
Dungeon: Spartan Law [Hiatus]

Foul monsters of the dungeon, foul folk of this decrepit and rotten city. Prepare to meet spartan law! This not an OP mc wish fulfillment fic, the mc will be at best above average throughout the story. There will be no harem, at most 2 partners and most main characters from the anime will mean nothing to him and will rarely show up, but may be often brought up in conversation, if you are looking for a more unique danmachi fic with substance, here it is. An mc with a brain that uses tactics to defeat his enemies instead of brute strength and 'courage' [plot armor]. Enjoy or dont. Also if you arent coming from it already I have an 80+ chapter fic that is currently ongoing.

SoupHarbinger · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Spartan Law: 5

"Halt, purpose for entry!"

A tall guard in chainmail and a sallet holds his hands up, his halberds pole standing firm in his hand and on the ground.

The caravan master hops from the ornate and adorned wagon and pulls up a scroll with a large purple wax stamp.

"Good day sir knight, I have come from the empire trading co to sell some exotic furs."

The guard takes the scroll and reads it, his eyes slowly scanning the page.

He ushers his hand up to some archers manning the beatiful white walls wich stand 50 feet high atleast, dotted by tapestries and banners of many gods that inhabit the city, a warning and a welcome depending on what ones intentions are in the city.

"This checks out, carry on."

The guard turns to a man inside the inner gate house by a chain.


He shouts and the gate begins rising up, as soon as it's high of enough for us to enter the lizard beasts trot forward

"Well boy this is it, here's the agreed payment."

Arwin turns to me and hands over a sack of coins.

"4000 vallis, not a lot but you should be able to get a footing, and with your talent a god will surely take you in quickly."

Arwin hops off the wagon and stretches his back.

"And what of you sir?"

He turns back to me and grins.

"I'm thinking of retiring, this last trip put a number on me."

After those words he walks off, the caravan strolls into the busy streets and disappears like a phantom among the other wagons.

This is it. My second life begins now!

What should I do? Right right, finding a familia is definitely number one!

Wheres the guild building? Huh I probably should have asked Arwin before he dissapeared.

Dang, now I'm really lost, I need to look for a guard who can show me the way. My eyes scan a huge crowd of people bustling around through various shops and restaurants. There!

A man with a simple helmet and blue and white striped pants holding a spear, he stands casually by a intersection and watches with boredom.

I make my way through the mob of people, my larger height makes it easier to navigate and see over the crowd. Finally after a few minutes I get to the guard.

"Erm, excuse me sir."

He looks up at me slightly surprised by myself approaching him.

"Um yes, what is it?"

"Where is the guild center?"

"The- your a newbie to Orario huh? Take a left on this and then head down 2 streets then a right, it's in the center of town next to the tower, ya won't miss it!"

Seems easy enough.

"Thank you!"

I take a left and follow the flow of traffic, many people in armor chatter amongst themselves while carrying a plethora of weapons, swords being the most common for some reason.. It takes a few minutes to walk to the guild building, by a couple minutes I mean almost 40, the streets are so packed it's crazy how people can even hope to get anything done quickly.

A humongous building looms over the street, groups of adventurers funnel in and out of the mansion looking structure. 3 large tapestries are hung on each jutting wall of the building, then it caves into a rectangle for the entrance wich has stained glass windows above it, shining under the morning sun.

I push past a small group of adventurers who glance at me with a bit of malice, well stop blocking the door and it won't happen dummies.

The smell of hickory and a light aroma of citrus enters my nose. Warriors of all races speak amongst each other, and to their advisors who sit behind stalls, most of them intent and writing notes, giving advice etc. Though a few chuckles still sound out occasionally keeping the mood light.

I make myself as discreet as possible and make my way to the guild employees. A female elf with medium length silver hair writes fervently on a piece of parchment with a quill, the ink streaking across the page as she moves her wrists.

"Oh eh!"

She looks up at me, confused for a moment, then she recollects herself and rolls up the page into a scroll.

"How could I help you today mister~"


"Adonis! Let me check your registration real quick."

She opens up a cabinet and pulls up a huge bound of pages, and begins flipping through them.

"Um miss, I dont think I will be in there, I'm new."

"Oh! I'm sorry, your armor suggested otherwise, you would be surprised, alot of kids just show up in normal clothes wanting to be adventurers, I call them idiots personally! Anywhoo~ the names Sophie!"

This girl talks super fast.

She plops the booklet back into the cabinet and kicks it shut vigorously.

"What familia are you in?"


"Wow really, whered you get all the gear?"

'I was a caravan guard, I'm not from Orario."

"Not from Orario? That's rare, I suppose your name is quite exotic aswell, where are you from?"

She cocks her head slightly to the right and she writes the answers to all her questions down.

"The empire, northern to be exact."

"Woah, must have been a long trip then!"


The awkward silence lingers momentarily as she writes.


Uh. Well this one is a hum dinger, I dont know the age of this body.

I have slight facial hair so I cant just lie..

My best guess it is then.


"Mm okay, race?"


Human I think, probably, yeah seems right.


"6 foot 6."

"Jeesh, they feeding these kids monster meat or something nowadays."

"Lastly.... Let's get a doc of all familias looking for recruits."

She pulls up another huge book and opens it up, the pages thudding against the mahogany counter.

"Mmm, lets see, just say yes or no, whatever you put yes on I will contact them and see if they want you. m'kay?"

Her gleeful tone and smile are nice, I dont feel assailed at all, like if I got that red fox bitch.

"Hmm Freya?"

Yandere molester?



Flat chested crazy, also molester.

"Okay then, the 2 big ones are out of the way, let's see here. Kratus?"

The titan god of war, hell nah that guy is crazy, even compared to his made up game version Kratos.


"Okay, I see why you would say no to that old fart haha. Tch tch.. Baldr?"

Baldr, yeah I mean maybe. He is probably pretty chill, but he is related to Freya wich could funk up my jam.

"Maybe, but continue please."

"Alrighty, Sigrun and Hestia, both just descended about a month ago, if your looking for a really fresh start this is it"

The loli molester goddess femboy lover annoying bitchface? Fuck no. Sigrun. The valkyrie goddess. That would be a weird ass dynamic if her familia is mostly females so I'm good.

"Thanks but I will pass."

"Haha, yeah Hestia is pretty desperate but her clingyness has gotten like 10 people to quit her familia, she should lighten up! And Sigrun.. Well she is a whole another beast. Let's continue Adonis. Hmm Hmm tch, no, no, no. Aha!"

Her eyes glisten in triumph.

"2 recently descended goddesses, both 3 months ago, sisters so you would start with a decent network of 2 connected familias and they are both respected by the other gods! Minerva and Athena!"

The goddeses of war and wisdom, both one in thr same as roman and greek counterparts, but in this world they are separate entities.

"Actually, that sounds great."

Adonis is a greek name, so it would be fitting to be in one of their familias.

"The Minerva familia is hurting badly for recruits compared to Athena so I will contact her first via the magic teleways, and then we can go from there, from today on know that I, the glorious Sophie will be your advisor!"

Her grin spreads across her face, and she excitedly shuffles away and into a back room.

"Huh, Sophie actually took a liking to an adventurer? Lemme see th- OMG hes huge."

From a couple stalls down a short girl with bob cut pink hair stares at me, her mouth agape. I smile and give her a little wave.

"That bitch stole you from me!"

She ignores the beast man infront of her and begins whining immediately.

"Sophie, the stuck up stupid- UGH! And then just like that she gets the hot ones!??! IM GONNA DIE!"

The guild workers face turns a furious red.

The back door cracks open and the elf returns, almost instantly the pink haired girl flips back to what she was doing and dismisses her before actions as if they never happened in the first place.

"One last thing before we go further!"

She holds up a cube shaped glowing blue stone..

"Smile for me!"

I let out a wry smile in reaction to her words and the cube clicks. She then slams it onto a piece of parchment and my face, in full color appears.

A magical camera?!!?? That was amazing, I need one immediately. I wonder if only fans exists in this world?

"Minerva says she would love to have you, before you leave here is a card with the familias location, a picture of yourself and some of your information, an ID of sorts. And last here is the guild issued starter gear."

She lies down a leather shoulder piece and a dagger, pitiful if you ask me

"Why doesn't the guild distribute spears? They are easy to make and easy to effectively use?"

"Uh well um. This is how it's always been."

"No wonder so many adventurers die, this is pathetic."

Sophie's smile turns slowly into a frown as my rant continues, her ears even dropping down like a dog.

"In a formation with multiple adventures that have spears basic monsters would get plowed, its basic tactics, like come on. Also a mace would be better than a dagger if the guild really hates the spear, use your brain for one second and think. Uhh a slashing weapon when tough monster skin deflects slashes, or a mass produce able blunt weapon that can rupture organs without the need to penetrate skin. dur hurr dagger. Like jeez, this is murder!"

"U-um. I will inform the branch managers about this."

Sophie bows her head defeated, I take the dagger and slip it into my pocket while also buckling on the the shoulder strap wich fits nicely by my cuirass.

This reminds me. All those weapons I looted off the bandits. I got excited and forgot all of them. Darn. That was free money I just lost come on brain why am I so stupid! AGHH the agony aghh the horror!

No use crying over spilled vallis.

I examine the card and read the location of Minerva.

'52nd Pegasus street' sound nice enough to me let's go already and get this show on the road!