
DxD: Adventure Of Black Flash

Nawin Makasha, a boy, changed after a dark event occurred in the past that left him scarred. He and his family moved to Japan to start a new life, but when Nawin joined Kuoh Academy, things began to change for him when he is thrust into the world of supernatural by force. Past will come back and haunt, Evil will rain down, Bonds will be severed. Will Nawin and his friends be ready? It's not my job, and it's not a translation. The author's approval has been received. Even though it was difficult. Somehow I found his mail. This is for distribution. Fan fiction author: DarkDracul1252

Charlottess · Anime et bandes dessinées
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26 Chs

Getting Answers and Rebellion

'Huh where am I?' Nawin opens his eyes and looks at his surrounding to onlu see darkness like in space. "Where the fuck am I? Am I really dead now and in heaven because this isn't what I expect heaven to look like nor hell" the black haired mutter.

He gets up and looks around trying to find anyone or something "No child this is not heaven" A voice boom startling the Makasha making him look around trying to find the person but couldn't spot anyone "Trying to look for me? Well you have to earn it. Right now you are nothing but a boy who is ignorant of his surrounding that can't even protect the people he care for or notice that something been going on" The voice comment pissing the black haired off.

"What are you trying to say huh? If you're talking about the fucking Devil and Fallen Angel, I've noticed them and by the way got stabbed by a Fallen Angel twice now so don't call me ignorant!" Nawin reply glaring at darkness, the voice chuckles like this situation is a joke.

"Tell me this Nawin do you care for your family?" The voice question "Yes of course I do is that a stupid question" he replies a little annoy "Really you do care well tell me this if your family get's drag into the world of supernatural being, what will you do?" The voice asks turning serious "I will protect them with all-" Nawin is cut off by laughter erupting from the voice "Hahahahah you a puny human? Ahahahaha that a nice one… face it kid you are powerless.

"You think you can protect them against these supernatural being hahahah they already got to one of them brat and you don't even notice it" The voice inform shocking the Makasha before he could reply, Nawin feels a force pushing him back.

"Tell me Nawin Makasha can you give up your humanity completely to get the power that can protect the people you care about? Do you have the will to protect those you care about or are you just a puny human who hide their feeling just to act tough. Think about these words when we meet again, oh and don't get killed before that happen brat." The voice said its final words.

Nawin sits up looking at his surrounding to find himself in his bed. "What the hell was that voice?" he takes a deep breath trying to calm his body. After a minute the black haired stands up to find himself naked "Why the hell am I naked?" he mumbles confuse before walking to the closet and puts on his boxer. Nawin look at the mirror "My wound is healed again just like before" The black haired mutter looking at his stomach seeing no scars or injuries.

"It must be Rias Gremory, she did stop the Fallen Angel from finishing me off" the Makasha comment "Awww what about me Nawin-kun don't I get any compliment, I was the one that healed you after all" A familiar voice reply making Nawin turn to see a very naked Akeno Himejima in his bed.

It took a few second for the black haired to reply "What the hell are you doing in my bed Akeno? Naked no less" he question bluntly while trying to keep his eyes focus on her face and it didn't helped that she have a well developed body and not afraid to show it no less.

Akeno moves up making the blanket from the bed fall showing her body to the world making Nawin feel uneasy as she walks to him with a smile "Well to tell you the truth Nawin-kun, Rias was supposed to be the one to heal you but she has urgent things to take care of so she called me and it took a while to heal your wounds completely and it was already late so, I thought I might as well sleep with you" Akeno reply happily. "Okay… what about being Naked?" the Makasha ask. "I don't like sleeping naked" The raven haired reply like it was the simplest answer in the world making Nawin sweat drop.

"Well get dress and get out" The Makasha said coldly heading to his bathroom to take a hot shower. "Awww why are you so cold Nawin-kun, I thought we were friends" Akeno reply a little sad making Nawin stops and thinks back of how he met the beautiful raven haired girl.


'WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE GIRLS, I'M TOO FUCKING YOUNG TO LOSE MY VIRGINITY?!' Nawin yell mentally as he is currently running away from the fangirls "Ahhh Nawin-kun wait up" "We just want to talked to you" "Marry Me!" That last comment make the Makasha feel sick to his stomach as he starts to run faster.

"Just a week in Kuoh Academy and this happens, I swear to god the universe hates me" Nawin mutter and looks behind to see about 20 girls chasing him. 'Okay I need to find a way to get rid of them but what' Nawin starts looking around then he spots an abandon japanese style house.

'There! it seems like a kind of place I can hide until the fangirls give up and it's also a nice time to test if these things I picked up works' Nawin pulls out a small black ball from his pocket and throw it behind him 'BOOM!' black smoke explodes surrounding the girls "Waoh! What is this" "I can't see anything!" "Hey someone touch my butt!" Nawin takes this time and dash for the abandoned house.

In The Abandon House

"Huh finally I lost them" Nawin mutters leaning against the door after catching his breath for a minute the Makasha gets up and looks around the place to find himself in a dark living room even though outside of the house appearance is Japanese architect style the inside looks more modern.

"Hmm this place is quite clean I thought it would be filled with spider web and dust" Nawin comment touching the table to find no dust, suddenly he hears a footstep 'What the hell? Is someone living here' He question mentally. Nawin start walking quietly to the noise direction "Gezz it feels like I'm in one of those horror movies" He mutter finding himself in a dark spooky hallway 'Hey is that light coming from that door" Nawin looks at the end of the hallway to see a door and hear more footsteps coming from it.

After a few silence skilled walk Nawin reach the door hearing the footsteps getting loader, it almost sounds like the person is dancing. He opens the door slightly and quietly taking a peek to see a beautiful shrine and a girl around his age dancing gracefully around it.

Nawin examines the girl appearance, she have buxom figure with very long black raven hair and shining beautiful violet eyes, her hair fall loose reaching to her legs with two strands sticking out from the top, her attire consist of a white haori with red accents, a red hakam, and a pair of zori with white tabi.

'Is she a shrine maiden here?' Nawin question while debating whether to leave or say hi to this person suddenly the girl stops and turns to the door "You can come in now I know your hiding behind the door" she orders 'Huh well there goes about being stealthy, I would make solid snake proud' Nawin mutter sarcastically before opening the door and walk in seeing the girl looking at him blankly.

"Mind telling me why you're in my house" The unnamed girl ask glaring at the Makasha "I was chased by a group of fangirls and spot this abandoned house so I went in to hide waiting for them to give up" Nawin reply bluntly making the raven haired raise an eyebrow.

"I see… You're from Kuoh Academy to" The girl said looking at his uniform "To?" Nawin ask making the girl smile "Well I'm also from Kuoh Academy, My name is Akeno Himejima" The now name Akeno introduce herself.

'So she is one of the so called Two Great Ladies of Kuoh I been hearing so much about' Nawin comment since pretty much all the boys in the school talks about them though he himself didn't really care "Well nice to meet you Himejima-san my name is Nawin Makasha" the black haired introduce himself extending his hand which Akeno take and shakes "Please just call me Akeno, Nawin-san" She reply smiling.

"Well it's nice meeting you Akeno-san, I will take my leave now since it seems I have interrupted you from your activities" Nawin said releasing the handshake and make way to the door.

"You can stay if you want Nawin-san, I was about to prepare tea I wouldn't mind a company" Akeno said 'It would be rude to decline and I did just barge in her home huh when did I become this soft?' Nawin sigh before nodding to her "I would love to have tea with you Akeno-san"

Mini Time Skip

Nawin is currently sitting in a kotatsu while Akeno pour tea for both of them after finishing pouring she sit on the other side of the kotatsu. Nawin takes a sip of the tea and to his surprise it taste great and that's weird considered he didn't really enjoy drinking most teas except for earl gray "This is delicious Akeno-san" He complement making the raven haired smile "Thank you Nawin-san" she reply before taking her own cup.

"May I ask you a question Akeno-san?" Nawin ask putting his cup down and look at the raven haired who nod "Do you live here? Because from the outside it seems abandoned" "No I don't live here, I just come here for the shrine" Akeno reply looking at the shrine.

"Did you build it?" Nawin ask taking another sip of the tea "Yes I did since this building is abandoned and where I live doesn't have much space… I like shrines you can say it makes me feel calm" she reply. Nawin can see that she has more to say but seems to keep it a secret so he changes the subject.

"So you're one of the Two Great Ladies of Kuoh Academy, hey Akeno-san" Nawin said with a bit of humor making Akeno laugh. Hearing her laugher makes the Makasha lips twitch upwards "And you are the Dark Prince of Kuoh Nawin-kun" she said back making the Makasha groan at the title while Akeno giggle.

"Please don't say that title" Nawin reply "Well I think it fits you Nawin-kun" Akeno said making the black haired look at her surprise "Why is that?" He ask "Well I've seen you before the way you are dark and don't talked to the students much except for your sister, you are quite mysteries and you also have the looks Nawin-kun so I say the Dark Prince suits you quite well" Akeno says making the Makasha blush a little.

"But now that I'm talking to you, you are quite different from when you're at school Nawin-kun, why is that?" Akeno ask curious same with Nawin who's having the exact same thought 'Why am I being nice to this girl' Nawin looks at Akeno who smiles at him making his heart skip a beat. Nawin shakes his head "I don't know I guess your different from the others at school Akeno-san" he reply.

Suddenly a phone rings startling the two, Nawin takes his phone out and looks to see it's his mother before answering it "NAWIN MAKASHA WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU YOUNG MAN!" Yao voice boom out from the phone making the black haired pale slightly while Akeno watch the scene with amusement in her violet eyes.

"H-Hey mom sorry but what time is it" Nawin ask "IT'S 5:30, NEARLY DINNER!" His mom shouts "Okay mom calm down I'll come home now" Nawin hung's up before his mom could say anything "Well I guess is time for you to go back Nawin-kun" Akeno said though a little sad "Yeah I'll see you later Akeno-san" The black haired reply getting up and makes his way to the door "I did enjoy talking to you Akeno-san… I hope we can do it again" Nawin turn and smiles at the raven haired shocking her before sending a smiles back at him.

End of Flashback

"Tell me this Akeno is this all real Devil, Fallen Angels and are you one of them?" Nawin ask in a serious tone, Akeno look at him sadly before nodding "Yes Nawin-kun it's real and I'm also a devil like Rias" she reply "Huh and I'm guessing that I can't do anything to get out of this situation can I?" He looks at her. Akeno feels bad at answering this question but she couldn't lie to him "No Nawin-kun you can't" she answer truthfully, Nawin sigh then heads to the bathroom "Get dress and wait I need a shower".

Time Skip

When Nawin gets back to his room fully dressed in his uniform, he is greeted by a half naked Akeno trying to put a bra on but her breast is too big for her to do it. Nawin looks at the side with a tint blush on his cheeks "Do you need help?" He offers making Akeno turn to him smiling sheepishly then nods. Nawin walks behind her and grabs the straps clipping it together making Akeno sigh in relief before putting in the rest of the uniform on.

"You probably have a lot of question don't you Nawin-kun" the now fully dress Akeno ask making Nawin nod "Well that will have to wait for now we should go to school before it's late" She said looking at the clock to see it's 7:40 only 20 minutes before school start.

"Hmm fine but I better get a full explanation about why the hell I'm still alive" Nawin said then suddenly picks Akeno up in bridal style making her squeak in surprise, before she could say anything Nawin jumps out the window landing on the ground and sets Akeno down on her feet.

Akeno looks at the Makasha waiting for an explanation which he catches "I don't want my family to see you in my rooms, it's too much trouble and my mother would probably kill you" he replies handing over Akeno's bag then starts walking.

Akeno giggles before following him "You are sure taking all of this quite well Nawin-kun" she admits "I don't think freaking out and yelling like an idiot will do any good Akeno" he replies before the two continue walking in silence.

After a few minutes they reach the school, Nawin and Akeno walks past the courtyard the other student's start whispering seeing this. The boys glare at Nawin "What is he doing with our goddess Akeno" "Yeah that punk doesn't deserve to be near her" Nawin glares darkly back at them making all of them coward in fear.

The girls also glare at Akeno "What is she doing near our dark prince" "Who does she think she is walking with our Nawin-kun" Akeno ignore the fangirl comments. When the two reach the main school building, Akeno turns to the Makasha "Buchou will send someone to pick you up after school Nawin-kun then you will get your questions answer" She said giving him a smile before leaving to her class.

Nawin shake his head then leaves to his own class but he is stop by a hand grabbing his shoulder making him turn to see his sister who have a worry look on her face "Where have you been this morning you left suddenly without saying goodbye Mom was freaking out" Lucy ask "Your one to talk ever since you join the Council Club you barely home anymore so what's the different with me leaving early" Nawin said shaking his sister hands off then resume to his class missing the hurt expression on his sister face.

Time skip

Nawin is currently napping waiting for someone to take him to this Buchou which he presumes is Rias Gremory suddenly he feels someone poking his shoulder making him open his eyes to see a petite girl who's probably 1 or 2 years younger than him, she has white hair and hazel eyes her front hair has two long bangs going past her shoulders and several loose bangs hanging over her forehead. She also wears a black cat-shaped hair clip on both sides of her white hair.

'Hmm Koneko Toujou why am I not surprise I usually see her with Rias Gremory, she also have a reputation of being the cutest girl in the school, even I can admit that she's quite adorable but I never seen her smile that probably make her more adorable instead of that emotionless face she always have but who am I to talked I am also like that' Nawin thought.

The Makasha continue to stare at the petite girl who have a lollipop and licking it making her looking quite adorable, the two stare at each other for a minute in silence "So I'm guessing you're the one who is suppose to take me to Rias" Nawin ask breaking the silence, Koneko nods then motion him to follow her.

Nawin stands up and follow the smaller girl while ignoring the whispers and death threat he gets from the fanboys. When they reach outside the main building "Mind telling me where we're going" Nawin ask getting rid of the silence Koneko didn't reply instead point at a random direction making Nawin turn to see an old building which also happens to be the Occult Research club house 'Huh a place where you study supernatural stuff and it is also where devil's stay… why am I not surprise' he mutter as the two reach the door.

Koneko knock the door then opens it walking in with Nawin following shortly behind. When the two reach inside Nawin examine the place seeing it look like old victorian style design. Koneko walks to one of the couches and takes a seat.

Nawin looks to the right seeing a blonde haired boy around his age with grey eyes leaning against the wall smiling at him 'Yuuto Kiba the Prince of Kuoh Academy of course he will be here… seems like all the popular student in this school are all fucking devil' The Makasha comment.

Nawin hears a sound of a water running making him turn and what he see makes him mentally facepalm 'Really a fucking shower in the middle of the living room' A feminine figure can be seen behind the curtain making Nawin looks to the side.

"Ah it's seems you've finally arrived Nawin-kun, take a seat Buchou will be with you in a minute" Akeno appear in the room with a tray full of candies and tea. She passes the candies to Koneko who's still busy licking the lollipop then hands Nawin some tea which he takes and sits in a coach which is in the opposite of Koneko's before taking a sip of the tea "Still good with making tea as always Akeno" he comments placing the tea down on a table "I am glad you still enjoy them Nawin-kun" she replies happily then walks to the shower with some clothes and hands it over to Rias.

The shower curtains open showing Rias Gremory dress in the Kuoh Academy Uniform she looks around the room to spot the Makasha and send a smiles at him which only receive her a stoic look.

"I'm happy that you came Nawin-san I hope you are enjoying your stay" Rias said leaning against her desk with Akeno standing beside her "I only came here for answers Gremory-san then I'm out of here nothing more nothing less" he replies coldly.

"Well before I answer your question why don't I give you a little of a background of the three factions since you seem to be a kind of person who don't like losing his time" Rias said, Nawin didn't say anything so the Gremory takes the next 5 minutes to explain the Makasha about the Angel, Fallen Angel, and Devil being at a war for centuries and finally they decided to end it with a peace treaties created by the three faction leaders but even then there are still conflicts going on between the three faction especially the fallen angel considering a lot of them didn't agree in the peace treaties idea unlike their leader.

It took a few minutes for Nawin to collect all these information "I understand and to be honest I don't give a shit about this war going on between the three faction" He comment shocking Rias and the other "You answer quite a lot of question of what I want to ask in that explanation… now what I want to know the most is how I'm still alive" Nawin ask with a forceful tone at Rias who looks back at him turning serious.

"I resurrected you… but there's a cost to doing that" she reply looking at Nawin's brown eyes "And what is that?" "You lost your humanity then become a devil to serve the person who resurrected you" Rias reply shocking the Makasha to the core.

In a blink of an eye Nawin dash to the Gremory grabbing her by the shirt, glaring with hatred shocking the Gremory. Yuuto appear behind the Makasha with a sword in his hands pointing at the black haired back, Koneko is also ready to punch standing beside the black haired while Akeno stares at him in shock.

"Koneko, Yuuto stand down" Rias order the two making them step back but still holds their stance. Rias looks back at Nawin "You bitch who gives you the right to just take someone humanity and thinks that's it okay and then expect them to join you" Nawin said darkly.

"Did you want to die then Nawin-san?" Rias question "No I did not want to die but if you expect me to join you like a loyal servant then you have another thing coming Gremory" he reply coldly releasing her and walks past Yuuto to the door.

"Tell me then Nawin-san what will you do when the fallen angel's come back for you which will probably put your family in danger as well, you aren't strong enough to fight them either way you look at it your already drag into this world" Rias said making the Makasha stop.

Suddenly Rias and the other feel a heavy pressure pushing down on them making all four drop to they're knees. Rias looks at Nawin and to her shock she sees black aura start swirling around him 'W-what is this? It feels like something is pushing me down wanting me to kill myself' The Gremory think finding herself hard to breath as sweat start to form around her forehead.

Nawin turns to the group and to their shock his usually brown eyes are now blood red "If those scum comes near me or my family, I will make them wish they were never born" He said then walks out of the building making the pressure disappear allowing Rias and the other to breathe again.

"W-what was that just n-now" Yuuto stutter getting up "I don't know but I think that might be his Sacred Gear activating… it's definitely a powerful one, but also dark " Rias reply getting up and quickly notice that Akeno is still in shock "Akeno are you okay?" she ask softly putting her hand on the raven haired shoulder snapping her out of shock, Akeno looks at Rias and nods before getting up.

"Koneko I want you to keep a close eye on him, Nawin-san doesn't know what kind of power he is holding and doesn't know how to control it. I'm sure the fallen angel will go after him sooner or later." Rias comment making the white haired nods. Rias turns to her best friend "Akeno you seem to be the only one who he will listen so try to convince him on returning here" she said.

"But I don't want to feel like I'm using this friendship I made with him to be use on joining the peerage Rias… and if he finds out I will loss his trust forever" Akeno said sadly shocking Rias since the raven haired never goes against her orders.

'She must care deeply for him' Rias note mentally before sending a reassuring smile at the raven haired "I'm not trying to make you feel like you're using him, this is for his protection… if he continues to wonder off with that kind of power which he has no control over, he's going to attract attention from the enemies and probably hurt himself" Rias said softly.

Akeno thinks about it for a minute then nod "Okay I will do it for Nawin-kun sake" she said with determination blazing in her violet eyes.