
DxD: Gamer in ttl would

Everyone had boring life and will be there are no exception in this if someone is telling you a story then it all started with a shifty previous life just as mine. I had a pretty shitty life and now I am in a world of dxd where if you turn your head you will see a girl with big tits and exposing thighs and where you get those lucky encounter like in anime. but there is a twist I am not just simply here I am here with a gamer system and I am gonna make the most of this life enjoying this world. so I am Vincent lane and this is my story.

Fanfiction_fan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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56 Chs

Chapter 51 : A woman shouted

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I shook my head, I will NOT let the entire supernatural world know that I'm a bisexual pervert, I'm one of the top ten strongest beings in the world for fathers sake!

Returning to my focus I spotted the man Yasaka described to me.

'There he is… Well he looks calm for a Muramasa wielder…' I thought, but this is something that would require-

"Shit!" A woman shouted, "My He- Manga project!"

A sheet of paper flew onto the bush I was hiding in, behind me so I couldn't see it… On the other hand, I got a nice look into the cleavage of the girl whose breasts pushed into bush to grab the sheet.

'H-How!? She's completely human!' I thought drooling at the cleavage in front of me.

[Vincents P.O.V.]

"Class." My teacher called from the other side of the door, "We have a new student coming in from America, he transferred over the break so please help him in anyway you can, you can come in now!"

Stepping into the room I slowly walked to the door, idly double checking my uniform, everything was there except the ribbon.

Seriously unless it gives me the ability to resist every ailment I will never wear a ribbon… EVER! Well, unless I need to use it as a bandage for some reason.

"Hello!" I said, "My name is Vincent Lane, I'll be in your care." With that I bowed.

"Hey Vincent!" Issei called out waving to me.

"How does the pervert know the transfer?" One woman asked.

"Is he a pervert too?" Another woman asked.

"I hope not, he's pretty handsome looking." A third said… Well shit, thats not a good sign

"Howdy neighbor." I said to Issei, "Remember keep the perversion to a minimum around me or else." I warned.

This got a new murmur to spread across the room, this one of relief that I wasn't a pervert and that I was actually Issei's neighbor.

"N-No promises." Issei admitted, "I won't drag you into anything… BUT I'LL NEVER GIVE UP ON BECOMING HAREM KING!" Issei shouted at the top of his lungs.

The whole room was silent as the women, and a few men, silently groaned at Issei, I guess this happens a lot.

"Good luck with that." I deadpanned, "Especially when someone finally has enough and chops 'em off."

"I like this guy already." I heard Kiriyuu say with a chuckle.

'Oh dear lord.' I mentally groaned, looking at the braided brunette female pervert of Kuoh, and judging from her gaze… She's already scanning my junk.

"There's an open seat behind Issei." The teacher said.

"Good." I said grinned, "Great angle to kick Issei's ass if he's get too rowdy around me."

The cheer I got from the women in the room was deafening as I passed Issei.

"Relax, just keep it quite and we'll be fine Issei. " I whispered, "Besides, I treat my good friends like this as well."

"You're an asshole." Issei grumbled.

"Any gamer worth his salt has that side." I grinned, "Especially one like me who works with trickery."

[Amateratsu's P.O.V.]

'By my father breath…' I thought as I snuck around the edge of the school building looking for Vincent in one of the classrooms, 'How do ALL of these women have such abundance? Gaah it's so magnificent, I love it… And I hate it too! If I'm caught staring at all these women my reputation will be shot! I'll be lumped in as a pervert alongside Odin!'

Peeking into one of the rooms I quickly ducked back down.

'Art room.' I thought, 'I don't think nude modelling is supposed to be allowed in school though.'

[Vincent's P.O.V.]

The day passed rather quietly… Is what I really, really wish I could say.

Word spread of me during lunch, from what I've gathered based on what people are saying I've learned that the top things people were commenting to me about were as follows.

I'm an American, so the guys are going to try to figure out if I'm one of those fat stereotypes. For the record, I'm not- I'm actually the other stereotype: Crazy as shit when the times comes.

Next was that I was Issei's neighbor and was working toward deperverting the guy. Then again when I did meet up with Issei one time before school began I basically warned him I'd cut his junk off if he held too little self control in my presence. Heck I already had a few sessions with Issei to control his pervertedness. Even Issei isn't dumb enough to play Monster Hunter with his avatar in her underwear… Kind of the reason I've still yet to do those Deviljho hunts that tell me all I can bring are my weapons.

Third… I was a hero? The hell?

I quickly went to find Murayama and Katase when I started hearing that.

"About that…" Murayama said grabbing my arm and pulling me to the front doors of the school building, where I saw a crowd of student females gathered around a familiar figure that has actually come to scare me a little.

"Vincent is such an awesome guy!" Misha, the young daywalker was wearing the Academt Uniform, "He was so amazing beating up those thugs that were blackmailing me for working with them, he took out so many and so far apart all of us who weren't willing to stay managed to escape. He's even letting me stay with him since I don't have anywhere else to go!"

I stared silently at the scene before turning around, "I'm gonna meet up with the one's in charge." I said, "The, special people, in charge."

"Why?" Katase asked, "Are you planning on joining them?"

"Not yet." I said shaking my head, "I've got some stuff to drop off." Then I noticed one of the girls turning around and quickly dove into a bush.

Fan girls are vicious, that's what I've learned in the last 10 minutes I've had them.


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