
Dungeons & Deskjobs

Ever wonder what it would be like if a fantasy world that you can only see in in Dungeons & Dragons had real life aesthetics and politics along with office jobs to boot while still going on quests. This is a one off story that revolves around my upcoming tale known as Kappa Kuro. Enjoy :3

DeAndreTheSly · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Story 1: Demons & Bull Milk

{In this world, shows the destiny of man and it's evolution that has passed one's own imagination. This planet known as Konus has creatures living among us who were fairy tales to some but legends to many. From wizards to dragons, mermaids to were sharks, even tiniest creatures like fairies and goblins. Indeed this world has the kinds of creatures and deadliest of ones but times have changed in a modern idea group in the way of companies being made within kingdoms and kingdoms becoming cities. More and more kingdoms evolved in so many places that they became towns, cities or even villages to keep their culture intact. Even with the change in culture quests were still a need as many monsters didn't give into change, same goes for adventures of many different classes still remaining just like their forefathers before them. Now more times than not companies send out adventurers out on quest to make their names well known, no matter the classes or the regions a job is a job. But even with every era, there is always A rivalry between two races. "The Tower Of Bard" The one company that ruled over the dark side of the planet where many go to die and fight to show their dominance but once the underworld became more political with their demons and devils, it became a towering building known as "T.O.B / Tower Of Beelzebub", an agency ran by the Devil himself Lucifer Donstar. T.O.B Was the founder of the idea to have workers also become adventurers in the term "quest workers" with quest being known "Quest Jobs" and even dungeons have become crowded with the bodies quest of workers which really puts into perspective that this is a doggy dog world especially since there is a Cerberus in the dungeons. T.O.B change the game for a lot of adventurers who were non-human, but they are arrivals help those that were demi human since humans are rare to this world since many died years ago… A rival company that has been a thorn in Lucifer's side for so long…."Heaven"…. or should I say "Holy Inc." which is a city in the sky that has been jumping through universes for centuries and only growing more angels as decades pass, they decided to make their own company that was a building made out of white crystals in the city of Fable. Both companies have an edge over the other but never getting the chance, this is the story of how one simple minded worker that evolved from a simpleton to a bovine of higher stature by milking his way to the top.}

Within the lower levels of T.O.B, business was booming as everyone was in their cubicle trying to get their work done and some rushed to get out there to their given quest. Suddenly the elevator opened and something flew out of the elevators with quick speed.

"Jazz! Jazz! Where is Jazz?!" A purple imp named Darius was rushing around just to find the cubicle of Jazz Bo Moonen but when he got there.

("You gotta be kidding me?") Darius said looking at Jazz who was sleeping.

"Zzzzz moo~ Zzzzz moo~" Jazz who was a bovine monster, snoring softly since he was sleeping with A leaf hanging from his lips which frustrated the imp looking down at him with a few of his coworkers couldn't help but giggle a little bit of chatter amongst themselves from what was taking place.

Darius took a deep breath looking as if he was trying to calm himself down then-"WAKE UP!"

"MOOOOO~!!!" Startled Jazz jumped up out of his chair and landed back looking around then seeing the leaf that had come out of his mouth then quickly ate it before it could hit the floor. He looked over to see Darius who did not look happy at all. "Did you have a good nap?" Said an angered Darius with stress lines on his forehead.

Simple minded Jazz nodded his head happily. "Moo :)" Said happily since Jazz can't speak English he can only say moo just like his native people.

("I can't understand this fool and I don't even know why Lucifer let alone the manager of this floor even puts up with him as he looks and sounds like a slacker.") Darius thought to himself, feeling even more made even with Jazz still in confusion. "Moo?"

The elevator doors opened again after the little imp shouted Jazz. The sound of heels clicked against the floor as a woman walked out of the elevator with a red and black outfit on with an open back for the big red wings on her back. As she walked along others in the cubicles noticed her but most tried to keep their heads down. The woman soon noticed the imp named Darius. Her heels stopped clicking right behind him. "Don't get so angry, It might make you age by 100 years Darius." The woman said as a joke but her face didn't seem to express that.

Darius straightened himself up as soon as he saw the woman who was the right-hand man of Lucifer himself, had rumors going around about her having connections with the other high demons throughout T.O.B and the world. "Miss Cyra! I-I am so sorry, I was just instructing one of the employees as he was just about to get you your coffee wasn't he?" Darius said to Jazz with a demonic glare that made him run for the break room.


While running Jazz not over anyone in his way like a bullet train just to get to the break room that was all the way at the end of the hall that looks as if it would take days or months even years to get to, Cyra glanced at Jazz as he suddenly raced to the break room, her brow raised slightly when he was there in a flash of an eye. ("Hm. Impressive speed.") She then glanced down at Darius, she wasn't there for coffee however since she was just coming to pick up some papers that she requested from someone. "I'm only here to collect some papers, I don't really need the coffee. I also doubt he will make it back at that speed without spilling the whole cup."

Darius was sweating nervously as if he would make a mistake. "Of course you don't of course you don't but the coffee down here is really really good trust me as jazz will bring you back the most delicious coffee that will be out of this world." Cyra glanced down at Darius when he said that.


"Moooooooo~" Jazz watched with patience and excitement as the coffee machine would pour in the cup a hot dosage of coffee but anyone in the workers would have thought that he was stupid because he needed to use a picture to make the coffee which led to one of the employees doing that for him, even if the employee was angry at him Jazz still waved happily as a thank you. "Moo moo~" Once Jazz was able to pour a nice cup of coffee, He poured in Some sugar but then noticed that there was no milk. "MOOOOOO!!!!!!!" He began to panic trying to figure out something that would be good as a substitute since he did not want to lose his job so he looked around but then he had an idea. "Moo Moo."

~Few Minutes Later~

"Fine but I'll still get my papers to fill out as your employee gets the coffee. But I do have other things I need to tend to so if it's not here in a few minutes then I'll be leaving." She didn't have much time to spare since she was busy with various requests for work. She walked over to another cubicle where a cat woman was. She was a light smoky gray color with bright yellow eyes. When the cat woman noticed Cyra she smiled at her then held the papers up to her. "Here you go Cyra~! I made sure to have them all in alphabetical order as well...Hm you seem kinda annoyed today is something wrong? Are you a little stressed out? I have cookies that might help with that." She said with a big smile.

Cyra's expression hadn't changed the whole time she was there so how the other knew about her looking annoyed was a mystery. "Thank you Kiki and yes I am. However, I will take you up on the offer of a cookie." She didn't expect Jazz to be back anytime soon so she took a cookie from Kiki.

Suddenly, Jazz came back with a nice hot cup of coffee with amazing speed,Cyra glanced to her side to see Jazz suddenly back. She was surprised he made it back without spilling the coffee. Jazz had a cute smile on his face, feeling proud of this accomplishment even if it was so little. "Moo." He held it out for Cyra hoping that she would like it but the person that hoped the most was Darius since he did not want Jazz to mess this up. She ate the small cookie quickly before taking the coffee from him. Cyra gave Jazz a slight smile. "Thank you." Cyra said that leading to Darius feeling like he did a good job since this was (In his head) his job would be on the line. "I hope you enjoy it, miss." Said Darius who gave a crooked smile with sweat still rushing down his face. Once it was in her hand she took the papers from Kiki then took a sip of the coffee.

Darius took a deep breath once then signaled both of them to get back to work with Little to no knowledge of what Jazz had done to the coffee…. Not knowing that this will lead into something later….

~Later that night~

Cyra was letting herself relax finally after a long time of walking through the building and doing paperwork plus other tasks, but she kept having a strange feeling washing over her at times, she ignored it. However, she was letting herself relax and suddenly began to become stronger which caused her wings to puff out slightly as she felt a familiar feeling she tried to avoid.

Meanwhile on the 5th, Jazz was doing his work while trying not to fall asleep but he looked over at the booth to see that one of his employees Kiki who was always working hard so he thought she needed a coffee so Jazz decided to stroll to the breakroom and make some again. "Moo Moo Moo :)"

On the 36th floor, Cyra instantly stood up and tried to clear herself of this feeling. ("Why is this suddenly happening now?') All that happened was she ate a cookie and drank some coffee… "Coffee!" Cyra clicked it when that came into her head and quickly she went to the stairs. She made her wings flutter open and flew straight down at a high speed roasting a few demons from her heat, Cyra headed to the lower level where Jazz was working.

When she went to the 13th level where Jazz was stationed, she could only see the night demons and his cubicle filled with leaves,plants, vegetables and fruits that he nibbled on plus a few papers, not to mention drawings which made Cyra frown when she didn't find him in his cubicle. Instantly, she began to fly around the office to see if he was still here. She had to find out what he had done to her coffee. There was no way she would just feel like this when she was at work.


"Moo~❤️" Jazz's moo could be heard from a nearby bathroom and when Cyra heard that she instantly went with no care for privacy. "Moo Moo Moo~❤" Jazz began mooing more and more secretly trying to pour his semen into the cup of coffee while trying not to make a mess. Cyra landed outside of the bathroom and heard him mooing, leading to her following the noises. ("What is he doing in there?") She took hold of the handle of the stoll door Jazz was in and opened the door that wasn't even locked at all...….

The moment she opens the door, Cyra was shocked to see Jazz jerking his cock at a cup...

"Moo Moo~❤... Moo?" Jazz looked over at her as he was about to climax which he did when he turned around to look at her with a large cock pointing at her. "Mooooo!!!!!❤" He moaned loudly, spraying Cyra with bovine semen. Cyra gasped and quickly used her wing to cover herself so it went on, with an annoyed flick of her wing she made the semen come off her wing but landed around the bathroom, Cyra quickly used her foot to close the door and crossed her arms angered with a lot of embarrassment.

Still in the bathroom with him, Jazz was on his knees hoping for forgiveness.. "You put your semen in my coffee...Is that why I'm feeling the way I am? You have thrown me off my work game for just now Jazz." Cyra said to him as she finished cleaning her wing.

Jazz nodded sadly and pointed to the break room showing that there was no cream or milk there. "Moo~ 😦 " He said sadly feeling he did something wrong. Cyra let out a sigh in annoyance. "You should have just given it to me black, I can drink it like that." Cyra had trouble looking at Jazz having that baby cow face but she was still trying to keep her composure but it was difficult when trying to fight the feeling that Jazz had caused her to have. "Don't keep doing that as you will end up making your whole damn office horny with your seed." She quickly looked away from him.

"Moo?" Jazz mooed confusingly, he didn't know what she meant since he only knew that bovine milk would make others happy but he didn't know the side effects.

Cyra put her hands on her hips and sighed. "Why are you so confused?...Did you really not know that your moo milk turns people on?" She said with a slight huff but she ended up looking up at Jazz who tilted his head still confused showing that he had no idea and he was basically A simpleton who does not know what he did even if his intentions are noble In a weird way.

"You really don't know...." Cyra thought for a few moments before her cheeks began to blush with her heart pointing ("Oh satan, damn it girl calm down, he isn't even your type. He is stupid, slow, lazy…. Caring, sweet, handsome, oh my.. Grrrrrr!") Cyra was starting to lose control of herself but after a minute she finally broke and lost her cool. ("Fuck It!") Her hand grabbed Jazz and quickly dragged him away from the office to the elevator. "Come with me."

Jazz was confused for a moment before he started to smell the air and noticed the smell which was sweet yet spicy, it was familiar. Cyra pressed the button that led to the floor her own office was on but while on the elevator Jazz's cock started ripping through his work pants.. Cyra pulled him to her office and slammed the door behind them, she pointed to a chair. "Sit." She demanded with a heated aura around her, Jazz obediently sat down in the chair with his 2 foot long dick standing tall. He was confused but at the same time he knew what was going on deep down in his animal-like instincts. Cyra walked to him and leaned over him. "You're gonna solve my problem, got it cowboy?" She said as she unbuttoned her blouse slowly.

Without warning, Jazz suddenly pulled her in with his tail, Cyra let out a soft gasp before it was cut off by his kiss. She felt his cock rubbing at her stomach which made her kick her boots off then pulled her trousers down and was eager to solve this problem for her. Jazz kissed her passionately but that passion slowly turned aggressive as time passed, he put Cyra on the chair now with a change to him as if he went from being just another bovine to something different, Jazz was standing then slipping on his cock ready to stop playing games.

Cyra felt a slight chill when she felt Jazz's energy change and suddenly put her on the chair now. ("What was that?") Cyra looked to check if it was still Jazz but what she saw was his cock was ready and quickly took her panties off so he could just go into her wet pussy that was dripping onto the chair.

Jazz spread Cyra's asscheeks and went into her pussy slowly causing a moan to slip out when he got half way in but


Jazz rammed his cock in with a loud moo as a warning!!!! Cyra moaned out louder.


Like a bull, Jazz was going at it with Cyra as the chair was rocking like a rocking chair even though it was a recliner rolling office chair. He was hitting ALL Cyra's spots that most imps or demons would not even be close to hitting, Jazz was hitting Cyra's kidneys with her cervix. Cyra kept moaning out louder and louder while Jazz was hitting all the right spots, the rare demons and imps she did have sex with weren't this GOOD! Her wings spread out a little as he was thrust into her like that.

After 54 minutes, Jazz picked up Cyra and pounded her like an ogre in the dungeons. "Moo! Moo! Moo! Moo Moooooo~♡♡♡!!" Jazz moaned moos with steam coming out of his nose plus going harder inside Cyra that felt tighter, Cyra held onto Jazz's arms as he picked her up like that. Her moans were growing louder as he pounded into her like this, each deep thrust only made her get tighter around his cock. "Moo, Moo Moo~♡" Jazz was moaning as he didn't know that he was breaking a seal within her bit by bit which most demon women have made it hard for low level creatures to either lose their soul or their energy but Jazz showed he was a different breed since he wasn't looking energy. While he was getting close to cumming, Cyra felt him starting to break that seal but this felt so good that she just couldn't care right now. ("Despite him working in the lower levels it seems that Jazz is much more than just a low level rookie.") Cyra grinned while feeling herself getting close to climaxing as it was building up.

"Moo♡! Moo♡! MOO♡♡!!" Jazz bit down on Cyra's right wing gently, Cyra grunted when he bit down on her wing however just like that Jazz ended up filling up Cyra which She soon moaned out loudly as her wings puffed out when she climaxed and mixed her juices with his overflowing semen inside of her. She began to breathe heavily as well. Jazz thrusted once more deeply, breaking Cyra's seal with a large amount of semen that could fill 4 crates. Jazz began breathing heavily since he completely properly bred Cyra the right hand man of the devil himself. Cyra spoke in a heavy sweat. "Fuck...That was good but you bit my wing-"

"Moooo~" Jazz said as his cock was still hard, meaning he wanted to go another round which made She looked at him and smiled slightly at him. "Another round? Well I'll accept that but a different position this time and please no more biting my wings they are sensitive." She said pushing him out of her slowly to let the semen spill out, she was surprised by how big he was but more surprising was how much semen Jazz poured in Cyra's now red pussy. She made him go to her desk and dumped everything on the floor just so Jazz could lay on it, Cyra got on top of him like a cat. She soon slid him back inside of her pussy, even though she was still sensitive down there and Jazz's cock was not helping anything, making it hard for her to make a sexy face.

Jazz looked at her while the reflection of the red moon made her look so beautiful to look at when Cyra looked down at Jazz leading to him holding her cheek gently."You, Pretty.. Mooooo~♡♡♡" When Jazz spoke those words from the heart even though his English was still bad he still showed how he felt at the moment by moving Cyra's hair out of her face….

These showings of affection made Cyra blush ever so slightly. ("It has been a long time since anyone has been so gentle to me, maybe I will keep an eye on this idiot.")

"You are a big softie." A sweet smile on her face for a moment before going back to a sly one, Cyra was left with A mix of emotions not able to understand why she was with a coworker so beneath her especially one that she barely knows. There was one thing that she felt that was understandable, the fact that two of them were eye to eye, connected, A moment that could not be forgotten. No moving away or looking away from either of them as if they were connected body and mind.

|||As if they were the only two beings in the universe at that very moment.|||

Jazz blushed gently & kissed her gently, eyes closed, tail wrapping round Cyra's waist to keep her close to him, he even started moving his hips with passion. Jazz's heart was skipping beats while Cyra returned the gentle kiss and closed her eyes enjoying this moment. She let out muffled moans when she felt Jazz moving his hips once more.

{They did not leave each other side that night that night, Jazz the Bovine and Cyra The Demon spent the entire night having sex on the 36th floor.}

{The Next Morning}

Cyra woke up and found her whole office trashed from last night as there was the sent of hot sex everywhere but even worse…

….Jazz was missing….

Cyra managed to at least clean up the traces of semen and love juices that still remained even after last night but her office was still messy. Cyra let out a sigh, " I gotta find that bull since he definitely gotta take responsibility for this before someone sees my office like this." Cyra had tried to find Jazz to at least help her clean but he was nowhere to be found. ("What if he ditched out on me, just like-") Cyra began to think negatively when thinking about another guy playing her for a fool and using her like an object. ("Whatever, he can do what he wants but he better come back up here and clean up this mess, hope he doesn't make me drag him by his tail to do this.")

Cyra had gotten herself dressed when Jazz came into the building naked having a few works see him walk past them waving like every morning but this was not like the usual morning, he elevator with A bag of donuts and a case of coffee for two. Jazz Press the button with his foot and waved goodbye to the workers and even the front desk lady who was completely shocked to see Jazz like that.

"♡ Moo Moo ♡"

Jazz happily mooed to Cyra who was surprised to hear him but continued to fix the papers not looking at Jazz. When Cyra finally noticed that Jazz was bovine naked, she couldn't help but laugh before putting the papers down.

Jazz smiled and tried rushing over to her but Jazz tripped, lucky Cyra managed to catch the coffee and doughnuts since he nearly tripped. "You should have gotten dressed first, you would have been flashing everyone with your naked body." She used her wing to clear a space on her desk to set their breakfast down while also noticing the glow to Jazz, even how he looked much stronger while dusting himself off from nearly tripping plus fixing his hair that also looked a bit longer and a little shaggy. ("What the fuck?! Get it together girl, that's no need to think like this!") Cyra quickly tried to clear her mind of such thoughts by starting up a conversation. "I'm glad you're back now, I need your help cleaning up this mess and-" Jazz cut Cyra off by kissing her lips gently showing he had grown feelings for her. He pulled back gently... "Moo~♡'' Jazz went to get dressed but his pants were damaged because of yesterday which made him question what he was gonna do while sitting on the floor looking through the hole. However, Cyra soon noticed his bottoms were damaged. "If you give them here I can fix them for you. I keep thread and a needle in my desk for times like this." Jazz Looked at his pants then looked at her which led to him getting up and giving them to her, he watched and waited patiently in the chair. When Cyra took the pants from Jazz, she went to her desk, took out thread along with a needle, then she began to fix them up for him quickly, it didn't take her too long to do it either. "There we go, good as new."

"Moo?" Jazz put them on and was happy that they were good as new, quickly he just hugged Cyra for fixing his pants in the first place when she didn't even have to. "Moooooo~❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️" Jazz lovingly rubbed his cheek on hers with his tail wagging.

Cyra let out a small laugh when Jazz did that. "You're welcome, I can't have you wandering around the office with ruined clothes. Now that we got that cleared up we can clean up my office and get professional once more."

Jazz ended up doing as he was asked without even a whimper let alone arguing like most demons in Cyra's line of work, he actually was surprisingly really good at cleaning.

Cyra cleaned up with him, she was pleased that he helped out. "Thank you Jazz. Now let's have this coffee you brought...I hope you didn't put anything extra in it this time." She joked while also being a tiny bit serious.

Jazz pouted when she said that, he ended up going over and gave Cyra the cup of black coffee that showing that he was not so stupid as other people thought and he actually remembered what Cyra liked. Jazz took out one of the donuts that was coconut frosted with pineapple sprinkles from the bag and started chewing on it, making him go from being pouty too irresistibly happily. "Mmmmm~"

She smiled when she saw it was black. "Thank you for remembering to keep it black." Cyra took a sip of the coffee as she sat down. She relaxed as she took another sip of the dark liquid. She glanced over at him with a slight smile. "Oh so you can make other noises besides moo." Cyra jokes.

Jazz nearly choked on his donut when she said that and he blushed a shade of red before grabbing his Coffee that was filled with whip cream chocolate sauce and coffee that could be considered slushy. The funny part was when Jazz drank it too fast and got himself a BrainFreeze.


Cyra let out a loud laugh when he did that. Instead of her serious demeanor she was acting a lot softer and different from Jazz. ("Maybe this big guy… Well sure he's definitely not my type, but he is really sweet and maybe… Just maybe, something special.")

"You need to be more careful."

Jazz calmed down but just for a split second he saw a glimmer in her eyes that really made her look beautiful as he blushed slightly really feeling something that was not just the heat of the moment. "Moooo~" Cyra heard Jazz's name get called up. "Oh, it seems like it's time for you to get to work. See you around Jazz." "Moo!" He got up, took one last doughnut, a sip of his coffee before grabbing his jacket then running to the elevator. Cyra took another sip of her coffee as she watched him rush away to the elevator. Jazz didn't want to get yelled at again by scary eyes (Darius).

Cyra reached into the bag and took out a doughnut from the bag and bit into it as she thought about this co-worker of hers, but she had to stay professional when the work day for her properly started. While on the elevator Jazz couldn't help but feel happy as his heart was just pounding like crazy, then a few male imps on the elevator talked about Cyra.

"You heard about that vixen on floor 36? Damn what a hottie." Another imp replied with more lustful intentions. "I know right I wouldn't mind pounding her from time to time as I heard about that break up."

("Break up") "Moo?" Jazz was curious to find out who Cyra's ex was.

Before he could get any answers he was noticed by the two imps and they sucked her teeth walking off the elevator into the floor, leaving Jazz to wonder and fear that he wasn't enough but then he quickly slapped himself to bring back that fire that he was not going to give up. "Moo!"

Before he knew it he was at the first floor and walked off to receive his quest by the front desk lady then quickly went off to get started Since all he needed to do was find a gate that would take him to his destination. ("Can't be late, can't be late.") "Mooooo~!!" Jazz rushed faster to the gate, he made his way to an open field leading to him getting a little distracted by eating some grass & leaves. "Mmmmmmm~" Suddenly, a shaky hand tapped his arm and Jazz turned around quickly, it was none other than his coworker, Kiki the cat woman, the coworker who usually is the only kind creature in the office to him. "H-H-Hey Jazz, come on you don't wanna be late again as we got a job to do. Our names were on the list after all."

Jazz nodded and got up letting Kiki lead them to their destination, but while walking Jazz still couldn't get last night out of his head which made him happy about it but something was up with Kiki. ("How can he be smiling while he did something so shameless?")

…She had seen him earlier this morning naked…

~Early That Day~

Kiki was wobbling to work with tired eyes. "Neeeoooowww, another tough more, hopefully I can get some coffee at work." ("I wonder what happened to Jazz yesterday?") While she was thinking to herself, someone crossed her path after coming out of the coffee spot known as "Wicked Cafe". It was Jazz walking with a smile on his face but what REALLY caught Kiki's attention was Jazz's blonde hair w/ black patches, his sky blue eyes, muscular body tone that you could grate cheese off of, skin that was a miss of pale white / garnet brown, bovine tail that complemented his adorable butt, then his soft dick that was longer than her ex's cock that was only 3 inches when Jazz had a soft 10. Kiki's brain overheated watching Jazz walk off, her face became hot with all the fur standing on end and even her tail wagging like crazy.

It was a sight to behold but Kiki wondered to herself. ("Why was he naked in the first place?")

Jazz had a smile on his face and before they got too close to their destination, Jazz started to take a deep breath and relax for a little bit. "Zzz Moo~ Zzz moo~"

Kiki looked down at Jazz with that usual smile of hers. "Are you nervous? Don't be Jazz, you'll be fine~! Unless you have a rush of caffeine and sugar from those two coffees along with the doughnuts I saw you carrying before." Kiki said, hoping that she would get some answers.

Jazz wasn't listening until he heard about the donuts and coffee which woke him up. He got off the grass. "Moo!" With motivation and his adrenaline pumping which made him rush for the dungeon!

[Quest Job: Kill 3 giant frogs and 10 goblins]

Jazz and Kiki headed for the spot before they started hearing the sound of frogs nearby, he looked around before seeing the sights around him which got him distracted. "Moooo~"

Kiki was looking around as well but kept her focus even if it was hard since the dungeon was literally a cave echoing sound all over the place not allowing them to know where the targets were as the Labrant went on forever. "Ok so we have to kill some frogs and goblins. Let's see how well we can do."

Jazz went into his pockets and got himself some air pulse gloves that he quickly put on. "Moo!" He nodded to Kiki which led to the two of them moving onward into the dungeon leading to them going deeper and deeper. Kiki was on high alert now, her ears twitched with any sound from the distance.

Jazz was ready even though still was naïve about the situation but for some reason his senses were enhanced, he could hear everything from the sound of water dripping from the deeper parts of the dungeon to batlike creatures sleeping, different footsteps from nearby to deeper in the dungeon, along with creatures digging holes into the catacombs. ("So many sounds so many noises I can't… Just calm down take a deep breath and think.") Jazz did just that by focusing after taking a deep breath then-


Jazz quickly pushed Kiki out of the way in mid motion so that the two of them could dodge the long tongue that was close to grabbing Kiki.

Kiki gasped when he pushed her & suddenly saw the long tongue shoot past then, she made her claws come out. Kiki slashed at the giant frog's tongue with a hiss. The frog took the attack but started coming towards them leading to Jazz taking this seriously as his expression changed from simpleton to serious. Kiki got ready to slash at the frog once more. She was more alert now as she braced herself to jump and slash at the massive frog.

Jazz Looked onward and saw that more frogs were coming along with goblins that had metal clubs.

"Guess we should take care of that." Kiki said with a smile as she leaped into action and began to slashes their enemies by using her claws.

Jazz smiled, helping her out by shooting out Air Blasts from his gloves.

{A Few Hour Later}

Kiki took down a goblin and looked over at Jazz. "I think we got them all!" She said with a smile and one swift motion flicked blood off her claws while Jazz gave her a thumbs up while laying on top of a giant frog that was indeed dead, breathing heavily from them having to deal with these monsters. "Moooo!"

Kiki smiled at him and went over to him. "That was pretty quick, guess we can go back and say we already finished the job."

Even though Jazz was covered in the blood of his enemies, he still got up by doing a kip up. "Moo." He jumped down from the large ledge that was the giant frog and took out his phone that had a crack from the battle just to take a picture of the enemies to show they completed the quest. Kiki looked at Jazz as he was taking the picture. She smiled as she admired his looks even though he was covered in blood.

While Kiki was admiring Jazz, he was thinking about Cyra while wondering if he should bring her something back which led to him noticing something that was glowing from within the frog. ("What's that?") he wondered to myself while slowly getting closer and reaching his hand into the frog's guts.

Kiki watched him and then glanced at where he was looking. She soon saw the glowing frog. "Is that frog glowing?"

Jazz got up onto the frog then reached inside of it to grab a glowing orb that was soon revealed to be a crystal. "Moooooo~😲" Jazz said excitedly.

Kiki moved closer and saw the glowing orb he pulled out. "Wow. That's beautiful. Wonder why that frog had it inside itself…Well I guess it's yours now Jazz."

Jazz grinned while getting himself out from the frog and dancing since he had an idea of what he wanted to do with it. He had a daydream of Cyra being happy to have the crystal instead while him getting a hard on just by the idea of them kissing again. Kiki looked over at him still while also confused on the face that he was making. "Jazz? Are you daydreaming there?" She asked luckily not noticing him getting a hard on since he was turned to the side.

Jazz soon returned back to reality then looked at Kiki. "Moo?" He suddenly noticed there was an orc coming up. Kiki had no idea about the orc behind her with a metal club that would instantly kill her without a second thought. Jazz did the only thing that he could do which was run over her, tossed her the crystal and took the hit by the orc but catching it even if he still was taking a bit of damage as a result. "Moooo!!!" Jazz was trying to hold the beast off so that she could run as this creature was huge and known for destroying women like her in the physical sense along with the sexual sense of the word.

Kiki knew when to get away and right now everything in her body was saying to get away. As the fur on her tail puffed out she quickly dashed away with the crystal orb in hand. "Sorry Jazz I don't think I can handle that! Please be safe!"

Jazz was definitely trying to hold back his strength But while he was trying to make sure that he did not die, the crystal suddenly started to glow, leading to It going to where the battles take place…. By the time it was by the orc's feet it exploded within the cave and shot up into the sky. Kiki looked back and saw a glow from where Jazz would be, she slowed down as she saw something shoot up into the sky. "….Maybe I should go back...." She said to herself as she was worried about Jazz.

Soon the light disappeared. It began to rain up into the sky…..Kiki hurried back only to find the entrance of the dungeon was demolished. She gasped as she moved closer. "No...No no no! Jazz!? Can you hear me?!"

Jazz reached his hand through the rocks but as soon as it dropped there was no doubt about it, Jazz was gone…..

….Kiki gasped when she saw his hand and tried to pull him out but it only led to her pulling his arm off tears ran down her face…..

…..That day she did not just lose a love interest she lost a good friend…..

…..Little did she know that a bunch of orc goblins were poking out from the woods coming to take vengeance on the ones that destroyed their home and killed their father…..

[To Be Continued In Kappa Black]