
Do You Remember What You Said to My Family?

Once Cai Yan began studying the technique, Su Yang gave Wang Shuren and the other two disciples their own technique.

"The three of you will learn the flame controlling technique I'd just demonstrated," he said to them.

"Read through it a few times and ask me any questions that you have regarding the technique and I will answer them to the best of my ability."

They nodded and immediately began reading the technique with a serious expression on their faces.

Sometime later, Wang Shuren and the others asked Su Yang about the things which they were unable to understand from the technique, and it took almost a hundred questions from each person before they could understand the technique just enough to put it to practice.

Many hours later, Wang Shuren spoke in a joyful tone as she controlled the tiny worm on her palm that was created from her alchemy flames, "Look! I can finally make it move!"