
DxD: A Blonde Boy

After defeating Kaguya, Naruto finds himself in a new dimension with humans that had the inability to use chakra. As the last of his kind, with all nine Bijuus and with both yin and yang seal, Naruto blames himself for the death of his comrades. Wil he find people to call his precious ones in this supernatural world? Or will he fall to despair? Not very good at summary Want to know well you have to add this book to you library and read it.

Vengeance9578 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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143 Chs

Chapter 56 Bo*bs

I have just posted 25 chapters here. Visit here to read.

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A guard came rushing in with great speed.

"I-it's, it's our borderline. It's under attack."


"Humans, they all had unique abilities and their numbers... I couldn't count them all but.."

It all made sense now. It dawned on Yasaka. It was like cold water had replaced the blood inside her veins.

"Human. Breach. How? Borderline? Unique abilities? Sacred gear... Na. Ru. To"

As her mind ran through these possibilities, Naruto had somehow managed to beat her to it. I repeat, Naruto had managed to somehow beat her to it.

"Human Faction. This is bad"

With ultimate class devil speed, she got in front of Naruto's face.

Sapphire blue orbs almost popped out in realization and impending doom.

"Yasaka, it's not what you..."

A flame-covered hand grabbed Naruto's face. The heat was searing. His skin hissed as slender digits dug into it. His feet dangled in the air. The incredible force pushed him off balance.



Kunou saw her mother appear beside her all of a sudden and a blink later, Her fox ears were ringing, an impressive gust of wind emanating from beside her flapped her Kimono in a wild manner, dust filled her vision and an eerie chill went down her spine.

"What in theâ€"" The time it took to regain her wits and turn her head sideways, it was as if the cloud of dust was just an illusion.

Her Kaa-san had face-slammed Naruto, headfirst into the hard floor creating an uneven crater stained with blood.

Naruto wasn't going to recover from that without Kurama. He could but it would take a while.

"I want this traitor imprisoned. I'll execute him myself."

The loving soft-spoken mother Kunou knew was an alien compared to what she was seeing.

This wasn't her mom.

Thus was the leader of Kyoto talking.

The revered and feared Kyubi.

(Flashback end)


Naruto blinked in confusion.

Was it an earthquake?

Naruto narrowed his eyes in annoyance at what his blue orbs were seeing.

A barrier.

"How did I even get here?"

He was in front of Kuoh academy.

Nearby, Naruto couldn't sense the armies of Devil, Angels, and Fallen angels anymore. It was filled with humans and the Faction leaders.

Naruto leaped on a roof opposite Kuoh Academy and settled his butt there.

"Might as well watch them fight."

For the first time after moving to Kyoto, Purple and black bled into Naruto's blue orbs, and Naruto's, now heightened, vision pierced through the dome.

The eyes of Samara really earned its place as the greatest Dojutsu of all time.

"Oh, the red and white dragon emperor's facing off."

All the Bijūs opened an eye inside the seal interested in a fight between two jinchūriki of heavenly dragons. They're no jinchūriki per se but they are close to one.

"Looks like the white bat's betrayed the Crow"

"Boost. Divide. Hehe, these guys are the perfect counter for one another and that white one can expel excess energy."

"Do you think he can divide Chakra-based attacks?" Gyuki asked.

"I don't know. It might work, it might not."

Naruto watched them throw themselves around.

"That stupid brat. I taught him the ninja academy Taijutsu for a week and he's already slipped back to his brawl-esque fighting. Yay for me, all the more reason to punish him."

Naruto couldn't hear them but he could surely read their lips. Azazel said something about Vali shrinking boobs and Naruto felt Issei's powers increase significantly.

"Boobs? Really? That's your power up?"

"That boy must never meet Jiraiya" Naruto chuckled out loud. That would be a total disaster. Kurama had a sense of humor after all.

"The fallen angel's missing a limb," Chomei noticed.

Naruto didn't notice that at all. He scratched his temple before rummaging through his pockets searching for a chocolate bar he bought.

"Something's coming"

Naruto felt it before he saw it. He watched as a person with a… tail, a monkey tail with a long staff blasts his way into the dome landing hard beside the white one.

"A Youkai?"

"Let's give 'em a test, shall we?"

"What are you thinking about Naruto? What happened to animosity?"

"Let's have some fun"






Nostalgia hit Naruto and a smirk graced his features. He stood up and slammed his hands on the rooftop. Black seal ram across its edges. Naruto intentionally pumped Chakra into the seal, more than necessary.

"Kuchiyose no jutsu"


A huge plume of smoke appeared covering Naruto's entire form.

What came out was a chameleon. Not your average chameleon but a huge ass chameleon that one could ride on. Though the shinobi was standing on its head.

With the smirk still present, Naruto mentally commanded the chameleon and it followed its master's will perfectly.

Like all chameleons with the ability to blend in with its environment, it blended with the rooftop completely and it was like Naruto and the summon were never there.

(In Kuoh Academy)

The high-tier beings present, including Bikou and Vali to a lesser extent, all snapped their heads towards where they thought they felt something.

"Looks like our meeting will be postponed to another time, until then... Become strong, my rival, and give me the fight of my life"

Those were the so-called 'white bat's' words before he vanished with Bikou.

"Well, that went well," Azazel said.

"Nothing went well, you have a severed arm!" The Red Dragon Emperor yelled.

"Issei! You're alright?" The students rushed the Pervy one. Their words of concern drowned out as the leaders gathered together.

"Vali defected," Penemue said dryly. "I knew that boy couldn't be trusted."

"We were suspecting a human but it turns out Vali had me played" Azazel laughed out loud.

A raised eyebrow from everyone made him explain what he was saying.

"I knew he was working with The Khaos Brigade but I didn't know his allegiance was with them. He's just going through a phase" Azazel tried to subtly defend Vali.

Penemeu shook her head in disappointment.

The leaders suddenly tensed and even the students could sense the tension in the air.

"Show yourself!"

Sirzechs entered Maou mode. Followed by Michael, Azazel, and Ajuka. Those three were the only ones who managed to see the wind pushed by an invisible object.

"There's nobody here..." Issei said.

Sirzechs conjured a magic seal and out came a member of his peerage.

Souji Okita

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