

This fanfiction will be a crossover of different anime worlds with solo leveling elements, for now, currently, he is in dxd. This is your generic isekai'd story, he will take over the body of one and only Issei Hyodou. He will be strong, extremely strong... with a multitude of cheats like items and powers, [I apologize in advance for my grammar, my first language is not English, so I will probably face problems.]

HentaiisArt · Anime et bandes dessinées
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22 Chs

Kobold Queen

[You have acquired the 'Title: Slaughterer of Kobolds' by hunting over 850 Kobolds]

When facing Kobold or dragon-type monsters, all of your stats will increase by 20%.

[You have accomplished an admiral act]

[3x gacha ticket was rewarded] Why gacha? Give me gold or maybe some kind of equipment at least my hopes will not be cut off.

Maybe they are special? The only way to know that is when I will be able to use them, right now my goal is to slay the boss, I can pull gacha when I return home.

And with this final message I have finally arrived at the end of the second floor, before the door that will lead me to the boss but first let's just distribute the points I have been saving up.

"System, distribute 50 points to strength and put 25 to stamina and others attribute in my stats panel." I gave it a mental command.

[Strength- 111 > 161, Stamina- 103 > 128, Agility- 88>113, Intelligence- 65>90, Perception- 83> 108]

I went & cautiously climbed lower until I eventually came across a massive underground basement. It was so spacious that you could easily fit 5 houses in it, my eyes opened wide as fuck when they landed on the massive Lizard sleeping in the middle of the basement, she was surrounded by human-sized greenish eggs, these eggs are laid everywhere.

[Kobold Queen Lv 70]

The Kobold queen was huge even larger than fucking house, and now this size of it is arising a lot of questions. First, how did they fuck? Male kobolds are all around 8-11 ft tall, if they want to mate, all I can think is one way to do so, and that is probably enter her forbidden hole, or second, she doesn't need a male to lay eggs or get knocked up, if that's was the case isn't she a never-ending Kobold factory.

"GRRR" It let out a low growl & slowly it opened its eyes, and it don't look happy. I tightly clutched The handle of the sword of decay within my hand and slowly approached the massive Lizard.

The creature inched closer and closer. I can end this bitch existence with the Hanged man, but if I always rely on him I won't grow, I won't have enough experience to fight someone experienced.

This new life had given me an opportunity to stand above all, in a world where things like demons and supernatural creatures roam free we human beings are nothing but mere cannon fodder.

Without power you will be eaten by them, without power you will be forced to serve them, without power you will be just a helpless little chick.

Who wanted to live a life that? Not me!

"It's coming!" Just as I was about to move into action the creature opened its massive mouth and spewed out a dirty purplish liquid.

I quickly jumped out of the way and when I looked at the spot on the floor I had been standing only until a second ago was not melted away

"RUMBLE!!" I didn't have the time to stand around even for a moment, The lizard rushed toward me in no time and swung its huge ass tail at me, I quickly jumped up to evade the attack.

"Fuck it is fast." For it to move around at such agility with a huge ass body like that... it's shocking and terrifying.

After that, I went for its eyes but every time I got near it the creature would spew out its acidic juices. When I evaded that, the creature's tail would attack again.

If I can't get its head…

Then let's just aim for its legs, I quickly evaded its tail and went for its back legs, but unfortunately, the legs were also covered in strong scales, I couldn't even Nick it once.

My tiredness was already reaching 60 marks, if it hit 100 I will probably plop down in a heap, I don't have much time. I have to think of something, but what?

Suddenly I remembered the gas can I had stored within in my inventory before entering the dungeon, I think I can kill it. All I needed was the right moment to move into action.

For the next minute or so I continued to barely evade each of her tail swings and her disgusting acid. She was surprisingly quite agile with that massive body, but surely I started to see its attack patterns, and finally managed to find the gap.


I easily evaded its acid spit and pounced towards her head, I quickly summoned the gas can and threw it right into her mouth.



A massive blast tore through her lower jaw completely destroying it in process, but that single attack wasn't enough to kill it.

"KIIIIIIIIACKKKKKKKK!!!" The queen let out a painful shriek and staggered about. I didn't wait like an Idiot, this is the opening I have been waiting for.

I put all my strength in my feet and jumped up and climbed on the lizard's body to get to the top of its head. I clutched the handle of the blade tightly and stabbed the right eye of the queen.


The queen roared in agony as I pushed the blade deeper into its eyes. The queen thrashed around trying to smash its body against the wall, but I never released my grip, I held onto my dear life, and with one strong push, the sword dug its way deep into its skull.

And just like that, it went quiet.

[You have killed The Kobold Queen]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[The following rewards have been granted]

Reward 1: 10 stat points.

Reward 2: 1,000,000. Gold.

Reward 3: Kobold Queen poison sac.

Rarity: Epic.

No dungeon Key? Just my fucking luck, Damn. Now what I am going to do? This is kind of a bad situation.

"Can I sell the poison sac?"

I grabbed the sac from my inventory and went to access the shop, where I can buy or sell stuff. The "sell" section has a translucent blue box where you can put stuff and the system will reward you with gold. I put it close to the box and the sac was instantly sucked into it.

[10,000 Value] 10,000? This thing is probably a high tier item among the rare section, you even the rarity have tiers, it goes like low-intermediate-High if you are wondering.

[Would you like to sell it?]



I sighed in slight disappointment, what a letdown, I was expecting some good shit but... at least a dungeon Key would have cheered me up.

The amount of gold is not really enough to buy anything above epic grade thing, mythical items start from 1 million to 1 billion gold and legendary item goes from one billion to 100 billion or above. The only mythical and legendary item I can buy is the healing potions that go for 10,000 gold, and 100,000 gold respectively.

[With the death of the boss, you can exit the dungeon now] A familiar translucent portal appeared before me, I stepped through it and found myself back in my room.

"Sniff" I smell like shit, I didn't notice the pungent smell on me until now, since the dungeon was one heck of a nostril violating place. But now that I am back in my room I can smell the filthy smell on me... I should probably throw these dirty clothes too.

Later in the evening.

"Good night, you two care of yourself." I ended the call, I was an hour-long call with my parents, mom & dad had arrived at their apartment without much hassle. The neighbors were humble & nice, according to dad mom already made a few friends.

It was nice knowing that they are already getting comfortable in a new environment, this is quite good news, Kuoh is like a time bomb, only God knows what goes behind the scenes.

They will be safe there since it was more packed with humans, & just like New York city this place never sleeps. The supernatural would have to be extra careful to not get noticed by the human race, though we may be the weakest of all races we humans are capable of creating wonders and one such wonder is the nuclear weapons, you know what I mean.

I put my phone aside and decided to open the gacha, those three tickets might give me something useful. With big hopes, I opened gacha.

First, pull.,

[You have obtained an Epic skill Dominator Touch Lv1]

[Skill: Dominator Touch]

Active skill

No mana is required.

You can move objects without touching them.

Yes! Finally something useful, it finally gave me something useful! Okay calm down, so those tickets are indeed special.

2nd pull.

[You have obtained a rare item "KI manipulation manual"]

Rarity: Rare

Description: Ki is also known as "latent energy" or "fighting power," which directly translates as "life force." This force is a tangible energy inside every living being, with its major focus being in the center of the body. By drawing it out, an individual is able to manipulate it and use it outside the body. Ki can be used for many different techniques. Because there are physical limits to the strength of the body itself, it is necessary to increase one's KI to overcome this barrier and become stronger.

Ki... Isn't this the power Goku used to fire his flashy moves? But is it really that? I watched dragon ball years ago, when I was a little kid, it used to be one of my favorite shows but that was years ago I don't remember jack shit, well maybe other than his iconic "Kamehameha".

I will read the manual later, to tell you the truth I am quite surprised. Things like this aren't available in the shop which means the gacha provide whole different things than the shop.

3rd pull.

Please give me something nice, please... Plea--

[You have obtained a legendary skill "Gluttony"]

Skill: Gluttony

Passive skill

Host can steal the skills and stats of a person he had slain.

This is great, this is fucking great, this is a fucking cherry on top of the cake, this the real deal. I couldn't describe the joy in my heart, I was salty about the rewards I got from killing the boss but now after acquiring such skill I am on cloud nine.

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