
Dual Swordmaster

Julius, a regular part timer, is reborn in a noble family. the 6th son of the Venture family Gabriel. The Venture family is a renowned swordsmen family part of the 12 noble sword master families . Gabriel picked to Dual wield the one of the hardest forms of mastery leading to his “accidental” death.

dragon_hunter · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

chapter 1:Reborn

when Julius was born his parents named him after the Roman emperor Julius caesar in hope of him becoming somebody influence and important. to Julius' parents dismay he was a very anti-social and did not try to achieve or do anything great. at the age of 18 Julius got kicked out of his parents house. he had a part time job for a couple of months at the time so he had some money saved up. he found a cheap apartment he could rent without credit and with cash. even though Julius was an underachiever he was far from a slacker. he worked at the convenience store diligently the past three years and managed a clam ,quite, and relaxing life in his mind. Though he didn't mind his current situation the words of his parents always remind in his mind. as he got older he started to understand his parents frustration.

Julius is recently turned 21 and just as he spent his last two birthdays he was working again. Julius closed the store for the night and started walking home but he heard someone walking behind him. he didn't find it that strange that someone was walking behind him but he felt uneasy because they were the only two people in the area. Julius slowed down his steps and turned to look at the man walking behind him. the man was wearing a ragged coat and dirty jeans with a hat covering most of he face. Julius sudden turned surprised the man and the man seemed too have jumped back slightly. he then put his hand in his coat and said" Give me everything you have and we can end this without anyone getting harmed." with a slight grin on his face. Julius put his hands up to show he wasn't a threat to the man and was ready to compile with the man's demands. Julius studied the man for a few seconds then he spoke.

" hey man I don't have anything valuable on me other than the clothes I'm wearing and even these are cheap clothes." as Julius said the the man pulled out a revolver and pointed it a Julius. " stop bullsh*tting and take out everything in your pockets." the man said with is eyes showing now they were red and he seemed to be on some drug. to satisfy the crazy man Julius slowly started Turing his pockets inside out and every single one of his pockets were empty as he said. After witnessing that the man seemed more irritated and his arm started shaking. this worried Julius but he still had hope that he might make it out alive. unfortunately this wasn't what fate had planned for Julius and in the next instant his was shot. "bang, bang, bang" three shots rang. two hit Julius around the chest area and the third one was the most devastating, it had grazed against a part of his neck and blood gushed out of the wound. Julius' life flashed in front of him. the many disappointing moments, his parents kicking him out, everyone he calling him a failure or an underachiever. as Julius laid dying the man was running away, Julius wanted to curse at the man but he didn't have any strength left in his body. he laid in a pool of his own blood dying with no one to help him. Julius started having a lot of regrets and wished he could turn time back to change his life but he knew that a foolish thought. he took his last breathe even though it was painful it was his last breathe. Julius died at the age of 21 on his birthday when most people would be spending it with people they loved and cherished but Julius truly had no one. maybe if he was more social or didn't disappoint his parents he might have not crossed the man who would take his life.

in another world a young man surrounded by wooden dummies also laid in his own blood. this was Gabriel venture the 6th child of noble venture family. they were a family revered for their sword mastery along with 11 families. Gabriel laid in the yard devoid of life for several minutes. he seemed to have had an accident while training, two swords laid next to him. they were nothing special just two swords of the same length and a slight variations on the arm guard. the next moment someone seemed to have entered into the yard and they screamed as soon as their eyes laid sight on Gabriels lifeless body. this was one of the knights in charge of patrolling the estate. the estate and several training areas and many other buildings. this was currently a place least visited by other trainees and they had surpassed the stage of prating their sword play with wooden dummies. the only person who could be found training here was Gabriel. at the age of 10 he was sent to pick what type of sword style he wanted to train. most people choose a single blade to focus on but Gabriel for whatever reason always wanted to use dual blade style he once read in a legend but the past thousand years not a single peak aura sword master who duel wield had appeared. to Gabriel's defense the last one was his ancestor brother to the founder of the family but due to his disappearance not much of his fighting style could be passed down. the only thing that were left are the basic movements of duel wielding. many people tired changing Gabriel's mind but he was stubborn and stuck with the duel blades. it has been 2 years since he picked out the duel swords and he had 1 year left til he was sent to the prestigious knight academy or if his parents don't try to influence the academy into letting him in he might have to settle for a regular knight academy.

the knight on patrol was shocked to see Gabriel laying there and he quickly rushed over the Gabriel to see if there was any hope of him being alive. as he reached for Gabriels body he could feel his heart almost beating out of his chest. when he lifted up Gabriel his body seemed lifeless. the knight slowly put his body down and grabbed his necklace. this was communication device used in this world. the knight took a deep breath and waited for the other person to answer the call. the knight was calling the head of the family Aragon. a peak aura master one of the most powerful and influence people in the continent of Venzelios.

as soon as the gem in the necklace went from red to green the knight spoke" sir I have bad news". he waited for a moment for answer and then he pointed the gem towards Gabriel body. then he said" I think young master Gabriel had an accident sir". the man on the other side studied his sons body and released a deep sigh and said" take the body and get it cleaned for his burial" Aragon was a very cold man and to Gabriel no less he wasn't always disappointed in his son til he picked up the duel swords and even them he still had some hope as he had shown great progress when he was trained his body from the age of 7 to 10 but now he had killed him self using his own swords. this was the greatest disappoint to Aragon so he couldn't care any less. as he gave the orders he ended the call.

the knight was a little surprised by the reaction cause he found Gabriel to be. a very bright and cheerful kind and he enjoyed coming to see him on his patrols. he thought Gabriel was getting better at using the duel swords but now he was dead and the knight felt a heavy pressure on his heart seeing the young kids body. he closed his eyes for a moment to give a prayer to Gabriel as the man was very religious.

while the man prayed some sort of energy glowed if Gabriels body and faded away as quick as it had appeared. Gabriel opened his eyes and saw a man standing in front of him with his eyes closed. this was not Gabriel though it was Julius who had taken over Gabriels body. a moment ago he was laying in his blood and now he was laying under a strange man in study armor. then suddenly tons of memories started appearing in his mind. this was not a light effect it had come with a lot of pain and it felt like millions of bombs and lighting sticks were going of in his head. he screamed in agony as he he received Gabriels memories by forces. The knight who had he's eyes closed was scared by the scream and opened his eyes. What he saw when he opened his eyes were Gabriel body twitching uncontrollably and him screaming. Even though this scene would have scared any else Justin the knight standing above Gabriel had tears come down his eyes. His prayers were answered the young master was alive even though he seemed to be in a lot of pain this was a lot better than Gabriel being dead. the night tried calming down the young man thrashing restlessly on the ground. after what felt a like a couple of minutes to the knight felt like hours to Gabriel.

The pain finally stopped and Gabriel(Julius ) slowly opened his eyes. everything made sense to him right now, his memories seemed to have merged with the original owner of this body. the last thing the original Gabriel saw was some mysterious man in black clothes strike his body. the man was to fast for Gabriel to do anything against and he lost his life. While the pain was terrible Julius had received a second chance now and he immediately choose to make the best of if. He laid on the ground organizing his thoughts and he felt someone grab his shoulders and lift him up, it was Justin picking him up.

" young master I'm glad you aren't actually dead. you had me worried there for a moment. the. I used my Aura to check your body it seemed like your heart and Brain stopped functioning. I'm so glad I was wrong" Justin said as he helped Gabriel stand up. as he saw Gabriel stand be able to stand on his own he went a got one of the chairs around the training area and helped Gabriel sit down. " young master what happened" Justin asked Gabriel as it was strange for someone to experience such a serious injury while training alone with their weapons. Julius thought for a moment and explained to Justin " I accidentally used to much force on one of the swords while trying to perform the cross blade technique and they ended up clashing and one of the blades hit my chest." the reason he did not tell Justin the truth was because no one could easily break into the estate from what he remembered from Gabriel's memories. he was just recently killed and now in his somebody could be after him. he wanted to play the long game and wait out the year til he was sent out. who ever was that attacked him wasn't a very powerful person but from Gabriel's memories the man was just a silver ranked Aura master. the only reason the mans movement seemed so powerful was because Gabriel was a mere 4th tier rookie aura user. Julius believed if he had enough time to train he could fight him off. what this world lacked was creativity most people stuck to rules on conventional training methods while Julius was from earth were people were willing to try everything. while Julius himself wasn't built he had lifted and worked out as he had nothing better to do most of the time. he was also some who enjoyed studying forms of fighting no matter how ridiculous they were. with his two memories combined he was confident he could become and expert in this world.

once he was done explaining what happened to Justin he noticed Justin had a slight disappointed look on his face and like he wanted to say something. Julius waited for a moment and said " is there something you want to say sir" even though he was one of the young masters he dared not disrespect a knight who was a tier 5 gold aura mastery. Justine opened his lips and quickly closed them, he then held his chain and said" young master don't you think you should pick a different style? I believe you are pretty talented and could close the gap pretty quickly with any other form. every knight trainee has already reached bronze tier of aura mastery." he indeed was right out of the 478 knight trainees only Gabriel hadn't broke through to the bronze rank. Julius looked at Justin and smiled slightly in the past 3 years not a single person had shown him care. " don't worry sir Justin I won't be changing my style as I've come to enjoy it. I'll make sure to break through bronze and maybe even reach the peak of bronze tier." this was also a lie he had never even practiced with duel wielding he just remembers from his members how much Gabriel enjoyed them and had hoped to find that kind of joy too. he got up and picked up his two swords and stared at the two blade and he swore in his heart he would be a very different person then he was in his last life. the blades weren't anything special but looking at them started a fire in his heart. he then put the swords in his sheath and asked sir Justin to help him get to his room even though he was confident he could beat the murder if he trained more but right now he was just as powerless as the pervious owner so he wanted Justin to protect him. as they made it to his room he said "thank you sir Justin' and waved goodbye while closing the door. He of course had a goal as to why he sent the knight away quickly, he was plaining on cultivating his aura to break through. the main reason people couldn't just forcefully break through was because if their bodies and aura weren't trained an extent there would be an immeasurable amount of pain going through their bodies and they would mostly end up dead or seriously injured if they could not keep their focus and their aura under control. but from what he remembered the pain was only worse the stronger you were and right now Julius was weak and the backlash wouldn't be that strong so he was willing to take the risk to forcefully break to tier 5 of the rookie rank and onto the first rank of bronze. he wanted to go farther than the first rank of bronze but he didn't wanna put to much sudden strain on his body.

Julius got to the middle of the room and crossed his legs and closed his eyes. He then started to breath slowly and focus absorbing the world energy and slowly filled up his body. after several minutes of repeating this he felt a surge of energy go into his body this was the sensation he was looking for after this the pain started but to his surprise it couldn't even compare to the gunshot wounds let alone when he was receiving the memories. this pain felt like a slight tingle to him so he kept going. after continuing to train under the pain he felt a boom in his body and the pain was gone. this meant that he had successfully broken through, this felt great his whole body was energized and he felt stronger immediately. he quickly gathered his breath and thought to test out his new strength. he wanted to go back out but then another though came to his ind. even though he choose to break through optionally he wandered what would happen if he condensed all the energy he was absorbing instead of quickly spreading through his body. but the truly know the effect of this method he had to do some studying to know the difference in power between ranks. if he went through such efforts just to gain the same amount of strength everyone else gained it would be a waste of his effort and would much rather go through the pain quickly and get stronger that way but if his theory was right not only could he quickly break through he would be much stronger than people in the same tier or even tiers above him. he was excited to put this theory to test but he would have to wait til tomorrow to go to the library and find out as much information as he could. he quickly jumped into his bed and closed his eyes. when he should have been sleeping he found himself in and open field holding his two blades. he thought this was a dream but also found it as an a chance to train his sword skills cause no matter how hard he tried he couldn't absorb the worlds energy to strengthen his aura. he was glad he could still utilize his aura. he unsheathed his swords and started to slowly practice his swordsmanship. after what felt like hours he started to feel tired and his aura was running low. he felt satisfied with the results of his workout as he seemed to have understood the duel swords and how to use them. the only difficulty he had was the he tired executing the named moves. they required not only him to split his attention between the swords he also had to split his aura to use the moves effectively. he couldn't put his aura into the swords and that was a something only gold rank and above could do. he then thought of how he could get out of this place or if had had to wait for someone to wake him up. as he was thinking he was suddenly back in his room. it seemed like all he had to do was thinking of leaving this place. it was still night so he closed his eyes and this time he had actually fallen asleep.

it's been a long time since I wrote anything. i hope you enjoy!

dragon_huntercreators' thoughts