When God created the world, He didn't plan for anything to be really Orange besides the Fruit... But hey! Even my God can't create everything so perfect, right? Paint everything orange....... Starting with the nobility of a certain Redhead... . . . . . . . . . . . Traslation
In fact... If you looked closely at the scene, you would realize that one wanted to kill the other, but that they controlled each other tightly.
Their bright eyes like sharp knives, their trembling fingers and the "excited" way they spoke were clear signs.
Rias laughed proudly... She had managed to make them stop fighting... At least for now and by force! But she did it and that's what matters.
Well, I think it would please everyone to know why you are dressed as a shark, Naruto-kun. - Rias asked, smiling at the strange boy. She couldn't help but feel that his addition to his peerage was simply fantastic.
He had some skills, incredible willpower and
admirable charisma. While he didn't seem to be really
"friends" with Kiba, Koneko, or Issei, he got along well
with everyone. And she herself, well... She seemed to
be the closest to him, actually, except for Akeno. Rias
was still sure that they would both date, from the
looks of them.
Anyway, Naruto was someone easy to talk to, who seemed to be on top of all matters, as well as being very intelligent. He was at least fun to be around, especially for someone who had a head full of problems to begin with.
Biology work. He smiled, before making a face. But it didn't work out very well and they gave me zero, seriously! Can you believe? It was simply an incredible job!
- I think singing "Baby Shark Doo Doo" is not a good Biology assignment. - Akeno said, making Naruto give her a sour look, but seeing Rias' serious look at him, he froze in a deadlock.
Then he sighed.
-I did my best... AA... Akeno-chan. Your heart bled having to say that.
Rias waved, happy and proud, while Akeno smiled amusedly at his manner.
-I see. She said. - Anyway, let's get back to the subject of the meeting, shall we? Buchou?
- Oh yes. Rias pulled out some papers. Well, - today we have the first job with the new members: Kill a Stray Devil.
Stray devil? Naruto raised an eyebrow.
- A devil who killed his master and fled, or who broke the contract between them. Rias tilted her head. This one killed his master.
- Doesn't that mean she's strong? Like... If she killed her master. Issei said, a little afraid of saying nonsense.
Ise-kun, not all devils are strong and train for this. Rias shrugged. Some just enjoy life and their weakness. Which was the case with this one.
Oh yes. The boy nodded.
- In fact, we're going to do this work so you can get a sense of a fight between devils and your own powers. - Rias said calmly. - Ise-kun, how is your sacred gear? Any changes or improvements?
The boy scratched the back of his head, embarrassed.
- Oh, no... Same thing. He said, pulling his arm and showing the huge red gauntlet with details in yellow and green, like jewels. - B-But I followed your advice and I'm increasing my power quickly!
- That is good! Keep trying! - She smiled, before turning her attention to Naruto. - And you, Naruto-kun?
Hm... Me? He shrugged. Well, my Chakra - - reserves are still low... And the mixture of demonic power has made it very... Volatile, it's difficult to control, but I'm making progress. I've already recovered some techniques, actually... But the most destructible ones haven't yet.
Rias nodded.
- Can you demonstrate some? - She asked.
- Clear! - The blonde stood up. - I'll start with the simplest ones. He made the simple finger sign. Henge! - To everyone's surprise, he transformed into Rias.
- Wha! H-He turned into Buchou! - Issei shouted in fear.
- Ah... Interesting. The original redhead got up and started walking around him. It's a perfect appearance transformation, well... Except for the magical reserves, but everything is the same. -His hands groped Naruto/Rias' ass.
H-Hey! He shouted, covering his ass, only for Redhead to touch her huge breasts. - Wha! R-Rias stop harassing me!
-... Perverts. - Koneko murmured, squinting her eyes, before turning her attention to her own small breasts. They would grow up, wouldn't they?
Yuuto at her side just gently stroked her hair, who continued to pout.
Akeno laughed pervertedly.
-If you molest yourself, you mean, don't you? - The brunette asked.
Rias let out a light laugh and a wink.
- It's nothing like that... Just testing if it's real. - She commented. But I didn't know my ass was so hard She squeezed again.
H-Hey! Rias you have your own ass! He complained. And look at Issei! The poor guy almost died from bleeding so much... - Naruto pointed to the boy, lying on his back on the sofa with a happy smile on his face covered in blood.
- Okay! - The redhead gave one last slap, to the embarrassment of Rias/Naruto who already had the same color as Rias's hair. - Continues!
Right! He then made another seal and a clone of him, or rather transformed into Rias, appeared next to him.
Hi! The clone waved, but the nobility was surprised.
- This is Kage Bushin, I transform my chakra into a real and solid clone that transfers my memories after dying... He can even eat and bleed, but usually one strong blow and he disappears. explained, before preparing to undo the clone. - Naruto
W-Wait, boss! The clone asked. L-Let me enjoy my big tits! - He said, before starting to squeeze his own breasts.
Rias blushed.
-H-Hey! Stop harassing me! -She said, getting up and forcing the clone to stop, when she saw that he wouldn't go. Then she gave him a hard blow to the head, which disappeared in smoke. - R-Okay, show me the others... And go back to normal!
Naruto/Rias pouted, before going back to just being Naruto.
Hm... There's Karawimi! He said, suddenly disappearing from where he was and Rias's chair appearing in its place.
The redhead blinked in surprise.
Ah... A change of places? - Rias asked, receiving a nod from the blonde. - Anymore?
- Yes! The latest technique and my masterpiece! - He said, proudly, before pouting. Actually, from my father... But I perfected it.
- Could you show us? - Rias asked.
- It's the one I made the day you woke me up all naked. The girl's face fell.
- Is that what you remember? She asked, half down, receiving a nod from the blonde.
Yes, I still dream about that, Rias-chan! He gave such a happy smile that the redhead doubted there was any malice there, but she was sure there was. - Anyway, this is the Rasengan. - He spoke, forming a blue/purple ball of chakra that rotated quickly, seeming to gather the surrounding air in its center. She is an incredible technician!
Hm... Weird way of using chakra. - Koneko commented.
- Ah... Do you use chakra differently? - Naruto blinked. - As?
Koneko stared at him, before looking away, leaving him empty.
The blonde pouted again.
Anyway, it doesn't seem like a very strong technique to me. - Akeno said, smiling. Maybe your techniques...
His words died in his mouth, as he saw the blonde glue the sphere to the wall that immediately shattered and burst outwards, completely destroying his existence... It wasn't just a part, it was the entire thing!
H-HEY! S-Senpai! Be careful with that! - Issei said scared, as he now looked at the much more visible landscape of the school.
Strong... - Rias murmured, half thoughtfully, a sparkle in her eyes.
Koneko just watched the event with the same look, while Yuuto just admired the destruction.
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