
DXD: A Nexus Devil (DXD x Multi-Crossover)

He was just an ordinary orphan. At least he thought he was. That was until some group claiming to be the Hero Faction tried to recruit him for being the inheritor of a lost bloodline. (A DXD/HP/Marvel/Multicross story) Self Insert.

FiveStarTomato · Anime et bandes dessinées
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51 Chs

The New Girl and A Confession

Ch 9:

Dumbledore found himself sitting behind his desk in the Hogwarts Headmaster's office, feeling a sense of unease. It was only the second time in his long life that he had experienced such discomfort. Before him stood a girl, or rather, a being of unimaginable power that surpassed even his own mastery of magic. The first time he had felt this way was after defeating Grindelwald and assuming the position of the Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards (ICW). Back then, he believed wizards and witches to be at the top of the magical world, until he learned of the existence of other supernatural factions, each terrifyingly powerful. Meeting Sirzechs Lucifer, the devil himself, during his time at the ICW headquarters had shaken Dumbledore to his core. And now, standing before him, was someone from Sirzechs' faction, matching his power.

"Could you please repeat that?" Albus spoke to her, his voice filled with a mix of confusion and apprehension.

The girl, radiating a devilish beauty, giggled. "No worries, Headmaster. I said that I, Serafall Leviathan, will be attending Hogwarts as a transfer student starting today!"

Overwhelmed by the revelation, Dumbledore fainted...


For Jake, school had been going well in the past couple of days, especially since he didn't have to attend any classes as a Triwizard champion. He could learn spells at his own pace and had no assignments to worry about. When he boasted about this to other Gryffindors, they gave him disdainful jealous looks, but he didn't mind. After all, the Magic Cup had chosen him, not them. Plus he got a super awesome bird familiar that he decided to name Blaze! His familiar's feathers were mostly red and yellow which reminded Jake of flames.

The first task of the Triwizard Tournament was approaching, and Jake felt confident in his abilities. He had learned a variety of spells that could potentially overcome any magical creature he might face. However, he was aware of the dangers posed by certain creatures, like Nundus and Basilisks, which he had read about in "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them." Both were some of the most dangerous creatures in the wizarding world. But overall, he felt prepared for the task that awaited him in a few days.

As Jake sat in the Great Hall, indulging in a drumstick while lost in his thoughts, someone once again plopped down next to him on the bench.

"Hi there, nice to meet you," a pleasant girl's voice spoke beside him.

Startled, Jake turned to look at the girl and found himself frozen. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on. Her pink eyes and long black hair tied into twin tails with matching pink ribbons were captivating. Her figure was flawless, as if she embodied the essence of temptation itself!

Not only Jake, but every student at the long table was stupefied by her entrance. Blushes appeared on various faces across genders.

George punched Fred on the arm. "Ow, why'd you do that, Fred?" Fred, who had just been hit, protested.

George barely paid attention to his brother, too captivated by the new girl's presence. "I wanted to see if I was dreaming or if this goddess was real," George said.


"Ow!" George exclaimed.

"Nope," Fred grinned. "I'm not dreaming either."

Serafall giggled, accustomed to men being awestruck by her beauty. It was common knowledge that she and Grayfia were considered the top two most beautiful devils. Ignoring the curious and lustful gazes, she focused on her semi-mission—to determine if Jake was truly a time traveler and, if so, why he was in their time?

Returning her attention to Jake, Serafall smiled and said, "Anyway, my name is Serafall Sitri. It's nice to meet you." She gave Jake a wink. "I heard you're a transfer student as well. Today's my first day at Hogwarts too. I hope we can be friends."

Upon hearing her introduction and seeing the wink, Jake's face turned as red as his hair. He stared at Serafall, his words stumbling out in front of the entire Hall. "Please marry me!"

Laughter and giggles erupted throughout the Hall as Jake's sudden proposal to the new girl caught everyone off guard.

"Hahahahahahahaha!" Echoed the laughter.

"Oh my God, he actually said 'please marry me'! Real smooth, man!" Laughed some students from Slytherin.

"He's been giving off the super cool and mysterious transfer student vibe for the past week, and that right there just absolutely ruined it. That was absolutely hilarious!" Shouted an older girl from Gryffindor.

Embarrassed, Jake's face remained flushed, but this time it was from pure humiliation. His carefully crafted image as an awesomely powerful magical transfer student had crumbled with just a few words spoken aloud. He felt the urge to bash his head against the table for his lack of control. "Fuck you guys! This is the prettiest girl I've ever seen, and I panicked!" Jake exclaimed to the whole Hall, which only fueled more laughter.

"Five points from Gryffindor for your language, Mr. Gremory!" Professor McGonagall's voice rang out from the teacher's table, causing another round of laughter from the students.

"What the hell!?" Malfoy Shouted out obnoxiously. "You took 20 points from me when i said fuck!"

"Language and that's another 20 points from Slytherin!" Draco just shrunk down in his seat as his entire table was glaring at his sheer stupidity…

Meanwhile, Serafall stood frozen in shock from Jake's unexpected proposal. While she had received countless marriage proposals from horny devils in her long life, this one, coming from someone who looked strikingly similar to a younger Sirzechs, caught her off guard. It was a little-known fact that she used to have a major crush on Sirzechs, although he only had eyes for Grayfia, who eventually became his wife. Thinking about how Sirzechs would react if he ever found out about this proposal, Serafall's face took on a sly smile as she responded to Jake.

"Hmmmmm, while your proposal is tempting, maybe we should start as friends? How about we go on a date and get to know each other better?" Serafall replied, her words causing the entire Hall to freeze at her declaration. They couldn't believe she had responded positively!

"What the hell, that actually worked!?" A boy from Ravenclaw exclaimed.

"Is it because he's handsome? Can you just say anything to a girl when you look like that and get a positive response?" A chubby boy from Hufflepuff chimed in.

Over at the Slytherin table, a not-too-bright and somewhat overweight student named Goyle stood up and walked over to a pretty blonde Slytherin girl. All eyes in the house were on him, curious to see what would happen next. "Hello, Daphne. You're the most beautiful girl in all of Slytherin. I love you, please marry me!" Goyle poured his heart into the confession, hoping to emulate Jake's success!

Unfortunately, reality proved to be cruel… Daphne, known as the ice queen of Slytherin, wore a disgusted expression. "Absolutely not," she spat out. "Never talk to me or so much as look at me again!"

"Ooooof, nice try, mate!" a kinder boy from Hufflepuff yelled out.

"Better luck next time, fatso!" Ron Weasley shouted to the sulking Goyle.

Defeated, Goyle slumped back into his seat next to Crabbe. The two of them seemed destined to be single for the rest of their time at Hogwarts…

Meanwhile, back at the Gryffindor table, Jake had finally recovered from his embarrassment, particularly after witnessing Goyle's failed attempt. His proposal may have been awkward and embarrassing, but hey, it got the job done, right? That's all that mattered, he guessed. "Okay, cool. Yeah, we can totally go on a date. So, when do you want to go? I'm pretty much free at any time because I don't have to attend classes, you know, since I'm the super awesome Triwizard Champion," Jake tried to impress Serafall, though he wasn't quite succeeding. Nonetheless, she found his attempts somewhat endearing and adorable.

"Even though I just got here, I've already heard a lot about the Triwizard Tournament. I wouldn't want to distract you when the first task is coming up in a couple of days. How about we go after that?" Serafall suggested with a smile. She was impressed with how smoothly her plan to get to know Jake better was progressing. She didn't want her self-imposed mission to end too quickly. Being in a magical school filled with a bunch of horny human teenagers felt like an absolute paradise compared to picking up the slack for all the idiots in her faction. She was determined to make the most of her time at Hogwarts and drag out this experience as long as possible. She was happy with letting Sirzechs and Ajuka suffer in her place as they cover her job for her!

Jake nodded eagerly. "That sounds great! After the first task it is. I can't wait!"

As their conversation continued, the Great Hall gradually returned to its usual buzz of activity. The students couldn't help but glance over at Jake and Serafall, their eyes filled with curiosity and intrigue. The combination of Jake's unexpected proposal and Serafall's positive response had created quite a stir.

George, still awestruck by Serafall's beauty, turned to his brother Fred with a mischievous grin. "Hey, Fred, maybe we should start taking marriage proposals more seriously. Look at Jake, making it work with just one!"

Fred chuckled and nudged George. "Who knows, George? Maybe love really is in the air at Hogwarts."

Meanwhile, across the table, Hermione Granger watched the interaction with a mix of amusement and concern. She couldn't deny that Serafall was undeniably stunning, but she couldn't help but wonder about the girl's true intentions. Hermione was always cautious when it came to new arrivals, especially those who seemed too good to be true. Even Jake himself had yet to fully earn her trust and now there was this new girl who came out of nowhere!

Sitting at the ravenclaw table, Luna couldn't help but smile to herself. Everything was playing out exactly as she'd foreseen and she couldn't be happier.

Having finished his meal and feeling proud of himself for scoring a hot date, Jake made his way back to the Gryffindor common room to retrieve his new familiar, Blaze. Even though the magical bird was still a baby, it held great potential as his familiar, and Jake was eager to see what it could do. As he walked down the hallway lost in his thoughts, suddenly his vision was obstructed by a bright flash, followed by the unmistakable sound of a camera click.

"Oh, wow! You're Jake Gremory, the Hogwarts champion! It's great to meet you! Hey, do you mind if I get a picture?" a younger boy, a couple of years below Jake, rambled on excitedly. He was holding a camera, clearly the one responsible for Jake's temporary blindness.

"I think you're supposed to ask first before taking someone's photo, kid," Jake said with a slight grin, not really upset about it. "Anyway, besides the picture, did you need something?"

The boy, named Colin, introduced himself as a third-year student and explained that he was supposed to inform Jake about attending the Weighing of the Wands ceremony, an important event for the Triwizard Tournament.

"Lead the way I guess."

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