
Unknown woman

Icy sky and snowy ground accompanied by biting cold wind, a youth could be seen walking in this heavy snow, his body filled with life threatening wound, with each step, leaving behind a trail of red, dyeing the snow white ground with bright red of blood.

This youth possessed violet eyes and black hair having delicate feature and frail body, Heavenly Demon Monarch was quiet pissed at Mo Wang. Didn't that bastard said he was thrown in a forest, so why the hell! I'm in a place surrounded by snow and ice.

Heavenly Demon Monarch originally expected a injured body, but what is the point of a body inches away from death!!

The only reason he had been able to drag his body was because he didn't want die in such shamefull manner. He was Heavenly Demon Monarch he didn't needed any hope, even if heaven and earth were against him. He will still survive and laugh arrogantly at heaven and earth.

Heavenly Demon Monarch could feel his life slowly sweeping out of his body, with constant assault of hail, he needed to found a shelter, he was finally able to drag his body to near by cave.

Leaning against the cold wall of cave to catch his breathe, he came across a spectacular scene, a woman dressed in red with sharp and cold feature, soundlessly sleeping with black chains binding her four limbs.

The woman seemed to notice Heavenly Demon Monarch presence and opened her eyes.

Once Heavenly Demon Monarch lay his eyes on those eyes, he sucked in a cold breath, it wasn't that he was scared, rather he just found those crimson eyes too enchanting.

The woman noticed the strange expression on Heavenly Demon Monarch, once those crimson eyes came direct in contact with anyone, they will cause an unknown terror, but to Heavenly Demon Monarch they were most beautiful eyes, he had ever seen and as she asked in a emotion less and cold tone"Scared!!!"

Heavenly Demon Monarch subconsciously shook his head and answered in a clear voice without any fear"What should be I scared of!!! your beautiful and enchanting crimson eyes."

This kind of reply astonished the women, as she turned her face away not paying any, attention to Heavenly Demon Monarch.

Heavenly Demon Monarch was quiet surprised by his own stupidity, he was only a breaths away from death. Yet, he was talking to another girl.

Heavenly Demon Monarch even considered if he had lost his mind or maybe it was side-effect of devouring Mo Wang personality, right now top most priority was to save his life.

"Hey woman, I can get you out have chains but you must save me afterwards."

The woman was quiet shocked that somebody at their death bed, claim they will be free her from "Neitherworld Binding Ghost Chain".

Heavenly Demon Monarch didn't care about her answer and as a needle appeared in his hand, after a couple of tries he finally cracked the "Neitherworld Binding Ghost Chain".

The women opened her mouth wide enough to fit a chicken egg, to Heavenly Demon Monarch evils deeds was same as breathing. He once wiped out a entire race from the ten great races, leading him to be chained to by "Heavenly God Binding Chain" for 3 days. After breaking out of chains he destroyed God Emperor house, selling his only son as a proustsite.

Even through Heavenly Demon Monarch was easily able to break "Neitherworld Binding Ghost Chain", but he was already exhausted to his utmost limit, this lead to him fainting at the scene and falling in a warm embrace with boncing cushion, Heavenly Demon Monarch constantly rubbed his face to feel softness.

The woman had caught him, but who knew this brat will start rubbing his face in her breast, this infuriated the woman. Heavenly Demon Monarch should thankfull he was asleep or else he would get his ass kicked.


Heavenly Demon Monarch finally woke up from his slumber, but he found out his surrounding changed, He was laying on king-sized bed with curtains.

When women entered the chamber asking" How are you feeling"

"Fine, where are we!"

"We are in demon realm and I'm Xie Yun."

Heavenly Demon Monarch mind blanked out for a second, that idiot did say there was a entrance to demon realm in black forest but wouldn't this mean, I would have to wait a long time, before my revenge.

So I should enjoy my stay in demon realm, before returning to human realm.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Mo Wang."

Xie Yun would have never imagined saving Mo Wang that day, would one day become the only chance of survival for her and her nation.

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