
DxD: A World Where T*tties Defy Gravity

The son of a Current Satan who is not yet known to the world. Where no one has seen him or even noticed his presence for the last 200 years has once again begins to make himself known now in Underworld but there is a twist he is now stronger— stronger when he was last seen. But what make them even more confuse is his wings he looks different.

Orael · Anime et bandes dessinées
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116 Chs

Chapter 18: Reunion!

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It seemed that rather than the wards being destroyed, whoever had breached them had just passed through them. Nothing more and nothing less.

'Hmm.' Rex thought to himself. 'Seems that whoever breached those wards must be pretty skilled in magic, if they were able to get through all forty layers of wards.'

As Rex cleaned himself up and slowly walked to the front door of his house, he considered pulling out his special weapon.

If Rex wasn't already strong enough without his special weapon, then any being, even a Super-Devil like Sirzechs, would have been hard-pressed to stop him in battle when he had his weapon in his hand. 

He was certainly no slouch with it... if by the term 'no slouch', one meant that he was skilled enough to have trained Mr. Durandal, the Violence of Heaven, and the Church's Device of Violence, Vasco Strada himself, the only full-blooded human who Rex acknowledged as being able to challenge him in battle, in everything he knew, that is.

And in any case, if whatever powerful individual had breached the wards, then it was a very real opportunity that he would need to take a forceful option in getting them to leave. Even if it meant pulling out the special weapon that Palutena had crafted for his personal use.

The silver-haired Nephalem pulled open the door to his villa, and stepped out, ready to fight at a second's notice.

However, when he saw who was standing outside, any desire to attack died faster than Belzard did when he cut his head off while the Strongest Boosted Gear Wielder was in Juggernaut Drive mode.

Sirzechs and Grayfia were standing outside, and they looked as shocked to see their first-born son as he was to see them.

There was an uncomfortable silence for half a minute, as Rex looked at Sirzechs and Grayfia, and Sirzechs and Grayfia looked back at him. Speaking of Grayfia, she was the one to break the silence.

"Rex... Y-you're here, you're alive..." the silver-haired maid had tears in her eyes. "My baby..."

"Yeah, I'm here." Rex replied. "And you're here, too. Not knowing the concept of knocking instead of just teleporting into my-"

Rex' words fell on deaf ears as Grayfia strode forward, and tightly wrapped her arms around her son, as if she was scared that he'd fade away in her arms.

"You can't even imagine how horrible it was for me and your father...!" Grayfia whispered, tearfully. "When you disappeared without a trace, we thought we'd lost you forever! Oh, Rex!" She proceeded to cry into her son's shoulder, as Sirzechs spoke up, slightly awkwardly

"Rex..." the Crimson Satan spoke. "You're looking different... all grown up. You look just like your old man."

"I rather think I look more like Grayfia than you, Father." Rex replied. Apart from the stick in between my legs."

Sirzechs chuckled, awkwardly, and even Grayfia let out a tearful giggle. She dried her eyes, and looked up at Rex.

"Is- is this your house, Rex?" she asked. "It's very nice."

"Thanks. And yes, it is mine." Rex replied. "Do you want to come in?"

"Of course." Sirzechs replied. "But Rex, you've got some SERIOUS explaining to do."


"Sooo..." Rex remarked, as Sirzechs and Grayfia took seats on his sofa, and he walked over to the kitchen part of his house. "Want anything to drink? Sorry, but I've only got water."

"That would be welcome." Sirzechs replied. "And I'm okay with water." Grayfia added that she would be okay with water as well, which Rex nodded to.

The silver-haired Nephalem got two glasses, filled them up with water from the tap, and grabbed himself a can of Coca-Cola. Holding the can up behind his back with magic, in a similar way to telekinesis he'd recently started learning how to apply his Demonic Magic in a telekinetic way, but could only do it to a basic level, and holding the two glasses with his hands, he walked back into the living room, and handed his parents the glasses of water. Grayfia took a sip, and smiled.

"Thank you, Rex." The maid said. "I must say, it's nice to see you're being hospitable to your parents, after two centuries."

"Mmmhmm." Rex replied, moving the can of soft-drink out from behind his back, catching it, opening it, and half-emptying it down his throat. Sirzechs was the first to notice, and spoke up.

"Hey, Rex! I thought you said you had water!"

"Yeah, I did. And I do." Rex replied, calmly. "For parents who rudely teleport through wards, and essentially break into their son's house."

Rex took satisfaction in the fact that Sirzechs and Grayfia had it in them to look slightly awkward, and a little ashamed of themselves.

"We're sorry, Rex." Grayfia replied. "We were just so overcome with wanting to see our oldest son again, that I and your father would go through any lengths to do it."

Rex sighed.

"Whatever." He replied. "Doesn't change the fact that you're here, and will probably come back after a while if I sent you away."

"Yeah, we probably would have." Sirzechs replied. As Grayfia glared at him, he hurriedly added. "Or at least, I would have." Grayfia just sighed. Evidently, that wasn't the right thing to say. "Anyway, Rex, I must commend you on the layers of your wards. It took Ajuka, someone who was responsible for breaking through the wards on the Valefor Castle, an act that essentially won the Anti-Satan Faction the Devils Civil War, 24 full hours, without sleep, with his Queen's help, to create a transportation-circle that broke through them."

Rex shrugged.

"Okay." He replied. "Anyway. What are you doing here?"

"What kind of a question is that, Rex?" Grayfia asked, slightly intensely, and quicker than she meant to, in reply.

"The kind that, a) wasn't meant to attack or hurt you in any way, and b the kind that you're supposed to answer without doing Shakespeare, Mom." Rex replied.


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