
Dungeon Planet

Edward Hill Had two turning points in his live. First, it was when he confessed his love in middle School and Second was when he survived a car accident that killed his family. Waiting for his time came. Edward took one last look upon hospital window and by a fluke witness beautifull shooting stars and made a wish as he close his eyes for the last time. This is the story of Edward Hill as he adventures through the new world with his second chance in live.

HappyLifePursuit · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

The After Party

While everyone stood agape watching Benny in all his glory Edward is writhing in agony on top of the city wall.


Edward heart is beating rapidly, His sweat is pouring like crazy as he was turning his body left and right. Burning red line emerged from his chest and spreading until it covered Edward body from head to toe.

"Edward what happened to you? Oh my God did you just expend your status point in one go! Are you crazy or what!!!".

Andre started yelling at him but the only thing Edward heard was useless rumbling. He was in so much pain that he couldn't care less what everyone said.

Edward muscle are twitching, his one rattled, his blood boiled and all his organs are pressured by the red line. It strengthens Edward forcefully beyond Edward imagination. He didn't know what he just signed, but he felt scammed nonetheless.

He didn't know by spending his status will make it end up like this. In amidst this pain Edward could feel power surged from his heart. He instinct knows that after this pain he will become stronger than ever so, he grinned and started to laugh.

"HA" .... "HA" "HA"... "HA" "HA" "HA" ... "HA" "HA" "HA" "HA" ... "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA."

He laughed and laughed and laughed some more to combat this excruciating pain that he felt his mind might snap without a warning and turning him crazy.

Everyone near Edward started to stay clear of him afraid that he might suddenly lash out without a warning.

Unknown to Edward someone he knows is watching him with a grin on their face.

"Ed sure is funny, who would use all their status point like that, everyone know you must use it little by little but that's why Ed is do funny he just doesn't have any common sense". Eris said.

"GA HA HA I like this kid more and more he got guts like a man should". Benny said.

The pain started to recede little by little. The line started to converge on Edward heart before finally disappear.

"HAH" "HAH" "HAH".

Edward didn't know how long he was fighting the pain, but the power he felt after that excite him to no end. He felt like he could fight a tank and emerged victorious.

He opened his eyes and looked at his surrounding. All the soldiers on top of the wall look at him strangely but amidst the soldiers he saw two familiar figures walking towards him.

Eris just smile at him while Benny suddenly laughed.


Benny started to pound Edward back his slap is do hard that it forcefully slam him on the floor cutting his conscious unceremoniously.

When Edward wake up it was already night. He knows that for sure because he saw the blue moon, night sky, and bonfire greeting him. He was asleep in the middle of party. Everyone is dancing, singing, drinking, and singing with merry. It was normal as a danger overcame a tribulation and is safe once again. Especially as no one died this time thanks to the valiant effort of the man standing on the seat of honor.

Benny was laughing with an old dwarf. They are drinking and eating merrily. The table in front of them always filled with a mouth watering food, and barrel of beer and other alcohol drink by the people serving them.

The people serving them look at him like a hero, he is. Benny didn't care though as he was laughing and chatting with the old dwarf.

The old dwarf was 1.54 meters tall with a long white hair, and silver eyes he emanated a pressure of an old timer on the battlefield that demand you to respect him whether you like it or not.

They looked like an old friend telling an old story over a barbecue.

Aside from them he also saw Eris dancing what looked to be folk dance in front of the bonfire. The music filled with happy tune as they dance. Ever people on this town is just that happy to get over this dangerous time with their life intact.

Edward watching them in daze his body still remember the terrible pain he was experiencing in the day, and his head kind of hurt for reasons he didn't remember.

Eris saw him wake up and walk towards him.

"Ed how's your sleep it's funny how is it that you are always asleep when the party started."

"Hey I can't help it you know! It's not my fault that I pass out. I don't even remember why I passed out this time.

"Ha ha, Ed if you can't remember it then better forget. Let's just enjoy this party until we pass out."

Eris grab his hand and drag him to the bonfire. They dance along with a happy melody that came out from an instrument that looks like harp. The musician is a beautiful woman.

The woman is 1.75 meters tall with flaxen hair and calm green eyes with beautiful figure and flexible finger she plays her harp masterfully coloring this place with a happy tune and calming sound.

They dance, eating, drinking, and singing all night long until the red sun rise in the Eastern sky. Most citizen pass out in the middle of the party only leaving some of them to clean up all the mess.

While they are cleaning Edward is looking at the red sun still thinking about yesterday battle. His chest feels hot just by thinking about it. He wants to get stronger like his master. He wants to fight stronger opponent and have a great battle. Edward just couldn't wait to go to frontier to gain all of his wishes.

He looked left and right looking for the familiar elf figure. He found her chatting with a man. The man was a human man, he was 1.7 meters tall with brown hair and eyes. He wore an ordinary set of clothes. He was an ordinary person who will easily blend with the crowd.

After Eris finished talking to him. She walks to Edward with a light step as though she was flying.

"Hey Ed guess what! I found our ride to the frontier. We will set up in two days after the cleaners done up with the demon beast corpse."

Edward mouth curled up without him realizing it and said.

"I can't wait for it".