Don't Own DxD or D&D, Only The Oc
System Text
'Ddraig Mental'
"Ddraig Vocal"
"Tvs, Radios, and Text via book or newspaper... when those are around..."
[Starting Split]
Arthur sips his tea in an arm chair to the left, Ravel sits to my right, Valerie sits to my left, Le Fay, Meredith, and Mittelt sit side by side on a second sofa to the left. Atoria sits practically across from Arthur, and the small fairy form of Vivianne sits on my shoulder. A large coffee table sits in between the chairs.
I drum my fingers on the back of the sofa with an impassive frown on my face.
"So..." The high pitched voice of my familiar begins. "These brats have pieces of Excalibur?"
"Supposedly." I easily supply. "At least the ones the church had that weren't stolen."
"Ugh. Typical of the church to fuck things up." Mittelt scoffs.
"Yep." I nod slowly. "Now we've got a second great war brewing in our front yard, and our dear exorcist friends are probably going to waltz in here and tell us to stay out of it."
"Isn't three people fighting Kokabiel a little... uh..." Le Fay begins slowly only to cut off.
"Foolish? Crazy? Suicidal?" Meredith adds in.
"Yes to all of the above." I nod.
"Why... do they freely accept those sorts of missions." Le Fay whispers.
"Huh? You can't be serious-" Mittelt blinks as she looks over to the king Arthur descendant. "Because they are told to do it. There's no 'accepting'. It's as simple as 'do it. Or you will be kicked out and become free pickings for all of the supernatural factions'."
"T-That's so morbid!" Le Fay gasps.
"So is genetically altering orphan children to be like Sigurd... hell, if the Pendragon family died out of years ago, you can bet that instead of Sigurd, it'd be Arthur they'd be trying to clone. They just don't now because they have a fear of repercussions."
My finger tapping on the leather sofa grows faster and faster as the minutes pass. "They also apparently have a fear of showing up on time."
My finger tapping stops abruptly. "Ah. They're here."
A white haired woman leads the three cloaked women inside. The white-haired woman is unimportant, just a random white dragon that I summoned with my magic and told it to enter a humanoid form.
"They are here." The summon announces.
The figures pull the hoods of their white cloaks down, there's one girl with blue hair, one with light brown hair, and a blonde... but not the blonde I expected.
The blue haired girl's eyes widen, as do the brown haired girl's
"Seth?" She whispers. "You were... a devil?! This entire time?!"
"Correct. And first off, Seth isn't my name. My name is Gaius Decarabia. I'm lord of both the Decarabia and Malthus clans."
"Tch." The blue haired girl growls, her fists clenching and her eyes narrowing. "Typical of a devil. Always lying."
"I'm going to stop you right there. I do not lie if I can help it. My entire devil gimmick is fooling people with the truth. I never said that my name was Seth, I simply said that you could call me that if you wish."
"So does this mean I can get away with casually calling you 'Seth'?" Mittelt asks.
"I mean, if you are prepared to have most of your secrets such as your browser history exposed casually at a moment's notice, by all means." I nod slowly, causing the girl's mouth to clamp shut.
"You... know these people?" Ravel asks me quietly.
"Hm? Yeah. I met them when I was searching for Caledfwlch." I explain easily as I glance to the fairy, she's taking this surprisingly well... no lashing out, no claiming that Excalibur belongs to her and by extension, me.
Arthur seems just content to watch.
"What were your names... Xenovia... and... I don't think I ever got your name... and I've certainly never met you." I begin, looking from the blue haired girl, to Irina, then to... Asia.
The blonde nun flinches at my attention on her and looks at the floor, my eyes slide back over to Xenovia and Irina. "She isn't an exorcist, is she?"
"My name is Xenovia. This is Irina. And that is Asia." The blue haired woman nods before gesturing to her two friends. "We are here to tell you not to interfere in church matters-"
"Wait... he has a sacred gear..." Irina mutters. "That means he murdered someone to take it."
I feel the eyes of my peerage stray to me.
"No, I didn't kill anyone for this sacred gear." I slowly state as a red orb appears above my fingertip.
"I won't fall for you damn, lies, Devil." The blue haired exorcist with yellow eyes growls.
"I found someone, mauled viciously by a stray devil, some kid that had no idea about the supernatural. I saved his life, gave him back his arm, legs, and most of his intestines, then left him to live his life as a completely normal human. Reasonably, I didn't have to do that, I could have just taken the gear and let him die, it's what most devils would reasonably do. I, however, believe in fair trades. A sacred gear he didn't know he even had, in exchange for his life. For his normalcy. I'd say that's fair."
"He is correct." The orb rumbles while flashing a deep green. "It is a miracle that my previous wielder was even alive by the time he arrived."
"A sentient-" the blue haired exorcist begins only to cut off abruptly, a frown appearing on her face. "Well... if what he is true. You wouldn't mind telling us who you stole this gear from?"
"Issei Hyoudou." I shrug, seeing no need to hide it as I dismiss the boosted gear.
Irina leaps to her feet, eyes narrowing in fury as she grips the band around her arm, most of the room tenses. "You stole Issei's sacred gear?!"
"Oh... so you know him." I note idly. "You are saying that like it's a bad thing... are you saying that you want your... friend... to be nothing more than a pawn for the supernatural? I can guarantee that if I didn't need to save his life and if I didn't take his sacred gear, he would have been reincarnated by one of the other two devils in this town. Are you saying that you would rather Issei be dead? Nothing more than a memory due to a stray devil? Or maybe even a devil himself?"
She flinches back briefly, horror flashing in her eyes. But I haven't even said the coup de grace.
"Reasonably, your anger at me is misplaced. If you want to be angry at anyone, there is this one exorcist called Touji Shidou." She visibly recoils as I press on without giving her a moment to get a word in. "That stray devil would have never even been in this town if he didn't murder the high-class devil overseeing this town... and his friend... for what crime, you might ask?"
She is visibly shaking at this point. "It's simple. They fell in love. Touji Shidou murdered both his subordinate, Masaomi Yaegaki, and the high class devil Cleria Belial, all to protect the status quo... a devil and an exorcist couldn't possibly be together, that just might end the tense peace we hold with the church and develop it into lasting peace. The great king faction and the church wouldn't have that. So he killed them both."
"Silence." Xenovia hisses, casting a worried glance over at Irina. "Shut up. We do not want to hear your lies."
"I could always have Valerie call Masaomi's soul back and let him tell you himself." I shrug. "He's merely human so it probably wouldn't hurt Valerie that bad."
"Perhaps it would be best if we talked about the reason why they are here. Even though you making church exorcists squirm is fairly amusing." Arthur speaks for the first time, in between sipping his tea.
"Ah. It does appear that we have gone horribly off topic. You are correct, Arthur." I nod as I look over the three. "Why are you here?"
"We are here to tell you to not interfere in our business. We are going to collect our Excalibur fragments from Kokabiel and leave." Xenovia states slowly, her eyes narrowing suddenly. Irina continues staring lifelessly at the floor, apparently having some form of internal conflict. "Perhaps it would be in your best interests to turn Caledfwlch over to us as well. I will not leave a piece of Arthur's legacy in the hand of a devil."
I contain an absolutely explosive laugh as my hand rockets up to my mouth, my eyes quickly snapping to Arthur who has his eyes closed, tea cup placed within a saucer held tightly within his other hand.
I look over to my shoulder to see the small fey visibly shaking with rage.
Le Fay seems mildly annoyed, but she can see the storm brewing and wisely decides to stay quiet.
Artoria frowns slightly, but that's about it.
"Oh, wow that is hilarious." I snort before casting the two exorcists and very scared nun a cocky smirk. "You don't exactly think before you speak, do you? Do you realize that you have just threatened probably one of the most valuable devils in the underworld? Plus it's honestly funny just how ignorant you are."
"You dare-"
Arthur inhales, then exhales, cutting off Xenovia's statement. "I believe that it should be up to the Pendragon family to decide who has the right to King Arthur's legacy... or perhaps the legendary sword smith that created Excalibur to begin with."
"Who are YOU to talk about Arthur's legacy?!" Vivianne shrieks as she lifts from me shoulder, eyes narrowed in poorly restrained fury. "The church RUINED those blades. They spit on Arthur's legacy entirely and made his sword nothing more than a child murdering SHAM!"
"Watch your tong-"
"Don't tell the Lady of the Lake to watch her tongue." I sigh as I bring me head into my hands. "Dear god-" Every devil in the room flinches. "-you are inept at negotiations."
I look up slowly. "Allow me to make it simple for you. You are sat across from-"
I point to Arthur. "One."
To Le Fay "Two."
To Artoria "Three Pendragons."
I gesture to Vivi. "Floating menacingly before you is the lady of the fucking lake, the woman who forged Excalibur, Galatine, Arondight, Caledfwlch, Chastiefol, and probably others that I don't know the names of."
"There are three Longinus wielders in this room, an immortal strategist, and finally a used to be fallen that is sort of unimportant and our weakest link."
"Ow." Said fallen whispers.
"So, in short. Don't act fucking stupid."
"The lady of the lake?!" Irina gasps, seemingly forgetting the 'your dad inadvertently killed your friend' comment for a brief moment, eyes growing wide alongside Xenovia, even Asia seems taken back, even though she has probably only heard fairy tales about Excalibur.
"Why is she with a devil?!" Xenovia asks suddenly, her eyes narrowing dangerously.
"She saw that I made Caledfwlch into a holy sword comparable to Excalibur and became my familiar." I shrug with a slightly smug grin as the Fey angrily flutters around.
"Back to our original point. Kokabiel stole the Excalibur fragments, and he is here. Correct? And you want us to let you handle this?"
"Yes." The blue haired woman frowns. "That is exactly what I am telling you to do. This isn't your problem, and the church higherups believe you may join forces with Kokabiel."
"Your church higherups and fucking idiots. Everyone knows Kokabiel is a racist warmonger who would rather kill himself than work with devils." I deadpan. "They just don't want us interacting so we aren't put in a position where our races can finally be at peace."
"Kokabiel came to this city, in order to incite a second great war by killing you and the heiress of Sitri and Gremory with a holy sword, so you are horribly wrong when you say this isn't my problem. This is reasonably everyone's problem. Mine more so because he is trying to murder my fiancée."
"Which is why I am going to help you." I state with a frown.
"I-I don't want help from you..." Irina whispers. "You turned Issei into a sinner."
"Would you call a raped woman a sinner for losing her purity?" I question rhetorically
"Of course not!" She shrieks.
"Then why are you calling your supposed friend a sinner when he had zero control or input about me healing him and taking his sacred gear in exchange?" I question with a quirked brow. "Also, a little rich to think that the church can call anyone a 'sinner' after all they have done. The holy sword project, the fact that they are genetically altering orphans into clones of Sigurd, murdering people in love, kidnapping a bunch of fey to make those shattered blades on your back."
"Who were killed after you humans misplaced the final fragment." Vivianne glowers with a scathing, absolutely molten, gaze.
The twin tailed girl's eyes narrow as we all fall into silence. The fairy fluttering around the room eventually having enough and landing atop my head and crossing her arms with a small 'Hmph' as she glares at the exorcists.
"Tch." Xenovia lowly growls. "Fine."
"What?!" Irina asks. "We're getting help from devils?! Isn't that like, totally heretical?!"
"As much as it pains me to say it... he's right. Kokabiel is an incredible threat to us... I don't believe I could take him... even with that." Xenovia states.
"Even after all the training you did?!" Irina gasps.
"Even with that." The blue haired woman sighs. "Kokabiel would have been a fight that we had less than a one percent chance of winning at... but with the three fragments of Excalibur at his disposal? Even Rapidly would have brought our chances to near zero. With nightmare and transparency, he'd be completely untouchable."
"I could probably beat him fairly easily." I shrug as I look meaningfully to Artoria, Arthur, and Meredith.
"Arrogance." The blue haired exorcist growls. "He was one of the strongest members in the Grigori until he went rogue. A cadre class enemy."
"I've got a couple ultimate class." I shrug once more. "If it comes down to it, I'll call Virgo and just three v one him with Artoria."
"He is a LEADER of the fallen. He is no mere ultimate class." The blue haired girl growls. "He has experience, and will have three Excalibur fragments."
"I fail to see your point here." I quietly hum, a smirk working its way onto my face.
"Are you truly so vain as to think of yourself as a challenge for him in a fight?!" The blue haired girl pushes.
"Yes. And this isn't an educated guess. I am not a fool, Xenovia. I know, that in a straight fight... I would eviscerate him. He may have more experience than me, but at some point, pure, raw, physical power trumps that. I would not even need to activate the balance breaker on my sacred gear to kill him... the main issue is how much collateral damage there would be should we fight..."
My eyes stray to the magicians in my peerage. "Meredith. You are great at barriers, begin constructing one on the outskirts of Kuoh, take Le Fay to assist you and Artoria as protection."
The brown haired girl nods slowly. "Right."
I look to Valerie. "Valerie, you are on standby to use your sacred gear if things go wrong."
She smiles, happy that I am giving her a job instead of 'stay in the underworld' and gives a nod of acknowledgement.
She doesn't seem to realize that 'staying on standby' is probably about the same as 'stay in the underworld'.
I look to my other side. "Ravel, you won't have much to do during the preparations, but when I take Kokabiel out of combat to kill him in the barrier, you'll be in command, use your strategies that helped Riser win his numerous rating games to defeat whoever else is with Kokabiel because I seriously doubt he is alone."
"I-I won't fail you." The girl replies, seeming slightly nervous about the incredible responsibility I am giving her.
"Artoria. You have the best chance of killing Kokabiel aside from me. If you get a chance, go for it, but otherwise you'll be protecting the group. First, like I said, you'll be going to protect Le Fay and Meredith as they set up a powerful barrier."
"Alright." The Pendragon nods.
"Mittelt." I slowly state as my eyes stray over to the fallen angel who looks a little bored of this whole thing already.
She looks over, presumably ready for a job. "You've grown stronger, but not really enough for this sort of situation. Don't die."
She frowns briefly. "Ow. Again."
My eyes slide to Arthur. "Arthur... I can't tell you what to do, however, if Kokabiel is making such a fuss over Excalibur... and he has Valper Galilei working under him... it is incredibly likely that he would be in this city. Do with that information what you will, but please if you kill him, try at the very least to give Rias' knight, Kiba- or rather, Isaiah some closure. After all, Valper may have tarnished your legacy, but your childhood friends weren't slaughtered by him."
"Hm. I believe I'll be doing some searching around." The man states with a quiet sip of his tea, he stands suddenly, leaving the now empty tea cup and saucer on the table beside him, the summoned dragon... maid... swiftly taking the dishes and walking away.
He looks over his shoulder at the exorcists. "You exorcists should behave. If you cause any problems for my sister or my other relative because they are devils, I may just bring it up with my family that the church keeps ruining the most well-known blade of our ancestor."
He turns and walks out the door, heading for the entrance.
Xenovia stands suddenly. "I believe that we should leave as well. If you ever need to find us we will be residing at the church because someone spent all of our money on a painting."
"It was a saint!" The brown haired girl protests.
"No. No it wasn't." The blue haired woman growls.
I pull out a stack of yen bills and toss it to the blue haired exorcist. It bounces off her head and falls onto the table. She blinks down at the money.
"Take that cash. It'd be a pain if some of our support was sore, tired and hungry. We don't know how many people Kokabiel has with him."
"We aren't taking charity from devils." Xenovia deadpans.
"Why not? You're letting us help you retrieve the Excalibur fragments." I smirk.
Xenovia's stomach suddenly growls as she looks at the money, her resolution seems to be crumbling
"Just take it." I scoff. "Why do you even care about 'devil money' and all that nonsense."
"This is blood money." She states with a small head shake, her eyes never leaving the yen.
"Blood money... from the profits of my cider factory?" I blink slowly.
"This is Devil money." She tries again.
"You are starving." I point out quietly. "What does that book of yours state? 'Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.'?"
"Mathew five-six." Xenovia whispers as her eyes widen, she staggers backwards, tripping over her chair and falling roughly onto her ass, causing her cloak to open and reveal the black skin-tight suit she is wearing, she has thigh high boots, but leaves a fair amount of creamy skin exposed in between the hip and the boots. "W-What?! What the hell?! How?!"
Irina covers her mouth with both hands as Asia's fearful gaze lessens. This is probably among the first few times the nun has ever met devils.
Ravel's eyes widen as her head snaps over to me.
"What?" I ask the exorcist with a raised eyebrow. "I drew out the full power of that blade on your back by holding it and swinging it once. What makes you think I couldn't read a fucking book?"
"You can read their holy scriptures?!" Ravel shrieks, obviously understanding the implications of what that means.
"Of course." I hum with a slightly smug smile. "I thought it would be helpful as we are basically the villains of it. And let me just say, Old Testament big G had no chill. He really looked across the lands he created and was all 'yeah. It's rewind time.' and dropped an ocean on them."
"T-That isn't what happened! The biblical flooding was an event in the great war where God-" Irina begins, only to cut off after she notices all of the devils in the room- but me- flinch.
"Uh... he... dropped a bunch of water on ah... devils and fallen..." She weakly continues.
"Neat." I state blandly as the money floats off the table and pelts the prone blue haired exorcist in the face once more. It bounces off her forehead and lands on her chest, slipping between her breasts.
"W-We should take our leave." The blue haired exorcist states as she swiftly stands up. I do notice that she takes the money, however.
Asia and Irina stand slowly, the blonde nun's cloak billowing slightly to show that she is also within the same skin-tight suit as Irina and Xenovia.
Asia bows her head. "T-Thank you, sir."
"No problem." I wave off. "Don't die."
The three turn around slowly, they look to be leaving for real now, so I should probably go for a final parting blow.
"Oh, and Xenovia... you're actually fairly pleasant to talk to." I smile kindly, watching the girl freeze mid-step, I finish my statement, my smile changing to a smirk. "When you aren't acting like a total high and mighty bitch, at the very least."
"I... will keep that in mind." The girl states, still a little shaken about my casual admittance to reading a book that SHOULD have caused me suffering.
I watch the three of them disappear, when they are finally out of earshot, Ravel looks over at me. "So when were you going to tell me that you can read the bible?"
"It's not really... something that comes up in casual conversation?" I mutter with a raised eyebrow as I look down at the girl. "'What are we having for dinner tonight?' 'Roasted chicken with several side dishes, oh, I can also read the bible'."
The girl pouts cutely up at me.
"Aww." Don't look at me like that, if it makes you feel better, I'll tell you that I can also say 'God' without flinching or even feeling any form of pain, and, if I'm feeling particularly blasphemous- but not that I have- theoretically pray. But that's basically asking for big G to come down here and smite my ass."
"You were too nice to them." Vivianne pouts atop my head. "You should have reclaimed Excalibur."
"That would more than likely cause war between the church and the devil faction... and being in a war is just such a headache. I don't want to deal with war. A lot of people would die. I'd probably be drafted to make a bunch of magic swords which you would be obligated to help me in the creation of as my familiar... just not worth the effort... and I was so nice to them because they were one: hot and two: are my 'in' to the church to get what I want."
"What could you possibly want that the church has?" Mittelt asks with a raised eyebrow, not even blinking at the 'they're hot' comment. "They surely don't have all that much, do they? I'd get it if they still had Gram but apparently one of their test tube babies took it and fucked off."
"There is one thing that I want from the church... a piece of the original holy grail for Valerie so she can freely use more of her sacred gear safely." I state. "I'll probably maneuver my way in such a way that I can just ask for the Excalibur fragments from the holy faction if the devil race ever makes peace."
"Why would they ever give them to you?" Mittelt scoffs.
"Oh. Reasons." I ominously grin. "All of which are supposed to be a secret, so I'm afraid that I can't tell you... yet... give it a couple of months. Mainly after this Kokabiel business is done."
Meredith stands abruptly. "Right. Kokabiel. We should really begin working on that barrier."
Le Fay stands alongside her, the two girls meaningfully look to Artoria, causing the wielder of Caledfwlch to slowly stand.
"Be safe." I call out as they all turn and leave.
"We will!" Le Fay grins as she looks back and waves at me.
As they leave, my eyes slowly travel over to Ravel. "Sooo, anything interesting happen in your life recently, Ravel?"
She gives me a slow half-lidded blink. "Well, my boyfriend slash fiancée just showed off something literally impossible and revealed that he can read the bible and pray without feeling any pain."
"Pssh. That's old news." I scoff with a small amused eye roll.
"Oh... I see." The girl huffs as she crosses her arms and looks away from me. "Well... I am taking some business classes at school... so... maybe... I could..."
I lean forwards slightly to see a slight blush on her face. "H-Help you with your businesses... I-I know how much you hate paperwork... so if I could even slightly relieve that, I-I-... it would mean a lot to me."
"Ravel." I sigh, causing the girl to look over to me slowly, a slightly embarrassed expression on her face.
I gently touch her chin and tilt her head up slightly; my lips meet her own.
She closes her eyes as she leans into the kiss, after a couple of seconds I pull back. "You don't need to do anything you don't want to help me. I can manage my paperwork easily."
"But I want to!" The girl pouts, her eyes narrowing. "When did I ever say that I didn't want to go into management!"
"Alright." I relent quietly. "As long as you are happy."
"Ugh. Get a room." Mittelt growls.
"Why don't you kiss me like that." Vivianne pouts atop my head.
"Because most of the time you are like six to eight inches tall and can't really pull off the whole 'kiss' thing... and, Mittelt, if you would please look around, I own this place. This is my room. Stop being so jealous."
"Jealous?! Why would I be jealous of kissing YOU?!" The girl scoffs.
"I'm hot, wealthy, fit, the red dragon emperor slash holder of the boosted gear, went toe to toe with Serafall last week and she legitimately got worried enough to call it off before we could seriously hurt each other? The most important devil in the entirety of the underworld due to two secret projects I developed? Then there's the food." I shrug with a slightly smug smirk, watching as Ravel and Mittelt freeze up. "Besides, Milly-telt denial is merely the first stage... you'll swiftly work through anger, bargaining, depression, and finally acceptance."
"YOU WHAT?!" Ravel shrieks, causing Valerie and Vivianne to give her a confused look. "Y-YOU FOUGHT THE SATAN OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS ON EQUAL FOOTING?!"
"Pretty much, yeah..." I nod. "She's really scary. She froze one of my summoned ice dragons to death... like casually."
"The boosted gear?!" Mittelt whispers. "You have got to be fucking kidding me! A Longinus?! YOU?!"
"Oh fuck..." She whispers quietly. "We never did stand a chance, did we?"
"Considering you would have easily been wiped out by Rias, someone who doesn't train at all and relies entirely on her clan trait... yes. You never stood even a slight chance of beating me with those three friends of yours."
"They weren't my friends." The girl frowns as she stands up. "I'm going back to my room. Come get me if you need me for Kokabiel... I doubt you will, considering how weak I am."
"Don't worry about not being strong right now, Mittelt, you've only been training for like, what, four weeks or so? You've got time, you are already far stronger than the mere Grigori mook you were a couple of weeks ago. I feel like you might even be on the cusp of your second set of wings. You'll be fine."
The girl looks over her shoulder briefly as she slowly walks away, but continues walking without another word.
I look to the three girls around me. "So... what do we do now?"
I glance to Valerie who has a kind smile plastered on her face as she tilts her head. "I don't have any ideas."
I look to Ravel who shrugs.
Vivi floats off my head and brightens up. "Oh! Can we work on a sword together?"
"That would more or less leave out Valerie and Ravel, Vivi." I sigh as I reach out and poke the fairy's fluttering form.
She frowns and grabs onto my finger with both of her hands for a moment before fluttering upwards and landing on the back of my hand, she slowly walks along the back of my arm as she taps her chin, seemingly deep in thought.
"We... could take a bath together?" Ravel weakly announces. "It has been a while since we did anything like that."
"Well, I mean for that, it would have to be all three of us." I point out as I look to Valerie. "Valerie, would you like to take a bath with us?"
A slight blush quickly flashes across her face before she gets it back under control. "That sounds lovely."
"And you, Vivi?" I ask the fey.
"OH! Are you going to finally defile my body just like my work?!" The fey hastily asks, a lecherous smile on her face as she slightly drools.
"Maybe." I shrug as I slowly stand. "It'd be pretty awkward to fuck you while Ravel and Valerie are there... mainly Valerie, as Ravel would be fucked into some form of blissful coma before I moved onto you."
My eyes slowly trail over to the Dhampir among us. "Hey, Valerie, what's your opinion on me having sex with you?"
A crimson blush appears on her face, this time it doesn't Vanish. "I-I u-u-uh- W-Well... maybe? I-I don't know if I am ready for that yet, but..."
"Ah. Shame." I sigh. "There's your answer, Vivi. No sex. Sadly."
"Mnnnnn." The fairy angrily pouts.
"Come on, dearest friends and lovers, let's go press our naked bodies together in a bath tub." I mischievously grin as I turn and walk around the couch. The fairy flutters about the room for a moment before following along behind me, Ravel and Valerie are quick to follow.