
Chapter 1 - Riaseption

The more groping Akeno received from the guests of the ceremonies, the more she recalls her days as a member of the Himejima clan, long before she became the dominant devil who took sick pleasure out of watching the pain of others. Sure, there was no pain coming from the hands that groped her, nor the finger that jams itself up her butt at least once, but she felt the pain of her friend Rias as she is escorted to the wedding cake by her new husband, Riser Phenex. The trio had just finished dinner, or rather were told they were finished per Phenex's orders, and now the more traditional matters of the reception were about to being. Riser allows their leashes to drop, knowing despite the fact they could try and fight their way out at any time, they weren't going to, for whatever reason they had in their heads for the logic to make sense. As the guards push Akeno and Koneko off to the side, Rias is placed close to the cake as it's set up by the servers.

Rias is brought to her knees by the Head of Phenex, the guests that aren't groping Koneko or Akeno watching on as the groom cuts into his cake, the crimson haired devil watching as he cuts and pulls a slice out for her to eat. "And now," Riser says loudly to his guests, "Riser shall let his lovely bride have the first cake." After placing the slice onto a plate, the blonde demon takes another look at the cake before his gaze shifts to Rias, his lips curling into a smile. "It seems the baker may not have put enough icing atop this cake. Riser will forgive the baker for this misdeed as the ceremony was rather spontaneous." he says. "But Riser does believe that his bride deserves the creamiest of cakes, don't you agree?"

"I have no concern for the cake, Riser." Rias replies, rolling her eyes at her new husband. "I can eat it as is perfectly fine."

The Head of Phenex shakes his head, maintaining his grin. "Nonsense," he says to her, "my bride deserves the best icing the underworld has to offer, and I intend to deliver on that. Observe!"

"Does he think we don't see what he's doing?" She of course takes note of the fact that Riser's shaft still dangles from his fly, having used it on the three girls for his pleasure just moments ago.

"Oh sure, Rias totally gets it," Akeno pants, one of the male guests massaging his cock between her thighs as it rides against her pussy, "But you know she's not exactly up for caring right now either!"

Not surprising to her after what she had gone through moments before, Rias watches as the cake is placed under Riser's cock, the husband giving himself a quick tug with heavy breath. The former Head of Gremory leers, knowing what the demon was doing, but watches on regardless, knowing even if she were to refuse the cake, he was bound to make her eat it anyway.

Moments pass before Riser sighs, a smug expression remaining on his lips. "It seems that Riser is having a little trouble." he says, placing the slice of cake back on the table. "Perhaps my new bride would like to assist him in serving up the icing?"

Rias's eyes look at Riser's cock as the Head of Phenex steps towards her, pushing the rod close to her face. With her eyes closed, Rias cranes her neck into her husband's pelvic region, her lips wrapping around the head of his cock and pushing towards his hips. Even with her eyes shut could her friends see the disapproval she had in doing the act, impressed by her demeanor to continue forward with the blowjob. The guests are amused by the way that Rias grunts as she pushes forward, her lips making their way around the rod as Riser lets a happy sigh escape his mouth.

"Yes, Riser sees and feels just how badly you want that icing." he muses, petting Rias's crimson hair. The Head of Gremory leers at him, not taking to his words at all. But she continues to please the cock regardless of its owner, bobbing her head along the flesh.

Koneko and Akeno continue to watch on, wondering what thoughts are going on through their friend's head. The nekomata grunts as a tall guest is trying to rub his rod between her ass cheeks, while the former queen has her breasts suckled on. Akeno winced, not comfortable with the way she was being sucked on.

"Seriously, what part of you're too tall for me aren't you getting?" asks Koneko.

"Quiet down, shorty!" shouts the tall man, who manages to slap his palm into the white haired girl's ass, infuriating Koneko. She continues to stare on at Rias, fighting the urge to give him a well deserved beating.

Meanwhile, their crimson haired friend continues to bob away at Riser's shaft, the blonde devil's grunts growing louder. Rias knew from that he was getting closer to climax. Breathing through her nostrils Rias does her best to boost her efforts on the cock, even pushing her tongue into the underside for better effect. Even as she knows he's about to burst, Riser somehow maintains that cocky smile on his face, know that he wins no matter what. The things she could say to him if her mouth wasn't full, Rias thinks to herself…

Without warning, Riser pushes Rias away from his crotch, grabbing the slice of cake in one hand and his shaft with the other. Furiously the Head of Phenex strokes himself, letting out a happy roar of pleasure when his semen blasts from his slit, splashing out onto the wedding cake slice. The crimson haired devil watches in awe, amazed at how much he was cumming onto the cake, nearly coating the slice in his seed.

When he completes his orgasm, Riser brushes his hair back into place, holding the plate out to Rias as she remains kneeling. "For you, my bride."

"How many more traditions of marriage are you intending to defile, Riser?" Rias asks, wiping a string of saliva from her chin.

"Maybe just one more." Riser laughs, pushing the plate into Rias's face. "Now go ahead, my bride, eat up. But remember, no hands."

Rias grumbles as she stares at Riser, then looking at her friends to see that they were a bit busy themselves, still being groped and played with by the other guests. There is no way out of this, she deduces, so she might as well play it up. Without further hesitation, Rias reaches her neck out to the plate, chomping down on a big bite of the cum covered cake. Koneko and Akeno watch on in awe as their crimson haired friend, surprisingly, takes another bite from the cake. The guests take note of this as well, many of them gossiping about the Head of Gremory, one voice heard among them saying "What a shame, the poor groom's bride is a whore."

"Watch your tongue." Koneko says, leering at said guest before feeling her nipple clamp squeezed down on.

"Rias…" Akeno says to herself. "I can't believe she was able to do that…"

"How did it taste, my dear?" Riser asks.

"Not bad, surprisingly." Rias replies with a smirk. "Despite the lack of icing, this cake's flavor overpowers even the taste of your cum."

Riser only responds with a bit of laughter before lightly patting Rias's cheek. "Aren't you adorable, acting quite the joker." Riser says. "But you had better swallow the cake, for we're about to really kick things off with our first dance."

Riser helps Rias to her feet, the crimson haired devil wobbling in her heels before she's dragged to the dance floor. Riser then lifts the crimson haired devil up by her ass cheeks, slowly bringing her down onto his shaft. Rias winces as the rod slides inside her pussy once more, her arms wrapping around his shoulders only for support while Riser leads the 'dance'.

Though obviously this wasn't a dance in the more traditional sense, Riser would somehow manage to dance about as such, the guests impressed with the way he moves while carrying the crimson haired bride about on the makeshift dance floor. The Head of Phenex manages to bounce Rias about on his dick, her hips dropping down onto his shaft while he continues his dance with the Gremory head.

"This is getting into weird territory." Koneko groans, rubbing at her nipples from the clamps.

"You have to admit, he moves quite gracefully with the way they're at it." says an impressed Akeno, herself checking her nipples after how much attention they were getting.

The dance, accompanied by an orchestra, did not last too long, as Riser finds he can't maintain a proper erection with so much movement. He manages to climax inside of Rias's pussy, the crimson haired devil holding on tightly while he does so. She feels his seed fill her up, her teeth clenching while her pussy is flooded. Once he's complete, Riser lets Rias down to her feet, the bride once more hobbling on her heels. Akeno and Koneko are quick to be at their friend's side, helping her maintain balance.

"Hey, are you all right?" Akeno asks. "Like you totally look worn out from that."

"I'm fine." Rias assures her friends. "He didn't do any harm to me."

"And why would Riser do any harm to his lovely bride?" asks a smirking Riser. "There is still so much fun for us to have this evening. We still have a honeymoon to take, of course."

"Oh, a honeymoon?" asks Akeno. "Where we'll be locked away in a room for several days, with nobody to hear your screams as we torture you for just this alone?"

"Save it for later, Akeno." Rias says before turning attention back to Riser. "We'll go when you're ready."

"Fantastic! Riser is ready now to begin the honeymoon. He will take you to his room at once." Riser says, the guards bringing the brides close together for him to reach their leashes at once. As he tugs the girls towards him, Riser addresses the crowd by saying to his guests, "Riser and his brides will be off to consummate their wedding vows! May you all enjoy the reception as we do so!"


Before the guests had gathered onto the makeshift dance floor, Riser and his brides disappeared in a column of fire, teleporting from the ballroom to his bedroom. He approaches Rias and her friends, removing the chain leashes from their collars. "Alone at last." he says with a smile.

"Really? Like that matters all of a sudden, d-bag?" asks a tranquil Koneko. "You just tried to humiliate us in front of all our guests, and you're finally ready to do the same thing in private?"

"Riser had to see just how willing you were to be his brides." he admits. "The fact you took all of that like professional ladies. And Riser thinks that ladies should be properly rewarded." His hand reaches for his cock, giving it another stroke as it slowly rises to full erection once more. Rias sighs to herself, eyes shut as she hangs her head, only to be interrupted by the sounds of her team's queen.

"Yawn, what a total load." Akeno yawns. "So you're ready to stick your dick in us, whoop-de-doo. We can get it over with already if you just want it like that."

"Akeno..." Rias says, watching her friend smile.

"Hey, no big deal. Let him see what we're made of, right?" replies Akeno before she crawls onto the bed.

"Akeno, the hell are you doing?" asks an annoyed Koneko.

"What, he still thinks he has the stamina to fuck us sideways? He can totally try it if he wants." Akeno says, giving the Head of Phenex a jiggle of her rear end. "You already got in from the rear, right hubby dub? Let's see how you handle me without a surprise approach."

"Yes, my lady." Riser grins. "Riser will certainly be glad to rise to your occasion."

"...was that a pun? Was that even intentional?" Koneko asks, continuing to be frustrated by everything right now.

"Let it be, Koneko." Rias says in quiet assurance. "We'll manage our way through this.

Riser approaches Akeno's behind, placing his hand over her ass as he rubs his shaft down her crack. He then injects his rod inside of Akeno, making the devil moan from penetration. "Oooh, that feels nice." Akeno teases. "It's not as rough as it was in my ass, but it's not as big as I thought it was in the first place. Maybe try growing a bit more for the next girl's first time."

"Riser knows all too well that it's not the size that matters, but how you use it!" Riser grunts, thrusting into Akeno's backside. "Allow Riser to show you what he means."

Riser pounds harder into Akeno's ass, the female devil breathing heavier as the Head of Phenex now grabs her breasts, pulling them back to bring her upper body off the bed and her back against his chest. Akeno continues to wear a happy smile, her pussy already wet from the experience. "Oooh, yeah, you're totally showing me, baby!" Akeno says sarcastically. "Because rougher means better, I get you. Yeaah, feeling that cock stretch out my pussy, so good!"

"I can never tell if she's serious or not." Koneko sighs, to which Rias simply just nods and watches on.

The two are interrupted when they hear Akeno crying out in blissful agony, Riser letting go of her boobs and letting her upper body fall to the floor. "Amazing how she could outlast Riser's cock." he says, rolling her on the other side of the bed. "Short wife, you're up next."

"The next time he calls me that, he's dead." Koneko says without hesitation. Sighing, she climbs onto the bed, resting on her back. "Let's just get this over with." grumbles the nekomata, turning her head away from Riser as he stands over her body.

The Head of Phenex grabs the small devil's legs, lifting them up as he inserts his rod into her pussy, Koneko grunting as it slides inside of her. She continues to stare on at the wall, not giving Riser the attention he wants, nor saying anything for the duration of her turn. She simply allows him to penetrate her body, although after some time she begins to feel a sense of comfort with his shaft inside of her. "Riser enjoys the feeling of your tiny pussy," Riser grunts, "even if it can't compare to that of Rias's."

"Uh, thanks?" Koneko asks, unsure if she should be taking that as a compliment. She finds herself moaning, no longer unfazed by the male devil's cock as it pushes inside of her. In fact, the nekomata could swear she was feeling a sense of arousal...

But she's especially sent over the edge when Riser pinches down on her nipples, which had become sensitive from the clamps she wore as part of her wedding outfit. Through gritted teeth Koneko cries out, gripping onto the bed sheets as she squirts out, her juices splashing out against Riser's pelvic region, while the Head of Phenex still hasn't had his climax.

"That...was a dick move." says an exasperated Koneko, the wind taken out of her from the orgasm.

"Perhaps, but Riser is pleased to see that you can cum so gloriously." he says, sitting on the end of the bed, staring at Rias with his hardened dick. "But they were merely warm ups to Riser, as he once again wishes to give it all to his favorite wife."

"So be it then." Rias says, approaching Riser. She sits atop his lap, grabbing hold of his shaft and guiding it inside of her snatch. Grinding her hips against his shaft, Rias was showing the Head of Phenex that sexually she isn't to be messed with, taking control from her husband and setting the pace for their short session. "I bet you think you're feeling so good from making my friends cum, aren't you?" she asks Riser. "You've already cum a handful of times, though. You want to talk about being warmed up, imagine how much they were going through from the guests while you were trying to fuck my brains out in front of those same people!"

The crimson haired devil smirks, her pussy getting his shaft worked up for climax. She could tell her taking charge was working on behalf of this, and a chuckle escapes her lips. "And you're just waiting to cum inside me, aren't you? Fill myself up with your seed, expecting an heir so that you can pump a dozen pure blood babies into me, continue our race and keeping it from dying out?" Her hips started to rock harder into Riser, her body becoming more aggressive with her movements. "Maybe that's another reason you have such a large harem, because nobody else can help you sire pure bloods. But maybe...the problem...is with you!"

With one last thrust against his body, Rias wraps her arms around his shoulders, feeling both herself and Riser's seed flourishing about inside of her. She growls through her teeth, while Riser's mouth is left open, likely from the shock of the cirmson haired bride's words. Even as his seed continues to blast from his cock, the flow of Rias's juices overpowers the stream, pushing his semen out of her pussy this time. His cum dribbles down the shaft, with Rias's cum following not too long after.

After a sigh of pleasure escapes Rias's lips, her body covered in sweat, she watches as Riser collapses to the bed, his smile back on his face as he breathes heavily, eyes on the ceiling. "Riser...is pleased with...your stamina." he says with a tired laugh, leaving Rias curious if he intentionally ignored her words. "But perhaps now...is a good time to...nap..."

Without missing a beat, Riser falls asleep, snoring loudly while Rias lays next to her friends. Akeno lifts her head up to look at Rias, the queen herself a bit worn down still. "Heeey, nice job, Rias." she says. "Wish I could've done that to him. I was just holding back on the ability to make him cum is all."

"I sort of hoped the thought of a child would break him." Rias sighs. "But even that didn't faze him."

"That sucks." Koneko mutters. "Maybe I'll just beat it into him someday."

"You'll get a chance to do so someday, Koneko." Rias smirks. "But...I think now's as good a time as any to rest up."