
Dual levelling: I level up with my clones

War breaks out between the human race and monsters, and Lee Seung loses everything to it at the age of sixteen — his family, home, and happiness. He had always dreamed of becoming powerful enough to stop the remaining monsters in the world. One day, he awakens the ability to create multiple versions of himself called "replications". With his clones, he grows stronger every time. But will this new power bring him the happiness he desires? The revenge he craves? Or will it further ruin his life? Let's find out! ------+-- Join my discord server. https://discord.com/invite/7pSv2bDs7V [WSA 2024]

Kutley · Action
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154 Chs

Summoning my first clone

"What... is that thing?" Lee Seung's voice trembled, barely audible as a wave of dizziness washed over him. He tried to steady himself, but the pain in his head intensified, blurring his vision. He squeezed his eyes shut, groaning, "Argh..."

But just before darkness took hold, he caught a glimpse of something—a flicker of light. A glowing screen materialized in front of him, displaying cryptic text.

[Energy transmission completed.]

[Cloning activated.]


A few moments later, Lee Seung's eyes fluttered open. He winced, the dull ache in his skull refusing to fade. Groaning, he slowly sat up, pressing a hand against his throbbing temple. As his eyes adjusted to the light, he was met with an unexpected sight—a translucent screen floating before him, radiating a soft, ethereal glow. The interface pulsed gently, revealing a series of icons and data panels.

His heart raced as he read the words displayed.

[You have activated Cloning ability.]

'So it wasn't just a hallucination,' Lee Seung thought, still trying to make sense of it all. Surprised? Absolutely. But afraid? Not quite. What harm could a simple screen do? Curiosity quickly overshadowed any lingering apprehension.

His eyes darted back to the screen as it began shifting on its own. Lines of code flickered across the display, followed by a series of messages.

[Code: K4mP_7qR9zL#3xJ!6uB]

[User: Lee Seung]

[Verification complete.]

[System access granted.]

[Registration complete.]

The words hung in the air for a moment before the screen dimmed slightly. Lee Seung slowly got to his feet, still marveling at what was happening. His lips curled into a disbelieving smile.

"Wow... this is unreal. I can't believe it!"


Meanwhile, at the World Hunter Association (W.H.A.) headquarters…

A man in a crisp black suit, his build suggesting an athlete's strength, stepped into a spacious office. He held an iPad in his hand as he approached a large desk. Bowing respectfully, he greeted the older man seated behind it. "Greetings, President Park."

The man addressed as President Park glanced up, his sharp eyes framed by a wide, grey mustache. Despite his age, his physique remained imposing, a testament to years of discipline.

The suited man handed him the iPad. "President Park, there's something you need to see."

The older man's eyes narrowed as he skimmed through the news report displayed on the screen. The suited man continued, "There was a spaceship crash earlier today in a district of Seoul. The victims... were aliens. The army responded quickly and secured the area, but none of the aliens survived."

President Park leaned back in his chair, letting out a heavy sigh. "The government may have signed a treaty with those aliens years ago, but we mustn't let that alliance cloud our judgment. They helped us create the technology that allows for metahuman enhancement, yes, but they've always had ulterior motives. We can't let them exploit our world unchecked."

"Isn't that conclusion a bit hasty, sir?" the suited man asked calmly.

President Park stood and moved toward the large window overlooking the city. "Kim Seijin, the same rules that apply in the dungeons apply here. In those cursed places, trust is a luxury—hunters betray one another over scraps. In the end, it's about survival. Trust no one but yourself."** His voice carried a steely resolve. **"Think of this as another lesson, like when I taught you judo." A faint, almost paternal smile crossed his face.

Kim Seijin bowed deeply, golden strands of hair catching the sunlight. "I understand, President. If we don't act, these aliens might exploit our lands, leading to bloodshed. I'll handle it. You can rely on me."


Back in his apartment, Lee Seung's mind raced. The screen's display changed, presenting him with a choice: accept the system or decline it. His thoughts churned, a storm of conflicting emotions.

'This... this might have side effects. But I can't let that stop me. I need strength. I need power.'

Memories surged—his parents' lifeless bodies, the blood, the monstrous creature that tore them apart. It had been six long years, but the pain was still fresh.

'So what if I'm not a Hunter? I can use this power to make money... pay for my sister's treatment...'

His resolve solidified. "I accept!"

The screen flared to life with a sharp hiss.

[Welcome to Subject's Information Icon.]

[Lee Seung]

[Ability: Cloning, LV. 1]


[Strength: 0.12]

[Reflex: 0.01]

[Mana content: 2.03]

[Endurance: 0.06]

[Stamina: 0.01]

Lee Seung stared at the pitiful numbers, his initial excitement waning. "Seriously...? I'm this weak?" He sighed in disbelief.

'It's not like I was expecting to be a superhuman right away, but this is just embarrassing.'

Before he could dwell too much on it, the screen shifted again, displaying something that reignited his curiosity.

[Clone summoning available. Would you like to summon your first clone?]

His heart thudded. The potential benefits flashed in his mind—multiple tasks, training, and maybe even fighting. 'This could make life so much easier!'

Just as he was about to proceed, another warning flashed:

[Warning: Summoning a clone depends on the subject's ability to concentrate mana. Failure may result in summoning an evil spirit.]

A shiver ran down his spine. For a moment, his mind filled with terrifying images—shadowy figures, twisted faces, the worst possible outcome.

'Great... just what I need.'

But he shook it off, steeling himself. 'No, I can do this. I won't screw it up.'

The screen prompted him to choose a command word for the summoning. He couldn't be bothered to overthink it. The first word that came to mind would have to do.


The room trembled as a low hum reverberated around him. Blue flames erupted from the floor, swirling around him and rising to his waist. The air crackled with energy as mana surged out of his chest.


The monitor fell, books toppled off the shelves, and the room was left in chaos. Lee Seung's eyes snapped shut as he felt a strange movement within his body—an intense, foreign sensation that made his skin crawl. The mana gathered at his chest, twisting and turning before it finally settled.

When he opened his eyes, he was face-to-face with... himself.

His exact replica stood there, staring back at him. Same height, same frame, same barely-there muscles.

His jaw dropped. *"Whoa... this is insane!"

For someone who'd always been overshadowed and overlooked, this moment felt surreal.

The clone smiled warmly. "I am here, master! Forever here to serve you!"

Lee Seung's thoughts spiraled. 'This... is me!'

But then, he noticed something unsettling—his clone was completely naked. A wave of awkwardness washed over him.

"Uh... hold on a sec." He quickly grabbed a spare T-shirt from his wardrobe and tossed it at the clone. "Here, put this on. You're... exposed."

The clone nodded obediently. "Yes, master."

It wasn't long before the clone had slipped into the shirt. Lee Seung sighed in relief, though his discomfort lingered. "Man, I never thought I'd feel like a pervert staring at myself..."

"Per-vert?" The clone tilted his head, utterly confused.

Lee Seung shook his head, laughing despite himself. "You're so naive." Clearing his throat, he got back on track. "Anyway, enough distractions. I made you for a reason, so let's get to work."

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