
DxD: Reborn as Arthur Pendragon

A modern otaku reincarnated in DxD as a descendant of the legendary King Arthur with cheats! The cover isn't mine and I don't own the characters. https://discord.gg/RbSSP6D3Ut

Heartless1190 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Your author here! I rewrote this fic after watching FGO:Camelot movie (Goddess Rhongomyniad <3) and decided to change some things in this fic. So enjoy!


It happened too quickly for me to comprehend what happened.

In one moment, I left the convenience store with dinner in my hands. Then suddenly a truck fell from a building and collided on the ground in front of me, exploding in my face.

And then, I met GOD after I died.

It seems that it was his fault that the truck fell when Jesus was playing Beyblade, so to apologize, GOD offered me a second chance to live and 5 wishes of my choice.

Since I didn't know where I would be reincarnated and didn't want to spend a wish for it, I had to prepare for everything that would come. However, everything that I wished for, GOD didn't nerf or reject them, but only delayed the time I would receive them, which was pretty annoying but it was better than nothing.

First I wished for the Essence of Blank, which basically removed all my limits and made me able to learn things that I shouldn't be able to, like, for example, skills that require bloodline to do it.

Second, I wished for the Essence of the King, which supposedly gave me an infinite amount of stamina and willpower. However, GOD said that it was too much for a newborn child so, instead, it will keep improving my body and only gain the true perks after I reach adulthood, besides it also gives pain immunity.

Third, I wished for a soul bound unbreakable weapon that could destroy the world if I wanted to. Although GOD didn't deny my request, he said that I will get it a few years after I was reborn.

Fourth I wished for Heaven's Feel,for obvious reasons like becoming immortal and infinite mana, but GOD I would only get it after my 18th birthday.

And lastly, I wished for an ability to multiverse travel without any restrictions, and as the same as before, I would only get it on my 18th birthday.

I don't remember what happened after it as I lost my consciousness and woke up as a baby.

Apparently, my name is Arthur Pendragon. I had the same name as the ancestor of our family. And yes, THAT Arthur Pendragon, the one who pulled out the sword of selection out of the stone and the one who beat the ass of everyone in Britannia.

From what I have been told and seen from portraits, I have the same blond hair and green eyes as him. And to be honest, he kinda resembled the Arthur Pendragon from Fate/Prototype.

Then 5 years later, I got a new sister and she was named Le Fay Pendragon. She also has the same blond hair, but her eyes were blue like our mother.

And currently, I am 7 years old and I have been swinging this wooden sword for an hour.

"Your highness!" I heard someone call me and I stopped doing my routine exercise. Turning around, I saw a maid ran up to me and stopped a few meters away.

"It's not good for your highness to do heavy exercises while still young!" She said between heavy breaths.

"It's alright, I am just built different." I said, which earned a sigh from her. So what's all the hurry?"

"Your Majesty has requested your presence." She said.

"Father did?" I raised an eyebrow and Elaine nodded. Normally, father would just call me directly to his office in the mansion and would only send a maid to get me when it was a serious matter.

"Ok, tell father that I will be there in a few minutes." I said and she nodded before walking away.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead and returned to my bedroom to take a quick shower.

Then I went to his office and knocked on the door.

"Enter." I heard my father's voice inside and opened the door.

I opened the door and saw my father sitting on his usual chair and an unknown old man on the sofa.

"I have arrived, father." I said.

"Take a seat, Arthur." He said and I sat on the sofa that was on the opposite side of that man.

"Is this your son, Uther? I can see him looking like our great King Arthur in the future." The man said before bursting into laughter.

"Father, this is…?"

"This is my former mentor, Sir Ector. He is a descendant from the knight who trained our ancestor in his younger days and will also be your mentor from now on."

"Nice to meet ya, kid." He said and extended his hand.

"Nice to meet you too, Sir Ector." I said and shook his hand.

"Good, you may start your training next week," Father said and we both nodded.





After I talked a little more with Sir Ector, I went to the library of our mansion.

There were tons of books that were accumulated generation after generation. Varying from romances, history books, journeys, to magic books, grimoires, some of them were interesting and I managed to learn one spell or two on my own.

And to be honest, they were a pain in the ass to learn, with all the formulas and magic math that I needed to memorize, so it wasn't worth it in my opinion.

Did I ever tell you that I am in DxD? Probably not, but you can probably guess it based on the title of the fanfic.

I learned this months ago when I read a book about the 13 Longinus Sacred Gears, but unfortunately it didn't have any deep descriptions beside their basic information and a little about their abilities.

And because of this, it motivated me to start training earlier even if with the cheats that I would eventually get.

"Bigu Bwoda!" I heard a loud scream coming behind me. Turning my head, I saw my little sister running towards me, almost tripping over herself.

"Be careful, Le Fay." I caught her before she fall on the ground.

Behind her, there were some maids running after her with a worried expression on their faces.

"Your highness!"

"Sorry for causing trouble, your highness." They bowed in apology, but I just waved it off.

"It's fine, it's fine, let me take care of my sister for now." I said as I took Le Fay's hand.

"But your highness…"

"Don't worry, it's also the duty of the elder brother to take care of their younger siblings."

"…Understood, but if your highness need any help we will be near your majesty's room." She said in which I nodded in return.

"So Le Fay, what do you want your big brother to read for you?"

"Pew pew fuoooh boooom!" She exclaimed excitedly while gesturing with her hands.

"Oh, pyro magic related books." We entered the library and I had one of the maids pick the book for me.

Then we sat on the fluffy sofa there and I started reading for her.

Eventually, minutes turned to hours and afternoon became night.

We had dinner after our little reading class and I head to my own bedroom after that.

Laying on the bed, I started planning about the future as usual.

My objective was simple.

Get stronger than anyone and protect what it's dear for me.

Although it may sound cliche, but so what? The moment I was reincarnated here the people here aren't just some characters from an ecchi anime, but real people.

And the threat that some beings of this world pose is also real, but that doesn't mean I will run away from them. Although I would prefer to not meet any of them soon.

Shaking my head over my monologue, I soon fell asleep, but not before I heard an almost inaudible voice.

"…I will be waiting for you…"


It must be the wind.