
Dungeon: Spartan Law [Hiatus]

Foul monsters of the dungeon, foul folk of this decrepit and rotten city. Prepare to meet spartan law! This not an OP mc wish fulfillment fic, the mc will be at best above average throughout the story. There will be no harem, at most 2 partners and most main characters from the anime will mean nothing to him and will rarely show up, but may be often brought up in conversation, if you are looking for a more unique danmachi fic with substance, here it is. An mc with a brain that uses tactics to defeat his enemies instead of brute strength and 'courage' [plot armor]. Enjoy or dont. Also if you arent coming from it already I have an 80+ chapter fic that is currently ongoing.

SoupHarbinger · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Spartan Law: 2

That was the best sleep I have had in a long time, though this bed looked horrible it turned out to be quite comfortable, not as good as a modern bed but the sheep wool was very nice compared to the old micro plastic filled cloths of the industrial age that I am all to familiar with.

I place my hands on the blanket and pull it aside off my body, a small cold hitting my bare skin

Objective 1 when I get to Orario is buying some clothing for sure, and alot for that matter, a weeks worth of clothes to wear atleast until I find somewhere to stay. A familia.

I havent even thought about that at all. Who should I join. Hmm, more like who would want me? A person with no real combat experience, I cant just say 'haha I played alot of vr games' they would look at me like I'm schizophrenic.

Hestia is a no no, she's annoying as fuck and loves little twink boys wich is just weird as fuck. Almost pedophilic in nature..

Freya is actually not a bad option, yes she's obsessive but that only if you are a protagonist, I'm not, and im not unique anything, just a young man from a little village in the empire, her members are strong and willing to help newcomers aswell.

The show also didn't even cover 90% of the gods in Orario so there could be some non mentioned ones that would be good for me aswell.

Hephaestus is also not happening I'm not a fucking blacksmith, I dont even know to to saw a board how the hell would I make a sword!?

Hmm. I guess there is only one way to find out and that's just to get there in one piece, then make my way to the guild and see what they can do for me, if they can do anything. I refuse to join the Hestia familia, I wont be sho horned in no matter what, I want nothing to do with that little white haired estrogen filled bastard that ruined the show for me! God I fucking hate that cretin, the author could have made anyone else and it would have been more relatable for gods sake!


I gather my stuff up and unlock the door, it screeches as it opens slowly, it obviously needs some oil or something, but it's a double edged sword because if someone was trying to break in the noise would be enough to alert someone and give them enough time to act, maybe they are like that on purpose?

More likely than not I imagine, taverns are always places where sus activity occurs, robberies, assaults and more.

Good thing I'm leaving now and probably never coming back here for the rest of my life.

I walk out to the empty ale house, chairs and tables are flipped over and the shine of spilled alcohol reflects from the morning sun gazing into the window from the sky. The room is in complete disarray from where it was originally the night before, the blonde woman has her head against the bar, completely passed out from exhaustion.


I tap her shoulder and she bolts awake, reaching for a dagger on her hip. Once she sees my face clearly she let's out a sigh.

"Oh its you. Signing out of your room?"


"Well alright, hope you enjoyed your stay here, I sure dont."

"Yep, bye bye."

I wave my hand to her and open the doors leading back out to the small village.

Ah fresh air, it does something beautiful for your body.

The caravan was where? Oh right just north from around this corner, past the big red brick building, wish I believe was an apothecary of some sort so it should be easy to find as a landmark.

I walk down the dirt streets of the quiet town, rows of little shanties lining the road between the businesses made of mortar and stone, built tall and strong to protect from looters and vandals wich from the looks of the tavern seem pretty damned prevalent in this area. A hub for bandits is what this village is summing up to be..

Ope, the caravan is right up here. A small band of soldiers stand around speaking to each other among them are the 3 knights, and then with them are 5 men with crossbows and shortsword, wearing simple leather armor and kettle helmets.

"Oh there's the lad coming now!"

The knight with a plumed helm ushers me over.

"This is Adonis, he has signed on to defend the caravan aswell."

A crossbowman chewing on a piece of wheat hanging out of his mouth, sneers.

"He only has a simple spear, and he has no armor."

"Haha friend that is true, but his combat disposition is quite fierce."

"Tch, whatever you say captain."

The 3 crossbowmen traipse away scoffing as they do so.

"Those brothers, they are always bitter, you get used to it."

The leader laughs.

"What was your name sir, I never caught it."

"Oh me, the names Arwin, I was a levy footman in the kings army for about 7 years, then I became a mercenary, what about you lad?"

"I uh, just lived here my whole life, trained off and on, the usual."

"Ha surely."

"So sir Arwin, who is leading this caravan?"

"A man named Charles, a member of the leather guild in Orario, he simply wishes us to watch his back and guard the monster skins in his carriages as we venture into unoccupied lands between the empire and the grand city."

"Sounds like a good deal then, when do we embark."

"20 minutes, so prepare and get onto the most back wagon, you will be the rear guard, the easiest position, a smart bandit will grab the riches from the front and run away so you shouldn't encounter anything too troubling."

"Alright then."

"See you when we stop to rest."

He leaves, heading to the front to guard the most important items aswell as the caravaneer himself. While I get a nice view of all the horse shit. Better than getting shot at by forest bandits I imagine my bare skin couldn't stop an arrow from a longbow. Not feeling like getting killed by a Robin Hood wannabe.

I make my way to a wagon in the back, it is connected to another and only holds some chests of clothing and tools wich are pretty much useless to sell.

So yeah this is my life for the next couple days, just sitting here and watching for vandals and and anyone who wants some free loot.


A man yells from the front and the wagon behind trudging along, the wheels squealing with every pull. The horse lizard monster things huffed loudly as they force their haunches to pull the weight of the wagons full of heavy skins and leathers.

So this is it..

Goodbye shitty village and stupid empire.

The rhythmic crack of whips sends the journey slowly into a small dirt path in the woods. Trees of all varieties hide among thick shrubs and grass.


Eh what was that.


Swore I heard something. Whatever.


Ok what the hell is going on.


A gruff man yells for the caravan to stop, after the wheels screech for a few more yards it stops in the mud.




Um that doesnt sound good.



Uh that sounds double not good.

I jump out of the wagon and rush to the front, a small group of little green boys with shields and spears attack the guards.


Wheres that guy when we need him?


A goblin with ripped up leather armor points at me, 3 little goblins pop out of the bushes with blow darts and fire at me, luckily they all miss but those things were laced with literal shit, getting hit means a slow and painful death for sure.


A man loads up his crossbow, foot planted on the front of it, he fumbles with the cables but goes as fast as he can.

Shit this is a real fight.

But their goblins so they are weak right? Strong as little I should crush them!


I charge forward and stab a goblin with a club, the small spear goes straight through it, I pick my spear up and fling the goblin off.

5 more goblins, 2 with clubs and 3 with swords come out and drag one of the crossbow brothers into the woods.

Well hes probably dead.



I can die here.

Focus, focus!

The 3 knights fight off a tall grey skinned monster, an orc is what it looks like but I could be wrong.

3 goblins come towards me, wary to attack after I just Vlad the impalered one of their buddies.

I reach down and pick up the wooden kite shield the thing was using.

This will have to do for now.

I hold the shield close and mount my spear on top in a typical defensive position. These guys are a little taller than typical fantasy goblins so the shield isnt too bad, If I was 4 foot 6 like these guys it would be amazing to cover my body.

The goblins approach and charge all at once, I thrust my spear and nick one on the head, it squeals and fast backwards crying in pain, the other 2 bang into my shield, I push one off and kick the other, while they are disoriented I thrust my spear into their heads, each one only taking a few seconds to kill.

5 more goblins charge with daggers, the orc has managed to incapacitate one of the knights so things are not looking great, we need to focus the orc down or were dead.

I rush forward, crashing past the goblin clubmen.

I lunge and stick my spear through the armpit of the orc, itnending to hit its heart, but the thick inner tisue of the monster stops my spear halfway to its mark. The orc screams and swings it club at me, I let go of the spear wich now dangles out of the beast. I roll to a nearby goblin and slam the shield onto its head, I grab the shortsword out of its hand and dispatch it quickly


I slash at the orcs head, but miss because of how tall it is I cant really reach without overextending and risking taking a hit.

"Were not gonna make it!"

A knight takes off his helmet and runs away, saving himself

"BASTARD! Kid this is it."

The commander rolls his wrist, spinning his sword.

"I go for its legs, you take the head."

"Let's do it!"

I nod and he charges, the club impacts his shield, cracking it all over. His sword enters the calf of the orc and it slumps over with a pained gasp. I dash forward and slice the sword onto its neck as hard as I can manage. The sword cuts clean through the soft flesh of its neck.


Green blood spews everywhere as the goblins retreat into the forest.

"Phew, that was close lad. Luckily I hid the Charles. This orc skin should be worth alot boy, help me skin it quickly and I'll let you keep half."


*snip snip*