
Power Scaling

System Level Breakdown: [Shadow Ranks]


•1-99: Base Humans - [Soldier]

•100-199: 2 Winged - [Knight]

•200-299: 4 Winged - [Elite Knight]

•300-399: 6 Winged - [Commander]

•400-499: 8 Winged - [General]

•500-599: 10 Winged/Minor god - [Marshal]

•600-750: 12 Winged/Major god - [Grand Marshal]

•High god/Dragon King(Zeus, Odin, Indra)

•Elder god/Heavenly Dragon(Shiva, Biblical God)

•Dragon god(Ophis/Great Red)


•These rankings are just the most basic guidelines and don't take into account weapons, skills, magic, or any other implements that one could use. Regular humans kill Devils with weapons from the church all the time after all.

•For a lvl 99 mc, if you took just his body and measured it against a 2 Winged angel/devil/etc, then it would still fall short despite how he could easy defeat one.

•The devil's Low, Mid, High, Ultimate, class system is more of a social standing than it is a true representation of power. So in my fic, the number of wings will be used as the standard measure within the three factions. The devil class system will still be there, it just won't be used as more than what it is.

•I've also changed some of the Rank names for the Shadows. I didn't like having Elite, Knight, Elite Knight, so I swapped some around to make them less confusing. The level each Rank correlates to is as of chapter 5, any changes since then may or may not be reflected here.