
Dungeon God Ragnarok

Jonathan North, an ordinary boy who falls for his fiancee was rejected instantly by her. He needs to defeat her if he wants to marry her. He battled her 13 times in 4 years and never won a single time. He was suggested to go adventure in the dungeon, however by going there e got betrayed and framed by his enemy. And was thrown under the deepest well of that dungeon which is known as the well of absolute death. Because nobody could crawl back from that hell. Then, how will our MC survive? Now, that's something interesting story to tell...

MrNine · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Chapter-2: She has many secrets

"Miss Luna North, you are here?"

Jon asked her with a surprised voice. There is something that I want to advise you about.

She said to him in her usual voice. She looked so saint to him that there was no erotic thinking came into his mind.

She entered the room and stood in front of the window.

"I wonder if I wasn't the so-called Holy Maiden, would I agree to marry you?"

It seems like she was asking him, however, she was just muttering to herself.

However, Jon replied anyway,

"Probably or probably not. In the end, I am nothing without my family title."

Hearing him she nodded.

"Yea, if I was without any power back 4 years ago, I would have still rejected you. However, I guess by now I would have accepted you by now."

She said. Hearing her, he somewhat got confused. A faint hope started to burn in his heart again.

"But with my current situation, I cannot marry anyone. Nobody should marry me. Nor I should marry anyone."

She said with a faint smile. Which was the first time for Jon's eyes. He then caught on to what she said just now.

"What do you mean by that?"

He asked.

"This world is much more mysterious than you think. Do you really think I am this exception? Actually no. I am just an experiment of them. That's all."

She said without giving him a correct reply. What she saying was way out of his understanding.

Jon didn't say to her anything. He was expecting an answer.

"You don't have to know about what my circumstances are. You just only need to know that I am beyond help. So, I cannot marry you. But be assured, I have never loath you after I turned 13. I never dislike you, never disrespected you nor I have thought of you as a weakling. If it was me, who is not present 'me', I would have fallen for you already, by seeing how devoted you are to me."

The lamp of hope which started to light in his heart stopped again hearing her.

"I see."

He was ready to give up anyway, but he won't talk about it to her. It is okay to remain hidden. Time will remove his interactions with her from her mind.

"I have one question."

Jon told her.

"What is it? I will answer."

Luna nodded.

"Have you ever put me into your heart, even if it is not as a loved one, but as a man who loved you, or as a friend or as a person at least."

He wants to know if she ever thinks about him as someone meaningful and part of her life.

Though she said, she will answer, she remain silent.

"I see."

Jon didn't persuade her anymore and asked,

"What do you want me to advise?"

He asked her.

"The advice I want to give you is, about your growth. You seem like struggling to level up."

She said.

"Yes, you are right ."

Jon thought she was really sharp. He didn't make a single progress in the last couple of months.

"You should try the dungeon then, you will find the greatest opportunities there. I go there regularly, and despite being level 32, I have already on floor 40. So, I know what kind of opportunities for growth lies there. Though a dungeon is a place where life is always at risk, the reward is equal to that. So, you should try it."

She told him.

"You think so? If it is what you said, you may be right. Okay, I will be there. Then maybe I can see you there."

He told her.

"Sadly no. I am leaving this country for a few years, I cannot tell you the reason, only my parents know about this."

She told her. Jon understood that she has many secrets in her life. He sighed and said with a smile.

"Okay then, whatever your goals are I am wishing you the best."

She nodded as usual without saying thank you. Instead, she said,

"It is time for me to leave toward my state. Hoping to see you again. No, I do not want to see you again. Take care of yourself."

Saying this she left the room without giving him any chance of speaking.

Jon sighed heavily. After standing there for a couple of minutes he went out of that room. This was a medical room. If someone needs treatment they are sent here. It is just beside the battleground.

This is the territory of the Northern side of the Central States of Hera. There are four dukedoms in this country, Eastern, Western, Southern, and Northern. The only place that isn't under this Dukedom was the place in the center it is the royal capital. The fun fact is the head of these four Dukedom families' last names are on their respective sides.

Jonathan's father Isa North was the current head of the Dukedom. On the other hand, Luna's father was the Duke of East.

"What a loser! A frog of the well wants to swallow a swan of the sky."

A guy told him. He was the same age as him. Other people don't dare to talk bad about him, however, this guy has the gut and position to back up his taunt. He was none other than his cousin.

"Loyd. You are back."

As long as he remembered he was not in this city for a couple of months.

"Yea, and guess what, I am now level 15."

He said proudly. Though Jon didn't ask him.

"Oh, enjoy your stay here."

Jon acts as if it was nothing. Then she started to walk on the road which was directed to his home.

"What the hack with this loser? Hey, if you ever need a pointer you can come with me. I will help you."

Loyd said all words loudly enough for Jon to hear. Today Jon was in no mood to argue, so he didn't turn back and reply to him anymore.