
DXD - The Rise of Motohama

Seeing yourself in a fictional world seems like a dream for many. However, finding yourself in a fictional world filled with powerful monsters, mad exorcists and fallen angels isn't pleasant if you're a normal human. The situation is even worse if you are a simple sidekick. In a supernatural world, how far can a human go? (Obs: English is not my first language. So I apologize in advance for possible errors)

Albion_Kusanagi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

Chapter 8 – Attack the village.

I tried hard to post this chapter early as yesterday there was an error yesterday - how hard it is to write sick and with a headache. I will extend the poll at the end of the chapter until Sunday

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– Run! Blood servants are attacking! – shouted someone as I heard the sounds of hooves and screams everywhere.

Quest: Survive the attack on the village.

Description: A troop of soldiers and knights, blood servants of a vampire, are attacking the village. Blood servants' purpose is to plunder, capture, and enslave villagers and return them to the vampire lord they serve.

Main Quest: Survive the attack on the village.

Optional Quest 1: Kill 5 Blood Minions.

Optional Mission 2: Rescue the Villagers.

Hidden mission : ???

Main reward: Dad's journals and books.

Optional Quest 1 Reward: 50% increase in combat-related talents.

Optional Quest 2 Reward: Respect boost with ???

Hidden reward : ???

Motohama had to force his mind to work, understand the memories he had received from the villager he had owned, and process the situation he was in. He's standing on a dirt road in what appears to be an isolated village. Realizing what a man's shout was, he forced himself to run. Even with less reiki than he had in the real world, he concentrated to feel the presence of everyone around him as he ran towards a dead farmer and snatched a short scythe from the corpse's hands. He dodged to the left, avoiding an arrow coming from behind as he ran towards an enemy soldier. The soldier wore black armor, and red eyes could be seen glowing inside the helmet. The soldier, seeing Motohama advance towards him, raised his spear and slashed diagonally from top to bottom towards him. Motohama dodged to the left and hit him in the enemy's neck with one of the short scythes, making him drop his weapon. Before the soldier could fall to the ground, Motohama used him as a shield to block two arrows. Motohama swung his scythe at one of the archers, killing him and scaring the other.

Motohama's current body's fighting instinct was incredibly superior to his in the real world. Furthermore, that body was as strong as his current body after taking the potion. That body might have less reiki or mana, but it was still possible to see that it had very good natural potential. Bringing together Alex's full potential, fighting instincts, and memories of fighting had become all too easy.

Wasting no time, Motohama grabbed the spear of the soldier he killed and a belt dagger and rolled to the left, avoiding being trampled by the hooves of a red-eyed demon horse and the long fangs coming out of its mouth. He got up and threw the dagger at the knight who tried to run him down the moment he turned around. The dagger blade entered the visor, killing him.

Motohama ran towards two soldiers who came to help the rider who had fallen from his horse. When they saw that Motohama was approaching, they tried to attack him, but he dodged the first's spear, making a thrust with his spear against the soldier, making the spear point go through the soldier's neck. Motohama took a step back, avoiding the attack of the other freedman while taking the spear from the neck of the freedman who had fallen dead on the ground. He swung the spear over his head before descending it diagonally, hitting the soldier's leg, which caused him to fall to the ground beside his dead companion. Before he had a chance to react, Motohama swung his spear through his helmet.

Motohama ran to the dead knight and took out his belt, sword, bag of coins, and anything else he found useful. He thought about taking the horse and running away, but that would attract the attention of other riders and he would probably be pursued – that is if he could get that vampire horse to obey. Instead, he decided to switch to using the ability to sense presence to search for isolated targets. He felt like he was being watched, but that was just one more reason for him to show a great performance and that he wasn't an easy target.

Wasting no time, Motohama ran to the village chief's house, avoiding killing the blood servant army soldiers while avoiding encountering large groups of them. He entered the village chief's house and began looking for the case of talismans that the village chief's son had. He found the case and tucked it into his belt along with the sword he'd stolen from the dead knight's corpse.

A group of soldiers was losing villagers to shackles and tying them to chains behind wagons with their loot. They would take those villagers and the loot they obtained to be offered to the vampire lord they served. Lucky villagers would serve as blood bags from time to time. Those unlucky enough to be old or sick would be turned over to the wild beasts.

The soldiers barely had time to react before they found themselves being shot at by stone arrows. The soldiers who managed to protect themselves with their shields found themselves having to face five stone knights holding shields and large iron maces while also having to fend off arrows coming from different points. Even though the soldiers were stronger than normal humans for being a vampire's blood servants, that kind of coordinated attack was something they had a hard time dealing with. They could be faster than the stone knights, but they asked for strength, and at the same time they had to deal with arrows coming from different directions, which prevented their counterattack. One by one, the soldiers began to be slaughtered by the Stone Knights.

Seeing their comrades who were capturing the villagers being slaughtered, more soldiers rushed to their rescue but found themselves suddenly paralyzed. On their bodies, they had paper talismans from which lines of symbols came out like chains, immobilizing them before they were killed by stone arrows. On top of a house, Motohama stood while controlling the stone knights and archers while supporting them.

– Not bad, boy – said a female voice next to Motohama surprising him.

Motohama looked to the left, seeing a woman with light brown hair tied in a ponytail, having fair skin, lilac eyes, and wearing a white uniform. Behind her were men and women wearing similar uniforms. Looking at the ceilings of other Motohama houses, he saw that there were also people wearing the same uniform. The most surprising thing was that he hadn't felt them getting so close to him without him being able to feel their presence.

– You did well. Now we take over – the woman said before waving her hand.

All those who were wearing white military uniforms responded to the signal given by the woman and attacked. What Motohama saw surprised him. They were incredibly fast, creating blue reiki weapons in their hands, whether they were bows and arrows, swords, or spears. They appeared and disappeared across the battlefield, attacking faster and harder than the enemies could respond. The reiki arrows or blades hit the soldiers in black, mercilessly reducing them to ashes. The blood minions didn't even have a chance to fight back. Within minutes, every soldier wearing black armor was easily defeated.

– What are they? – Motohama asked to no one in particular as he watched the bloodthirsty soldiers being slaughtered.

– They are quincys of our empire's white army, Wandenreich . In modern terms, they are human mediums with the ability to detect the presence of dark beings and fight them – said the Woman seriously next to Motohama.

Motohama knew perfectly well what quincys were. As the woman had said, they were humans with heightened psychic powers with the ability to detect and combat supernatural beings. They had the ability to use a special type of spiritual power called reiki which is the union of spiritual energy coming from the spirit itself and natural energy found in the environment. Because quincy reiki is purer and stronger than ordinary spiritual power, its effects are also stronger . A quincy's reiki has the ability to counteract the supernatural by being deadly to any supernatural being. In contrast, a Quincy's soul, blood, and flesh are extremely attractive to supernatural beings.

Simulation quincys serve the Emperor, the one who was once known as the "Soul Destroyer King" in the real world. The soul-destroying King was actually called Yhwach. Also known as His Majesty by his subordinates. He is the creator of the quincys and each one of them is said to carry his blood. The truth was that Yhwach had already created the quincys again in a different world. He gave powers to humans with high spiritual affinity who acted as hunters of spirit beings by converting them into quincys. He became the king of the quincys, later an enemy of spirit monsters called Hollows, and also an enemy of shinigami. He started wars, sacrificed many of his allies, and did many horrible things. In the end, he was defeated and reincarnated in a different world where he can start his life from scratch.

The reason quincys normally don't get along with supernatural beings, either in Yhwach's previous life or in this world, was very simple. They have no immunity against negative energy coming from dark supernatural beings. Because they are highly appetizing in the eyes of supernatural beings of darkness, the quincy learned to fight and discovered that in the same way that dark energy is poisonous for them, the quincy's reiki used as a weapon is also poisonous for supernatural beings. The powers of a quincy are very similar to the energy emitted by some holy weapons and can nullify and even erase supernatural powers and dark beings. Because he had the ability to easily exorcise dark beings , Yhwach was called the Soul Destroyer King.

Yhwach, after reincarnating, found people with supernatural powers like him, but who were also different. He finds magic users like mages, witches, exorcists, etc. There were humans with abilities that gave them the ability to sense and see spirits, but only a small number of them had supernatural powers. One in one hundred and fifty thousand humans has some special power. These humans are called High- Spec . Humans . Of course, there are certain conditions that can cause a human to be born or become a High- Spec . Humans . In Motohama's case, he was born on Akatsuki Island, which sits on one of the ley lines that are also known as Dragon Veins - is also the reason why there are so many users of sacred gear . Because it is a special supernatural spot, some humans on the island are born with some skill or develop some skill, but not all have flashy abilities.

Among the humans with special powers that Yhwach had encountered, one of them was different from the others. They acquired powers because their mothers, at some point either before or during pregnancy, were exposed to supernatural powers, thus passing that power on to their children. These humans who inherited supernatural powers through their mothers, are called Fullbringer. Fullbringer has a greater resistance against harmful supernatural energies and has the ability to unite natural energy with its own and manifest it in objects, making them weapons. They also had many other powers and the greatest Fullbringer of all was known as the Shadow Bringer Queen.

In the real world, the history of the quincy was very short due to certain incidents that led to the extinction of the quincy. The only survivors of those people with the passing of generations diluted their moders so much that they returned to being High- Spec Humans at best and normal humans at worst. However in the simulation, quincys grew and spread around the world. With the quincys they formed a great empire that lives in confrontation with other empires all over the world. Fortunately, with their powers, the quincy are still able to protect the common people and face all kinds of dark beings.

The potion that Motohama himself took was based on the blood of the Soul Destroyer King and the Shadow Bringer Queen. He chose this union of powers to become a Neo quincy with a greater resistance against powers of supernatural beings of darkness without losing the special reiki characteristics of a quincy. So their powers would be poisonous to supernatural beings while theirs, however much they could hurt, wouldn't be as radioactive as they would be for a normal quincy.

– How do I become a quincy? – Motohama asked the woman next to him.

– Hmm ... – muttered the woman looking at Motohama before smiling at him - I think it's time for me to have an apprentice.

Mission complete

Main Quest Complete: Survive the Village Attack.

Optional Quest 1: Kill 5 Blood Minions (19/5).

Optional Mission 2: Rescue the Villagers.

Hidden Quest: Become a disciple of Commander Esther of the White Soldiers

Main reward: Dad's journals and books.

Optional Quest 1 Reward: 50% increase in combat-related talents.

Optional Quest 2 Reward: Favorability increase with White Soldiers.

Hidden Reward: Become Commander Esther's disciple and successor to her special techniques.

So as I said before I'm going to do a poll below until tomorrow. From Sunday, history will follow the path it has chosen the most.

The question is as follows:

Should Motohama leave Kuoh Academy or not?

This can affect the character's future, history and relationships, so think carefully before you vote. I await your opinion until the next chapter that should come out between tomorrow and Saturday.

(Creation is hard, cheer me up!)

Albion_Kusanagicreators' thoughts