

freakofntur · Anime et bandes dessinées
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My name is Diodora Astaroth. Heir to the one of 72 devil clan Astaroth. Brother to Satan Ajuka Beelzebub. I was considered genius and was quickly able to learn anything taught to me and even extrapolate that knowledge de drive into deeper truth.

I remember that in orignal serise, my elder brother, Satan Ajuka Beelzebub, was not too close to Diodora. But that was not the case this time around. Perhaps due to my intelligence and curiocity at such thing age, Ajuka could likely relate to me more than he ever did to my fictional counterpart.

Up until I was 4, I had to conceal my exercise as hyperactive behaviour. I would always run around the mansion and only play with the heaviest of toys. Whenever my parents took me to a shop to ask me which toys I wanted, I always choose the heaviest of them and often find ways to turn playing then into strength training. Big toys that were meant to be stationary were used to play catch.

After age 4, I was able to get tutors and trainers for devil martial arts and basic devil energy manipulating (magic). Devil spells were just wishing/willing the effect and inputting enough energy to make it come true. hence manipulating energy was essential in work caring, even for Devils.

Once I was able to cast the simplest of spells, I created a simple calculator spell using my knowledge of basic computing. I didn't have any particular need for the spell. But, Calculator was a simple computer and my ambition is to turn the functions of a modern computer into a spell.

The spell was not perticularly difficult considering my family magic leaned towards logic. The orignal lord Astaroth was a great tactician (logic), in both the battlefield and on political sphere .

Even My brother Satan Ajuka Beelzebub was widely known for his inventions and Kankara Formula (Equation of Military Supremacy) that allowed him to perceive a battlefield as equations to be manipulated.

I was able to show my brother my simple calculator spell and he was impressed that I would create such a spell, simple as it may be, at such a young age. I asked him about human magic, that I had heard, required massive calculations to cast unlike our devil magic. He explained how as Devils we don't need such a thing but admitted that it was interesting how the humans got around their problems with ingenious solutions time and time again.

I was able to convince him to get me some human magic books. I was able to learn more about magic circles and calculations required for non supernatural races to cast them.

By the time I was 5,I was able use this knowledge to create a computer spell. this spell could perform all the tasks of a modern smartphone and more. I could even play games on it, but since I was the only one with the spell, I had to be the one to create those games.

My metaphysical computer still lacked any sort of connectivity due to being only one of its kind. I know that internet exist by now in the human world, but to connect to it, I would need a metaphysical to digital interface. to get something like it, I would need a magical Artefact that I could phisicaly plug into a computer with internet connectivity.

I showed my new spell to my brother as an upgraded version of my orignal calculator spell. This time he was astonished and extremely impressed. I talked to him about the artefact I would need to create to access internet with my soul. He decided that he will teach me Alchemy and enchantment to help me create such an artefact.

Before i could start my lessons with my brother though, we got an invite for Gremory heiress's 3rd birthday. My brother had been there for her earlier birthdays as well, but because of her power of destruction, other children weren't allowed near her without supervision. Just in case she through a particularly destructive tantrum.

Now that she is older (3 years old), she knows not to disintegrate anything or anyone that annoys her. From what I hear, her only friend until now has been the Sitri heiress, and even they were only allowed to meet under adult supervision as a precaution.

I discuss with my brother on an appropriate gift for the birthday girl, and we decided on a simple snow globe, with red/black snow instead of white, to resemble her power of destruction.

I finally get to meet other Devils my age, outside my family. I have had a few birthday parties myself, but it was only a party for adults and teenagers where I had to just stand and smile at everyone, barely making any friends, exception being Sairong Bael who was a teenager right now and a good friend of mine.

Rias Gremory's birthday party was exotic and luxurious. I got to meet a lot of young Devils. I had company of my cousin Latia Astaroth, so I was not too awkward. The adults were busy being adults while is children were left under supervision of some maids. It was pretty easy making friends with Rias and her friends after i gave her, her present.

After that party, my time was spent in training my body and magical energy, while having a lesson every alternate day with my brother for Alchemy and Enchantment. I was able to create an Artefact, in the form of a USB pen drive that was connected to me at all times. I could plug it into any device, and my spell computer will gain access to that device. If that device happens to be connected to the internet, than i will gain access to internet as well.

I even got to spend some supervised time with Rias, Sona, Seekvaira and Latia . Me and Latia has become good friends with the trio and would often entertain them at our homes or be invited to theirs.

I even got to show them some of what I learnt from my brother as we started a project of making mecha, like other kids our age would make Legos.

Seekvaira was already a mecha enthusiast , having inherited the hobby from her father. Rias was already showing her otaku tendencies, shouting COOL/SUGOI every time our mecha did anything other than stand still. Both Sona and Latia were interested in the mechanics and science behind the robot we were building, more that the coolness of it.

Due to my lessons with my brother and my computer spell, the Mechas we create can do so much more than one you find in a shop. our mecha can actually fly and move around. it can even shot Lazers.

All 5 of us together made 5 pillow sized mechas, one for each of us. A Red one for Rias, called Crimson. A dark royal Blue one for Sona, called Azure. A bright sky blue one for Seekvaira, called Sky. A Green one for Latia , called Emerald and finally a White one for Me, called Bones.

All 5 of them can combine into one human sized (7 foot) mecha. We call the combined mecha PRISM.

All of us get closer as we age. I am even able to recreate my achievements from my past life, but with magic this time around. I upgraded the computer spell, into an AI Spell that uses principles of Neuralink to use my own brain and magic power for computing power.

It took me a while year worth of research, but by the time I reached age of 7,I was able to have the AI always be active, passively, without my input. it acted like the AI chip from "Warlock In Magus World" novel.

on my 7th birthday, I finally got my own evil pieces from my brother, after a ritual at the kings monument. It took me a few months after that to imbue my AI spell into my evil pieces. Now whoever joins my page will also get access to a lower version of the AI . I would still have more control of these lesser AI than my peerage members would have, even though it would be inside them .