
DxD: Beast Master

Waking up as a 6 years old who is about to be trained to become a church exorcist after taking a nap wasn't exactly how I imagined my day to go. But hey, look at the bright side, I will be able to do crazy magic stuff and become rather strongest ever. Yeah right I'm so fucked. ‐‐-------------------‐‐----------------------------------------------------------- ‐‐-------------------‐‐----------------------------------------------------------- *Disclaimer: No harem, If you recognize anything here then I probably don't own it, I only own my OCs and all the credits go back to their owners for the ideas, characters and the like. Also, no Harem. This will be a power fantasy story, about how the mc will try to become stronger and stronger, using all means he can. He has no type of goal or anything, no ' I will live my life to its fullest' or ' I will live without regrets'. I suck ass at talking to people IRL so you can expect interactions to be awkward, weird if they even happen cause I will be trying to minimise them. This story isn't actually a real story, it's more of an outlet for me to write about all the crazy stuff in my head, about the lore and possible power ups for a person. So again, be warned, that this story is more like a summary or diary about the events with minimal interactions. Discord link: https://discord.gg/hQPmj4WZ

Shub_Niggurath · Anime et bandes dessinées
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38 Chs

Ch12: New angels, fight and the black blade

AN: Well I have some things to say. First the update rate is going to slow down since I have to go back to school, so no more free time for me, sad. But that also helps me in planning my story and future plot more. Next is the fact that this next few chapters will be about the SLASH/DOG novel, and since this is a fanfic I can't really quite dive into a lot of details since fanfics works mostly by assuming the reader has already a certain level of familiarity with the story, so if you don't understand or recognise any of this plot, well good luck, but I will try my best to cover up since I forced myself to read it just to make sure what I am writing is indeed correct. Now to the chapter.


(Dimensional Gap: Random Location)

(3rd pov)

The Dimensional Gap is the gap that exists between the three worlds (Earth, Heaven, and the Underworld) and is considered a void world. The Khaos Brigade uses the Dimensional Gap as a means of traveling. It is the birthplace of Ophis, the Infinite Dragon God, and Great Red, the True Dragon. The Dimensional Gap was originally the home of Ophis and was occupied by Great Red until his death.

In such an isolated location, there can be seen two 10 winged angels just floating there looking at each other for sometime before, as if they received an invisible signal, both dashed towards each other. This is Samuel and Dulio, who both decided to have a spar in here no to not cause mayhem and not attract unwanted attention. As they neared each other, Samuel formed light swords in each hand while Dulio formed several light spears flying around him while holding one, which he commended to attack Samuel. As the spears rushed and neared Samuel, he just raised both swords and deflected all of them, despite the explosions that went from the clash which didn't seem to faze him, just in time to cross his swords and block the attack from Dulio and then delivering a side kick which sent him back tumbling in the void.

As Dulio regained his balance he quickly formed hundreds of barriers as dozens of gigantic light spears, each with close to a 20 story building in height, as explosions after explosions rocked the barriers that Dulio kept replacing and replacing until they stopped. Dulio let out a sigh before complaining.

" Heh Samuel, wasn't that too much, I almost had a heart attack seeing the gigantic spears." to which Samuel just started laughing a little and then said.

" Well, now that we're kind of done with the warm up, why don't we begin the true fight" they both smirked before light started to emit out of them as they gained another pair of wings, but the biggest difference is in the halos. While Samuel gained a star like second halo around his normal one, signifying his Domain over the Abyss, Dulio gained 3 additional halos that were interlinked with each other, signifying that while he doesn't have a domain, he can tap into a part of the powers of the 4 elemental ones, representing Micheal, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel.

As both of them were done, the first to move was Samuel as he just channeled the chaotic energy of the void and formed 9 dark balls that were spinning around him from them, just in time for Dulio to form a gigantic storm cloud that can cover the whole of the USA if they were still in the human world. Now normally it isn't possible to form a cloud in the Gap since there is no water molecules or anything, but they are formed of both magical energy and the conceptual power of the world's elements in Zenith Tempest.

Looking at the gigantic storm, Samuel just decided to summon 2 of his most suitable monsters. the first was the bicorn like familiar, AL-NASL MINIUM, and the second one is a lion-like familiar who has bright red eyes and has a lightning-like mane. This is REGULUS AURUM, it is capable of producing and manipulating electromagnetic energy, can manipulate or create a force field around aroumd itself or another. Just as the beasts appeared, thunder started rumbling and winds picked up as gigantic tornadoes started forming and giant bolts of lightning began to descend upon them, each capable of neutralising a city, but were all absorbed or redirected by the lion-like monster.

Seeing this, Samuel channeled the limitless energy of the Gap in the black spheres he formed, merged them and then fired with full force making a gigantic black beam pierce through storm and head towards Dulio who tried stopping it with Ice walls, barriers and Lightning, but seeing it's futile he quickly teleported away. Looking at this, Samuel quietly began forming water around him from the store, his mana and connection to the Deep while still firing at Dulio with his Infinity beam, fighting between then with lightning and trying to shield myself from his ice and winds using Sound vibrations.

If anyone was to look at this apocalyptic scene with destruction and chaos starting to reach continental levels they would sure have a heart attack, if not they will die from the aftermath of the battle. And as the battle continued in a stalemate, Dulio finally noticed the water that was gathering below his storm as it was enough to drown the continent of Africa, but he was too late to do anything as Samuel reached to his blessing from Gabriel and chanted.

" Oh Embodiment of the Power of God, the Guardian of Paradise, the Destroyer of Sodom! Archangel Gabriel! Bring down thy wrath upon this land opposing the Will of God!" which caused the whole of the gathered water to turn into a holy one, and then using it Samuel finally fulfilled the conditions to summon his monster, as the water condensed and start taking the shape of a giant snake like monster, but that wasn't the shocking part. It was the power emanating form it that really really shocked Dulio, as he was able to feel that this monstrosity is beyond Satan-class level, reaching the realm of the Heavenly Dragons. Seeing that Dulil stopped, Samuel stopped too and descended on the monsters head that has already began forming scales and fully materialising into the world.

" Suprised? This is one of my strongest creations yet, it requires a shit ton of holy water to act as a medium for the summon each time but that isn't exactly a problem to me. I call it Leviathen, an apt name of I do say so myself." chuckling to himself and seeing the still godsmacked expression of Dulio, he tapped his foot on the monsters head which made it roar and cause a gigantic cyclone of water to form and quickly disperse the storm formed by Zenith Tempest. What Samuel didn't mention was that this monster is only possible because of the fact he obtained the Sephiroth Graal that allow him to create monsters of this level.

" Well then I guess that's the end of this fight" said Samuel as he demarterialised his second halo making him lose a pair of wings, then he did the same to his monster making them go back to his shadow or dissolve in the case of the Leviathen as the water quickly disentigrated because of the Gap now that it wasn't protected.


(MC pov)

Teleporting myself to my workshop/castle I began to think to myself about the past. It's been close to 2 years since I got the holy grail, it's now 2004 that means that canon will start in 4-5 years but it will be quite different as there are many differences: The church and heaven being stronger than ever, Brave Saints already being implemented as I and the other Seraphs reincarnated some of the top brass and talented people.

For me, I reincarnated Valerie as my Queen, Jeanne as my Jack card, Siegfried as my ace and Asia as my 2 of Spades, since my brave saints were Spades. Lint choose to become the ace of Uriel, joining both his Jack and 10 of Diamonds who we haven't met yet. For Gabriel, she reincarnated Griselda as her Queen card, Xenovia as her ace and a nun named Mirana Shatrarova as her 2 of hearts. Micheal still followed his canon counterpart and reincarnated Dulio as his Joker and Irina as his Ace. The other Seraphs reincarnated some people from all around but we weren't exactly in contact, some people that weren't reincarnated in the original did accept here like Ewald who became Raphael's Queen card, but others like Vasco still refused to be reincarnated, wanting to die as a human, but I still restored him to his peak condition using the Grail.

Going back to the changes, the biggest one was that we caught Diodora when he was trying to get Asia excommunicated, thanks to the fact that I had a shadow soldier in her and everyone of my friends, and so I was able to teleport myself there quickly and catch before anything can happen.

This incident caused a major uproar, as when Diodora's actions were brought to light and the fact that his peerage is all composed of ex-nuns who he tricked. After a meeting between Micheal and the Satans, Ajuka himself decided to kill Diodora since he was too much of a threat for the current fragile peace. There are many other such changes, such as me killing Freed when he went rogue, although I tried to help him, he is unfortunately a lost cause, a being that was born without any kind of desire except seeing others suffer, he reminded me of another character from a very very fucked up world.( AN: Yorokobe Shounen for those who don't know him)

As for me, well these past 2 years I had some amazing advancements, as I finally reached into my domains and learned how to apply them into combat situations, like my Truth seeking orbs, they are a manifestation of my link with the Abyss, allowing me many different abilities such as access to demonic energy from the Underworld, the Infinite well of chaotic energy from the dimensional gap, form and mold them into any shape I want and they are very very strong, each one capable of taking a beating from a Satan-class at full force without a scratch.

With this, I can now for sure say that I reached the very top of the Satan-class, I only need one last push to send me to the realm of transcendental beings. But that is just my personally, my fighting power is actually way above that, since I can now create monsters of the Super-class level, or just revive ones and take control of them with the grail, in fact, I have already did that with 2 other Heavenly Dragon class beings. As for the Leviathen, it was a creation of mine on that level, though unlike what I told Dulio, I don't actually need water to summon him each time, because you never know if there is someone watching or spying.

Back to Leviathen, it is actually a very strong monster created using the Primordial Waters that I can call upon because of my connection to the Great Deep, it's said that they were once the source of the world, the water of life and its origin, but now they are its greatest nemesis. From what I remember, this water was used by Apophis in the original story. In the bible, it is said that it was where the Leviathen resides, so I just decided to use it as a catalyst, and use the Souls of the original Satan Leviathen and her descendants that I was able to summon to make this monstrosity, and thanks to my great affinity with water it was not that hard to succeed in my endouver.

I just continued my stroll in the workshop before reaching the basement, where I opened the door and looked inside to see dozens upon dozens of giant mechanical beings, each capable of harming even the dragon-kings. This are Gogmagogs, an ancient army of Golems who were created by the Ancient God's but were later deactivated and abandoned by them in the Gap, they are capable of many amazing things, having rockets, machine guns, lazers and auto repair. They are my private army in case I needed and wasn't able to access my sacred gear for whatever reason.

In the original story, Vali and team were able to find one of them when Ophis mentioned giants capable of travelling the dimensional gap. Naturally with my connection to Qliphoth and the Abyss as my domain, I know all of the dimensional gap like the back of my hand, and I am capable of sensing all that moves in it, or atleast the region near our world, since I can't sense the world's beyond our boundary because of Great Red, but that's good I suppose. In fact, I plan to make sure that Rivezim atleast won't be able to send his declaration of war on the other world since that was why they even noticed this world, maybe that's just delaying the inevitable but it is still a better outcome than most.

But anyways as I said I am able to sense everything in it, like the location of all the gogmagogs, the isolated base of the wizards of Oz, that if things go according to plan I will be meeting soon, and even the location of the Seal, at the "end of the world", which seems to have been decaying overtime but still have thousands of years to it. After checking that everything was alright, I opened my status to see.

[ --Name: Samuel Willis

--Race: Pure Angel

--Physical body: Low-Satan class without active enhancement ( Top-Satan class with Touki, Venom and runic enchantments he places upon himself). Nigh-immortal due to the absurd regeneration thanks to the grail.

--Energy reserves:

Mana/Holy power: Nigh-limitless ( Maximum output is Top-Satan class level thanks to both the grail and the dimensional gap)

Telesma: Ultimate-class ( Equivalent to Low-Super class level in power cause of its quality but takes 7 days to regenerate when completely depleted)

--Power: Rune magic (Master), Water magic (Grandmaster), Lightning magic (Master), Light magic (Grandmaster due to being connected to the Sephiroth), Holy sacraments (Grandmaster due to being an angel), Barrier/Sealing magic ( Master thanks to studying the seals on Trihexia), Dark magic (Grandmaster due to being connected to the Qliphoth)

--Skills: Acting (Master), stealth (Master), Internal energy manipulation [Mana,Holy power, Telesma](Grandmaster), Senjetsu (Master), Swordmanship (Grandaster), CQC (Master), spearmanship (Master), marksmanship (Advanced)]

--Sacred gears: Annihilation Maker, Sephiroth Graal, Alphecca Tyrant.

--Equipment: Ascalon, church vestments, modified exorcist sword and gun]

After this, I teleported back to the human world, Japan since I took some missions to visit there to eliminate some strays, look at the situation of the church there after the scandal with Masaomi Yaegaki that ended with both their "death", which I of course prevented since I had some monsters stay in Kuoh Town from my first time leaving the Vatican. With their survival, although she ended her investigations against the king pieces, she is able to live peacefully with Masaomi in the USA, and thanks to that Diehausaur Belial, while starting a personal vedenta against the Great King faction, won't really have any real reason to join Qlipoth. As for why I am heading there, well it's been 4 months since a certain "Mysterious shipwreck of the Heavenly of Aloha". And so I decided to head there for the start of some crazy sheningans since after all, close to 4 Longinus will be gathered there, including the one I am after, a holy relic.