The Mayan ceremonial dagger had an inscription in the ancient language that read: "Offer thy heart". It's obviously an instruction left by the past inhabitants of this forgotten place, but who would be stupid enough to stab himself in the heart with a rusty old knife found inside a tombstone? After activating my battery pack the dagger shimmers brightly in a cyan light, the creatures are coming, I can hear their steps. 'It's do or die.'
The next day, something that only happened on rare occasions occurred, Uriel got up early. The reason for this was because he needed to go look for Professor Charlie who, as Amy told him, would most likely be outside city walls. This meant the best way for getting any information about him would be to head over to the city gates and ask around.
He stumbled out of bed as though he just woke up from a thousand year slumber, with heavy steps and barely open eyes. Everyone else in the dorm room was still asleep and he took the chance to get a nice warm shower to the sound of his favorite music.