
DXD - The Rise of Motohama

Seeing yourself in a fictional world seems like a dream for many. However, finding yourself in a fictional world filled with powerful monsters, mad exorcists and fallen angels isn't pleasant if you're a normal human. The situation is even worse if you are a simple sidekick. In a supernatural world, how far can a human go? (Obs: English is not my first language. So I apologize in advance for possible errors)

Albion_Kusanagi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

Chapter 7 – World Simulation.

I managed to write this chapter even though I was sick and had to work. So reward me with Power Stones hahaha

(Research at end of chapter.)

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Motohama closed his eyes and concentrated while holding his necklace pendant in his right hand. He initially thought about asking for a ghost summoning skill to summon the spirit of some Quincy to teach him how to use his powers and techniques, but in his case, that wouldn't work as he had to develop everything from scratch. Also, using the necklace to ask for a skill he could learn with magic seemed silly. The Activate-Only pendant doubled the activation value with each use. Another point was that it took a long time for him to gather crafting coins without having to kill anyone in the process. As with the coins he had, why not once wish a skill from someone that would ensure he could gain new skills and techniques without using the pendant.

While holding the pendant, Motohama focused his concentration, feeling the pendant in his hand vibrate at the same time as his energy was absorbed. Seeing himself in a completely white place, Motohama concentrated while imagining the name of the potion, which made a holographic screen appear in front of him with a list full of potions with the same name. He then recited the name of a skill in his mind " Creation Magic" which made a list of skills appear. He then thought of the wielder of this ability. He was a ridiculous and disgusting hero who was summoned by a king, fled by kidnapping the princess with him, then slew an innocent dragon, and then gave himself up to his lust using his power. The story of that hero was very bad, but his power itself was one of the most incredible - even though it strayed far from the magic rank.

Unfortunately, Motohama found that he didn't have enough crafting coins to buy that skill – not even close. So he tried to see Kamiya 's "Magic Creation " Yato . With this skill, he could create spells that would help him get stronger and gain the knowledge he wanted, but it was still too expensive. He then tried "Creating" the Han character, but again the amount he had to pay was too high – to the point of being absurdly expensive. So he tried something different and mixed the three skills and added a series of restrictions and divided the skill by levels. As much as the value had dropped a lot with all the restrictions and modifications, it was still a value much higher than what Motohama could afford.

The fact that he couldn't get crafting coins faster without having to kill anyone or sacrifice his own energy was a problem that had been bothering Motohama a lot. Issei in the fanfic had solved this problem by creating an ability to convert his emotions generated by his perversion into coins. He had done things like "Look oppai = 10 coins", "Touch oppai = 100", " Nudge oppai = 1,000", "Bite oppai = 10,000". Motohama liked butts a lot, but he didn't know if his fanaticism level reached the same level as Issei. He needed an ability that was more useful than the one created by Issei, which only served for moments when he was rewarded for something that might or might not happen in the real world.

Finding himself in a tricky situation, Motohama began to think about the different skills and systems he knew, looking for the one that was least risky for him. He knew that many systems could provide player skills, but many of them had some ulterior motive behind them—for example, the ground leveling system developed by "The Architect". Motohama needed an ability that would allow him to get stronger, acquire crafting coins, techniques, and skills, but without becoming a hostage to a system.

Motohama tried to put together different skills and systems that he knew and make several changes. The main modification he made was to remove GM access from the systems used as a base and remove the security tools from the system that could control him, take his powers, or even kill him if he didn't fulfill any missions. When he finished, a sphere of light formed in front of him before flying against him and entering his chest, releasing a sensation of heat throughout his body. A holographic window appeared before Motohama glowing blue with white lettering.

Name: World Simulation .

Type: Simulation.

Rank: D (Corresponds to the wearer's level).

Description: Special ability capable of creating simulations where the wielder can realistically experience a different world. Because the wielder's level is of great importance, the benefits of this ability may be limited to practical and theoretical knowledge only. As the wielder gets stronger, the skill also gets stronger and can generate more functions and benefits.

Motohama had mixed a simulation skill he had seen in a fanfic with several different systems to create his World Simulation skill . In order for him to be able to pay for it, he had to limit the skill a lot, removing a lot of points that could benefit him. He still had limited ability to perform at the same level as himself, which at the moment made it feel more like a fully immersive virtual reality game. Also, he had to lose some of his freedom over the plots of the simulations by having the ability to generate the plots by itself. Fortunately, he also left a lot of bugs that he could use to cheat. If everything went the way he expected, that skill would be a huge asset to him.

At the moment, he couldn't get anything special out of the simulations, but people used to say that knowledge is power. He could learn a lot within the simulations provided by his skill, and that was what he desperately needed. He didn't know how to use his Neo Quincy powers and couldn't waste time studying them from the start and developing the techniques from the ground up on his own .

Motohama opened his eyes, seeing himself again in the forgotten realm, but he felt that there was something different about him. He got down on the floor and began to meditate as he had done before, but this time with a different purpose. It took him using his skill several times to understand what he was doing wrong before he was successful. When Motohama opened his eyes, he was inside a large circular room with white walls, white tiled floor, with a pedestal in the center of the room with a blue crystal ball on top.

Motohama got to his feet and walked over to the ball of crests that lit up as he approached. He felt information trying to invade his mind, like when he used his ability, but it was too much and it was mixed up, making it difficult to understand what they meant. As that place was a part of his mental landscape and everything inside it was part of his mind, he focused on giving visual form to that information by making a holographic window come out of the crystal ball with information written on it.

Available simulations:

Creative Simulation: 10,000 reiki points.

Real-world simulation: 2,000 reiki points.

Parallel simulation: 20 reiki points.

Battle Simulation: 10 reiki points

Shared simulation: 100 reiki points per person + the cost per chosen simulation.

Points available: 590 reiki.

Motohama smiled in a satisfied way to see that, until that moment, everything was going according to plan. At this point, the only simulation option Motohama could afford was parallel simulation and battle simulation. At the moment, battle simulation was not going to be useful for him, so he chose parallel simulation, but he needed to pay twenty points of his own reiki to enter. The fact was that later he had to pay even more points to be able to choose his talents within the simulation, and if he wanted to take any of his skills to the simulation, he would have to pay even more.

Motohama had trilled for an entire month in the forgotten realm, and even then he had only managed to make his reiki grow by just over a hundred and fifty points. Perhaps he could be developing faster than a normal human could, but compared to many supernatural beings, he still had a low power growth rate.

Motohama selected the parallel simulation option, which caused the screen in front of him to change to a new list.

Parallel simulations are available:

Holy Earth – a version of Earth where martial, spiritual, and arcane arts developed in place of technology.

Technological Earth – a version of Earth where technology is a thousand years more advanced.

Shadow Earth – a version of Earth overrun by monsters.

Demon Earth – A demon-dominated version of Earth.

Red Ribbon Earth – a version of Earth taken over by the Red organization Ribbon .


Hollow Earth – a version of Earth dominated by the hollows Empire.

The option chosen was Holy Land as at the moment he wanted to learn more about techniques, skills and spells compatible with him. Several different holograms of his appeared in front of him, and each of them looked a little different from the others either in clothing or appearance.

Available identities:

Motohama Kusanagi – heir to the main branch of the Kusanagi clan – 50,000 reiki points.

Motohama Kusanagi – member of the secondary branch of the Kusanagi clan – 10,000 reiki points.


Motohama Morino – heir to the main Morino clan branch, – 5,000 reiki points.

Motohama Morino – member of the secondary branch of the Morino clan – 1,000 reiki points.


Former Captain's Son – Former Captain's Son of the Northern 13th Brigade of the Wandenreich Army – 100 reiki point.

Son of the village chief – one of the sons of the village chief in which he lives; the one who has shown talent in different areas – 10 reiki point.

Ordinary villager – a simple villager from a remote village called Sparrow Village – 1 reiki point.

Motohama thought for a while and used his skill to assess his available options and see what benefits they brought. At the moment, he only had three options he could afford, but the three options he had would take him through different scenarios. The one that would give him a blank slate would be the "Common Villager", but it would also be the one that would give him no benefit at the beginning, have high dangers at the beginning, and have difficult developments before starting to get rewards. However, the amount of life and death experience gives you more experience in dealing with difficult situations without losing your cool. In addition, he could have access to several different classes.

The village chief's son came with some talents and could come with some hidden benefits in your house, then it would have a high level of danger at first, but it would have less developmental difficulties and could have many rewards. Even having to face the same initial dangers as the common villager, the identity of the village leader's son provided many more resources to survive and a hidden talent superior to that of the common villager. In addition, he could have access to several different classes, some hidden.

The former captain's son's identity had early benefits such as sword techniques, bows, reiki manipulation, and more. It was an identity that faced some problems at first, but because it had already received training, it had a better chance of survival. The talent level of this identity wasn't bad and the development of his fighting powers wasn't bad either, but it was limited to skills and techniques for warriors.

Looking at the three options Motohama chose the position of son of the village chief. The identity of the former captain's son was interesting, but it already came with several acquired techniques and skills, not leaving much room for learning.

The screen changed, making the projections of the different types of Motohama disappear.

Character Status:

Random Talents – 100 reiki points per talent.

Random Skills – 100 reiki points per skill.

Optional feats – 250 reiki points per feat.

Optional Skills – 250 reiki points per skill.

fixed talents

Fixed skills.

Motohama paused for a moment, analyzing the menus that appeared in front of him. Random options would give you random talents and abilities without giving you any choice. The options would generate lists of skills and talents to choose from, including the talents and skills he already had in the real world that could be used in the simulations if he met the key condition – if he could afford them. The fixed talents and abilities would be the ones he'd gained in simulations that he'd made permanent both in the real world and in simulations. At the moment, he couldn't make any skills or talents fixed due to their low level, but when he went up, he could have access to those talents and abilities – if he could pay for them.

The first choice Motohama made was to go into Optional Skills and check out his own skills and what they were offering.

Optional Skills:

Mystic Blue Eyes (User Skill): Provides information analysis skills, error analysis, movement analysis, trajectories,

Neo Quincy/Kusanagi Bloodline (user skill).

Spiritual Awareness - Intermediate (user skill): Allows the user to see supernatural beings such as ghosts, spirits, specters and many other ethereal supernatural beings. It increases the capacity as a sensor allowing to feel the presence of people, objects, energies and much more using the natural energy of the environment as a tool amplifying its reach.

Reiki Regeneration: This reiki recovery speed by double that of normal.

Accelerated Healing Factor (User Skill): Increases healing speed, which is much higher than that of a normal human.

Accelerated Healing: Healing speed is twice normal.


Eidetic memory: a photographic memory capable of remembering events in detail.

Self-awakening: It facilitates the awakening of new talents.

Hyper Intuition: This increases perception and instinct by 80%.

At the moment, he had some abilities of his own that would be very useful within the simulation, but he couldn't afford all of them. So of the available skills the only one he chose was his Mystic Blue Eyes. He then opened the talents option to see which talents he had and which were available.

Optional talents:

Affinity with reiki/mana – low: the wielder has a low level of affinity with energies such as reiki and mana.

Intermediate Academic – (user talent): Increases the speed of learning and theory development by 70%.

Affinity with reiki/mana – intermediate: the bearer has an intermediate level of affinity with energies such as Ki and Mana


Child of Fate: 80% luck increase in all situations, ensuring greater protection.

Child of Light: 50% increase in luck, learning, and power during the day.

Motohama was a little disappointed to learn that his only talent was as an academic. He could understand that much of what he had done and developed so far had to do with his academic talent.

At the moment after choosing parallel simulation and the village chief's son identity he still had five hundred and sixty points, but it wasn't safe to spend all of them. He knew that if he used up all his reiki at best he might just lose consciousness. So he had to act cautiously.

Motohama chose his Mystic Blue Eyes skill and his academic talent. He'd come a long way with that skill and that talent. He trusted that he could do very well in the simulation with them. In addition, he spent two hundred and fifty points on each one, adding them to the previous thirty points making him spend five hundred and thirty points so far. That was the most he could spend at the moment.

Motohama finishes his choice by making the screen change.

[0 years: you were born, it's a boy].

[2 years: your family and neighbors begin to notice that you are very smart for your age].


[6 years: you, being the son of the village chief, receive a better education than other boys your age].

[7 years: you learn to feel the presence of other living beings alone in order to hunt].

[10 years: you help your father, the village chief, not to be tricked by merchants, and as a reward you get a book on onmyoujutsu].

[11 years old: you master the technique of low and intermediate level shikigami, surprising your family].

[12 years: you start to learn to fight alone].

[13 years: after much negotiation, a bride is set for you].

[14 years: you awaken the Mystic Blue Eyes].

[15 years: her fiancée runs away to the capital to be a nobleman's mistress. You vow to become a highly successful person and make him regret it.]

[16 years old: your village is attacked by vampires... you died].

– Shit – Motohama said before the screen became a vortex made of light sucking him into it.

As I said, I'm very sick these days (normal, living in the cold and rainy city I live in), so I can't write that much these days, but even so, I see that many, many of you donated Power Stones to the story. Thank you very much for the support of all of you.

Now I would like your opinion to decide an important theme in the fanfic.

Should Motohama leave Kuoh Academy or not? This can affect the character's future, history and relationships so think carefully about it before you vote. I wait for your opinion until the next chapter that should come out between tomorrow and Saturday.

(Creation is hard, cheer me up!)

Albion_Kusanagicreators' thoughts