

Adrian is a university student who is on its way to his club activity. Sadly, he doesn't arrive to his destination as he involved in an accident. Did he died? No, he didn't but he coincidentally found a strange monolith that transports him to another world. The name of the world is unknown. However, here, human evolution has taken a different path, creating a subhuman species called Dunirr. They are the weakest race among all the races living there. Due to that, they have been hunted down by the Human, Elves, Drakonic and Orcs. In the eyes of other races, their existence has several uses for them. Would there be a future for Dunirr? Would there be a leader to unite Dunirr? #If you like it, considered leave some stones and review. It'll help a lot.

Spartzan · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Dunirrs' Nightmare

After struggling to escape for some time, these little creatures finally give up. Watching dunirrs lose their hope in the cage brings joy to the knights. The knights ended up laughing in triumph.

At last, this mission is considered a total success with zero casualties. Soon, they're able to leave this damn humid forest. Based on the practice in Aeglen, the knights will get a day off after doing a mission. Everyone has their mind busy planning how to make the most of their off day.

After two hours of waiting, the rate of dunirrs entering the cage significantly decreased. Since they didn't know the remaining number, they assumed most dunirrs have been trapped inside while a small portion of them die.

"How many dunirrs did we catch?" Randal came over and took a peek inside the cage.

"Sir!!" A knight gives his commander a salute. "M-My apologies, we haven't counted yet."

Randal looked at the sky, then shook his head. "Then, there's no need to do it. We had captured a huge number of them. It's already late in the evening. We should get out of here before the sun completely descends to the west."

As their commander just instructed, the knights prepared themselves to leave Elid. The cloth they threw was left there. Since they aren't successful in catching all, it is better to kill the remaining.

Four boxes filled with dunirrs were carried with caution to the boat. They're holding ingredients worth hundreds of gold.

Once loaded, all two hundred knights board the boats to Point 1. From there, they are going to pick up the remaining boats. It is a waste to abandon them when they're expensive to make. Who knows, he might need them again in the future.

A knight said, "Hopefully, there's no giant snake on the path."

"I hope so. Last time, I was about to piss in my pants." His friend was thinking the same.

The two of them were in charge of guarding the boxes containing dunirrs. The duo had a simple task, to make sure the cage was securely sealed and prevent them from being overturned. Else, dunirrs might escape. If that happens, it'll be no end of nagging and harsh punishment from their superior. Also, a loss means a cut in their salary.

Shortly after, they reached Point 1. Ten boats are still there, untouched. Randal dispatches the thirty or so knights to man the boats before departing for Sabburg.


The night arrived. Sabburg has long been engulfed in darkness. The streets are void of people. Due to the lack of electricity, there's not much activity that could be done. People commonly had their dinner and then went to sleep.

A total of two hundred knights reached the town. Their presence naturally causes a lot of commotion outside. As a result, many people who wake up from their dream take a peek through the wooden window. Some even held weapons as a precaution.

The knights couldn't care less about them. They promptly moved toward the baron's residence to retrieve their horses.

"Sir Randal, you're here. I assumed you had a successful mission." The baron of Sabburg said in a respectful manner. Even though their difference in status is between a noble and a commoner, Randal has much more influence than him, a countryside baron.

Randal nods weakly, "Yes, the mission was as successful as usual." A shirt reply is more than enough. He knows the baron merely wants to probe the news firsthand. Alas, he is too tired to answer his questions.

"Why don't you and your subordinates take a rest here for tonight? You seem very tired." The baron suggested to him. He can't let go of the chance of making connections with a figure like Randal.

However, he was flatly rejected. "I'm touched by your kind offer. Unfortunately, I had to return as soon as possible. I'm here for the horses. So, maybe next time."

Without waiting for the baron's reply, Randal moved to the stables. He retrieved the horses and carts they left behind earlier.

Then, knights load the cages onto the carts, albeit tired. Baron silently watched them on the side. His eyes glint with dissatisfaction he tried to hide but failed miserably in Randal's eyes.

The knight commander can guess what caused the baron to feel that way. Perhaps, it is because of his nonchalant behaviour. Every member of nobility has this weird pride embedded in them. Analogically speaking, pride is their default setting.

Randal had no intention of changing the way he conducts. Nevertheless, he will keep in mind the baron. When people are desperate or overly confident, they tend to do insane things. He bet that fat pig is full of pettiness.

Although he kept smearing the baron inwardly, he didn't forget to wear a smile on the outside. Commoners need to be good at hiding true emotions if they want to survive among the nobles.

"Yawn~ Sir, We have finished our preparation. We can depart now." The brave knight dares to make a report while yawning.

In normal times, Randal would punish this idiot for his indiscipline conduct but he'll let it slide today.

Turning his face to the baron, Randal smiled. "Baron Sabburg, we will depart to Aeglendera now. Thank you for your assistance during the entire mission. I will surely tell the viscount about your contribution."

Baron's mood flipped in a matter of seconds after hearing Randal's words. All dissatisfaction he had previously disappeared.

Together with his subordinates, they gradually disappear from the baron's sight.

Randal sneered as he rode in the middle of the night, 'How can someone like him be a noble, governing thousands of people?'


Aeglen Farm,

After a restless journey on the horse, they finally returned home. Randal sent off his subordinates to the barrack.

Except for a few he had selected, they carried the cage to the secluded building in the vicinity of Aeglen Grand Mansion. It was heavily guarded in case dunirrs escaped. Only a handful of people were given access to enter. Randal was one of them.

"Sir Randal, what's bringing you here late at night?" The guards greet Vulthalandum famous knight.

"Good work, sir guards. I am here to deliver packages for the viscount. You may take a peek inside to confirm it."

They took up his offer and let him in to drop the ingredients inside.

Dunirrs who had been stuffed inside the confined space for hours was finally released. They were all transferred to a bigger artificial forest-like cage in the middle.

Curious, they look around to learn about their location. Contrary to their expectations, this place is clean with silverish walls, unlike isn't like their ancestors depicted. The place they were told was bloody, dark and foul-smelling. Yet, this place was organized.

Even so, it doesn't change the fact that they were entrapped here to be slaughtered as nourishment for humans. When reality sinks in, they scream, cry and want to be freed from this cage. Those hooks and sharp tools hanging on the wall are enough to push their mind to the brink of insanity. Some fainted, some had their hair turned white and some slumped to the ground.

Randal looked at the amusingly. The forest dunirrs are a bit wild compared to cattle dunirrs. But that doesn't pose a problem. Sooner or later, they will lose all their energy and will. They'll become docile like dunirrs in the next cage.

"Welcome to Aeglen Farm. May you enjoy your nightmarish experience here." Randal grinned.

He then closed the door, entrapping the poor creatures inside.