
Rift Cell (2/3)

As they've defeated the first monster Vinicol.

Crisistine warned them about Mine Shifters.

Crisistine:"Be careful Catbrun and Mave. Those bastards shifters might come from any direction. Well for you it will be."

Catbrun:"Thanks for the note but I can handle it."

Mave:"Well not me.."

Crisistine:"hm. Just saying."

As they walked through carefully as Crisistine informs them about the Mine Shifters.

Crisistine:"Ok so a Mine Shifters are pretty annoying and really fast. There advantage is at tunnel and caves."

Mave:"Makes sense to me since we're in a cave or tunnel."

Crisistine:"They do a lot of pushing. There like bullies."

Mave:"I've resisted those times."

Catbrun:"I didn't."

Mave:"How come?"

Catbrun:"It's the motivation that pushed me to be a dimensional Huntress."


Catbrun:"Well yes but actually no. Because it's really mysterious to me."

Crisistine:"Keep your stories later. Mine shifters are your priority."

Mine Shifts - Small beaver diggers with different colors of hard helmet that poke and laughs at you at any direction. They use very sharp pickaxe as there poking item at you. It has a chance to cause you bleeding effect if the Mine Shifts hits are critically accurate. They can use there hands to dig instead of using the real weapon (pickaxe).

As they approach slowly a ground digging began to rang in their ears.

Crisistine:"You here that!"

Mave:"That's what sounds they do, Crisistine?"

Crisistine:"Mostly all kinds of ground sounds. Just feel it with your ears on whether what direction their heading."

Catbrun:"I am not great at hear in direc-"

The mine shift appeared at there path and it has purple as a mine hard hat. The Mine shift laugh at them imperable. Catbrun was surprised from the mine shift's laugh.


The Mine shift was disturbed and was angry at Catbrun. She caught the attention of the mine shift as she taunted the mine shift.


The mine shift have a piece of mind about Catbrun. The mine shift gone back to its hole and covering the hole it made.

Mave:"I think you had the attention of the Mine shift."

Crisistine:"You're not gonna like them. I swear."

Catbrun:"Ts.. I can just nudge the ground it will be dead like a cockroach."

Crisistine immediately replied.

Crisistine:"wh.. WAIT NO!"

Catbrun:" Sludge Quake!"

Sludge Quake - (Enchanted Weapon) (Power Level Spell) It enhances the weapon. When the empowered item once contact the ground or anything. It will create cracks around and may cause it to explode or destroy. The contact power depends on the Power Level the user has.

Crisistine:"Oh no.."

Catbrun smashed the ground with unpredicted power causing the continent to crack, but the power didn't cause a crater in it for some reason. The felt the urge of earthquake within the cave.

Mave:"Thanks Crazy lady!"

Catbrun:"No problem."

Mave:"Great now we're gonna die from rocks in the celling crushing us all or blocked our path."

Crisistine and Catbrun coincidently said the same thing.

Both:"That's not gonna happen."

Catbrun:"Oh so you know it to?"

Crisistine:"It ain't the case."

Both (Catbrun and Mave) :"Then what?!"

Crisistine:"You'll wake more Mine shifts.."

Both (Catbrun and Mave) :"..."

Mave:"Well great genius!"

Catbrun:"What.. I didn't know about this, so sorry.."

Crisistine:"That's not gonna happen.."

Catbrun:"Let's run for it.."

They all immediately head out in the exit. It was very near from them. And thankfully no one interfered. They all head out and gone to the caves now.

Mave:"Oh thank *breath* goodness.."

Catbrun:"I didn't even break a sweat.."

Crisistine:"Atleast we're safe from them. As for this is a stone cave."

Mave:"Wait.. Don't they can dig in here as well?"

Crisistine:"Well yes.. But it will take them for Aegis to dig."

Catbrun:"Haven't you realise that there using pickaxe."

Crisistine:"Yeah.. But it's stone."

Mave:"Then they must destroy the stone by using the stone."

Catbrun:"Mind blown?"


Now they glance around the place.

It was rather white and graceful for a dungeon design. Yet its beautiful design have to have a connection to the next one.

Crisistine:"We're in the endgame now.."

Mave:"Um.. Are we.."

Catbrun:"Yeah. Cause this is really sort of it is.."

Crisistine:"I must say.. We're dead if we come back to the tunnel."

Mave:"Yeah. Cause it will collapse thanks to miss genius."

Catbrun:"No. The structure of the dungeon is unbreakable."

Crisistine:"The mine shifts are the real deal."

Then a moving object approaches. And caught Mave's attention.

Mave:"Guys.. This is our problem actually.."

(To be continued...)

I'm really sorry for the late updates. I have tons of school work. It's gonna be a casual excuse now. Probably. And thanks for reading my Webnovel.

Vasptcreators' thoughts