
Dungeon Planet

Edward Hill Had two turning points in his live. First, it was when he confessed his love in middle School and Second was when he survived a car accident that killed his family. Waiting for his time came. Edward took one last look upon hospital window and by a fluke witness beautifull shooting stars and made a wish as he close his eyes for the last time. This is the story of Edward Hill as he adventures through the new world with his second chance in live.

HappyLifePursuit · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Greater Demon

At Vast prairie. Thirty kilometers outside of Refia city.

The prairie was beautiful place the sight green color as far as the eye can see can calm people emotions. Herbivore like wild horses, horde of ox and rabbits are pasturing the grass. It was such a peaceful place.

One lone wolf eyeing a small ox that separated from the horde as it was trying to find better grass. It moves carefully avoiding the attention of small ox. The small ox moving even further from the horde enjoying it meal that could be the last without a care in the world.

The wolf lying in wait trying to find opportunity when the prey let down its guard. It found an opportunity as the ox finally far enough from the horde. The wolf lunged with swift movement toward the small ox. The poor ox caught off guard and can only try its best to run away from the wolf to no avail.

Biting at the ox neck the wolf trying to finish it as soon as possible before the horde notice its missing member. But before it could savor the fruit of its hunt a black smoke appear near the wolf location.

The smoke spread far and wide enveloping anything nearby. The animals that touched the smoke suddenly fall down. It enveloped all the nearby animals before vanishing as suddenly as it appeared.

When the black smoke cleared all the animals gain new form. They got up with an additional small black horn in the middle of their forehead. In particular a wolf that were near the smoke when it first appears grow out two sinister looking horn, and its turns to red. The wolf grows bigger and bigger until it reached five meters in height. Occasionally spark appears in the wolf fur.

The horde of animals turned demon move as one Trampling all that were brave enough to stand in their way.


At Refia Training Ground. In the middle of the training field.

Wearing the clothing that Eris bought for him with the heavy manacle still on both his arms and legs. Edward standing in front of Master Benny with eyes full of determination.

"How fast a kid can grow up I remember not too long ago you're still crying over a broken log and now the kid have completed the trial and moving to frontier." Master Benny said.

"Master I am not a kid anymore after the trial my eyes have opened up to the path off man. The memory of the battle still fresh on my mind. I want to experience it more and more". Edward said.

"GA HA HA. That's what I called a man. Never backing on a challenge and always moving forward to face a problem. I approve of you. Now you have finished learning the basic." Master Benny said.

He takes an arm and leg protector from his inventory and show it to Edward. Edward took it but as Master Benny hand let go of it. Edward could feel the heaviness of Master Edward gift. It was at least two times heavier than his current manacles.

"Take it as a congratulations gift from your master. Use it well on the Frontier and make me proud." Master Benny said.


Edward couldn't hold his tear as it flowing from his eyes. He remembered the training that he gave him. How his training that to be stronger with every tear and blood that he shed. Master Benny was always there to kick him forward.

Edward wipe his tear took off the manacles and equipped his new armor.

Fire Bear Arm Protector

Medium grade equipment made by Alexandro from the skin of a fire bear.

Fire Bear Leg Protector

Medium grade equipment made by Alexandro from the skin of a fire bear.

Master grin "It was my old equipment. Made from fire bear greater demon. I am the one who took down that bear myself. Master explained while looking proud.

Edward eyes shining. Even though, he have no idea how strong a greater demon was. He knows that it was definitely stronger as it got greater in its name after all.

"Sir Benny. We have quite a situation on our hand. Horde of demons coming towards our doorstep with greater demon in tow. We need you to fight them, or we will suffer massive casualties."

A man wearing fancy looking suit suddenly shown up in the middle of Master Benny explanation. He was a proper looking official with blonde hair, brown hair and a floppy dog ears.

Master mouth curled up and his eyes looked towards Edward, "Perfect, as your last lesson I will show you how a man supposed to fight on the battlefield. That Will be a final parting gift before you go to frontier".

"You will provide my pupil the best seat for this show

That much is okay right! Andre." Master said to the dog beast man.

Andre nod, "That much is easy. I can ask permission to allow your pupil watch the battle from on top of the city wall."

"You hear that right Edward. Now follow Anthony while I make preparation for the upcoming battle."

On top of Refia city wall. Edward could start to see a horde of demons coming from afar. Along the way to this place Edward saw people that wear leather armor and hold weapons starting to converge near the city wall. Other than the fighters all citizens try to seek shelter in the middle of the city where the city lord reside.

As the horde grow closer Edward could see the appearance of the horde. They are the collection of various animals, but with a bigger and more sinister body. Some strong looking one have at least a horn.

The fighters started to form formation on order to fight them. At the front of the formation he could see Master Benny. He stood tall like a giant beast ready to trample all of his opponent no matter how strong they are.

The great battle is about to begin and the fire in Edward eyes start to burn quietly.