
DxD: Beast Master

Waking up as a 6 years old who is about to be trained to become a church exorcist after taking a nap wasn't exactly how I imagined my day to go. But hey, look at the bright side, I will be able to do crazy magic stuff and become rather strongest ever. Yeah right I'm so fucked. ‐‐-------------------‐‐----------------------------------------------------------- ‐‐-------------------‐‐----------------------------------------------------------- *Disclaimer: No harem, If you recognize anything here then I probably don't own it, I only own my OCs and all the credits go back to their owners for the ideas, characters and the like. Also, no Harem. This will be a power fantasy story, about how the mc will try to become stronger and stronger, using all means he can. He has no type of goal or anything, no ' I will live my life to its fullest' or ' I will live without regrets'. I suck ass at talking to people IRL so you can expect interactions to be awkward, weird if they even happen cause I will be trying to minimise them. This story isn't actually a real story, it's more of an outlet for me to write about all the crazy stuff in my head, about the lore and possible power ups for a person. So again, be warned, that this story is more like a summary or diary about the events with minimal interactions. Discord link: https://discord.gg/hQPmj4WZ

Shub_Niggurath · Anime et bandes dessinées
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38 Chs

Ch30: Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!

AN: Well, guess we reached the end of this tutorial, as the ending of DxD is very close, with this fight being the last from DxD. Thank you for sticking with me this far, I'm not dropping btw, already have ideas and some arcs planned for 2 worlds. As always, please comment and review, or ask questions, as it helps remind me that I have a story to write.


(3rd pov)

( Location: Dimensional Gap: 'End of the World')

As one continues to ascend higher and higher in power, their existential weight keep increasing and increasing. A side effect of this phenomenon is, for instance, being more and more unaffected by lower Dimensional rules and powers.

For example, if someone of a much higher existential weight was attacked by a time stopping power from a lower one, they would be able to resist or even just shrug it off, depending on the difference in weight.

Now, existential weight isn't exactly just about raw power, as you can find beings capable of destroying planet and still be affected by very lower Dimensional lifeforms power, like said being being stopped in time.

The more one ascends in existential scale, the more conceptual weight matters as just raw power becomes a cheap trick that everyone has.

This was what Samuel was forced to remember as he saw the beast of Relevation shrug off all kind of attacks, from elemental ones to light and even some conceptual ones, although the latter proved to be more effective. For the attacks that did hurt, it just regenerated the moment it was injured. It was like trying to cut water with a knife, absolutely useless.

As Samuel evaded a claw strike from Trihexia, he coated the tip of his spear with Telesma before delivering a series of Slashes and retreating, as he saw the slashes swiftly regenerate, not hindered by the Telesma lingering in the wounds. Samuel, now floating a little away from the beast, blasted one of the beasts heads with a giant laser beam from his longinus, accompanied by hundreds of magical attacks and Runic arrays.

Trihexia, after shrugging off the attack, was about to lung at the nuisance, before it was stopped as its limbs were submerged in black water that was continuing to increase and expand. As it tried to move, the black water formed into multiple Snakes that proceeded to bind it in place and soon it felt its skin a little bit tingly, as if a weak avid was put on it.

Trihexia didn't wait any longer as one of its head start gathering energy in its mouth, while the others were dealing with the lightning that keeps pouring from the sky and all kind of attacks that came from the other creatures such as sonic booms, Dragon Breaths from different directions and many more.

Samuel, who noticed the power gathering on Trihexia's mouth, which was about to fire on Leviathen, who transformed into a giant lake of Primordial Waters, tried to contact Azaroth, but it and Azi Dahāka were still busy.

" Ezra, use Abaddon and Bael to divert the attack and counter" ordered Samuel, as behind him, in the giant floating fortress which was continously bombarding Trihexia, 2 of the 72 giant flesh pillars activated as a hole appeared just in time to intercept the attack from Trihexia's head and another dark hole appeared above Trihexia, from which, its attack came out and hit him in the back.

Just as it was about to turn back to where the attack came from, multiple dark holes appeared around it, from which multiple beams of the power if destruction rushed and bombarded Trihexia's head.

Seeing that it can't take care of them like this. Trihexia just proceeded to roar, as from its body, 3 ball like things went flying at astonishing speeds before soon transforming into 3 giant mini Trihexias, each with only one head, as the original Trihexia now has only 4 heads.

As one of the mini trihexias rushed over to Samuel, it found itself hitting a giant transparent wall made of diamond. Just as it was about to give it another try, it found itself hit from the side by a force so strong it sent it flying. As the mini Trihexia regained its bearings, it saw that it was facing a giant, atleast hundreds of meters, creature that was a cross from a bull and a hippopotamus, with brittle skin and giant horns.

" Behemoth, I'll leave this to you and COR TAURI, alright?" hearing this, Behemoth, the Super-class beast that specialises in manipulation of diamonds and defense, just huffed as it looked at the much smaller bull near it that was weilding its ax and manipulating Lava to pour it on the mini Beast.

" Ezra, focus Balam amd Furcas on aiding Behemoth, with their power of Horses and Strengthening, it should be quite the boost for them. And order Sitri to aid Leviathen in containing the main Trihexia, and Buné to boost all dragons participating." Said Samuel before rushing over as his beasts needed to be divided with Trihexia splitting itself.

" Ladon, Grendel, Yamato-no-Orochi and Niðhöggr. You are all to deal with one of Trihexia's clones, you will be added by Buné soon, so get going" hearing this, all 4 dragons disengaged as they covered themselves in their Dragon Aura before rushing over to one of the mini-beasts. They soon started ducking it out, as Grendel and Niðhöggr proceeded to recklessly attack from its sides with Yamato-no-Orochi acting as the shield to pull all focus of the Trihexia with Ladon blocking all attacks it can and bombarding it with magic.

" Azi Dahāka, that's enough for now, leave the rest to Azaroth. I need you to take care of the last mini Trihexia. Belphegor, with the power of the Crack, and Glasya-Labolas, with the power of absolute defense, will aid you for this." hearing this, Azi Dahāka stopped what it was doing as it looked at Azaroth besides it, who simply waved one of its wings, teleporting it away.

Azi Dahāka found himself in front of the giant copy of the beast, which didn't seem to wait as it pounced on him as soon as he appeared, but Azi simply blocked it with thousands of dark barriers and started bombarding it with tens of thousands of magic attacks, some even being Forbidden-class magics.

Samuel didn't wait any longer as he mentally commanded the fortress to provide support to all fight. As he reached Trihexia, he found it still entangled with Leviathen, which was trying its best to bind it in axe, REGULUS and MINIUM who were constantly bombarding it and finally NATRA-CINEREUS who was using its fog to block Trihexia perception the best it could while making its attack useless by making them phase through the others.

Seeing this, he coated himself in holy fire and transformed True Longinus into Ascalon using Excalibur Mimic power. As he came close, his eyes white sclera turned dark as his golden pupils turned into slits as a rush of power came out of them and hit Trihexia, which froze in place as time was stopped for it, before breaking out of it.

But it wasn't fast enough as it found it was covered in stones making its movement hard, before it started trying to break out of them. In doing so, it forgot about Samuel who seemingly teleported near one of its heads with Ascalon which was radiating untold amounts of Telesma, which were Boosted by Samuel's heart, as it was coated in Samuel's Touki/Dragon Aura, before he proceeded to skewer Trihexia's eye with it and discharging all of it in its head, which caused a powerful explosion to blast to everything off.

Samuel, who was sent flying away with his nearby beasts, looked at his now non-existent right hand, which was soon coveted in black goo and regenerates as Venom retreated after it done its work. As he was done, he looked at his left hand, with which he was holding one of Trihexia's cores that was struggling to get away, but it was soon covered in countless runes and seals and dropped in Samuel's shadow, that proceeded to devour it.

' The sin of Envy? So a portion of all our attacks were absorbed to strengthen it.' thought Samuel, as he realised what the core was. It contained one of Trihexia's essences, the sin of envy.

As Trihexia is the amalgamation of all evil in Christian mythology in this world, it was able to connect to the human principle of evil, granting it access to all Human evil. This is in fact the source of its seemingly infinite regeneration, its feeding of humanity's endless capability for evil and all its mistakes.

"*ROOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA*" Samuel was brought out of his musings by the enraged howl of Trihexia's 3 heads as the beast was suddenly covered with blood red aura as unbelievable amounts of energy were suddenly accumulated inside it.

" What the-" was all Samuel could say before a world ending explosion went off with Trihexia as its center.

"*BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM*" as the world was blinded, the flow of space-time shook as the fragile piece of reality struggled to contain this kind of event. Soon the world inside the seal settled as Trihexia and its 3 mini versions were left unharmed. They saw their enemy in front of them with his wings, covered in cracks, as they surrounded him, with his giant fortress in a similar situation as it was covered in cracked barriers.

Samuel, who's head was ringing, unfurled his wings as he looked around for the damage done.

' The fortress survived but its barriers aren't that useful anymore, Behemoth survived relatively unscathed, Azi Dahāka needs sometime to regenerate as he lost 2/3 of his body, and Azaroth is unharmed but was interrupted' thought Samuel as he was using his thought acceleration to its limits.

'Right, this should be pride then. This was the accumulated power of a portion of all our attacks. A full counter type of ability huh. Well guess I know what I should seal' with that Samuel said.

" Ezra, I will orient all of the Grail's abilities to you, quickly repair and revive all of them. I will be stalking for time."

[ Understood Master, 4 days have passed since the beginning of the fight, only 3 left for the ritual beginning] answered the system.

" 3 days left huh. I will need to bring it to its lowest at the end of those. Well, here goes nothing" saying so, Samuel felt a part of his energy reserves and hid body regeneration disappearing. He quickly ignored the feeling as his cracked wings were quickly repaired and started channeling the power of the Gap and the power of infinity from the snake merged with his spine, that acts like a family magic crest from the certain world.

Soon, 10 dark spheres manifested behind him. As Samuel felt the energy of the Gap filling him, his shadow started to grow as Leviathen proceeded to emerge from it.

" Oh, so you're the first back, good. Go deal with that one mini Trihexia who is unnocuppied." Leviathen didn't think twice as it proceeded to summon downpours of water and rain as it rushed towards said beast that was busy being harassed by the Flying fortress.

Samuel seeing all 3 mini beasts were occupied, rushed towards the main one as his wings glowed. Trihexia, of course wasn't just watching, as its 3 mouths were already filled with blue fire before it proceeded to unleash them as a breath attack from all 3 heads.

Noticing the incoming attack, Samuel came to a halt as his wings expanded to hinders of meters before flapped them once, making a wave of nothingness rush from them towards the blue flames that seemed to cover the whole sky. As they made contact, most of the flames simply seemed to disappear, leaving only one tenth of it still going.

Seeing the leftovers of the attack, Samuel just pointed his hand at it and muttered " Divide" making the flames shrink and shrink until it was snuffed. Looking at his hand, Samuel was holding the blue fire in his palm, he used his other hand to gather all the 10 dark spheres into a giant void sword, and proceeded to Boost the blue flames as he coated his sword with them before arriving at Trihexia and unleashing a fury of attacks.

The beast, of course didn't shy away as it covered itself in a dark Aura before using its claws to clash with Samuel's sword.

The situation soon fell into a stalemate with Samuel and Trihexia exchanging blows. In the meantime, Some of Samuel's monsters were revived as Ravago, the poison monster, went to support Behemoth in suppressing the small beast. Grendel and Niðhöggr immediately went to help Leviathen as it lacked firepower in general. Azi Dahāka was still fighting on his own as he didn't want any support, instead relishing in the joy of such intense battle as he kept hurling one forbiden-class magic after another.

Trihexia, perhaps sensing it's other avatars were starting to get suppressed, became more erratic in its attacks as it started to forgo defense in favor of inflicting as much damage as possible on Samuel. Noticing this, Samuel simply connected to 3 of the Ars Goetia.

As Trihexia became more ans more frenzied, Samuel finally had the opening he wanted, as he phased through one of its bites using NATRA-CINEREUS fog ability, accelerated his movements using Agares's time ability while stunning Trihexia with Balor eyes, before using both Gremory's extreme power control and Astaroth's super calculations to refine and condense the maximum amount of Dimensional gap energy and Trihexia's blue flames into the edges of the sword as he proceeded to cleave all 3 heads with one strike, sending them flying.

As Trihexia was still processing what happened, 3 nails went flying and struck the cut off heads, exploding as soon as they pierced the heads. As the smoke was revealed, there 2 cores that were revealed, each having a true nail Sealing them as Samuel's shadow quickly came and devoured them.

' 2 cores? So one of the 3 heads didn't have any core. Well, atleast I know that Alphecca Tyrant's true nails cam indeed seal Trihexia's core, so I still have one left.' thought Samuel as he looked at the Dragon head that regenerated, while the Hyena and Goat heads that were severed didn't as the necks that were holding them quickly disappeared.

The dragon head's blue eyes just looked vacant as they stared at Samuel before they slowly widened as they quickly turned red. Samuel, taking note of this, quickly accumulated some holy energy as he sent a concentrated blast of Incarnate Anthem's holy flames that proceeded to grill the beast. But he was soon distracted as he felt all 4 beast's powers suddenly jumping in league, as the 3 monsters that were getting pushed down by Samuel's creations suddenly gained the upper hand, albeit only momentarily.

" Outrage? This thing counts as a Dragon?" muttered a shocked Samuel, as Trihexia only resembles a Dragon with one of its head, so it being actually able to use Dragon's strongest inherent power is a suprise.

Just when Samuel tried to reach to his beasts and see using their senses, he was too late to realise that the mini Trihexia he was grilling has actually jumped towards him, ignoring the fire that was melting its fur and scales as it tries to bite down on him. Realising he was too late to do anything, Samuel simply decided to use his arm as a sacrifice to black the bite.

As the Dragon head snapped its jaw closed on his hand, Samuel had to hold back the urge to scream as he felt a corrosion of his soul. In fact, Samuel's had is only still intact thanks to Venom holding it together.

When he regained focus, Samuel snarled as his wings turned into multiple grey tape-like things as they expanded and rushed towards Trihexia's eyes as the formed a spear before impaling both eyes.

Trihexia, despite the blowing pain as it felt a weird energy, which is Telesma, were rampaging in its eyes, it tried its best to keep hold of Samuel's arm. But despite its effort, it still relaxed its hold on the arm, allowing Samuel to swiftly his other hand, which is also covered in Venom, to hold its teeth and force its mouth open.

The Dragon noticed this, as it tried to clamp on him, but Samuel used both his hands and feet to keep the mouth open as he himself reached into one of his beast's powers, as a poisonous breath accumulated in his throat, using the compressed energy that was divided in his lungs and Boosted by his heart. Samuel let out a stream of poison, that looked more like purple lava as it was set on blood red fire, down Trihexia's throat before jumping away from the beast as it let out a pained roar.

Looking at the convulsing Beast, Samuel tried to move his hand but to no avail, so he simply started using Venom to move it. Just as he planned to use Ravago's poison again, he felt 3 entities approaching him with all their might, so he just deployed a giant a giant array containing multiple ᛊᛈᛁ( Icefire) before flying away. As he did so, he was able to see 3 of the 4 current Trihexia beasts rushing towards the dragon one as they all were blasted with the trap Samuel left behind.

As Samuel watched the beasts being consumed by a mixture of Muspelheim's fires and Jotunheim's ice, his monsters came to him as he dismissed all except Babel fortress, Behemoth, Azi Dahāka and Leviathan.

With the spells effects subduing, Samuel saw a wall of diamond forming in front of them as a rain of dark needles covered in red aura came pouted down on them. Looking ahead, Samuel could see Trihexia, now with 4 heads, as it used its fur and turned it into needles filled with its malicious aura.

[ Master, Azaroth is ready, and the seventh day is coming soon.] announced Ezra for Samuel.

" It's time huh. Then you and the others stall it as much as possible, as I'll prepare the last attack" Saying so, Samuel started floating as his beasts began fighting against the Trihexia again, which seemed to have recovered from the poison injection.

' So it isn't a true dragon, just 1/7 of one' thought Samuel as he looked at 666 which was getting bombarded by all of the Babel fortress weapons, besides the holes in space that periodically appeared and rained all kind of attacks, from power of destruction to water manipulation.

Leviathen, once again acted as a chain but this time it was using the rain t was causing as bullets, not that it was useful but it proved to be a nuisance.

Azi Dahāka and Behemoth worked together as they recklessly charged into Trihexia, with Behemoth tanking all attacks and pulling the agro while at the same time dishing some attacks of its own, while Azi Dahāka activated Outrage to boost himself even further as he started using both magic and his body to rip and tear Trihexia's body.

Samuel, ignoring this, reached to his 2 halos as he felt his connection to the God's system and the tree of Sephiroth. As he did so, he was able to feel all the accumulated power and concepts in it, close to 3,5 billion people from all Abrahamic religions singing and praying. Above that, he felt the angels, that seemed to have been praying for 7 days and 7 nights, their power, faith, concept and existence at his beck and call. Feeling all this, Samuel didn't hesitate as he started chanting.

" By the Power of God, thou art damned to the depths of hell! By the Power of Christ, thou shalt not see light until repentence for your sins!." As the first verse was completed, a rift opened in space as a link was directly established between this realm and the 7th heaven, Zebel.

" In the Name of God, the Almighty Father! In the Name of Christ, God's Word made flesh! In the Name of Holy Spirit, the Sacred Mysteries of the Christian faith! I call upon the Four Archangels…" A stream of Power of Light rains down upon the surprised Trihexia as it started trashing around, seeing this, all of Samuel's monsters retreated as Samuel continued.

"I call upon the Heavenly Power vested within the Throne! Oh Prince of the Heavenly Armies, the Guardian of the Heavenly Kingdom, the Herald of the Second Coming! Archangel Michael! Bring down thy wrath upon this Demon plaguing honest believers!" A burning sword of flame descends to cut down Trihexia as the rift above them turned into a giant array.

"Oh Embodiment of the Power of God, the Guardian of Paradise, the Destroyer of Sodom! Archangel Gabriel! Bring down thy wrath upon this Demon opposing the Will of God!" Holy water begins raining down upon Trihexia, quenching the hellfire it was trying to summon. Before it can use another power, the rain pattering down drenches it, evaporating its scales and fur and annihilating its exposed body.

"Oh Embodiment of the Remedy of God, Guardian of the Pool of Healing, Binder of Azazel! Archangel Raphael! Bring down thy wrath, and destroy this Demon unworthy of salvation!" The ground underneath Trihexia opens up into a vortex, swallowing and binding it.

"Oh Embodiment of the Flame of God, the Guardian of Eden's Gate, Watcher of Thunder and Terror! Archangel Uriel! Bring down thy wrath upon this Demon with the Lord's Light!" A razor sharp cutting force cleaves through Trihexia's body, reducing him to chopped up meat. Then the wind returned again, reducing Trihexia into fine meat paste. The wind returned again for the third time, sweeping up the paste and throwing it into the vortex below.

As Samuel stopped, he looked at the fine meat paste that was regenerating slowly and taking form once again. As it was still struggling, Samuel reached to the final spell. A mental command was sent to all angels as they began chanting.

" Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!

Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee.

Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty!

God in three persons, blessed Trinity!"

Chanted Micheal with 1/4 of the angels, as the tree of the Sephiroth lit up with power.

" Holy, holy, holy! All the saints adore thee,

casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea;

cherubim and seraphim falling down before thee,

which wert and art and evermore shalt be."

Chanted Raphael with another 1/4 of the angels, as the power descended into the Sephiroth at the top position of Crown.

" Holy, holy, holy! Though the darkness hide thee,

though the eye of sinful man thy glory may not see,

only thou art holy; there is none beside thee,

perfect in pow'r, in love, and purity."

Chanted Gabriel with another 1/4 of the angels, as the power started being channeled into the 10 Sephiroth of the tree, crossing all 22 paths.

" Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!

All thy works shall praise thy name in earth, and sky and sea.

Holy, holy, holy! merciful and mighty!

God in three persons, blessed Trinity!"

Chanted Raphael with the last 1/4 of the angelic host, as all the gathered power finally reached the last position of the tree, Kingdom.

In the world world inside the seal, a projection of the Sephiroth tree has appeared as all the power descended upon the giant array that was already there. Samuel, now wielding the True Longinus, heard a voice in his head.

[Seven Heavens in alignment. Light, descend down.]

[Hide, conceal, veil. Ten Sephiroth in conjunction.]

[Telesma, Light, complete. Ten Qlippoth in alignment.] to this, Samuel just covered himself in the Seamless Tunic, The robe of Christ, so that he can handle what's coming, as with the chant done, the True Longinus in Samuel's hands lost its shape as it became a blinding light. The giant array glowed as it turned into 3 giant rings of light, that soon floated and surrounded the suspended tree. Among the ten elements of the Kabbalah Tree of Life, after crossing the first Sephirah "crown", one encounters a three-layered energy ring.

The first layer is "None (Ain)", Then there is "infinity (Ain-Soph)", The last layer is "Infinite Light (Ain-Soph Aur)". This represents the origin of the most divine, the beginning of the silence of all things. And in order to be reborn, one must first destroy! As all this power melted into Samuel's hand, with both the tree and the 3 rings, he noticed his hands starting to melt too even with the nigh-invicibility given by Seamless Tunic.

"Spiritual sons are gathered, divine power is loaded, the world is already rotten, and destruction is new life! O' Sinners of this cursed world, witness the power of the light of creation! - Ain-Soph Aur (Infinite Light)!" with its name invoked, the power broke out of Samuel's had, forming into a drill that shredded reality fabric as it descended upon the trapped Trihexia. And then, there was light.