
DxD Multiversal Gacha System

This isn't an anime anymore. My actions have consequences and those consequences could be lethal. How am i supposed to prevent that future when everything i do seems to push it closer.

Ashtin_Pratt · Anime et bandes dessinées
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56 Chs

A New Club and A Pervert?

Akeno Himejima

Sexy closet Masochist

Devoted Queen

Half Fallen

Ara ara my little Rias is growing up it seems. Ever Since that convention last Saturday she's been in a stupor ever since. Even on our way into school she's still dazing into space. "Is everything alright Rias"I question my king.

"Tell me Akeno do you believe to accompany your loved one to death is the ultimate show of love?"

What a very peculiar question what brought this on? "A penny for your thoughts Rias?"

"I read and reread Naruto so many times and Minato and Kushina's death always hurt. What if their world was real and not just made believe and somehow Kushina and Minato's love followed them even into their next life."

I can see her cheeks flushing and it takes every ounce of face strength to stop my smirk from turning into a sadistic grin. "Sounds to me like my little Rias is in love. Oh Poor me one little crush and you're ready to throw me away" I tease.

Immediately her face shades to match her hair as she stumbles to correct me.

"Now Now Akeno no teasing Rias-sama" spoke Kiba the voice of reason "Sona has already set up our club room and even made it so our classes aren't too far apart so let's hurry up inside so we're not late. Koneko is still waiting in the OR room."

Feeling a little dejected as I watch Rias' face turn her normal shade I feel a bit mischievous as I walk past her "Rias-samaaaa if you don't hurry with this mystery love of yours then I might just snatch him away." Teasing Rias is so easy because she doesn't have a poker face at all. Every single one of her emotions show like you're watching a 3-D movie. It doesn't get better than this.

Hibari Kyouya

Certified Phoenix

Certified Badass in Training

Certified Student

Walking into campus the first thing I think is 'Damn it's a shame this place is a battlefield like 80% of the time. The second thing I noticed was the smell. The smell of 2,000 women all who just finished their morning shower, lingering on everything. It was nice, the only thing that smells better is CZ, damn that girl is an amazing cuddler. Taking a left at the 3rd hallway im currently on my way to the Student Council room to finalize my paperwork.

Sona shouldn't be president yet because I've confirmed this is their first year in Kuoh. Too bad after this 1 year of peace everything's gonna go to gear 11 real fast. Knocking on the door I hear a somewhat familiar voice telling me to enter and man am I surprised by how efficient she is.

"Well well if it isn't Ms. Shitori" I quip, thoroughly enjoying her head whip into my direction as her eyes swell open. Looking around the room I only see 2 other people Tsubaki Shinra and Momo Hanakai. Geez she sure works fast and efficient.

"What are you doing here Kyouya" questions the girl with a slight blush on her face. I notice the way she addressed me, with a raised eyebrow, but I let it slide to not cause a commotion.

"I'm a new student and they told me to come here to pick up my schedule and ask any questions I might have. So here's 1 question, what do I need to start a club?"

"What kind of club are you referring to" she asks very interested in my extracurriculars.

"I plan on starting a disciplinary committee. With this school going Co-ed this year having a male to police the others would make all the current students feel way more at ease" I reason.

"hmmm" she hums as she gets into a thinking posture for a few minutes before opening her eyes and sighing "very well you need at least 3 members to start a club and you can use the old building behind the old school pool. It might need a few renovations but just take a look at it and tell me what you need, I'll do my best to procure them using school allotted funding.

Taking a bow I turn around to leave but I can't help taking one more turn to face her again as I pull out a Black King piece and hold it in the air "Don't forget Ms. Shitori, im waiting for you."

I see her smirk as she pulls out a matching white King Piece and places it on her desk. I smirk and exit the room. Damn I think im actually starting to like her a bit. Only time can tell.

Aureole Omega

The Immortal Human

The Eldest of 7 sisters

This school place is huge. Master left me by these so called shoe lockers as he went to go grab our schedules. So many people moving around back and forth and all these hormones in the air is making my head hurt.

"Ano~ are you okay" asks a cute brunette with green eyes "if you have a headache the nurse's room is just this way.

"Im fine just overwhelmed by all the noise for a bit."

"First time in a big school" she asks curiously.

"You can say that," I retort not giving a concrete answer like how Hibari-sama told us to do. Giving her a once over I can see that she really has a decent body and isn't faking her generosity. Hmm I like her she could be useful.

"Im Aika Kiryuu" she smiles with a big grin that's almost contagious as she holds a hand out.

"Aureole, Aureole Omega" I grip her hand and can't help but feel shocked at the fact there's some unknown energy laying dormant in her. Interesting, Aika Kiryuu you just get more and more interesting. "I hope we end up in the same class."

"Likewise Omega-san" but before we can continue I hear my lovely master's voice calling my name. Not even 10 seconds later he walks around the corner with a stack of papers in his hands.

"so big" I hear Aika whisper under her breath as her chest starts moving up and down signifying her heavy breathing. Following her direct line of sight to my Master's glorious package I couldn't help the grin on my face. Yup very interesting indeed.