
DxD: Infernal Destroyer

Abaddon Bael, the eldest son of the lord of house Bael and twin of Sairaorg Bael, was born with the power of destruction at his fingertips. He was born in the center of a political maelstrom within the Underworld as his existence meant a lot of things. How will he survive in this dark world that’s full of conspiracies and betrayal? How will his existence affect the course of this huge and complicated world? ============================================= MC is a normal devil with the power of destruction. No plot knowledge and no bullshit cheats. Just overpowered, though it’s a gradual growth as he isn’t instantly the strongest of all worlds. Also slight AU, I guess. Also, I'm gonna be going slowly and developing the characters in this one, adding some slice of life to the story along with some fun action. If you’ve read my other works, you know that I write quite a bit of R-18 in my content. And DXD is a story ripe to be milked when it comes to that kind of content (Not a pun). I hope this is a fun ride. ============================================= I'm open to criticism so lay it on me if you have any genuine problem. Join my discord, you can give me suggestions and communicate with me regularly to get updates. https://discord.gg/c3kCBE32vn If you want to support me check out my Patréon. I post advanced chapters of the story on my Patreon along with some exclusive R-18 scenes. Check it out! www.patreon.com/addyctive ============================================= Also, none of the art is mine. I got it from Reddit. If the creator sees this and wants credit or wants me to take it down, just let me know. This is purely a work of fan fiction. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the characters.

Addyctive7 · Anime et bandes dessinées
Pas assez d’évaluations
140 Chs

DXD 0002: Offer

"So this is where they are…" He muttered as he looked at the entrance of Kuoh Academy. The bell had just rung a few minutes ago and a lot of people were walking out of the school.

'Why are the majority of them women?' He thought as he saw mostly women leaving the school. Soon, he saw some commotion and looked over. He saw three boys being chased by 10 girls who were calling them perverts.

'Weird fucking place…' With that thought, he walked into the school while flaring his demonic power that had traces of his Power of Destruction so that both of the heiresses would know that he was there. He wasn't interested in being subtle about his presence. Also, it was too troublesome to look around the school for them when he had this option.

Soon, he noticed some varied auras of demonic power that were coming from around the school and realized that the girls were mobilizing their respective Peerages. 'How slow… That's why I don't bother getting a Peerage.' He thought.

A few seconds later, there was the flash of a red magic circle in front of him, and around 10 to 15 people teleported while standing in two groups. They were all battle ready as they looked toward him with hostile expressions.

"Hi, cousin! Heir Sitri," He greeted them with a cheerful wave, pretending that he hadn't just sent them into full-blown panic. 'Doesn't Rias have the Power of Destruction? She should've noticed my trace… dumbfuck…' He thought.

"Black hair, purple eyes…" Sona muttered under her breath, "Heir Bael. Greetings," Sona greeted him with a light bow. At the same time, "Hi cousin…" Rias said with a hesitant wave and a wry smile on her face.

"Hi, girls. Are these your Peerages?" He asked and they both nodded. "Interesting…" He commented but didn't say anything more. They were all pathetically weak and he didn't care much for them.

'Though I understand what he meant by they'll be of use for me…' He quickly noticed both perks that were mentioned by his Ancestor. Sona's peerage had already taken a tactically advantageous position as they were ready for his assault and Rias's peerage looked like they were willing to give up their lives for her. Neither of those was going to stand a chance against his absolute power, but it's the intent that counts.

"What are you doing here?" Rias asked. She was more familiar with him so she was the one to initiate a casual conversation. He shrugged his shoulders, "Dad sent me. He wants me to socialize more." He said. His ancestor's existence was something of an open secret among the upper echelons of devils. But they weren't privy to that open secret yet.

"You do have a shit image in the community with your habit of wrecking your opponents' teams and then leaving without saying a word…" She said with a light laugh.

"It's too troublesome to do so much work… I won right? What more do they want from me… So annoying." He almost whined.

"Would you like to come in?" She invited him in. He said, "Well, considering that I'm staying here for the foreseeable future, I think a place to stay would be good. I'd rather not sleep on the pavement."

"I think if that happened, Uncle Zagan would wipe out Kuoh from the map." She said with a light joking tone. "Come on." She turned to her peerage, "Akeno, could you prepare the room next to mine for Abaddon?" She asked her Queen.

"Fufu, of course, Buchou." She said and disappeared with a teleportation circle.

"She's got nice energy control…" He commented. Rias replied to him, "She uses the lightning element, so energy control is kind of necessary…"

"I see. Heir Sitri…" He looked at Sona who was absently looking at him for the past few seconds. "Yeah?" Sona snapped out of it and looked at him with a light blush.

He had a light smile on his face as he said to her, "My deepest regrets for disturbing you like this. I was just messing around with Rias. I hope you don't mind. I don't know this area so I hope you would take me to look around sometime…" He trailed off questioningly.

He felt a light pinch from Rias who told him telepathically, [Don't flirt with my best friend.] He ignored her and kept looking at Sona whose face had tints of very prominent red as she realized that he was asking her out on a date.

"Sure, I don't mind. I'll take you to look around tomorrow after school. You should get settled till then…" She said mechanically before casting a magic circle and disappearing, along with her peerage.

"You seem to be having fun," Rias said dryly as he turned to look at her. He shrugged, "She's the one with a light crush on me. I just gave her the opportunity."

"Whatever, this is Koneko, and this is Kiba," She introduced the only other members of her peerage for now.

"He looks like a reincarnated human, does he have a Sacred Gear?" He asked about Kiba. "Sword Birth," Rias stated. "Nice. And I can't identify her…" He looked at Koneko with an inquisitive gaze.

She got scared and hid behind Rias as she saw him looking at her weirdly. "Don't bully my rook." Rias held Koneko protectively behind her.

"Fine fine, I was just curious. I'm sorry, Koneko. I didn't mean to weird you out." He smiled. Koneko huffed and looked away.

[Get her some snacks, she likes chocolates.] Rias said to him telepathically. She was happy that he wasn't being an asshole and was talking to her Peerage like equals. He was an extremely prideful person and usually looked down on the world, so this was a breath of fresh air for Rias.

"Cute…" He put his hand on her head and rubbed it a few times before pulling away as Koneko swatted his hand away. Seeing the tinge of red on her face, he chuckled as he saw her glare at him.

"Let's go. Or else you're going to bully poor Koneko to tears…" Rias said and grabbed his hand, pulling him to the school building. "You both can get back to your stuff." She told Koneko and Kiba.

"We could just teleport." He suggested. "Then I wouldn't be able to show you around the school that you'll be going to from tomorrow." She smirked. "I'm going to go to school?" He asked, suddenly dreading his stay here.

"Not really, just show your face every once in a while. Gives you an identity." She shrugged. She herself didn't attend any classes.

"Works." He agreed, "Doesn't seem that troublesome."

"Lazy…" Rias snorted.

"Do you want to learn how to use The Power of Destruction better?" He dangled a carrot in front of her.

"You'll teach me?" She perked up.

"Sure, why not. But I'll lord it over you every living moment of the rest of your life." He said with a smirk.

"I don't care. I'll agree to any condition. Just teach me. Sirzechs doesn't have any time so if you'll teach me, I'll be so so grateful…" She said so hurriedly that he was surprised at her desperation.

"What's wrong?" He asked. He'd realized that she was too desperate to get stronger. "Nothing." She shrugged him off. "I won't ask a second time, Rias." He said, his voice laced with his Power of Destruction, giving his voice a depth that only his ancestor had.

Rias felt compelled to answer him as she sighed and said, "It's a bit of an open secret, It'll be publicized soon anyway. I'm engaged… And I don't want to marry the fucker. It's all going to boil down to a rating game in the end." She sighed as she told him. "Who is it?" He asked, irritated that his beautiful redheaded cousin was being forced to marry someone.

"Riser Phenex." She said only to see a torrent of destruction energy bubble out of him for a moment. That single moment had her legs shaking as she felt the sheer power that was contained in him.

'He's my age…' She thought in disbelief. Although she'd seen Sirzechs' power and it was many times stronger than Abaddon's, he was the Maou, one of the four Satans who had lived for hundreds of years. On the other hand, Abaddon was the same age as her.

"What imbecile decided to sell you off to that man-whore?" He asked with annoyance, containing his fury within that instant. He didn't want to destroy the school.

"My father…" She said, a tinge of annoyance slipping into her tone.

"Of course." He rolled his eyes.

"Do you want to beat him yourself? Or do you want me to beat him for you?" He gave her two options, "You're not becoming another name in that flaming chicken's huge lineup of whores. Either I set up a rating game with him in the next month and destroy him to the point that his regeneration is negated, or I train you to get stronger. Which do you want?" He asked calmly.

Instead of answering impulsively, Rias discussed the scenario with him first, "I estimate that I have about 6 months before he starts pressuring my brother, then he'll be able to hold off for about 3 more months. Can you train me in 9 months?" She asked, not confident in herself, but also wanting to beat him herself.

"9 months can create a human life, this is nothing. I'll train you to the point that you'll be able to destroy him." He said confidently. "And if not, I'll just tell him to fight me instead."

"Really?! Thank you so much!" She jumped up with an ecstatic expression and hugged him tightly, burying her face in his neck. He naturally wrapped his arms around her waist with a light smile.


Every power stone matters. Please vote for this book, thank you!

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