
DxD: I got Isekai’d In Ecchi girls World

A 16 year boy who is just in hospital youth to enjoy the outside world just happen to chosen by an god where in japan it is hailed as a Almighty Isekai Transfer God. And this 16 year old shin boy was chosen by him to just isekai’d in DxD pr you can call its alternate name Ecchi world. Well lets see how he will survive and live his new life with all the knowledge of world amd cannon. Want to know well you have to add this book to you library and read it.

Vengeance9578 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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80 Chs

Chapter 67 Sirzechs looked to Shin and Riser.

He heard Akeno saying something to him, but ignored it, too focused on what he was about to do. His confident strides to the front garnered a lot of attention, eyes following him the whole way up. People, recognizing he was about to do something, made a path for him to the front, the hall suddenly becoming silent.

Making it to the front, looking up to Riser, he smiled. "Fantastic introduction Riser, really I mean that. Sadly, however, I can't allow this engagement to happen." Shin said simply, making Riser scoff.

"What you can and can't allow happening is irrelevant. Your a low-class devil just barely out of diapers. Your opinion is irrelevant. You have no grounds for anything, and if you would like to continue living, I would suggest you go sit back down and keep your mouth shut for the rest of this party." Riser said. Sure, Riser liked Shin, he was a cool guy, however, Shin was ignorant of the way devil society worked.

Or so he thought at least. "That's where your wrong Riser, I can stop this engagement," Shin stated, not arrogantly, not confident, but knowing. Just the tone of his voice alone, speaking as if he had already won, garnered the interest of everyone there.

Riser, rising up to the bait due to his pride, couldn't help but ask. "Oh really? On what grounds?" Riser asked with a smirk on his face.

Shin smirked, hiding his nervousness. What he says next is a very risky play, and he is counting on the old traditions of the devil elders for this to work. "On the grounds that I slept with the bride." Just like that, the room became silent. However, Shin wasn't done yet. "You see, I knew she was engaged, hell I even knew she was engaged to you. The truth is, I just didn't care." Shin said, purposefully sounding as prattish as he possibly could.

Riser scowled. He may not be the smartest of people, however, he knew what Shin's aim was, and honestly, it was smart. Shin trapped him with no way out. If he refused to do anything in this situation it would tarnish his reputation as everyone would believe he didn't care if his significant others cheated on him or slept with other people. Not only that, but according to the old fashion of the devil elders, it was his duty to preserve her honor. If he refused to do so in this situation would be a great insult to the Gremory family and would not only bring him down but his entire family as well.

Although it was also true that this action would tarnish Shin's reputation as well, the fact of the matter is that the elders are already prejudiced against Shin for being a reincarnated devil. Their view of Shin was already low and nothing would change that. So, what was there to lose from making someone hate you that already hates you? Riser had to take back his earlier statement of how Shin didn't understand how the devil world worked. It would seem he understood exactly how it worked, he just didn't care. There was a certain amount of respect to that, even though it was enormously stupid.

Now, the obvious solution to this problem would just be to beat Shin down, however, it wasn't that simple. He couldn't just beat him down in this instance. In the eyes of the elders, that would be an unseemly thing for a pureblood thing to do, especially one from one of the more prestigious houses. He was expected to handle this matter in a more etiquette manner, and there was only one way to do that.

Staring at Shin's smirking face, Riser had to suppress a chuckle at the situation Shin has put him in. Even though every cell of his existence was screaming at him to beat him down for the humiliation Shin caused him, he knew he couldn't, not with the current audience here.

Sirzechs, who was standing off to the side, saw his opportunity to turn this into a direction he wanted, and stepped forward, grabbing everyone's attention.

There was a number of people half expecting Sirzechs to smite Shin where he stood for what he said about Rias, however that never happened. "May I offer a solution to this predicament?" Sirzechs asked, however, everyone there knew he wasn't asking for permission. No, the king of the devils doesn't ask for permission, he was telling them what would happen. "How about a duel, to settle these matters. Whoever wins gets whatever they want from the other. Fair?" Sirzechs looked to Shin and Riser.

Riser scoffed at that. "Ha! Don't make me laugh! What could a low-class devil-like himself possibly have to offer me? A high-class devil from one of the most prestigious pillars in all of devil society." Riser's arrogance shown through once again.

Shin chuckled. He had to admit, Riser had a point, what could Shin possibly have that Riser didn't. "My sacred gear," Shin stated loud enough for everyone to hear, shocking everyone present. "If you win, you can have my sacred gear. Use the sacred gear retraction ritual on me, and then use it for whatever means you want. On yourself, give to one of your peerage members, hell you can trade it for more sex slaves if you want. I really don't care."

To say Shin shocked everyone would be an understatement. "Are you insane? You do realize that ritual would kill you right?" Rias screamed at Shin, forgetting her anger at him for revealing they had sex for a moment. To which Shin just smirked at her.

"Of course I'm aware of that," Shin stated. "So, what do you say Riser? I'll bet a sacred gear of gold against your soul 'cause I think I'm better than you." And just like that, most people in the room deadpanned at Shin. Shin looked around, seeing most people looking at him like he was an idiot. "What? It's a classic!" Shin stated.

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