
DxD: ReKiba

MC takes Kiba's place at the exact moment he is reincarnated by Rias. In exchange, he has to get revenge on everyone involved with the Holy Sword Project. MC is prideful and has his own plans. It will be a harem, but not a big one. I do not own anything except my own MC. Found this picture on Pinterest. The artist is Hikku. Contact me if you want me to take it down. I might post this on other platforms like Royal Road and Scribble Hub.

Alcoholic_Panda · Anime et bandes dessinées
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125 Chs

Isaiah vs Cao Cao

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

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Sorry for the late release. I have been focusing on Code. It will be finished in about 3-4 chaps.

Word Count 3050



A figure was launched into a building

"Sigh" Cao Cao calmly exited the hole in the building and brushed his shoulders off.

"You are not very smart are you? A devil fighting me alone, the user of the True Longinus. Even the Satan's would avoid me" Cao Cao smirked at me as I just arrived.

I just smiled back at him "Comparing me to the Satans? That kind of thinking will get you killed?"

All out from the start. Everything except my Drive. His Balance Breaker is troublesome. It has multiple abilities. And one of them is Cakkaratana. The ability to destroy weapons. I shudder to think what would happen in my Drive. That's basically the Heart of my Gear. And my soul is connected.

Well at least his Holy Power will do less damage to me. I'm so glad Valerie got rid of that particular weakness.

I'll have to do this without the Drive. At least until I can nullify that particular ability.

Balance Breaker

Crimson Booster. White Division (Names for the swords are still up for debate)

"Hooo. Interesting" Cao Cao smirked. Completely assured of his victory

Two swords appear in my hands. One was red the other one white. These were the swords that I made from taking a piece of Albion and Ddraigs armor

I raise the red one and cut myself. The red sword started to glow. It turned into dozens of small red orbs which headed to my forearms. There they condensed to form a pair of dark red Vambrace's.

It has the Original Boosted Gears Power. Double my power every 10 seconds. But it can only go up to half Ddraig's original strenght. So theoretically in the end, my strenght would be Mine + half of Ddraig's power.

Now all I need to do is make a little cut on Cao Cao and White Division will activate. Then I will able to halve his power every 10 seconds. The problem is that I can't use both at the same time. Every 10 seconds I have to choose to boost my power or halve his. I don't know if it's because they are rip-offs or that they are polar opposites. But that's for another time

I make Lostvayne in my empty hand


Four Copies appear next to me and I put away Lostwayne

"Clones?" Cao Cao raised his spear

Katanas appear in the hands of the clones.

'Collapse Sakanade'

'Raise your head. Wabisuke'

Wabisuke and Sakanade are my all-time favorites. Defbuff swords are so freaking useful.

'Shoot to kill. Shinso'

The Extending sword. Because his spear also extends. I'll use this to counter him. If he extends his spear to attack me from the distance I'll do the same with my sword. Both of us will be forced to dodge.

I have my clones but his Balance Breaker also has the ability Kahabateiratana it makes Golems or Soliders to fight for him. Just like the Original Kiba had.

I'll wait for the Bankai's. No need to drain my strenght from the start. It would be better if I could cut him with White Divide first. Then I will be able to start in top gear throughout the fight.

With Sakanade activated I dash at him. I appear behind him, the mirror world was showing that I was in front of him. My clones also started circling around him to distract him further.

As I arrive to slash him from behind. Cao Cao raiess hs spear. I thought he was going to slash at the illusion in front of him. But he put the spear on his shoulder and pushed it backward. Sending it straight at me.

I blocked the spear tip with my sword. The tip started to extend. I quickly twisted my sword and attacked his back. But he saw it coming and threw a round house kick at me, sending me flying back.

But I was able to land a hit

With the mirrored world I managed to cut him. But just barely it was a small graze. He must have figured out how the world works thanks to his intellect and instinct to figure out where the attack is coming from.

Kinda ironic that such a smart man is doing something so stupid.

"Interesting Ability. But such tricks are useless against me" CaoCao said with a smug look

Man, this guy really believes that he is the 'Chosen one'. Just because he got the True Longinus. Another chuunibyou? I mean what kind of group wears school uniforms to represent their faction?

The White Divide starts turning into white Orbs

They head towards my wings. They attacked themselves to the wings. Becoming armor on the top edge of the wings. It looked more like accessories. But it doesn't matter how they look.

They work just fine.

Now that the preparations are made. I can start to fight seriously


I get enveloped by Golden Draconic Armor. The Vermbraces and the White wing accessories appeared over the armor.

"Armor won't save you now" Cao Cao pointed the spear at me

"Are you sure about that?" I smirk at him. He couldn't see my face but could tell from the tone of my voice.

"Huh? Why wouldn't I be. My victory is all but asured. You are just a filthy devil who ran away from his master." He sneered "You had gotten the Excalibur sword and used its power to kill Kokabiel. Then attacked my members with a group. You aren't anything special, with the True Longinus it will be easy to finish you off. I will get revenge for my fallen comrades"

Man this guy loves the sound of his voice. And we attacked them by grouping up on them? The same tactic they were planing on using on us

"Yeah. I kinda doubt that"


My Vambrace glowed red.

My power doubled. Dropping me in Low-Transcended class.

"How can you use Boost?" Cao Cao yelled out as his eyes widened

He said I ganged up on his friends. Well if he is going to accuse me of something like that. Then I might as well make it true.

I use Lostvayne again. My clones are even more powerful now

And I dont have to worry about my reserves now

'Reduce all creation to ash. Ryujin Jakka'

'Reign Over the Frozen Heavens. Hyorinmaru

'Walk Forward. Zangetsu'

'Rip. Ashisogi Jizo' A golden short sword appeared in my hands. It had 3 jigged blades and a golden baby face as a guard. This zanpakuto is has extremely potent paralysis poison.

'Murasame' One cut one Kill.

I have no intention of recruiting him or having friendly relationships with him and his faction.

I can freely go in for the kill.

Wabisuke, Shinso. BANKAI

Ryujin Jakka, Hyorinmaru. BANKAI

Shinso, Zangetsu. BANKAI

I immediately felt the Drain. But thanks to the Boost it's much more manageable.

Cao Cao started to sweat a bit from all the pressure that was locked on to him. He gripped his spear "Bal-"


He was interrupted by Shinso. The blade extended and in a blink of an eye it appeared in front of Cao Cho who used his spear to parry it in an awkward angle. Cao Cao cursed in his mind 'Damn. It extends faster than the True Longinus. How is this possible?'

The Clone that was wielding Zangetsu called out "Getsuga Tenshou"


A black sword slash flew at Cao Cao who slashed it with his spear.

Using the smoke screen the other clones repositioned themselves

From above a clone was slashing downwards with a charred blade that was releasing a small amount of smoke.

Cao Cao dodged. As soon as the sword hit the ground.


The direction that the tip of the blade was pointing at was annihilated. "Zanka no Tachi. East" The clone smirked

"This was the Fire sword. All of the flames and heat is concentrated at the edge of the blade, especially the tip. It didn't light it on fire, or burn it away. It simply reduced it to nothing" Cao Cao mumbled to himself as he shot out light beams from the Spear.

The beams hit the clones only to melt upon contact.

'Zanka no Tachi. West'

Cao Cao was about to attack when he felt a presence behind him.

"Four seconds are up" The clone that had appeared behind him had ice guards on his shoulders,arms and legs

[Devide] I halved Cao Cao's strenght, making him stumble, I felt it fill up my reserves.

'Shikai Hyouketsu'

Hyorinmaru's ultimate move. It freezes anything near it. Stopping all functions. It takes four seconds to activate.

The clone using Murasame dashed trying to destroy the ice sculpture.


If only it were that easy. The ice Broke apart. The spear stabbed the sword.


Murasame started to crack. The spear glowed at the tip


An explosion destroyed both the sword and the clone

"Polar Night Longinus Chakravartin" Cao Cao said to me with a glare

What a long ass name. Minato is that you?

Speaking of which. Those troublesome abilities are coming. Might as well make some preparation.

I spread my arms and created hundreds of small daggers, throwing them randomly in our battlefield.

"You destroyed my sword, "I say calmly

"Cakkaratana. The ability to destroy any weapon my spear touches. I will be using it quite a lot on you" he spat out, guess he was angry that he was even pushed this far. He enveloped the spear with a lot of Holy Power.

It was potent enough that if there were any High-Class devils around us they would probably be reduced to ashes.

Cao Cao starts floating in the air.

That should be his Hatthiratana. He can levitate himself and others that he touches. He used two abilities so far.

The one that he has about women. Itthiratana. Completely stop the power of women. That is one OP sexist ability. Heh. I just realized he can use it on Vali. But it's useless here.

I take out Excalibur. I really hope my theory is right.

"Extend" The spear rushes towards me. He is smart. We are still in the Mirror World. Yet he is fighting as he would do normally.

A clone uses Shinso and extends it toward Cao Cao. My sword is faster but the direction of the sword changed mid-way and caused it to be way of mark.

Maniratana the ability to redirect an attack sent toward the user to another target. So it even works against weapons.

Just as the spear was about to hit me. I block it with Excalibur


The spear tried to push through Excalibur. But the sword held on strong.

"What!" Cao Cao yelled out

I knew it.

Excalibur can't be destroyed by the Spear.

God wouldn't make such a stupid weakness. What if the True Longinus and Excalibur users were friends who fought together over an argument? That would just weaken their faction.

( A/N I dont know about the Original. But this makes more sense to me)

That means The Strongest sword had just become my strongest shield. And I was going to make it even more OP

[Boost] [Transfer]

Another 10 seconds have passed I use the boost on Excalibur.

I activate its abilities. Rapidly, Nightmare and Transparency.

I turn invisible as illusions of myself appear. My speed was increased even further.

My clones keep him busy by dodging his attacks and sending their own. Which he keeps redirecting.

But it allowed me to slip in.

I raised Excalibur and swung at his side. His instincts warned him so he positioned the spear to block.

But that was a bad move.

'Excalibur Destruction!'


Cao Cao was sent flying. Even though he blocked the attack he still sustained some damage


A clone stabbed him in the shin with Ashisogi Jizo. The poison entered his blood stream.

"Damn YOU!" He destroys the sword and kills the clone.

Good now he will spend more time and focus to keep the poison from affecting him with his power.

I gotta make sure he doesn't run away.

I make 4 more clones using Lostvayne

They each go to 4 separate corners in the sky.

'4 Point Sealing Barrier'

The swords made a purple line to connect each other. Then a line shot from the tip of the sword down to the ground.

Cao Cao realized what was going to happen.

But he couldn't stop it. Me and the Clones were in his way.

Fire and Ice were blocking him from moving. Since they directly didn't target Cao Cao he couldn't redirect them

Shinso was used to stab repeatedly at Cao Cao dozens of times. He did break the sword.

Hmmm. Lets try that again. But this time let me add 'Unbreakable' to the. It's going to take more power but I can always steal it from hmi

'Shoot to kill. Shinso' BANKAI

The same sword appeared once again in my hand, I passed it on to a clone.


Clang. Clang. Clang. Clang...

Cao Cao parried the strikes but this time he noticed a difference. He couldn't destroy this sword.


Cao Cao quickly turned around to block an attack. But the attack wasn't aimed at him.

A clone hooked the spear. And started to shake it.

Cling, Cling, Cling....

Cao Cao impediment felt something was wrong and pulled away. But it was already too late.

The clone slashed the spear 6 times. Each time it was tripling its weight. Assuming it weighs 5 kg. That's 3.645 kg.

Cao Cao could still hold it. He was strong enough, And now he directly used his power to levitate things on the spear. But that was also draining in power, naturally the heavier the person or object is the more power it takes to levitate it.


I use it again, to halve his strenght. He stumbled. Now he had to focus to counter the weight of the spear and the poison.

"Kahabateiratana" Cao Cao called out. From the ground rose dozens of warriors carrying spears. They dashed off to fight against my clones. They were pretty strong all things considered. But my clones were stronger. And it wasn't very smart. Now he has to split his attention on controlling his soldiers.



I felt myself being teleported. He teleported me right in front of him as he was about to stab me in the gut.

Well Nice try


I teleport to the markers I left in the ground. That's another ability that I have countered.

Cao Cao was visibly seething 'This is bad. I can't get a read on him. His powers are too versatile. Cakkaratana which was supposed to counter him is now useless. Every time I try to take an opening he changes up his attack patterns and pulls out a new sword. It's time for my strongest attack.'


Cao Cao's power exploded. He started to gather his power in the spear.

Ahh, he was going to use the strongest attack of his Balance Breaker.

I summon back two of my clones. They ditched his warriors and came to my side

I haven't killed enough people with Ryujin Jacka for South to be useful so no undead soldiers for me. But North still works.

"Parinayakaratana" Cao Cao yelled out as he trusted his spear. A devastatingly powerful attack was heading at me in full force.

I grab Excalibur, give Durandal to another clone. Ryujin Jacka and Hyorinmaru are here as well.

Let's see if he can take this




"Zanka no Tachi. NORTH"


The four attacks headed off. Halfway to meeting Cao Cao's attack, they merged.


The attacks it each other. They start pushing each other for dominance. The stronger attack will win.

But I'm not one to put things up to luck.

"KILL THEM. Kamishini no Yari." A clone pointed his sword to the attacks. I put my hand on the handle as well and pumped A ton of power into it.


Shinso extended at max speed. It pierced through my attack and Cao Cao's, In less than a second it embedded itself into his shoulder and kept on pushing until he hit the barrier with his back


"Ahhhhh" Cao Cao screamed out in pain.

When Shinso extends it turns into dust to gain the speed it has. And its coated with a deadly poison that disintegrates cells.

Cao Cao is a dead man walking. I need to get to him before he dies

"RAAAAA" Cao Cao screamed out as ripped Shiso from his shoulder severing it in the process. He grabbed the spear with the other hand as he fell down to the ground

Tenacious bastard.


[O Spear. The true Holy Spear which pierces through God]

Oh Shit.

[Suck the ambition of the King of Domination sleeping within me and pierce through the gap of blessing and destruction.]

Me and my clones dash at him

[You. Announce the will, and turn into a glow.]

"TRUTH IDEA!! BRIGHTNESS OF SUPREMACY!!!" A bright light flashed out of the True Longinus.

It enveloped all of us in a single second.

It can create miracles, though it depends on the user of the spear, as it is the will of the God from the Bible that decides if Truth Idea can be used.

But.. Nothing happened

Cao Cao just stared blankly "It.. It didn't activate. How.. It will either work or it will fail. That is the risk of Truth Idea.. But it didn't activate.."

Ohhh. Truth Idea is basically the will of God from the Bible. The True Longinus can affect anyone in this world.

But I'm not from DxD originally. God can't 'judge' my soul.

"I have no more strenght" Cao Cao's Balance Breaker fell apart.

His reserves were dry. He could no longer fight the poison so it quickly spread throughout his body paralyzing him.

I send in my clones to completely bind him and put him under stasis so he doesn't die from the poison.

I won.. I freaking Won!


~~~~~ A/N

Zangetsu: Cast off your fear. Look Forward! Go Forward! Never stand still, retreat and you will die. Hesitate and you will die

True Longinus. Pierce Gods and Buddhas, shaving off their power and split powerful attacks,. Can extend. Its light can vaporize High-Class Devils.

Drive: Truth Idea. It can create miracles, though it depends on the user of the spear, as it is the will of the God from the Bible that decides if Truth Idea can be used.

"...I see. So that is your "will". –So you have picked Sekiryuutei's dream over my ambition."


I found a really cool site. Milanote com. It's like a wall where I can place notes, folders, images. Lines. I can draw. Its so much easier to plan plots and ideas like this. Then to read them out in lines. I have been working on making a folder for DxD: Kiba. This will definitely help out in the future.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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