
Chapter 2: Debut

Chapter 2:

"___" - Speech

(___) - Thoughts

{___} - Internal Voice(s)

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As the final school bell sounded, a groan left Jin's lips as the time to carry out his "new occupation" had begun. Though he had been instructed to keep a low profile, doing so was much easier said than done for a greenhorn such as himself. 

(I saw them staring at me during lunch, chances are I've already been ousted. Oh well, all I can do now is rely on my linguistic skills and hope for the best.) 

He discretely pried open one of the smaller pockets of his randoseru, revealing a packet of Marlboro from within. Naturally, it was prohibited on campus, but it wasn't a crime as long as nobody found out. 

(I'm probably going to be needing one of these.) 

Normally he'd save them for a rainy day at the shop, but every now and then his temptations got the better of him.. 

Tap! Tap! Tap! 

The sound of hurried footsteps reached his ears, whilst the heads of his classmates turned throughout the hallway. Fixated on the individual marching their way over to the classroom. 

(Honestly, I'm glad I'm not the one making the first move.) 

Peering through the door frame, was a woman with long raven hair tied up in a ponytail —accompanied by an orange ribbon keeping it all in place. Similar to Jin, her pupils also radiated a violet hue as they scanned the classroom for her target. 

"Sorry for the intrusion, is there someone by the name of Jin Iwata here?" 

Her speech was both clear and concise, but Jin's classmates were simply too busy gawking, drowning out her question as their eyes wandered elsewhere. 

"Yep, over here." 

(Hmm, I wonder why he wants me to keep an eye on her? I guess I'll have to figure that out on my own..) 

Calmly, he picked up his belongings and walked towards her, oblivious to the fact that all eyes were glued to him. It didn't take long for the murmurings to begin as the jaded shopkeeper paid them no heed. 

(That's quite the glare she has.) 

The contempt she held for him was made evident on her face. Despite the two of them being somewhat similar in biology, they withheld varying outlooks towards a certain species. 

Nonetheless, she composed herself as befitting a [Queen] and relaid her message. 

"An acquaintance of mine wishes to see you." 

Jin's reply wasn't immediate. Instead, he took his time deliberating the character of the woman in front of him. 

(Interesting, she looks rather tame on the outside but she's got some sort of "warrior" look in her eyes.) 

"I know, the Gremory Ojou-chan correct? I was planning to approach you first but this makes things easier." He kept his voice down to prevent others from hearing, but it wasn't as if they would've understood a word he said to begin with. 

However, the confusion on Akeno's face was clear for all to see. In the spur of the moment, she gestured for the two of them to start walking elsewhere to which he nodded in approval. 

"Is that so? It's not a common occurrence for one of your kind to approach us with goodwill. Care to correct me?" 

Jin breathed a light chuckle as he looked at her knowingly. 

("One of your kind" huh? I take it she's not too proud of her heritage.) 

"If it's them you're referring to, I think it's best you know that they're not on my side. Rather, on the contrary, I've been sent to exterminate them." 

She turned towards him in disbelief, unable to sniff out even a hint of dishonesty on his face. 

"I find that hard to believe, what reason could you possibly have to hunt down your own kind?" 

Jin's demeanor chilled as his conscience reminded him of a rather unsavory memory. 

"It's simple, they're traitors." 

"Really now?" 


Silence ensued as they walked towards the building adjacent to Kuoh's main building. 

Her expression tightened as she couldn't help but ponder whether the man beside her was trustworthy or not. 

"I'll tell you this as a simple courtesy beforehand, but I'm not going to interfere should she decide to do anything alright?" 

(In other words, if she tries to kill me —got it. I'm pretty sure I have the natural edge, so I should at the very least be able to escape if things take a turn for the worse.) 

"Fine by me." 

The door to the rustic clubroom slowly pried open, surprisingly revealing only one figure inside sitting at their desk with a book in her hands. 

She was an admittedly stunning young woman with ocean eyes, and long wavy crimson hair that reached to her waist, sporting the same uniform as the woman beside Jin.

She slowly lifted her head towards him, her eyelids narrowed out of spite as she reluctantly motioned for the door behind them to be closed. 

"What happened to those three?" Her [Queen] queried. 

"I sent them on an errand." 

(In other words, she doesn't want me to meet them. How unfortunate.)

"Have a seat." 

Both herself and Akeno sat down opposite Jin, to which the latter nonchalantly observed the place with a striking lack of discomfort on his face. 

"Nice place you have here." 

Neither of them seemed keen on humoring his antics, emphasized by their belligerent demeanors.

"Before we start, there's a question you're going to answer for me." 

(So snappy, that's no way to treat a guest.) 


"In your file, it says you've been here since you were a first-year, how come we're only discovering you as a third-year?" 

(Starting with an interrogation eh? Can't say I didn't see it coming.) 

"Well, I was only employed yesterday. So go easy on me alright?" 

She scowled as Jin met her with a sheepish chuckle, a rather plain attempt at easing the tension in the room. 

"I'm not here to entertain you, give me a straight answer unless you'd rather I force one out of you." 

(Sheesh, ease up with the threats will you? I thought Noble's were supposed to be all dignified.) 

Jin sighed as he offered up an answer.

"Fine, I'm the same as your subordinates. Is that a clear enough answer for you?" 

The normal assumption was that something like that would be kept tightly under wraps, however, that ended up not being the case. 

Since the [Corrupted Unit] system had been developed with the help of a few bright-minded people from the Underworld, most of the brass were already well aware of it. 

As for the two Devils in front of him, the revelation came as a genuine shock. However, they couldn't afford to look flustered in front of him so they feigned composure nonetheless. 

"Since when was such a thing made possible?" 

Jin shrugged as he let his wings stretch themselves, inadvertently causing the [Queen's] stomach to churn. 

(Ah, I think I might've been a little rude.. ) 

"No idea, I'm told your brother should be well informed on the subject." 

"Is that so? I'm guessing whoever 'employed' you is the one responsible for supplying you with that information??" 

"Pretty much, and before you ask I'm afraid I won't be able to provide you with a name." 

"You expect me to trust someone you refuse to even tell me the name of?" 

"I don't recall asking you to trust him, but you should know that he respects Kuoh as your territory."

She rolled her eyes as she saved her inquiry for another time.

"Sure. So, do you have some sort of business with us or is this just a social call?"

"Of course not, are you aware of the Fallen Angels currently nested here in Kuoh?"

Her brow quipped as she folded her arms together, somewhat curious as to where the conversation was going.

"I am. What of them?"

"The thing is, they've stolen something rather important. And I've been assigned to retrieve them."


"I'm assuming you're familiar with the existence of Holy Swords?"

Their pupils dilated at the mention of their name, for a Devil —coming face to face with one was nothing but an assured death sentence.

"That certainly isn't good news, on their lonesome I'm more than capable of handling them, but those accursed ornaments complicate things."

"Indeed. Moreover, the fact that they're in the possession of those Fallen Angels does little good for tensions between Grigori and the church." 

"And, you're trying to quell those tensions?" 


She hummed to herself as she found the very notion of a Fallen Angel pursuing peace laughable, but Jin's stone-cold expression warranted at least a hint of trust.

"So, do you have some sort of plan in mind?" 

He reached into his breast pocket and pulled out the photo of a bishounen-looking individual with snow hair and blood-red pupils. Donning what looked to be some sort of cleric robe.

Jin slid over the image to the two Devils as they peered over the table. 

"Do you know this person?" 

Her frown returned as she recalled her encounter with the individual.

"I do, he attacked one of my subordinates not too long ago. However, he wasn't in possession of a Holy Sword, at least not an authentic one." 


"I see, but our intel shows that he's the only one affiliated with the rogue Fallen Angels capable of wielding Holy Ordinances. If they ever decide on making use of the stolen artifacts, chances are they'll end up in his hands." 

"I presume you need our help to find this guy?" 

"Not necessarily, I was told to provide you with this information as a show of courtesy, but beyond that, I don't require any direct assistance." 

She scoffed as his wording made him seem somewhat arrogant, almost as if he was opposed to their assistance. 

"Really now? You plan on tackling those 'rogues' as you call them, alongside this guy all on your own? I was under the impression that you were 'new' to this." 

Jin shrugged as his expression showed little animosity or vanity. 

"You said it yourself, the fact that they have Holy Swords compliance things. Not to mention that I would be in a world of trouble if I let something happen to you on my first day on the job." 

His arm reached towards the photo as he returned it to his pocket. 

"Though I'd hate to jump to conclusions, I can't help but feel like you're looking down on us." 

He groaned as he stood up and walked towards the door. 

"Both of you are stronger than me, and certainly not by a small amount. However, the circumstances have made it easier for someone like me to handle the situation. That is all." 

Without uttering another word, he stepped out of the room leaving the two dumbfounded at the fact that a Fallen Angel had just admitted their own weakness. 

After all, humility wasn't exactly a known trait of theirs. 

"He's a strange one that's for sure." 

"That he is, keep an eye on him for me will you?" 


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Iguana32creators' thoughts