird diamond-like shape.

Isn't this The Holy Element? The one that grants people the ability to use holy swords. How did a scrub like this get one?

Oh right. The church found Valpers research and excommunicated him. But they still kept researching and found a way to take the element without killing the 'patient'.

Maybe that's why they were excommunicated.

Whatever. I'll use it later. Holy Magic and Sword will have less effect on me now. Maybe If I take enough I can wield Holy Swords like the OG Kiba. Maybe even make them.

Hmm wonder if I can make a sword that takes this stuff from them. Take the Holy Element from my enemies.

One of the braver children left the cage and started to go up the stairs. I leave a note with instructions for them and I disappear and head to the office. What happens to them now, isn't my problem.

After searching through all the drawers and cabinets, including the secret drawers. I found absolutely nothing.

I check again and all the kids have left the Church. I grab the gasoline I prepared and poured it all over the place. One spark letter and Boom you have a fire that will spread and burn like crazy. No magic used whatsoever.

On the Entrance of the church. I leave a Pentagram on the ground.

The Symbol of the Five Clans that still worship the Shinto Gods. They are Onmyojis.

That will make an even bigger mess.

The Shinto Pantheon and The Church are not on good terms. Mostly about who gets the most faith. The Church has been getting a lot more Japanese people to Convert to Christianity.

Izanami. The Goddess of Death in the Shinto Pantheon is especially pissed. Since the souls will go to Heaven instead to her.

Even if the Church says they are being framed. The underground room will still survive the fire. This will be a political nightmare.

Well time to go home. I'll hit another church 3 days from now.

# A/N

Next chap Timeskip. It's going fast.

Once the good swords start appearing. I'll make a list of what he can make

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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