
DxD: I Like Orange

When God created the world, He didn't plan for anything to be really Orange besides the Fruit... But hey! Even my God can't create everything so perfect, right? Paint everything orange....... Starting with the nobility of a certain Redhead... . . . . . . . . . . . Traslation

William777 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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44 Chs

Chapter 022

I accepted

But on one condition

I will not take my brother's life

He will be able to grow up to escape the curse

If Sasuke can live

The Uchihas will know death

At this point, Rias forgot to be surprised... She just wanted to know the continuation of the song.... What would have happened to Naruto? Or would it be someone else? Wasn't "Sasuke" the person he had cited when he made a false introduction? Was he the brother of this "Sasuke"? Or was this someone else's story? It made sense, since the room had many drawings and paintings by people other than the blonde.

Akeno by his side, just listened carefully to everything.

On a dark night

I killed my clan families one by one

Lifeless bodies lying on the street

Moonlit traitor ninja

I took my parents' lives

This will always be the biggest trauma

They say they understand my reasons

It didn't stop my tears from falling

My brother will never believe

But know that it was for love

You will grow up to hate and want to kill me

And it brings me pain

And one day he will take revenge

And for me, it will be a favor

For finally erasing me

Of my world so colorless

The crow flew through red clouds

I joined Akatsuki

Sasuke, if you ever hear

This lamentation here

I just wanted to ask Onii-chan, I'm sorry....

I feel this pain

That I caused in my past

I do not have love

I became a renegade

To have Sasuke's forgiveness

I think it's already too late

For me

Uchiha Itachi

I feel this pain

That I caused in my past

I do not have love

To have Sasuke's forgiveness

I think it's already too late

For me

Uchiha Itachi

When the music stopped, Rias didn't know what to say or do... She simply stood there, feeling a lump in her throat... Even Akeno had a conflicted expression in her eyes. They knew that Naruto was not the person mentioned in the song... But it seemed to be someone very close to him. And even if it wasn't, it was all just a song... The lyrics were still strong and painful.

Both of them didn't know if they would have the courage to do what this "Uchiha Itachi" did... Kill their entire clan? Kill your parents? Friends and family...? To save your village from a rebellion?

Rias couldn't help but put herself in that same spot...

If her brother, the Lucifer of Hell, decided to destroy the Underworld and her parents supported him... Would she have the courage to do what Uchiha Itachi did? family for her life... Would she have for the lives of others?

What... What did you think? Naruto's voice - sounded a little later. She seemed a little slurred, as if he had something stuck in his throat. Was the music good? Worthy of a hero?

Rias couldn't help but get caught up in the moment, wondering about all the pain that song caused. She could, for a second, feel a millionth of what that person mentioned felt... And that hurt.

The redhead searched for the voice in her throat, realizing that it had been a long time since the blonde's question.

It was good. - Rias replied, after a while. Not knowing what to answer... She was very conflicted. On the one hand, she felt that Itachi was a monster and on the other... That he did the right thing. Did you... meet him? Uchiha Itachi, the person in the song? Did you meet him?

Few times. Naruto replied, understanding what she was getting at: If Uchiha Itachi was someone important to him or just a legend, a story that was told and people passed on.

- So it is true? - Rias asked. Did he really kill his entire Clan? She was silent, knowing the answer was yes. But why? Why did he do it? Was there no other. way?

Naruto stared at her, before sighing.

- Rias... It was a violent world, where you could never show weakness, where even your allies were your enemies. Naruto explained. Since we were little, we grew up learning that our village is our home and our family, no matter our blood relatives or anyone else who came... Konoha, it was our home and the most important thing we had, because from it came the Will of Fire and in us it burned like a flame.

Rias didn't know what Konoha was, but she imagined it was the Vila da Folha mentioned in the song. In what world was his city more important than his family?

- But... Sacrificing your entire family... Your life... Your happiness... - Rias grimaced, she had no words.

That's why I didn't want to tell you anything about my past, Rias. Naruto said calmly. But I - needed a third opinion about the song... I spent the whole night writing and rewriting it. I wanted it to be worthy of the hero Itachi was.

Rias stared at him, before giving an answer.

She wasn't worthy of a hero. - She said decisively. Because Itachi wasn't a hero.

Naruto wasn't too surprised, he just smiled, before turning to Akeno.

-And you, Akeno? What do you think about? - He asked.






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