
Now for something different

Don't Own DxD or D&D, Only The Oc



System Text

'Ddraig Mental'

"Ddraig Vocal"

"Tvs, Radios, and Text via book or newspaper... when those are around..."

[Starting Split]


A white-haired girl lets out a weak groan as she smashes through a tree.

Blood drips from her forehead as she lets out a tired pant, slowly getting to her feet.

An incredible monster looms above her, it has durable looking red scaled skin and wields a large mace in one hand, it is bipedal with a long tail covered in red scales, it has digitigrade legs, two massive wings, and powerful looking bulging muscles across its body.

It has two glowing red eyes that frankly look like those glowing eyed memes, and it has two curved horns on the sides of its head.

Weiss rolls out of the way of a stomp, an enchanted rapier culched within her hand, the tip is bent out of shape slightly.

She breathes heavily and flicks a hand downwards, creating a spinning magic circle beneath her, she suddenly is launched to the right as if shot out of a cannon, landing roughly on a second magic circle that appears below her.

Her foe's head slowly turns to follow her, then he suddenly disappears, reappearing instantaneously in her path as she leaps off the magic circle.

He smashes a fist downwards, causing the girl to let out a weak gurgle as she is slapped from the air.

A mote of white fire appears in my hand, quickly rushing downwards, it strikes the battered girl's open back and detonates.

After a mere moment the crackling inferno subsides, revealing the girl completely healed.

I hold up a hand and conjure a second before flinging it into the distance.

Weiss rolls to her feet, swiftly dashing away from the pit fiend with help from her semblance.

It has been five days since we have started training... and I have more or less determined the power hierarchy of my peerage.

First comes me. Satan super devil class with a Longinus.

What comes next is what is TRUELY surprising.


Satan super devil class as well. Merely because I summoned her... and due to Celestial Spirit summons, the more powerful the summoner, the more power a celestial spirit may use.

I look across the battlefield to spy the rook accepting blow after blow- did she tie herself up... AGAIN?!

A black flame flickers at the tip of my finger, it shoots across the forest, piercing cleanly through her shoulder and snapping the rope tightly wrapped around herself. A second ray of white heals her wound a second later as she flinches and looks around, eyes glinting.

She is my strongest piece, but honestly, I'd expect for her to get taken out while pulling shit like this.

Next comes Artoria who is sitting at the top of ultimate class, shortly following is Valerie surprisingly enough... a used to be broken girl, who was merely placed in ultimate class because of my blood.

With the completed grail... she is horrifying...

She unlocked a partial balance breaker because of it.

Holy fuck. She unlocked a partial balance breaker.

Something she hasn't even come close to in the novels.

And let me just say, horrifying is an understatement.

I glance across the field to see three figures duking it out at high speeds, some form of scantily clad woman is hastily defending from the slashes of an armored red knight with green gemstones littering his body, a black knight suddenly lunges forwards, shooting a plume of purple fire at the woman's open side, but with a flap of her bat like wings she flutters away.

That is boosted gear Scale Mail and Asura Shrestha's original scale mail... Mittelt's is a subspecies, so who knows what hers will look like.

Anyways. Valerie's balance breaker, 'Round Table Revival' summons the weaponized fighting experience of the knights of the round table and binds them to scale mail armors. A balance breaker than summons other balance breakers

Don't let it be confused with the souls of the knights. It's merely their experiences. It's like using magic to animate a golem, but in this case, it is also granting them both Lancelot's and Gawain's fighting styles.

The reason it is incomplete... is because she doesn't have enough armored forms to conjure all thirteen knights.

Her balance breaker is merely fifteen percent complete...

Following her, you have Tyra, who is inching closer and closer to high ultimate class. Not quite satan class, but definitely a strong ultimate class.

Then, next is Ingvild. Those old satan fuckers may be absolutely crazy bloodthirsty savages, but they are sort of right in saying that their genes are better than the average devil's. On average, they have more demonic power, more strength, more speed, and better clan traits, sometimes clan traits with numerous abilities, like Ingvild's for instance, which lets her manipulate the sea AND transform into a massive serpent-like dragon.

She is the last of my ultimate class servants. Next is Weiss, sitting at the top of high class, Neo shortly behind, then there's a small gap and the rest of my servants follow after that in this order.

Xenovia, Mittelt, Meredith, Le Fay, Ravel and the weakest- though not by much- Irina. Who honestly doesn't even reach high class devil strength wise.

Why am I continuously throwing my peerage of mostly high class devils at enemies that could be considered ultimate class and beyond?

Why do I consider pit fiends, a CR twenty creature a 'pawn' in this situation?


Also I have a couple nescient demon lords running around being treated as the 'king' and 'queen'.

I raise my hand a large orb of white fire quickly appearing a moment later. It floats upwards, rapidly growing in size. With a flick of my wrist, it rockets into the ground... and suddenly the entire area is bathed in a white inferno.

The monster standing before Weiss disappears as the white wave travels outwards.

I drop from the sky with my arms crossed, landing roughly before the Schnee used to be heiress.

"Are you alright?" I question slowly.

"You are sadistic." She growls as she slowly gets to her feet.

"Perhaps. But can't you actively feel yourself getting stronger? You barely lasted a second against that guy on day one... now you can fight for a good minute or two before losing. That is some serious progress."

A figure lands beside me, immediately wrapping her hands around my torso and rubbing her face into my shirt.

"Hey, Neo." I smile down at the mute girl and pat her head with a hand. "How are you holding up?"

She takes a single step back and does a few rapid signs. "You are a sadistic bitch. But I'm fine now. I'm also definitely stronger now! I even cut it once!"

"You actually managed to scratch it?!" I blink owlishly, causing the girl's smile to grow exponentially, preening under my praise. "I honestly didn't expect that for at least another week."

I look to Weiss. "Everyone seems to be growing far faster than I expected... I am genuinely impressed. Soon you'll be able to fight on par with these beasts... and then... well... honestly, I don't know what I will do... these are basically the limits of my summoning ability."

"You make that sound as if it is unimpressive." The white-haired girl scoffs with a half-lidded glare.

"Eh." I shrug as I glance around slowly, two more figures touch down in the clearing, clothing slightly tattered and dirty.

The blonde of the two, wearing a witch hat and a school uniform lets out a long pant as she collapses onto her knees in the grass. "Gaius... you are so scary. Haah. But it's okay. I know it's for our betterment."

"I will never intentionally hurt you all." I smile at the group.

"I'm feeling pretty hurt." The wielder of Alphecca Tyrant scoffs as she rolls a shoulder.

"I would never intentionally hurt you with no good reason or without a way to immediately heal you." I correct with a bright smile.

"Hn." Meredith hums, sounding not very impressed.

A girl with six wings on her back lands a moment later, three black angel wings, and three devilish bat-like wings. "Gaius. Fuck you."

"Tired." The girl in her arms huffs.

Ravel looks a little worse for wear, she's a little pale and breathing heavily, Mittelt sits her down in the grass and takes a seat beside her.

A feral looking girl steps out of the bushes a moment later, she is absolutely covered in blood, primarily around the mouth area, but I doubt all of it is hers. "Damn it, boss. It was just getting good."

The remaining girls of my peerage slowly file in swiftly, Virgo with a dopey grin on her face, Artoria with a hand idly falling on the hilt of Caledfwlch, Valerie and Ingild striking up a pleasant conversation.

It appears that the two of them had been fighting close together today... allowing Ingvild to use her sacred gear to boost the effects of Valerie's Longinus to even higher levels due to the dragon type sacred gears... also it appears that they have a lot in common, being half humans from ancient lineages with Longinus sacred gears.

Finally Xenovia and Irina appear, looking the worst off out of a majority of the group... except Ravel, of course, who is acting like she is dying as I don't think she has done any legitimate training in her entire life.

They are both wearing the skin tight suits that the church gave them, looking a little tattered, Xenovia even has a breast fully exposed.

Irina seems to be more flustered than Xenovia in this situation, despite the fact that it is Xenovia herself whom is indecent.

"Nice." I smirk, causing several of the 'innocent' girls around me to gain a slight blush.

With a wave of my hand, everyone's damaged clothing is knitted together and cleaned.

"So... what do you want for dinner?" I question idly.

"Italian?" Mittelt suggests with a shrug.

"Sooo tired." Ravel huffs. "Why... why do you keep forcing me to do this?"

"Hm, yes." Xenovia nods slowly. "That sounds nice. It'll be something to remind me of home."

"Oh! The same for me!" Ingvild quietly exclaims.

"Yeah..." Irina sighs, seemingly a little depressed to be the 'weakest' in the group. "Italian is fine."

Neo tilts her head and Weiss looks a little perturbed.

"Think pizza and pasta dishes." I answer their unasked questions.

"Ice cream." Neo signs.

"You can't just eat ice cream for every meal, Neo. No wonder you are so short." I scoff with an eyeroll.

Her hands are just a blur as she promptly signs numerous curse words at me.

"I enjoy pasta dishes. This Italian food does sound lovely." Weiss agrees.

"I'm more a fan of English cuisine, but yeah, pasta sounds pretty good." Meredith shrugs, causing Le Fay to nod repeatedly in agreement.

"Meat." The feral woman grins, showing off her serrated teeth. "I don't care as long as its got a lotta meat."

Artoria nods once.

"Looks like we're having Italian... which is nice because I know a really lovely supernatural Italian place in the underworld."

I wonder if my note has found Ozpin yet.


"Ozpin! This is an incredible disaster! The relic of creation STOLEN!"

"Indeed." The white-haired man mutters. "I... have never seen anything like this. I shall take an immediate trip to Atlas to observe this gemstone."

"You don't sound all to bothered by this, Ozpin." The man with robotic prosthetics on the other side of the screen growls lowly.

"To be honest, James. In this current situation... I am fully coming to realize that forces beyond our understanding have suddenly begun trying to work for Remnant... that note you sent me... is it all accurate? Word for word?"

"It is." The man on the other side of the screen slowly nods.

"I see. Hm... looks like I may need to ask him about this." The man notes with a frown.

"You make it sound as if you expected this!" The general of the Atlesian government frowns, narrowing his eyes at the man he thought he could trust. "People by the thousands are evacuating Atlas due to the sudden drop. We have only been able to prevent wide spread panic by saying that the fall was a result of us swapping the energy source our city relies on."

"Do not worry my friend... this will potentially become a boon for us."

"The relic of creation is stolen; one of our four saving graces is now in enemy hands."

"Do not be so swift to call whoever stole the relic an enemy. If they were, they would have just allowed Atlas to fall." The beacon headmaster cuts in.

"They kidnapped the Schnee heiress. This is clearly the work of her!" The general snaps.

"It isn't." Ozpin denies immediately. "Not even she can enter the sanctuary of the relics on her own."

"Are you telling me that we suddenly have an even bigger threat than Salem on our hands?!" Ironwood snarls.

"Bigger, yes. Treat, no." The spectacled headmaster smiles into his coffee cup. "I have personally been in contact with one of these 'satans', and I have discovered that... they wish us no harm... no... I believe that they are the only way for us to defeat Salem."


There's a dull flash as a figure appears in the room, it is a woman with long black hair, she wears a long elegant dress, two bat-like wings are on her back, she looks around the room slowly, her green eyes have slitted pupils.

In her hands are a stack of documents.

"Who the hell are you?!" The man on the other side of the monitor snarls.

"Greetings, Headmaster Ozpin." The woman smiles as she bows her head slightly. "a decision has been made by the fifth- with continuous support from the fourth- to give you these documents and allow you to handle your inner circles issues. While my master, the fifth, could well and truly solve this issue with a wave of his hand, he believes that he has already caused enough unrest as it is and would like to leave it to you to solve your traitorous companions."

The Beacon headmaster freezes. "What? What do you mean?"

The woman strides forwards and sits the documents down on the clockwork table.

The woman turns to the screen showing the general and bows deeply. "I would like to apologize for my master's rash actions... he... is somewhat like a child at times and is extremely impulsive. I hope not too much unrest was caused by Atlas' fall."

"You work for Sathanas?!" The general snarls.

"I do." The woman nods. "I will leave you to your conversation."

The woman steps away and teleports away a moment later.

"Ozpin... are you working with these terrorists?!"

"James... I... have been alive a long time. I am cursed. Every time I die, I am forcibly chained to another individual and... against my will... I am forced to consume their soul and take control of their body. All to fight an endless war against someone who I once knew many, many, many lives ago. I am tired, James. For the first time in millennia, I see the end in sight... a moment where I can finally die in piece. The gods of this world are cruel, James. Only they would concoct a ploy to force to lovers to come to blows over thousands of years. Only they would genocide the human race thousands of years ago. And only they would act as if this world still needed or wanted them... I'm so tired... but, I can see it. If we work with them... Salem will die... and I can have my eternal rest."

"…" the general stares at the headmaster for a long moment. "Ozpin. I have trusted you for a long time... in this scenario, against my better judgement. I will continue trust your words. However. I desire to meet those who you are putting your trust in."

The white-haired man slowly nods. "I believe that may be arranged. But first... we need to deal with a far larger issue."

The man narrows his eyes down at the papers.

"And that issue is?" Ironwood questions.

"Leonardo has been sending numerous huntsmen to their deaths... purely to try and appease Salem."

"What?" The general hisses through his teeth, his suddenly ice-cold eyes focusing on the screen.

"The proof... is here... we need to swiftly stop him before more lives are lost." Ozpin mutters, horrified that someone in his inner circle could be... so twisted and wrong.

"That cowardly bastard. I will have his head!" The general snarls as his hands bang on the table.


I quietly flip a coin end over end in my grasp with a small smile on my face.

My other arm is wrapped around the shoulders of a pink, brown, and white-haired girl who has both of her arms wrapped around my torso, she has drifted off to sleep in my grasp not too long ago.

A blonde with drill-styled hair has her head resting on my lap as she lays on the opposite side of the couch Neo is sitting on.

My eyes slowly skim the auction before me.

I am currently within the 'Greatest Cost' auction, merely lurking.

Dragon Balls:

Original Universe of Exchanged Item: Dragon Ball

Current Bid: 1,641,234 Electrum.

Dragon balls are typically seven mystical orbs of great power which can do numerous incredible things... raise the dead, create planets, teleport people across the galaxy, make someone immortal, change races, typically anything your heart can imagine. But beware, too many wished on these orbs, in a short amount of time will cause a 'karmic event' where 7 extremely powerful creatures will be conjured, each mirroring a certain wish that was made before the dragon balls were corrupted. If you make numerous good wishes, numerous incredibly evil foes will appear, if you make evil or selfish wishes, paragons of good will appear as the dragon balls attempt to 'balance' out the wishes.

I'm watching the bidding tick upwards at a rapid pace, it appears dozens of people are betting on these spheres.

Why? I don't know.

Perhaps a majority don't have a way to safely cross dimensions... or other assume that going to this universe is far too dangerous.

If I wanted the dragon balls, I'd just go to dragon ball... but 'make it so ki actually fucking makes sense and you don't get planet busting until well after Cell'… because, realistically, if Vegeta can pop planets, in dragon ball super, universes should be detonating by one of the main characters merely powering up.

Anyways, If I did that, I guarantee that I'd be able to exist in that universe for an extended period of time... who knows what my power level would be, but at the very least, in a world where 'ki legitimately makes sense', I'd be able to kick the shit out of Saiyan saga Vegeta.

I watch the bidding battle go for a little longer, eventually it settles at around two million electrum.

The next item enters the auction.

Ark of the Cosmos:

Original Universe of Exchanged Item: Terraria (Calamity)

Current Bid: 500,000

This powerful scissor/dual scissor blades, forged from numerous incredible weapons, grants its wielder near god-like power, with a simple snip you can rend holes in reality, supreme beings, dragons, and much more. A single slash can send hundreds of dimensional needles that home in on your foes, channel the power of the stars, and make use of the power within the lands.

Calamity... mod...


I had sort of forgotten about that.

I gently brush a stray strand of hair out of Ravel's face and frown at the screen.

Terraria certainly has numerous weapons fit for equipping my peerage... the calamity mod even more so.

The bidding for the Ark is already up to a million, so honestly, it looks to be a decent investment if I could produce a few.

The past few days I have been selling dragon king flesh and leather from that regenerated corpse of Wawel, and I have built up a little fortune... certainly not a million, but a reasonable amount. I think I'm about to reach the point where the system slashes my profits for 'saturating the market'.

Current Electrum: 122,023

There's one little thing I did want to try...

I swiftly maneuver through my system to find the shop section.

Purchase new connected Dimension: 50,000 Electrum

You may select an additional world for your 'Dimensional Shift' spell to permanently connect to.

Note: the cost of this effect is increased every additional time you pick it.

For a fifth of the amount it costs to cut down the total regeneration rate of my skill... I can instantly go to a new world.

There's no reason to not do this... at least for this cost. I don't know if I'll purchase it again, but for one time? This is inexpensive.

I mentally select the ability with a small smirk.

Purchase new connected Dimension: 100,000 Electrum

You may select an additional world for your 'Dimensional Shift' spell to permanently connect to.

Note: the cost of this effect is increased every additional time you pick it.

I'm not entirely sure if it'll keep doubling in cost or if it's merely a fifty thousand increase per selection.

Catalogued Worlds:

DxD (No EXE)

Rwby (DxD compatible vaguely hentai variant world in which powerful huntsmen are encouraged to make harems and have numerous children, and Neo is a blushing virgin when it comes to someone mentioning sex)

Terraria (Calamity)

'Wait a minute-'

Terraria (Calamity, but in which the greatest beings are merely on par with Ophis or Great Red instead of multiversal-level monstrosities.)

There we go. Much more manageable.

I'll go look around after these two wake uuuu-

Huh? That is... frankly an insane idea...

A smirk crosses my face.

An insane idea, but one which could technically get me something incredible... provided I can convince them, of course.

There's also a slim chance of immediate death... but...

I mentally cackle as I select another aspect about the world I am going to.


I plant a quick kiss on the lips of Ravel as I slowly turn and walk away. "I'll be back soon, alright?"

"Why can't... I go with you?" The girl questions meekly.

"It may be- and probably will be- extremely dangerous, and I'm sorry to say, Ravel, but... you are probably my second weakest peerage member."

The Phenex flinches and looks at the ground. "R-Really?"

"I'm sorry, but it's the truth. It doesn't mean that can't change. Why else do you think I'm pushing you so hard? You are my second in command, and soon enough your strength will reflect that as well."

"O-Okay." The girl slowly nods. "I won't disappoint you Gaius!"

"You never have." I shoot the girl a kind smile as I begin casting my spell. "Alright, stand back, I don't want you to be hit by the teleportation effect."

"Bye Gaius! I l-love you!"

"I love you too, Ravel."

With a flash, I am ripped from the world of DXD and reappear in an open grassy clearing, it is eerily silent for a moment, then in the next, the rustling of the grass reaches my ears, a cool breeze blows past me as I look around with a small smile.

I close my eyes for a moment, then in the next, I reopen them, a clear goal in my mind. The forging methods of this world coming to mind.

Step one in my path to power? Broken biome blade. That requires hellstone bars, areospec bars, a bunch of wood and stone, and a wooden sword.

All is easily achievable.

I slip my hands in my pockets and slowly walk forwards.

I am going to complete one mere half before moving onto the other.

Hell, why not grab a night's edge while I am at it?



"Hm... this corruption is... horrifying." I note.

A titanic rotten worm smashes head first into a force barrier I conjure in the air, its head rippling and crunching as it rebounds with a loud shriek.

This sort of foe is... a little disappointing.

Normally I'd trap something like this and transform it into a sacred gear, but... you can't consider this a 'singular being'. It's numerous segments all working together. If you cleave it in half, it'll become two creatures.

That means, despite its strength, speed, and size, it's actual soul- or rather souls as it has numerous- is quite weak... not that it really has one anyways, it is barely alive as it is.

I swipe my hand through the air, creating an absolutely massive shower of green gore that splashes against my force barrier as half of the worm is detonated.

Thankfully, I am far too powerful for the corruption to take hold in me. But it is dangerous enough to take over many medium class devils fairly quickly... so I don't think we should release this world to the underworld at large...

This'll be a personalized resource world.

The remaining half of the purple worm leaps from the earth once more with a sickening shriek- only to smash face first into another wall of force I had conjured, once more rebounding back and landing roughly in the ground.

I kill it with my next attack.

'well now... that was certainly a droll way to spend five minutes.'

I land on the ground as dozens of small floating monstrosities litter the sky. Not all of them are coming after me, of course, but a fair few are, only to immediately be shot down by two floating shields that appear around me.

'let's see here... that corrupt ore should be right. About. Here!'

The ground shifts as I stomp a foot, freeing a large hunk of stone flecked with purple glinting metal.

Now to render it completely safe to handle for anyone who isn't me.

I cast a 'remove disease' spell, shortly followed by a 'Remove Curse'.

The large mound of rock and corrupt ore disappears into my dimensional storage as I smirk.

Demonite ore in this world is a little different. It doesn't merely explode out of the bodies of incredible beasts. It is caused by the corruption passing over ore veins, be it copper, iron, gold, lead, or platinum.

This amount should be enough to forge at least a single Light's Edge.

Now I just need some cobalt, hellstone ore, obsidian, and some jungle materials.

I flinch, staggering forwards as a wave of power passes over me.

'oh wow.'

'what the hell was that?!'

'that, my draconic friend... is a threat... and an opportunity.'

A ring appears on my finger and power floods my body.


Armor with gold accents appears around my body, rapidly exploding from the ring around my finger, the gemstones in the back of the gauntlets, chest, and knees are red in color, each glinting with expertly contained power. White markings snake around the armor, looking like ancient runes, there are even a few crosses in the designs here and there.

'so, how long do you think I can keep this up?'

"At this level? Endlessly. You haven't even boosted yet."

"Ah, I see. Tell me when it stops being 'endless'." I reply with a carefree smile as I turn towards the dirrection I felt that extreme power.








"How long?"

"Seven months."

"Oh wow."


"And now?"

"Three and a half."

"I see I see." I slowly nod with a smirk, swiftly doing so quick math in my head.

'half and half and half.'













"A little over thirty minutes."

"Damn I am powerful. Being able to maintain my full power like this."

"I wouldn't call it your full power."

"Ah. Right. Juggernaut drive. If things get hairy, we may need to use that... and my true form..."

"Does this magical power truly pose such a threat to us?"

"Yes. Yes it does. Activate the permanent buffs."



"Twenty five minutes." The dragon corrects.

"Yeesh, does Accelerate really decrease my time?"

"With it, you are traveling far faster than you should... it is equivalent to a few boosts worth of speed. Be glad it didn't divide your time by three or more."

A magical circle appears beneath me, and in the next moment I teleport towards the incredible energy I felt.


Brimstone assaults my nose as my red grieves crunch in the charred, blackened grass.

Reddish flames litter the landscape, blackened spires of what used to be trees stand around the place that used to be a forest. Almost every tree has been blown over, molten rock peppering the ground.



A cry of pure anguish meets my ears as I continue slowly walking forwards.

A molten crater comes into view, charred skeletons litter the surrounding area, some half liquified, others a merely blackened, I see a certain sight that causes a brief frown to cross my face under my helmet.

A little girl is kneeling before four bodies hung upon crosses. Head thrown back as she lets out a distressed and broken sounding wail.

Only that place remains untouched from the calamity which took place here.

The calamity that turned everything in a several mile radius into ash...

A single attack, yet with an immense amount of control which allowed the four corpses to be saved.

A girl, roughly fifteen, wearing red robes with a hood- which has fallen back revealing her face and head- kneels before the four bodies, one man, one woman, and one young adult man... and one little boy, probably not even eight.

The girl has pale grey skin and long white-ish grey hair, her shoulders shudder and shake as she hunches over, tears streaming down her face, her red clothes are slightly muddy, upon her forehead are two tiny upward facing white horns.

Those upon the crosses look just like her.

A foul magical aura lingers over the battlefield, radiating sickening necromantic auras and other dark magics.

My slow approach is finally noticed as the girl's breath hitches, she hunches forwards, she glares at me from the corner of her eye, gaze peering out from behind her messy white hair that hangs in front of her.

Her red eyes bore holes into my very soul.

As she slowly stands up, turning to face me.

"I... I'll kill you all."

Her hair raises as a large magical circle appears beneath her; she begins slowly floating off the ground as the cloak around her shoulders billows in her own magical power.

Her power is absolutely titanic... even rivaling my boosted state... fitting for who she is.

She tilts her head back slightly as she glares down at me, blood red fire appearing in her grasp as she points a hand at me.

My blood begins rushing as a small ghost of a smile appears under my helmet.

Supreme Calamitas has awoken.
