
Dungeon Planet

Edward Hill Had two turning points in his live. First, it was when he confessed his love in middle School and Second was when he survived a car accident that killed his family. Waiting for his time came. Edward took one last look upon hospital window and by a fluke witness beautifull shooting stars and made a wish as he close his eyes for the last time. This is the story of Edward Hill as he adventures through the new world with his second chance in live.

HappyLifePursuit · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

New Affiliation

"Let's head towards your room now" Eris said while walking through the field as she guided Edward to his room.

Along the way Eris was greeted by everyone.

"Heya, Eris welcome back!"

"Why did you come earlier?"

"What's on the menu this time?"

"Who is that guy?"


Everyone seems to be familiar with Eris and despite one particular guy shouting his proposal. She answered all of their question with a grin on her face.

Before long Eris finally stopped, and pointed her finger forward "that's your room. I gotta go now, Make yourself at home". Eris said as she started walking toward the field.

When Edward entered the room. He saw that it was pretty much an empty room except for a wooden bed.

Edward didn't care though as he was tired and ready to finally kiss the bed and say hello to his sweet dream.


Edward was looking at an unfamiliar ceiling when he woke up, after a moment he finally realized that yesterday event was not a dream.

When, he wanted to continue sleeping he suddenly heard an announcement in his head.


Name : Edward Hill

Job : -

Affiliation : The White Core ( ARBOS ) (new)

Level 1

STM : 30/30 (recover 5 (10)/hour)

STR : 5 (50)

AGI : 6 (new)

DEF : 10

DEX : 7

Skill : -

Unique Skill:

- Star Rebirth

- Supernova

- Star Heart

- Divine Turnip Creation

Bewildered by the sudden announcement. Edward tried to look at the new change.

"I am in the white core group? who is ARBOS? And why the AGI suddenly popped up?".

Edward head is full of these questions and with no answer in sight, he decides to make better use of his time and started to formulate a theory.

"Maybe I became a native when undergoing re birth and, so I became able to speak this world language but as I am quite an anomaly. The system in this world had quite trouble adjusting my status and henceforth the lack of AGI at the start".

Edward touched his forehead "It seems there's a conflict in this world, as I am affiliated with the white core group that means there's another group, maybe it was a black core group or something". Before Edward could think further, the door suddenly forcefully opened.

Shocked by the loud sound. Edward started to look at the source of his surprise. It was a rugged man with red hair, yellow eyes and chiseled muscle peeking through the gap of his clothes.


The rugged man suddenly laughed.

"You're Eris pet. Got to say, I didn't expect her to finally start being responsible by keeping a pet". The rugged man said as he started to hurt Edward feeling with every word he said.

"As the boss of this place I am gonna test you, so punch my hand".

The rugged man suddenly gave Edward a strange order making Edward confused and didn't know what he should do.

"PUNCH MY HAND" the man definitely didn't like waiting as he shouted his order once again.

Edward followed the rugged man order and punched his hand.

"Not that bad, you got unique skill or something" the rugged man said as he easily received Edward punch like it was nothing.

Edward panicked a bit and said "How did you know?".

"Call it martial artist intuition, but you're too easy too read, Lie a bit or something will ya and Here I thought Eris was deceived by some man sweet talk, but you're too honest for that" The rugged man while sounding disappointed.

Edward then said, "Well thank you for that".

Edward decided to just accept the compliment as this is the second praise he got aside from being called funny guy. Being positive is a good thing after all.

"GA HA HA HA, you're welcome as Eris new pet that means by extension you're also my pet, and I don't like my pet being weak, so be thankful for me because as for now, you can call me Master Benny.

Master Benny then dragged him down to the field forcefully after putting Edward in the field, he suddenly said "Let's start with making your ultimate move".

"What? Not learning basic first like everyone else but going straight to the ultimate move". Edward said perplexedly.

Not minding Edward at all Master Benny continued with his crazy talk.

"Your ultimate move is HARD PUNCH" Master Benny shouted, grinning from ear to ear.

Edward shoulder fell "kind of lame".

Master Benny pointed toward his right hand "GA HA HA" don't mind the name, anyway punch my hand again but this time do it like a man.

Edward pride was offended even though his dignity was thrown to trash bin not too long ago he was still a man, for heaven's sake his little brother still hanging between his legs.

Edward punched with everything, he got and when his hand finally meet Mater Benny's. Edward's hand made an unpleasant sound.

"AAARRRGGHH" Edward shouted in agony.

"GA HA HA it's hurts like hell isn't. That's why you need to learn before doing everything". Master Benny said as he started to smear ointment on Edward hand.

"Why didn't you tell me in the first place?" Edward said while being amazed by the wondrous ointment effect. His hand feel much better now.

"Because experience is the best teacher, and you will never forgot a trauma, congratulations kid you wouldn't forget this lesson even if you wanted to" Master Benny said while trying to look wise.

After giving Edward a new trauma. Master Benny true lesson finally started.

Master Benny instructed Edward, "First when punching use the knuckles and not the flats of your fingers, second don't forget to tuck your thumb Below your fingers or else you can say goodbye to your thumb".

"Before throwing your punch try to relax your hands and shoulder, and when you release the punch. Turns your hip, rotate your body, and more importantly aim straight at you opponent. Master Benny said while demonstrating the movement.

"Remember, Never turned your eyes away from your opponent or else you will be sixth feet under before you knew it" Master Benny warned before giving Edward his next order.

Master Benny grinning from ear to ear "For now do the punch a hundred times".

That was the start of Edward training in Refia Training ground under the guidance of Master Benny.